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Non-English languages enrich scientific knowledge : the example of economic costs of biological invasions
Elena Angulo, Christophe Diagne, Liliana Ballesteros-Mejia, Tasnime Adamjy, Danish A. Ahmed, Céline Albert, Evgeny Akulov, Achyut-Kumar Banerjee, César Capinha, Cheikh A.K.M. Dia, Natalia I. Kirichenko, 2021, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: We contend that the exclusive focus on the English language in scientific research might hinder effective communication between scientists and practitioners or policy makers whose mother tongue is non-English. This barrier in scientific knowledge and data transfer likely leads to significant knowledge gaps and may create biases when providing global patterns in many fields of science. To demonstrate this, we compiled data on the global economic costs of invasive alien species reported in 15 non-English languages. We compared it with equivalent data from English documents (i.e., the InvaCost database, the most up-to-date repository of invasion costs globally). The comparison of both databases (~7500 entries in total) revealed that non-English sources: (i) capture a greater amount of data than English sources alone (2500 vs. 2396 cost entries respectively); (ii) add 249 invasive species and 15 countries to those reported by English literature, and (iii) increase the global cost estimate of invasions by 16.6% (i.e., US$ 214 billion added to 1.288 trillion estimated from the English database). Additionally, 2712 cost entries — not directly comparable to the English database — were directly obtained from practitioners, revealing the value of communication between scientists and practitioners. Moreover, we demonstrated how gaps caused by overlooking non-English data resulted in significant biases in the distribution of costs across space, taxonomic groups, types of cost, and impacted sectors. Specifically, costs from Europe, at the local scale, and particularly pertaining to management, were largely under-represented in the English database. Thus, combining scientific data from English and non-English sources proves fundamental and enhances data completeness. Considering non-English sources helps alleviate biases in understanding invasion costs at a global scale. Finally, it also holds strong potential for improving management performance, coordination among experts (scientists and practitioners), and collaborative actions across countries. Note: non-English versions of the abstract and figures are provided in Appendix S5 in 12 languages.
Ključne besede: ecological bias, management, knowledge gaps, InvaCost, native languages, stakeholders
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 26.02.2025; Ogledov: 133; Prenosov: 61
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Economic costs of biological invasions in Asia
Chunlong Liu, Christophe Diagne, Elena Angulo, Achyut-Kumar Banerjee, Chen Yifeng, Ross N. Cuthbert, Phillip Joschka Haubrock, Natalia I. Kirichenko, Zarah Pattison, Yuya Watari, Wen Xiong, Franck Courchamp, 2021, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Invasive species have caused severe impacts on biodiversity and human society. Although the estimation of environmental impacts caused by invasive species has increased in recent years, economic losses associated with biological invasions are only sporadically estimated in space and time. In this study, we synthesized the losses incurred by invasions in Asia, based on the most comprehensive database of economic costs of invasive species worldwide, including 560 cost records for 88 invasive species in 22 countries. We also assessed the differences in economic costs across taxonomic groups, geographical regions and impacted sectors, and further identified the major gaps of current knowledge in Asia. Reported economic costs of biological invasions were estimated between 1965 and 2017, and reached a total of US$ 432.6 billion (2017 value), with dramatic increases in 2000–2002 and in 2004. The highest costs were recorded for terrestrial ectotherms, for species estimated in South Asia, and for species estimated at the country level, and were related to more than one impacted sector. Two taxonomic groups with the highest reported costs were insects and mammals, and two countries with the highest costs were India and China. Non-English data covered all of 12 taxonomic groups, whereas English data only covered six groups, highlighting the importance of considering data from non-English sources to have a more comprehensive estimation of economic costs associated with biological invasions. However, we found that the estimation of economic costs was lacking for most Asian countries and for more than 96% of introduced species in Asia. Further, the estimation is heavily biased towards insects and mammals and is very limited concerning expenditures on invasion management. To optimize the allocation of limited resources, there is an important need to better and more widely study the economic costs of invasive alien species. In this way, improved cost reporting and more collaborations between scientists and stakeholders are needed across Asia.
Ključne besede: economic damages, InvaCost, invasive alien species, monetary losses, non-English data, non-native species, Asia
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 26.02.2025; Ogledov: 133; Prenosov: 82
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Sistemski pristop ureditve začasnih prostorskih rešitev ob naravnih in drugih nesrečah : primer Zdravstvenega doma Škofja Loka ob epidemiji SARS-CoV-2
Špela Alič, Nikolaj Kržišnik, Tadej Beguš, Andrej Štremfelj, Boris Hostnik, 2021, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Ob pojavu naravnih in drugih nesreč je včasih treba postaviti začasne objekte ali zagotoviti druge oblike prostorskih ureditev za prebivalstvo oziroma delovanje služb v sistemu zaščite, reševanja in pomoči. Med epidemijo covida-19 se je pomen načrtovanja dodatnih začasnih prostorskih zmogljivosti za zagotavljanje osnovnih življenjskih potreb prebivalstva pokazal predvsem na primeru potreb zdravstva in socialnega varstva. Ob kriznih dogodkih se morajo odgovorne službe hitro odločati, kar lahko vodi k izvedbi rešitev, ki niso bile predhodno namensko in sistematično pripravljene ter posledično ne prinesejo najboljših mogočih rezultatov. Za urejanje začasnih prostorskih rešitev za izvajanje zaščite, reševanja in pomoči nismo našli konkretnih smernic, ki bi nas vodile skozi celoten proces, zato smo na podlagi tuje literature in lastnih izkušenj oblikovali procesno shemo in operativni postopek za vzpostavitev začasnih prostorskih rešitev ob kriznih dogodkih. Predstavljen je proces ureditve začasnih prostorskih rešitev, ki smo ga pripravili za CZ občine Škofja Loka. Proces smo uporabili za postavitev zunanje enote Zdravstvenega doma Škofja Loka za obravnavo pacientov s sumom na okužbo z virusom SARS-CoV-2 in ga na podlagi pridobljenih izkušenj dopolnili. Temelji na procesnem pristopu in je razdeljen na sedem faz, od ugotavljanja potreb do končne izvedbe in uporabe začasne prostorske rešitve.
Ključne besede: zdravstveni domovi, Škofja Loka, epidemije, naravne nesreče, prostorske ureditve
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 26.02.2025; Ogledov: 95; Prenosov: 56
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Economic costs of invasive alien species across Europe
Phillip Joschka Haubrock, Anna Turbelin, Ross N. Cuthbert, Ana Novoa, Nigel G. Taylor, Elena Angulo, Liliana Ballesteros-Mejia, Thomas W. Bodey, César Capinha, Christophe Diagne, Natalia I. Kirichenko, 2021, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Biological invasions continue to threaten the stability of ecosystems and societies that are dependent on their services. Whilst the ecological impacts of invasive alien species (IAS) have been widely reported in recent decades, there remains a paucity of information concerning their economic impacts. Europe has strong trade and transport links with the rest of the world, facilitating hundreds of IAS incursions, and largely centralised decision-making frameworks. The present study is the first comprehensive and detailed effort that quantifies the costs of IAS collectively across European countries and examines temporal trends in these data. In addition, the distributions of costs across countries, socioeconomic sectors and taxonomic groups are examined, as are socio-economic correlates of management and damage costs. Total costs of IAS in Europe summed to US$140.20 billion (or €116.61 billion) between 1960 and 2020, with the majority (60%) being damage-related and impacting multiple sectors. Costs were also geographically widespread but dominated by impacts in large western and central European countries, i.e. the UK, Spain, France, and Germany. Human population size, land area, GDP, and tourism were significant predictors of invasion costs, with management costs additionally predicted by numbers of introduced species, research effort and trade. Temporally, invasion costs have increased exponentially through time, with up to US$23.58 billion (€19.64 billion) in 2013, and US$139.56 billion (€116.24 billion) in impacts extrapolated in 2020. Importantly, although these costs are substantial, there remain knowledge gaps on several geographic and taxonomic scales, indicating that these costs are severely underestimated. We, thus, urge increased and improved cost reporting for economic impacts of IAS and coordinated international action to prevent further spread and mitigate impacts of IAS populations.
Ključne besede: bodiversity, insects, InvaCost, invasive species, European Union, monetary impacts, non-native biota, socio-economic correlates, socioeconomic sectors
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 26.02.2025; Ogledov: 125; Prenosov: 75
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First report of Tomato brown rugose fruit virus in tomato in Slovenia
Ana Vučurović, Jakob Brodarič, Tjaša Jakomin, Anja Pecman, Anita Benko-Beloglavec, Nataša Mehle, 2022, drugi znanstveni članki

Povzetek: In July 2021, during an official survey for Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV), a sample composed of leaves and fruit was taken from three tomato (Solanum lycopersicum cv. Factor F1) plants growing in a greenhouse producing fresh tomatoes in central Slovenia. The sampled plants were slightly dwarfed and showed deformations such as leaf curling, narrowing and small leaves (Figure 1), while no virus symptoms were observed on the fruit.
Ključne besede: detection, identification, plant virus disease
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 26.02.2025; Ogledov: 128; Prenosov: 76
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Two-dimensional chromatographic isolation of high purity erinacine a from Hericium erinaceus
Katerina Naumoska, Andrej Gregori, Alen Albreht, 2025, izvirni znanstveni članek

Objavljeno v DiRROS: 26.02.2025; Ogledov: 98; Prenosov: 84
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Bacterial filtration efficiency of different masks
Tamara Košir, Katja Fric, Arijana Filipić, Polona Kogovšek, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Face coverings, such as surgical masks and respirators, have an important role in preventing bacterial and viral transmission, especially during a global pandemic like COVID-19. Therefore, to secure their availability, new manufacturers and the use of novel materials must be encouraged. However, masks and their materials must first be properly tested for safety and efficiency, as required by the relevant standard, valid in a specific region. All standards prescribe determination of the bacterial filtration efficiency (BFE) of masks. In this study, we report the establishment of a test method for the BFE of face masks in accordance with European standard EN 14683:2019, by which we tested 52 samples, each composed of 3 to 5 subsamples, of surgical and cloth masks, respirators, filters, and mask materials. Forty-seven out of the 52 samples reached a BFE above 75 %. Of these, 16 samples had a BFE of 75 % to 95 %, 3 had a BFE of 95 % to 98 %, while 28 reached a filtration efficiency above 98 %. Our findings show that all tested samples provided some level of protection, most of which met the requirements for the national or European market.
Ključne besede: bacterial filtration efficiency, face coverings, masks, respirators, Andersen Cascade Impactor, EN 14683:2019
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 26.02.2025; Ogledov: 100; Prenosov: 83
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Extracellular vesicle-bound DNA in urine is indicative of kidney allograft injury
Ivana Sedej, Maja Štalekar, Magda Tušek-Žnidarič, Katja Goričar, Nika Kojc, Polona Kogovšek, Vita Dolžan, Miha Arnol, Metka Lenassi, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Extracellular vesicle-bound DNA (evDNA) is an understudied extracellular vesicle (EV) cargo, particularly in cancer-unrelated research. Although evDNA has been detected in urine, little is known about its characteristics, localization, and biomarker potential for kidney pathologies. To address this, we enriched EVs from urine of well-characterized kidney transplant recipients undergoing allograft biopsy, characterized their evDNA and its association to allograft injury. The SEC-based method enriched pure EVs from urine of kidney transplant recipients, regardless of the allograft injury. Urinary evDNA represented up to 29.2 ± 8% (mean ± SD) of cell-free DNA (cfDNA) and correlated with cfDNA in several characteristics but was less fragmented (P < 0.001). Importantly, using DNase treatment and immunogold labelling TEM, we demonstrated that evDNA was bound to the surface of urinary EVs. Normalised evDNA yield (P = 0.042) and evDNA copy number (P = 0.027) significantly differed between patients with normal histology, rejection injury and non-rejection injury, the later groups having significantly larger uEVs (mean diameter, P = 0.045) and more DNA bound per uEV. ddDNA is detectable in uEV samples of kidney allograft recipients, but its quantity is highly variable. In a proof-of-principle study, several evDNA characteristics correlated with clinical and histological parameters (P = 0.040), supporting that the potential of evDNA as a biomarker for kidney allograft injury should be further investigated.
Ključne besede: DNA, donor-derived DNA, extracellular vesicles
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 26.02.2025; Ogledov: 100; Prenosov: 69
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Inactivation of the Mla system and outer-membrane phospholipase A results in disrupted outer-membrane lipid asymmetry and hypervesiculation in Bordetella pertussis
Eline F. de Jonge, Lana Vogrinec, Ria van Boxtel, Jan Tommassen, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Bordetella pertussis is the causative agent of a respiratory infection known as whooping cough. With the goal of improving the production of outer-membrane vesicles (OMVs), we studied here the mechanisms that are involved in maintaining lipid asymmetry in the outer membrane of this organism. We identified homologues of the phospholipid (PL)-transport systems Mla and Pqi and of outer-membrane phospholipase A (OMPLA). Inactivation of mlaF, encoding the ATPase of the Mla system, together with pldA, which encodes OMPLA, resulted in an accumulation of PLs at the cell surface as demonstrated by the binding of a phosphatidylethanolamine-specific fluorescent probe to intact cells of this strain. The corresponding single mutations did hardly or not affect binding of the probe. These results are consistent with a retrograde transport directionality of the Mla system in B. pertussis and indicate that PLs accumulating at the cell surface in the mlaF mutant are degraded by OMPLA. Consequently, the mlaF mutant showed a conditional growth defect due to the production of free fatty acids by OMPLA, which could be compensated by inactivation of OMPLA or by sequestration of the produced fatty acids with starch. The mlaF pldA double mutant showed markedly increased OMV production, and representative antigens were detected in these OMVs as in wild-type OMVs. Further phenotypic characterization showed that the barrier function of the outer membrane of the mlaF pldA mutant was compromised as manifested by increased susceptibility to SDS and to several antibiotics. Moreover, inactivation of mlaF alone or together with pldA resulted in increased biofilm formation, which was, however, not directly related to increased vesiculation as the addition of purified OMVs to the wild-type strain decreased biofilm formation. We conclude that the absence of MlaF together with OMPLA results in PL accumulation in the outer leaflet of the outer membrane, and the increased vesiculation of the mutant could be useful in the development of novel, OMV-based pertussis vaccines.
Ključne besede: Bordetella pertussis, phospholipid transport, outer-membrane vesicles, Mla system, Outer-membrane phospholipase A, biofilms
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 26.02.2025; Ogledov: 86; Prenosov: 56
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Economic costs of biological invasions in terrestrial ecosystems in Russia
Natalia I. Kirichenko, Phillip Joschka Haubrock, Ross N. Cuthbert, Evgeny Akulov, Elena Karimova, Yury Shneyder, Chunlong Liu, Elena Angulo, Christophe Diagne, Franck Courchamp, 2021, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Terrestrial ecosystems, owing to the presence of key socio-economic sectors such as agriculture and forestry, may be particularly economically affected by biological invasions. The present study uses a subset of the recently developed database of global economic costs of biological invasions (InvaCost) to quantify the monetary costs of biological invasions in Russia, the largest country in the world that spans two continents. From 2007 up to 2019, invasions costed the Russian economy at least US$ 51.52 billion (RUB 1.38 trillion, n = 94 cost entries), with the vast majority of these costs based on predictions or extrapolations (US$ 50.86 billion; n = 87) and, therefore, not empirically observed. Most cost entries exhibited low geographic resolution, being split between European and Asian parts of Russia (US$ 44.17 billion; n = 72). Just US$ 7.35 billion (n = 22) was attributed to the European part solely and none to the Asian part. Invasion costs were documented for 72 species and particularly insects (37 species). The empirically-observed costs, summing up to US$ 660 million (n = 7), were reported only for four species: two insects Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire and Cydalima perspectalis (Walker) and two plants Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. and Heracleum sosnowskyi Manden. The vast majority of economic costs were related to resource damages and economic losses, with very little reported expenditures on managing invasions in terrestrial ecosystems. In turn, agriculture (US$ 37.42 billion; n = 68) and forestry (US$ 14.0 billion; n = 20) were the most impacted sectors. Overall, we report burgeoning economic costs of invasions in Russia and identify major knowledge gaps, for example, concerning specific habitat types (i.e. aquatic) and management expenditures, as well as for numerous known invasive taxa with no reported economic costs (i.e. vertebrates). Given this massive, largely underestimated economic burden of invasions in Russia, our work is a call for improved reporting of costs nationally and internationally.
Ključne besede: direct and indirect losses, insects, InvaCost, invasive species, pathogens, Russian Federation, weeds
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 26.02.2025; Ogledov: 108; Prenosov: 43
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