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The EU policy discourse on EdTech and constructing the image of an excellent teacher
Janja Žmavc, Lucija Zala Bezlaj, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: This article presents a discourse analysis of European Union (EU) policy documents on educational uses of digital technology (EdTech) from 2015 to 2022. It explores the ideological dimensions of language use and power relations, particularly concerning the teacher's role. Despite increasing critical scrutiny, the policy discourse in this period remains predominantly unidimensional, framing EdTech as a transformative solution. The study combines corpus-assisted analysis with critical discourse analysis and linguistic pragmatics to reveal how EU policy constructs a normative image of an ‘excellent' teacher inexorably linked to digital competencies. It shows how this discourse implicitly denies teachers' autonomy in technology adoption, reinforcing institutional power dynamics. The paper offers a critical perspective on the ideological underpinnings of language use in EdTech policy, challenging prevailing normative discourses and emphasising the need for a nuanced understanding of the socio-political implications and power dynamics inherent in the discourse surrounding teachers’ engagement with digital technology.
Ključne besede: EdTech, EU policy discourse, image of teacher, teachers, ideological language use, European Union
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 27.01.2025; Ogledov: 99; Prenosov: 91
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Technology factors related to the differences in paper and online reading scores in PIRLS 2016
Plamen Mirazchiyski, Vadim Gershteyn, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: The Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) was conducted in paper and online reading modes in 2016 using the same samples of students in a number of countries. Differences in reading literacy scores were found in several European countries. In some countries, the differences favored the electronic reading mode. Yet in others, the paper reading mode was favored. As the electronic reading mode differs substantially in the cognitive demands compared to the paper mode, it can be expected that the differences between the two modes are related to the variables related to technology: availability and access, general use, use for educational purposes in class or out-of-school, and self-efficacy with technology. This study investigates the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) factors related to the differences in paper and online reading in six European countries participating in both modes in PIRLS 2016. This study uses linear regression models as the application of multilevel modeling is not suitable because of the low between-school variances across countries. The results from this study show limited support for the relative effect that the student individual, school, and classroom ICT variables have on the differences between paper and electronic reading. Access to technology is related to mode differences only in Italy, and the use of computer devices in and out of school is related to the mode differences in Italy and Portugal. Student self-efficacy is related to the mode differences in Portugal and Slovenia. School resources show significant effects in Denmark (computers to students ratio) and Italy (instruction affected by digital resource shortages). None of the classroom variables showed any significant relationship in any of the countries. In addition, socio-economic status (which is proxied by the variable on home resources for learning) is a significant predictor in half of the countries. In addition to these findings, the general technological context within countries is discussed as part of an evaluation of the difference in reading in the two test delivery modes. The general uptake of technology in different social and economic aspects, as measured by the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI), follows the differences between the two reading modes.
Ključne besede: education, online reading literacy, paper reading literacy, reading mode comparison, PIRLS, country comparison, technology factors
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 27.01.2025; Ogledov: 116; Prenosov: 55
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One (financial well-being) model fits all? : testing the multidimensional subjective financial well-being scale across nine countries
Angela Sorgente, Žan Lep, Maja Zupančič, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: A multidimensional model of emerging adults’ subjective financial well-being was proposed (Sorgente and Lanz, Int Journal of Behavioral Development, 43(5), 466–478 2019). The authors also developed a 5-factor scale (the Multidimensional Subjective Financial Well-being Scale, MSFWBS) intending to measure this construct in the European context. To date, data using this instrument have been collected in nine countries: Austria, Canada, Finland, India, Italy, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, and Turkey. In the current study, data from these countries were analysed to test the validity of this model internationally. In particular, using an international sample of 4,475 emerging adults, we collected the following kinds of validity evidence for the MSFWBS: score structure, reliability, generalizability, convergent, and criterion-related evidence. Findings suggest that the MSFWBS (1) yields valid and reliable scores, and (2) works well in individualistic and economically developed countries, producing comparable scores. Implications for researchers and practitioners are discussed.
Ključne besede: psychology, finance, well being, cross cultural studies, test reliability, test validity, emerging adulthood, Multidimensional subjective financial well-being scale for emerging adults MSFWBS, Satisfaction with life scale SWLS
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 27.01.2025; Ogledov: 118; Prenosov: 61
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Predicting satisfaction with money management and life satisfaction in parents of emerging adult students
Maja Zupančič, Žan Lep, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Many parents cope with the prolonged financial dependence of their emerging adult children and problems arising from sharing a household, which may challenge parental satisfaction with money management (SMM) and life satisfaction (LS). We created and tested a conceptual model of potential pathways to parental SMM and LS. Data were collected in a sample of 482 student–parent pairs via an online survey that included adjusted questionnaires on financial functioning (Shim et al., Journal of Youth and Adolescence 39:1457–1470, 2010) and Satisfaction with Life Scale (Diener et al., Journal of Personality Assessment 49:71–75, 1985). Relying on the model of financial satisfaction from the student perspective (Sirsch et al., Emerging Adulthood 8:509–520, 2020), we proposed pathways of the family SES, financial parenting (explicit teaching and financial behavior; parent report; 22.8% fathers), and parent–child financial relationships (student report; Mage = 19.94; 45.2% males) to parental SMM and LS. We also anticipated intermediate relations of financial parenting with the students' self-reported financial learning outcomes (cognitive and behavioral/relational). The SES, proactive parental financial behavior, and favorable parent–child financial relationships predicted parental SMM and LS. Financial parenting was linked to the student's positive financial learning outcomes, but only financial knowledge further influenced the financial relationship with their parents. The findings suggest the benefits of successful parental financial socialization for both the offspring's finance-related outcomes and their parents' satisfaction.
Ključne besede: education, university students, parents, financial dependece, money management, life satisfaction, sharing a household, emerging adulthood, young adults
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 27.01.2025; Ogledov: 122; Prenosov: 55
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Vertikalni okvir za poučevanje govornega nastopanja v osnovni šoli za celovito oblikovanje govork in govorcev
Janja Žmavc, Mojca Cestnik, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: V prispevku obravnavava predlog za poučevanje govornega nastopanja v osnovni šoli. Kot eno ključnih točk poudariva pomen procesnega in celovitega usvajanja govornega nastopanja v okviru osnovnošolske vertikale, ki ga osvetliva skozi obravnavo nekaterih skupnih točk med antičnim modelom retoričnega izobraževanja in sodobnimi konceptualizacijami govornega sporazumevanja. V drugem delu predstaviva nekatera problemska mesta v veljavnem učnem načrtu, skupaj s tristopenjskim okvirom za poučevanje govornega nastopanja. Meniva, da tako zamišljen pristop omogoča uspešnejše razvijanje zmožnosti suverenega in avtentičnega javnega nastopanja.
Ključne besede: vzgoja in izobraževanje, osnovna šola, pouk slovenščine, govorno nastopanje, vertikalno poučevanje, retorika
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 27.01.2025; Ogledov: 118; Prenosov: 60
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Is the order of learning numerals universal? : evidence from eight countries and six languages
Lee Copping, Peter Tymms, Gabriela Aleksic, Tiago Bartholo, Sarah J. Howie, Mariane Koslinski Campelo, Christine Merrell, Maša Vidmar, Helen R. Wildy, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Cramman et al. (2018) proposed that numerical symbol identification may constitute a universally predictive measure of early mathematical development. While a broad pathway to learning number symbols is unsurprising, lack of systematic variation in acquisition order relative to factors such as teaching, age, country, progression stage, is. This study evidences unidimensionality of measurement of the order of ability clusters of numbers, showing that variations are minor across eight countries and, importantly, six instructional languages. This invariance suggests early symbol identification could represent a universal measurement which could a) instructionally inform teaching and learning of classroom mathematics, b) work predictively as an educational research tool and c) offer a foundation for valid international comparisons of the mathematical development of children. Tentatively, this study suggests numerical symbol identification may be a universal measure to assess mathematical cognition in early years education that is unaffected by language of instruction, gender, time of assessment and country.
Ključne besede: education, financial relationship, numeracy mathematical development, numerical symbol, learning numerals, international comparison
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 27.01.2025; Ogledov: 130; Prenosov: 60
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