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Transformacijska matrika za statično korekcijo anemometra na boji Vidi : študija
Vlado Malačič, elaborat, predštudija, študija

Ključne besede: morje, Tržaški zaliv, umetni podvodni grebeni, podvodni grebeni, študije, ekološki parametri, resuspenzija, numerična analiza, tokovanje
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 03.09.2024; Ogledov: 90; Prenosov: 1755
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Effect of Ti and S content on the properties and machinability of low-carbon ferritic–pearlitic steel
Boštjan Arh, Franc Tehovnik, Franci Vode, Bojan Podgornik, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: This research was focused on the effect of Ti and S content on the formation of non-metallic inclusions and their influence on the mechanical properties and machinability of low-carbon ferritic– pearlitic steels. An analysis and classification of the non-metallic inclusions were carried out. The tensile strength and impact toughness were determined from samples taken in the rolling direction. Machinability investigations were carried out on a CNC turning machine and by analyzing the surface roughness. TiO-TiN inclusions are present in steels with an increased Ti content. In these steels, the hardness, tensile strength, and cutting forces increase with a higher proportion of Ti. In the second group of steels with increased contents of S, Al, and Ca, MnS and CaO-Al2O3-MnS non-metallic inclusions are formed. As the S content increases, the tensile strength and cutting forces decrease, while the impact toughness increases. In steels with added Ti, the This research was focused on the effect of Ti and S content on the formation of non-metallic inclusions and their influence on the mechanical properties and machinability of low-carbon ferritic– pearlitic steels. An analysis and classification of the non-metallic inclusions were carried out. The tensile strength and impact toughness were determined from samples taken in the rolling direction. Machinability investigations were carried out on a CNC turning machine and by analyzing the surface roughness. TiO-TiN inclusions are present in steels with an increased Ti content. In these steels, the hardness, tensile strength, and cutting forces increase with a higher proportion of Ti. In the second group of steels with increased contents of S, Al, and Ca, MnS and CaO-Al2O3-MnS non-metallic inclusions are formed. As the S content increases, the tensile strength and cutting forces decrease, while the impact toughness increases. In steels with added Ti, the machining is more difficult, but a finer surface is achieved after turning, while a higher S content results in an increased fraction of softer sulfide inclusions, which reduce the cutting forces but also result in a reduced surface quality. turning, while a higher S content results in an increased fraction of softer sulfide inclusions, which reduce the cutting forces but also result in a reduced surface quality.
Ključne besede: non-metallic inclusions, mechanical properties, machinability, surface roughness
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 03.09.2024; Ogledov: 153; Prenosov: 382
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Dissemination, communication, exploitation - update : Deliverable 9.4
Ana Rotter, Nicole Aberle-Malzahn, Antonella Leone, 2018, elaborat, predštudija, študija

Povzetek: The objective of the GoJelly project is to develop, test and promote a gelatinous solution to microplastic pollution by developing a TRL 5-6 prototype microplastics filter using jellyfish mucus as the raw material. In doing so, the consortium addresses two environmental issues - coastal pollution of both jellyfish and microplastics. This innovative approach will ultimately lead to less plastic in the ocean, higher demand (and thereby competitive prices) for jellyfish raw material to fill the "mucus-need" by filter developers, and in turn more jobs for commercial fishers in off-seasons. The byproducts of the GoJelly biomass have other uses as well, ensuring that GoJelly also delivers a green innovation, resulting in novel, valuable resource for the food and feed industry, in cosmetics as well as agro-biological fertilizer for organic farming. The GoJelly prototype products will be tested and demonstrated in three different European seas (Norwegian, Baltic and Mediterranean), by a range of stakeholders, including commercial fishers and industry partners. Tying it together, the project will also ensure the possibilities for broader European promotion and utilization of GoJelly at the local, regional and global level by delivering a socio-ecological methodological toolbox for forming and implementing policies. An interdisciplinary and international consortium consisting of technology developers, business analysts, fishing companies, research institutes, and both natural and social scientists will realize GoJelly, and will ensure the uptake of GoJelly products by industry and policy makers.
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 03.09.2024; Ogledov: 123; Prenosov: 696
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Redčenje onesnaženih meteornih voda s podmorskimi prelivnimi izpusti v Piranskem zalivu : elaborat
Vlado Malačič, 2019, elaborat, predštudija, študija

Povzetek: Javno podjetje Okolje Piran, d.o.o je soočeno s fekalno onesnaženimi meteornimi vodami. Ta pojav je prisoten ob izrazitejših nalivih v vseh letnih časih, do izraza pa seveda pride v poletnem obdobju, ko so v Piranskem zalivu prisotni kopalci in se izvajajo številne druge rekreativne dejavnosti. Na predlog direktorja podjetja je enota Morske biološke postaje Nacionalnega inštituta za biologijo sestavila ta elaborat, ki je v pomoč pri sprejemanju odločitve, ali bi npr. s podmorskimi izpusti uspeli v zadostni meri zmanjšati onesnaženje (registriranih) kopališč zaradi onesnaženih meteornih voda. V obravnavi je predvsem del severne obale Piranskega zaliva, to je območje med vzhodno stranjo nekdanjega skladišča soli (pred poslopjem nekdanje uprave podjetja Droga) in kopališčem pred hotelom Emona kompleksa Bernardin). Smiselna je proučitev postavitev podmorskih prelivnih cevi na treh obrežnih lokacijah obstoječih izpustov meteornih voda. Cevi bi naj peljale onesnaženo meteorno vodo po morskem dnu (malo nad njim) dovolj daleč proč od obale. Po možnosti bi se naj cevi zaključite z difuzorjem. Slednji je lahko zelo enostavno izveden, lahko pomeni zgolj bočno navrtan poslednji del/segment izpustne cevi in zaprt konec cevi. Bočne odprtine, ki so navrtane izmenično na eni in drugi strani izpustne cevi, naj bodo bistveno manjše od premera cevi, a hkrati ne premajhne. Izkušnje in izračuni kažejo, da je za difuzor smiselno navrtati izpustno cev premera 0,5 – 0,6 m z odprtinami premera 0,1 m. Njihovo število in razmak se natančneje določijo s hidravličnim izračunom izpusta (Malačič, 2001), ki smo ga pred desetletji naredili za piranski komunalni izpust, pa tudi z oceno začetnega (inicialnega) redčenja (=mešanja) izpuščene vode z morsko vodo. Podobne izračune inicialnega redčenja smo pred desetletji naredili tudi za Koprski zaliv (Malačič in Potočnik, 1998; Malačič, 1999a; Malačič, 1999b), ko so bile proučevane možnosti za podmorski izpust odplak.
Ključne besede: poročila, morje, meteorna voda, onesnaženje, Piranski zaliv
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 03.09.2024; Ogledov: 116; Prenosov: 2743
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Preparation of reference material for phytoplasma molecular testing ʼCandidatus Phytoplasma solaniʼ : technical innovation factsheet
Tanja Dreo, Špela Alič, Marina Dermastia, elaborat, predštudija, študija

Povzetek: The important economic sector of world grapevine production of 74 million tons is threatened by several grapevine yellows diseases associated with the presence of phytoplasmas. There is a lack of availability of well-characterized and certified material suitable for use as reference positive controls in different diagnostic schemes, validation studies, performance studies and proficiency tests, which are all part of the management programs for fast and accurate detection of grapevine yellows phytoplasmas.
Ključne besede: reference material, detection, plant pathogen, digital droplet PCR
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 03.09.2024; Ogledov: 140; Prenosov: 60
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Obvladovanje hruševega ožiga (Erwinia amylovora (Burrill) Winslow et al.)
Janja Lamovšek, Alenka Ferlež Rus, Jože Miklavc, Tanja Dreo, Primož Pajk, elaborat, predštudija, študija

Povzetek: Prvi pojav hruševega ožiga pri nas je uradno zabeležen leta 2001. Prvi večji izbruh bolezni v Sloveniji je bil v letu 2003, ko se je hrušev ožig razširil po celotni Gorenjski in v okolici Maribora. Ob drugem večjem izbruhu, ki se je zgodil leta 2007, se je bolezen razširila tudi proti jugu in vzhodu države. Hrušev ožig se je ustalil na Gorenjskem, Koroškem, na območju Maribora in na Notranjskem. Kasneje sta bili iz varovanega (neokuženega) območja izločeni še občini Lendava ter Renče-Vogrsko (južno od avtoceste H4).
Ključne besede: hrušev ožig
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 03.09.2024; Ogledov: 129; Prenosov: 663
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Minimum performance parameters to select tests for validation and selection of laboratories for TPS : grant agreement N. 773139, deliverable N° 1.1
Špela Alič, Géraldine Anthoine, A Chabirand, Anne-Marie Chappé, Tanja Dreo, L Laurenson, Tadeja Lukežič, Nataša Mehle, H Mouaziz, Manca Pirc, Maja Ravnikar, Jenny Tomlinson, Marcel Westenberg, 2019, elaborat, predštudija, študija

Povzetek: The aim of deliverable 1.1. is to prepare criteria to select tests for validation and to select laboratories for TPS (test performance study). Criteria for selection of tests for the TPS for each pest have been set (see Tables 7-12). These criteria have been divided in five groups: 1) validation data, 2) applicability, 3) protocols, 4) chemicals and 5) equipment. For selection of participants for the TPS selection criteria have also been set (see Table 13). Amongst the most important criteria for selection for participants of TPS are technical expertise for the pest group and the method, authorization to work with the specific pest and that the participating laboratory has quality assurance in place. These criteria enable evaluation of whether participants are proficient to perform the tests, have the necessary equipment and a permit to work with viable regulated organism. The scope of the testing for specific pests was set and common rules for each selection process was defined.
Ključne besede: pests, tests
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 03.09.2024; Ogledov: 140; Prenosov: 1085
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List of tests for validation : round 1, grant agreement N. 773139
Špela Alič, Géraldine Anthoine, A Chabirand, Anne-Marie Chappé, Tanja Dreo, Tjaša Jakomin, L Laurenson, Tadeja Lukežič, Nataša Mehle, E Metz-Verschure, H Mouaziz, J Oorspronk, Manca Pirc, Maja Ravnikar, Naomi te Braak, Jenny Tomlinson, Marcel Westenberg, 2019, elaborat, predštudija, študija

Povzetek: We prepared a list of methods and tests for validation in test performance study (TPS) Round 1, both for laboratory and on-site use, for 6 selected pests: Erwinia amylovora, Pantoea stewartiisubsp. stewartii, citrus tristeza virus, plum pox virus, Fusarium circinatum and Bursaphelenchus xylophilus. The listed tests were first validated in preliminary studies by TPS organizers in order to select the final tests for TPS, based on the scope and criteria prepared in D1.1.
Ključne besede: pests, tests
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 03.09.2024; Ogledov: 157; Prenosov: 83
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Analysis of subcellular energy metabolism in five Lacertidae lizards across varied environmental conditions
Anamarija Žagar, Urban Dajčman, Rodrigo Megía-Palma, Tatjana Simčič, Frederico Barroso, Senka Baškiera, Miguel A. Carretero, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Aerobic respiration is the main energy source for most eukaryotes, and efficient mitochondrial energy transfer greatly influences organismal fitness. To survive environmental changes, cells have evolved to adjust their biochemistry. Thus, measuring energy metabolism at the subcellular level can enhance our understanding of individual performance, population dynamics, and species distribution ranges. We investigated three important metabolic traits at the subcellular level in five lacertid lizard species sampled from different elevations, from sea level up to 2000 m. We examined hemoglobin concentration, two markers of oxidative stress (catalase activity and carbonyl concentration) and maximum rate of metabolic respiration at the subcellular level (potential metabolic activity at the electron transport system). The traits were analysed in laboratory acclimated adult male lizards to investigate the adaptive metabolic responses to the variable environmental conditions at the local sampling sites. Potential metabolic activity at the cellular level was measured at four temperatures – 28 °C, 30 °C, 32 °C and 34 °C – covering the range of preferred body temperatures of the species studied. Hemoglobin content, carbonyl concentration and potential metabolic activity did not differ significantly among species. Interspecific differences were found in the catalase activity, Potential metabolic activity increased with temperature in parallel in all five species. The highest response of the metabolic rate with temperature (Q10) and Arrhenius activation energy (Ea) was recorded in the high-mountain species Iberolacerta monticola.
Ključne besede: physiology, lacertids, aerobic respiration, interspecific variability, hemoglobin, zoology
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 03.09.2024; Ogledov: 145; Prenosov: 898
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List of criteria the reference materials have to meet for use in validation studies : grant agreement N. 773139, DELIVERABLE N° 3.1 – V2
Anne-Marie Chappé, A Chabirand, P. Dahlin, C. de Krom, Tanja Dreo, Pascal Gentit, L Laurenson, F. Peter, D. Spadaro, René van der Vlugt, E. van Veen, Marcel Westenberg, 2019, elaborat, predštudija, študija

Povzetek: A list of general minimum criteria was developed to be used in preparation of reference materials to be used in interlaboratory testing, including validations through test performance studies. The list was based on previously identified criteria in standards including ISO standards, EPPO guidelines, deliverables of relevant projects, related fields, and own experience of project partners. Several additional criteria were proposed: ‘availability’, ‘purity’ and ‘commutability’. These criteria result from a series of discussions, taking into account previous work and relevant international standards. Where relevant, each criterion was first defined as a series of levels from the highest to lowest ranking with the lowest ranking considered to be the minimum. Depending on the intended use, the reference material may need to fulfil higher levels of selected criteria or some criteria may not be relevant at all. The criteria were tested by the organizers of the TPS in round 1 of validation within VALITEST project which include bacteria, viruses, nematodes and fungi. The systematic and structured approach of describing RMs was found to be useful in promoting transparent descriptions of the RMs used and comparability of TPSs, as well as a step toward implementing FAIR data principles. The criteria defined here are applicable, potentially with minor modification, beyond the scope of this deliverable and project to other pests and other uses of RMs
Ključne besede: pests, tests
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 03.09.2024; Ogledov: 143; Prenosov: 865
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