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On the thermal stability of multilayer optics for use with high X-ray intensities
Margarita Zakharova, Zlatko Rek, Božidar Šarler, Saša Bajt, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: High-intensity X-ray free electron laser (XFEL) beams require optics made of materials with minimal radiation absorption, high diffraction efficiency, and high radiation hardness. Multilayer Laue lenses (MLLs) are diffraction-based X-ray optics that can focus XFEL beams, as already demonstrated with tungsten carbide/silicon carbide (WC/SiC)-based MLLs. However, high atomic number materials such as tungsten strongly absorb X-rays, resulting in high heat loads. Numerical simulations predict much lower heat loads in MLLs consisting of low atomic number Z materials, although such MLLs have narrower rocking curve widths. In this paper, we first screen various multilayer candidates and then focus on Mo2C/SiC multilayer due to its high diffraction efficiency. According to numerical simulations, the maximum temperature in this multilayer should remain below 300°C if the MLL made out of this multilayer is exposed to an XFEL beam of 17.5 keV photon energy, 1 mJ energy per pulse and 10 kHz pulse repetition rate. To understand the thermal stability of the Mo2C/SiC multilayer, we performed a study on the multilayers of three different periods (1.5, 5, and 12 nm) and different Mo2C to SiC ratios. We monitored their periods, crystallinity, and stress as a function of annealing temperature for two different heating rates. The results presented in this paper indicate that Mo2C/SiC-based MLLs are viable for focusing XFEL beams without being damaged under these conditions.
Ključne besede: x-ray optics, multilayer Laue lens, thermal stability, numerical simulation
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 20.12.2024; Ogledov: 156; Prenosov: 85
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Simulation of temperature field in steel billets during reheating in pusher-type furnace by meshless method
Qingguo Liu, Umut Hanoglu, Zlatko Rek, Božidar Šarler, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Using a meshless method, a simulation of steel billets in a pusher-type reheating furnace is carried out for the first time. The simulation represents an affordable way to replace the measurements. The heat transfer from the billets with convection and radiation is considered. Inside each of the billets, the heat diffusion equation is solved on a two-dimensional central slice of the billet. The diffusion equation is solved in a strong form by the Local Radial Basis Function Collocation Method (LRBFCM) with explicit time-stepping. The ray tracing procedure solves the radiation, where the view factors are computed with the Monte Carlo method. The changing number of billets in the furnace at the start and the end of the loading and unloading of the furnace is considered. A sensitivity study on billets' temperature evolution is performed as a function of a different number of rays used in the Monte Carlo method, different stopping times of the billets in the furnace, and different spacing between the billets. The temperature field simulation is also essential for automatically optimizing the furnace’s productivity, energy consumption, and the billet’s quality. For the first time, the LRBFCM is successfully demonstrated for solving such a complex industrial problem.
Ključne besede: pusher-type reheating furnace, steel, temperature field, radiation, convection, diffusion, strong form meshless method, radial basis functions
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 20.12.2024; Ogledov: 171; Prenosov: 93
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The truncated univariate rational moment problem
Rajkamal Nailwal, Aljaž Zalar, 2025, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Given a closed subset $K$ in ${\mathbb R}$, the rational $K$-truncated moment problem ($K$-RTMP) asks to characterize the existence of a positive Borel measure $\mu$, supported on $K$, such that a linear functional ${\mathcal L}$, defined on all rational functions of the form ${f \over q}$, where $q$ is a fixed polynomial with all real zeros of even order and $f$ is any real polynomial of degree at most $2k$, is an integration with respect to ▫$\mu$▫. The case of a compact set ▫$K$▫ was solved by Chandler in 1994, but there is no argument that ensures that $\mu$ vanishes on all real zeros of $q$. An obvious necessary condition for the solvability of the $K$-RTMP is that ${\mathcal L}$ is nonnegative on every $f$ satisfying $f|_K \ge 0$. If ${\mathcal L}$ is strictly positive on every $0 \ne f|_K \ge 0$, we add the missing argument in Chadler's solution and also bound the number of atoms in a minimal representing measure. We show by an example that nonnegativity of ${\mathcal L}$ is not sufficient and add the missing conditions to the solution. We also solve the $K$-RTMP for unbounded $K$ and derive the solutions to the strong truncated Hamburger moment problem and the truncated moment problem on the unit circle as special cases.
Ključne besede: truncated moment problem, rational truncated moment problem, representing measure, moment matrix, localizing moment matrix, preordering
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 19.12.2024; Ogledov: 172; Prenosov: 57
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Pomlajevanje in ekološke lastnosti rdečega hrasta (Quercus rubra L.)
Dušan Roženbergar, Jurij Diaci, Matteo Bottosso, Tim Pirc, Blaž Fricelj, Kristjan Jarni, Andrej Rozman, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: V članku obravnavamo ekologijo, potencialno invazivnost, pomlajevanje, razširjenost in lastnosti rdečega hrasta (Quercus rubra L.) v Sloveniji. V čistem sestoju rdečega hrasta v Panovcu smo s pomočjo transektov (3 ploskve velikosti 4 × 4 m na transekt) v smeri proti sosednjim pretežno gradnovim sestojem analizirali drevesno sestavo in zastiranje mladja. Ugotovili smo, da se rdeči hrast v pasu do 50 m od matičnega sestoja dobro pomlajuje s povprečnimi gostotami okoli 40.000 osebkov na hektar. Zastiranje mladja rdečega hrasta je bilo na robu matičnega sestoja 79 % in se je v oddaljenosti 50 m zmanjšalo na 21 %, medtem ko je delež zastrtosti z mladjem gradna povečal s 4 % na robu sestoja na 39 % 50 m stran. Širjenje rdečega hrasta zunaj matičnih sestojev je razmeroma omejeno in ga je mogoče nadzorovati s pomočjo rednih gozdnogojitvenih ukrepov. Cilj na takih območjih so mešani sestoji, ki vključujejo rdeči hrast, ki hitro raste, je odporen na posledice podnebnih sprememb in ga je mogoče vzgojiti za pridelavo kakovostnega lesa.
Ključne besede: hrast, nega gozda, pomlajevanje, invazivni potencial, tujerodne drevesne vrste
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 19.12.2024; Ogledov: 856; Prenosov: 111
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