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Na voljo sta dva načina iskanja: enostavno in napredno. Enostavno iskanje lahko zajema niz več besed iz naslova, povzetka, ključnih besed, celotnega besedila in avtorja, zaenkrat pa ne omogoča uporabe operatorjev iskanja. Napredno iskanje omogoča omejevanje števila rezultatov iskanja z vnosom iskalnih pojmov različnih kategorij v iskalna okna in uporabo logičnih operatorjev (IN, ALI ter IN NE). V rezultatih iskanja se izpišejo krajši zapisi podatkov o gradivu, ki vsebujejo različne povezave, ki omogočajo vpogled v podroben opis gradiva (povezava iz naslova) ali sprožijo novo iskanje (po avtorjih ali ključnih besedah).

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1961 - 1970 / 2000
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Edge general position sets in Fibonacci and Lucas cubes
Sandi Klavžar, Elif Tan, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: A set of edges $X\subseteq E(G)$ of a graph $G$ is an edge general position set if no three edges from $X$ lie on a common shortest path in $G$. The cardinality of a largest edge general position set of $G$ is the edge general position number of $G$. In this paper edge general position sets are investigated in partial cubes. In particular it is proved that the union of two largest $\Theta$-classes of a Fibonacci cube or a Lucas cube is a maximal edge general position set.
Ključne besede: general position set, edge general position sets, partial cubes, Fibonacci cubes, Lucas cubes
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 18.03.2024; Ogledov: 434; Prenosov: 200
.pdf Celotno besedilo (424,01 KB)
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Antigen expression on recurrent meningioma cells
Andrej Vranič, 2010, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Introduction. Meningiomas are intracranial brain tumours that frequently recur. Recurrence rates up to 20% in 20 years for benign meningiomas, up to 80% for atypical meningiomas and up to 100% for malignant meningiomas, have been reported. The most important prognostic factors for meningioma recurrenceare meningioma grade, meningioma invasiveness and radicality of neurosurgical resection. The aim of our study was to evaluate the differences in antigenic expression on the surface of meningioma cells between recurrent and non-recurrent meningiomas. Methods. 19 recurrent meningiomas and 35 non-recurrent meningiomas were compared regarding the expression of MIB-1 antigen, progesterone receptors, cathepsin B and cathepsin L, using immunohistochemistry. Results. MIB-1 antigen expression was higher in the recurrent meningioma group (p=0.001). No difference in progesterone receptor status between recurrent and non-recurrent meningiomas was confirmed. Immunohistochemical intensity scores for cathepsin B (p= 0.007) and cathepsin L (p<0.001) were both higher in the recurrent than in the non-recurrent meningioma group. Conslusions. MIB-1 antigen expression is higher in recurrentcompared to non-recurrent meningiomas. There is no difference in expression of progesterone receptors between recurrent and non-recurrent meningiomas. Cathepsins B and L are expressed more in recurrent meningiomas.
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 15.03.2024; Ogledov: 404; Prenosov: 132
.pdf Celotno besedilo (956,01 KB)

3T MRI in evaluation of asbestos-related thoracic diseases : preliminary results
Janez Podobnik, Igor Kocijančič, Viljem Kovač, Igor Serša, 2010, izvirni znanstveni članek

Objavljeno v DiRROS: 15.03.2024; Ogledov: 386; Prenosov: 118
.pdf Celotno besedilo (842,57 KB)

Genetic markers in oligodendroglial tumours
Tomaž Velnar, Uroš Smrdel, Mara Popović, Gorazd Bunc, 2010, pregledni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Background. Oliogodendrogliomas are brain tumours composed of the cells resembling oligodendrocytes. They represent the third most common glial tumour, comprising 2.5% of all primary brain tumours and 5-20% of all gliomas. Conclusions. Oligodendroglial tumours with 1p and 19q loss demonstrate a better overall prognosis due to more indolent clinical behaviour and higher sensitivity to treatment. Additionally, 1p and 19q loss is a marker of clinical utility, helping to assess tumour sensitivity to chemotherapy and harbouring the potential for improving the diagnosis and survival of oligodendroglioma patients as well as future clinical practice.
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 15.03.2024; Ogledov: 433; Prenosov: 130
.pdf Celotno besedilo (616,34 KB)

Invariants of multi-linkoids
Boštjan Gabrovšek, Neslihan Gügümcü, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: In this paper, we extend the definition of a knotoid to multilinkoids that consist of a finite number of knot and knotoid components. We study invariants of multi-linkoids, such as the Kauffman bracket polynomial, ordered bracket polynomial, the Kauffman skein module, and the $T$-invariant in relation with generalized $\Theta$-graphs.
Ključne besede: knotoid, multi-linkoid, spatial graph, Kauffman bracket polynomial, Kauffman bracket skein module, theta-curve, theta-graph
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 15.03.2024; Ogledov: 375; Prenosov: 201
.pdf Celotno besedilo (924,28 KB)
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