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Dreaming with AI
Sheldon Juncker, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: our goal is to highlight the capabilities of modern, generative aI systems using the widely used and accessible ChatGPT text completion models from openaI, focusing on how they can be used for the analysis of dreams and dream journals. We start with a brief overview of the nature of dreams, methods of dream inter-pretation, and the importance of the human-dream relationship. We explore the ways that technology, specifically aI, fits into this space and examine the ways in which aI can be used to help us understand our dreams. We progress from simple dream interpretations, to interpretations according to different schools of thought, to interpreting symbols within individual dreams, and finally to analyzing pat-terns in individual dream journals. We conclude with a discussion of the ethical concerns surrounding aI and dreams, providing insights from past technological revolutions and how they have both helped and hindered the human endeavor. We finally outline what we believe to be a practical, realistic, and hopeful vision of how we see this field progressing based on the experiments and methodologies that were explored in this paper.
Ključne besede: dreams, dream interpretation, artificial intelligence, gernerative AI, psychoanalysis, ethics
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 13.05.2024; Ogledov: 404; Prenosov: 229
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New approaches in the empirical study of dreams
Kelly Bulkeley, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Dream research is entering a new era of accelerating insights and discoveries, thanks to the rise of powerful digital analysis tools that are enabling important advances in the empirical study of dreams. This paper illustrates the use of these tools, drawing on the resources of the Sleep and Dream Database, a free online archive of information about sleep and dreaming. These tools include statistical analyses of survey responses, systematic word searches of large collections of dream reports, and a well-grounded set of baseline frequencies to help with comparative measurement. The goal of this paper is to provide readers with an initial orienta-tion to the new world of dream discovery that has opened up because of tools like these. Several basic empirical findings are presented regarding clearly observable patterns of perception, emotion, and social interaction in dreaming. The paper will close with reflections on the emerging interplay of dreaming and technology.
Ključne besede: dreams, word searching, content analysis, continuity hypothesis
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 13.05.2024; Ogledov: 387; Prenosov: 221
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An ancient disease in a modern world : epilepsy and dream research
Mary C. Walsh, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: For thousands of years people have attempted to understand epilepsy. Thro-ughout our long history, healing traditions have incorporated dreams into both epilepsy diagnosis and treatment. recent studies provide new information on the impact of epilepsy on sleep and dreaming, while research into epileptic dream content offers insight into the emotional and spiritual experience of people with epilepsy. Modern neurological research has increased our knowledge and improved treatment of this ancient disease, yet the stigma and misconceptions that have per-colated for millennia continue to impact epileptic care and quality of life globally. While modern technologies afford better treatment, they can also impact sleep, dreaming, and seizure frequency in epileptics. This article provides an overview of current research into dreams and epilepsy and explores implications of this research for epileptic care in a modern world. research surveyed includes recent stu-dies into the protective role of rEM sleep on seizures, epileptic dream content, the impact of epilepsy on specific populations and emerging paradigms for under-standing epileptic spiritual experience. Studies suggest the need for a multi-disci-plinary and multi-cultural approach to epilepsy. Implications for therapeutic and medical care, and avenues for future research are discussed.
Ključne besede: dreams, epilepsy, sleep, technology, spirituality
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 13.05.2024; Ogledov: 295; Prenosov: 213
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Dreams, sleep quality, and collective trauma : an investigation of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic
Carmela Mento, Maria Catena Silvestri, Amelia Rizzo, Clara Lombardo, Hadipour Lakmesani Abed, Ferdinando Testa, Kelly Bulkeley, Toshio Kawai, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: The aim of the current study was to explore the impact of the CoVID-19 out-break on the dreams of a group of Italian participants. a total of 403 individuals were recruited online through a cross-sectional survey on Moodle. The qualitati-ve content of their dreams was analysed using the Dream Interview (TKYDQ), a tool created by Bulkeley. In addition, the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) was used to assess the quantitative aspects of dreams. from the results of our stu-dy, three macro-categories of content in the participants' dreams were identified: 1) dreams with phobic content; 2) dreams with a persecutory theme and 3) “old normal” dreams. Moreover, some sleep-related difficulties such as problems falling asleep and mild clinical sleep disorders were identified in the sample. The pro-longed quarantine and the lifestyle adopted during the pandemic have intensely influenced our dream activities, and it seems that CoVID-19 has already entered our collective unconscious in a symbolic way and through the processing of images and scenes related to the epidemic. The study, therefore, aims to explore how cata-strophic events affect mental health, specifically sleep quality and dream content.
Ključne besede: dreams, sleep, collective trauma, COVID-19, pandemic
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 13.05.2024; Ogledov: 347; Prenosov: 214
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Proper holomorphic embeddings with small limit sets
Franc Forstnerič, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Let $X$ be a Stein manifold of dimension $n\ge 1$. Given a continuous positive increasing function $h$ on ${\mathbb R}_+ = [0,\infty)$ with $\lim_{t\to\infty} h(t)=\infty$, we construct a proper holomorphic embedding $f=(z,w):X \hookrightarrow {\mathbb C}^{n+1}\times {\mathbb C}^n$ satisfying $|w(x)|Ključne besede: Stein manifold, proper holomorphic embedding
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 13.05.2024; Ogledov: 366; Prenosov: 274
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Toward a historiography of dreams : a discursive perspective
Laura J. Vollmer, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: The historiography of dreams has yet to emerge as a distinct field, and key changes in dream research are worthy of consideration to reflect on tacit knowled-ge in academia. Gesturing toward such a historiography, the historical construc-tion of the “dream” is examined from a discursive perspective via localization in the internal/external and subjective/objective, communicative and social imagined spaces of dreams, as well as the theoretical paradigms of essentialism and contextu-alism. Premodern to post-postmodern epistemes are considered as shaping forces in these discourses, involving power and authority in determining what counts as legitimate or significant knowledge. The discussion concludes with reflections on the current state of dream research from a post-postmodern perspective, suggesting the ontological multiplicity of the “dream.”
Ključne besede: historiography of dreams, history of dreams, discourse, epistemes, intellectual history, post-postmodernism
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 13.05.2024; Ogledov: 350; Prenosov: 350
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Dreaming in the digital age : thoughts on the tecnological pharmacon
Victor J. Krebs, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: This article explores one way of understanding how digital media are affecting our ability to distinguish reality from fantasy, by reading Bernard Stiegler’s diagno-sis of our current cultural crisis, alongside Wilfred Bion’s dream theory. The cen-tral claim of the paper is that we can understand the technological pharmakon, its both poisonous and therapeutic nature, in terms of Bion’s definition of dreaming, as the commerce between consciousness and the unconscious negotiated by the “alpha function”. Understanding how the digital impacts our capacity to dream provides us with a tool to counteract its toxicity and to combat the thanatic im-pulse triggered by technological power. from a binocular point of view – both from Stiegler’s perspective of our tech-nical or “organological” evolution and from Bion’s perspective on the constitution of reality in dreaming – we can begin to see more clearly how to modulate our technological drive, in order to prevent the pharmakon from short-circuiting the very psychic function necessary to distinguish between reality and illusion. The paper ends with a discussion of the algorithmic effects on the living imagination in support of this contention.
Ključne besede: digital age, dreaming, Bion, Stiegler, pharmakon, philosophy, psychoanalysis
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 13.05.2024; Ogledov: 279; Prenosov: 207
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Connectivity with uncertainty regions given as line segments
Sergio Cabello, David Gajser, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: For a set ${\mathcal Q}$ of points in the plane and a real number $\delta \ge 0$, let $\mathbb{G}_\delta({\mathcal Q})$ be the graph defined on ${\mathcal Q}$ by connecting each pair of points at distance at most $\delta$. We consider the connectivity of $\mathbb{G}_\delta({\mathcal Q})$ in the best scenario when the location of a few of the points is uncertain, but we know for each uncertain point a line segment that contains it. More precisely, we consider the following optimization problem: given a set ${\mathcal P}$ of $n-k$ points in the plane and a set ${\mathcal S}$ of $k$ line segments in the plane, find the minimum $\delta \ge 0$ with the property that we can select one point $p_s\in s$ for each segment $s\in {\mathcal S}$ and the corresponding graph $\mathbb{G}_\delta( {\mathcal P}\cup \{ p_s\mid s\in {\mathcal S}\})$ is connected. It is known that the problem is NP-hard. We provide an algorithm to exactly compute an optimal solution in ${\mathcal O}(f(k) n \log n)$ time, for a computable function $f(\cdot)$. This implies that the problem is FPT when parameterized by $k$. The best previous algorithm uses ${\mathcal O}((k!)^k k^{k+1}\cdot n^{2k})$ time and computes the solution up to fixed precision.
Ključne besede: computational geometry, uncertainty, geometric optimization, fixed parameter tractability, parametric search
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 13.05.2024; Ogledov: 373; Prenosov: 282
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The last sanctum of archetypes : rethinking dreams in the light of ancient knowledge and artificial intelligence
Maja Gutman Mušič, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Despite numerous attempts to integrate dream research into a vast array of sci-entific disciplines, there appears to be no consensus on why and how we dream. This millennia-old universal human phenomenon appears to be too elusive to be thoroughly understood by a single scientific discipline and too complex and data--rich to be studied only theoretically. However, another dimension to dreams and dreaming could promise an integrative approach: the culture-historical compo-nent that merges with recent advances in artificial Intelligence. This paper briefly examines conceptual understandings of dreams before the dawn of modern science – specifically, the Native american, Mesopotamian, ancient Greek, and Hippocra-tic principles of dream practices and knowledge – in an attempt to understand the contemporary dream research field better and to outline future avenues for a data-driven approach while remaining grounded in its epistemological foundation.
Ključne besede: ancient dreaming, archetypes, artificial intelligence, dream data, cross-cultural dream analysis
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 13.05.2024; Ogledov: 338; Prenosov: 201
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Natrpana domovanja in druge grožnje zdravju: : razprave o higienizaciji v Avstrijskem primorju ob koncu 19. stoletja
Urška Bratož, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: V prispevku je opazovan diskurz, ki se je v Avstrijskem primorju (zlasti v Trstu) sple-tal okrog razprav o higienizaciji in asanaciji urbanega prostora. Pri tem so izpostavljeni od konca 19. stoletja naraščajoč družbeni pomen higiene v najširšem smislu, zavedanje o pomenu bivanjskih pogojev v urbanem prostoru ter vpliv socialnih okoliščin na otroško umr-ljivost. Slednja je bila namreč eden ključnih medicinskih, higienskih, moralnih in političnih argumentov za prikaz pomanjkljivih prizadevanj na področju zdravstvene preventive ter hkrati podlaga za širjenje modernih, z napredkom povezanih (meščanskih) idej, tudi skozi imperative, ki so naslavljali materinsko nego. Poleg tega je kvantitativni del analize podobno kot za Trst tudi za Koper vsaj deloma pokazal, da je bil velik delež smrti med otroki do petega leta starosti verjetno povezan prav s socialno deprivacijo tako z vidika higiene in prehrane kot profilakse in medicinske kurative.
Ključne besede: higienizacija, bivanjske razmere, otroška umrljivost, Trst, Koper, 1870–1914
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 10.05.2024; Ogledov: 407; Prenosov: 230
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