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Hi-SPEQ - Developing the technical and quality requirements for high-speed condition surveys of road networks
Alex Wright, Emma Benbow, Roland Spielhofer, Leif Sjögren, Gregers Hildebrand, Darko Kokot, Mark Thomas, Rolf Rabe, 2016, objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci

Povzetek: High speed surveys have become a key source of information to support condition assessment and management of pavement assets. These surveys can be applied network wide to obtain data on the surface condition and structural robustness of the pavement. The success of high speed surveys is demonstrated by the growth in the survey industry and the wide range of measurement equipment that has become available. However, these advances bring challenges to road administrations in determining the most appropriate survey to specify for their networks, in selecting the equipment, and in ensuring that the condition parameters delivered will be suitable to support asset management decisions. Although standards have been developed for some of the measurements provided by high speed systems, the focus tends to be highly technical, often not considering the wide ranging needs of routine network level implementation. The HiSPEQ project has the objective of developing guidance and advice to help road administrations to understand high speed road survey equipment, and to help them in specifying the survey requirements, quality regimes and processing procedures. The project has considered high speed survey data that can be used to assess pavement structural robustness. It has investigated the measurement of pavement shape, visual condition, deflection and structure. Via review of current specifications both within and outside the EU, and direct consultation with practitioners and administrations, the project has proposed a set of core requirements for high-speed surveys of pavement surface and structural condition. These requirements have been used to propose survey specification templates that road administrations could use when developing survey requirements for their own networks. Guidance has been developed to accompany the specifications, to assist road administrations understand the requirements and the implications of different levels of resolution and accuracy on the use of the data. The project has also proposed a set of quality assurance processes to consider when specifying condition surveys.
Ključne besede: high-speed surveys, profile, shape, deflection, quality assurance, accreditation
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 03.03.2025; Ogledov: 67; Prenosov: 33
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Estimation of measurement uncertainty for determination of sulphate content in cement by an alternative approach
Lina Završnik, Sabina Dolenec, 2016, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: The precise and accurate determination of sulphate levels in cement is of utmost importance due to the potential occurrence of internal sulphate attack in concrete, which affects the latter’s durability, and thus, also the safety of concrete constructions. The estimated measurement uncertainty provides a level of confidence in the experimental results, and enables the comparison of data, both between different laboratories and between different methods. This paper presents an alternative approach to the estimation of measurement uncertainty in the determination of sulphate in cement, based on the use of proficiency testing data. The calculations used in this procedure refer to the estimation of reproducibility within-laboratory component of the analysis of control samples, as well as of the bias component of sulphate content data for different types of Portland cement derived from several proficiency testing trials.
Ključne besede: cement, sulphate, measurement uncertainty, alternative approach
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 03.03.2025; Ogledov: 68; Prenosov: 29
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Current and future role of instrumentation and monitoring in the performance of transport infrastructure slopes
J. A. Smethurst, Alister Smith, S. Uhlemann, C. Wooff, J. Chambers, P. Hughes, Stanislav Lenart, H. Saroglou, Sarah Springman, H. Löfroth, D. Hughes, 2016, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Instrumentation is often used to monitor the performance of engineered infrastructure slopes. This paper looks at the current role of instrumentation and monitoring, including the reasons for monitoring infrastructure slopes, the instrumentation typically installed and parameters measured. The paper then investigates recent developments in technology and considers how these may change the way that monitoring is used in the future, and tries to summarize the barriers and challenges to greater use of instrumentation in slope engineering. The challenges relate to economics of instrumentation within a wider risk management system, a better understanding of the way in which slopes perform and/or lose performance, and the complexities of managing and making decisions from greater quantities of data.
Ključne besede: geotechnical monitoring, climate change, pore pressures, displacements
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 03.03.2025; Ogledov: 64; Prenosov: 30
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Improved adhesion and biocompatibility of chitosan-coated super-hydrophilic PVC polymer substrates for urothelial catheters
Alenka Vesel, Helena Motaln, Miran Mozetič, Dane Lojen, Nina Recek, 2025, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Chitosan is a water-soluble polysaccharide with good adherence to negatively charged surfaces and reported antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Coating the surfaces of medical devices with chitosan is a promising strategy for harnessing these benefits. However, the surface properties of commercial polymers need to be altered to enable the bonding of thin chitosan films. In this study, the adhesion of chitosan onto plasma-treated polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and the metabolic activity of urothelial cells on chitosan-coated medical-grade PVC used for the synthesis of urinary catheters were evaluated. To improve the adhesion of chitosan onto the PVC catheters, PVC samples were made “super-hydrophilic”. PVC substrates were briefly treated with a powerful hydrogen plasma and weakly ionised oxygen plasma afterglow to obtain a chlorine-free surface film, which was rich in oxygen functional groups, followed by incubation of the plasma-treated substrates in an aqueous solution of chitosan. Then, urothelial RT4 cells were seeded on the treated and untreated PVC substrates, and their metabolic activity, confluency, and cell morphology were examined. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy was used to measure the nitrogen concentration, which corresponded to the chitosan concentration on the substrate. The results showed that the substrates were uniformly covered by a thin layer of chitosan only on plasma-treated surfaces and not on untreated surfaces. Moreover, the chitosan coating provided a stimulated environment for cell adhesion and growth. In conclusion, the chitosan-coated super-hydrophilic PVC substrate shows potential to improve the overall performance and safety of medical devices such as urinary catheters.
Ključne besede: medical-grade PVC, chitosan coating, urinary catheter, urothelial cells, cytotoxicity, adhesion, biocompatibility
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 28.02.2025; Ogledov: 101; Prenosov: 46
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Structural Insights and hydrogen retention in amorphous and crystalline tungsten oxide films
Janez Zavašnik, Vasyl Shvalya, Kristof Kremer, Thomas Schwarz-Selinger, Wolfgang Jacob, 2025, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: We investigated structural characteristics of and hydrogen isotope interactions with thermally and electro chemically synthesized tungsten oxide (W-oxide) thin films (≤50 nm). Specifically, we assessed whether elec trochemically synthesized W-oxide could serve as a suitable proxy for thermally grown films in hydrogen interaction studies. The W-oxide thin films were exposed to low-energetic atomic deuterium (D) to explore the hydrogen uptake, retention, and intercalation effects of the W-oxide structure. The W-oxides were characterized using grazing incidence X-ray diffraction (GI-XRD), scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM, TEM), Raman spectroscopy, and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) before and after deuterium exposure. The thermally grown W-oxides are crystalline, composed of orthorhombic WO3, while the electrochemically grown W-oxides are amorphous with nanocrystalline domains. Deuterium retention studies revealed that the electrochemically grown W-oxides show higher initial D retention compared with their thermally grown coun terparts and lower D release over time during storage, suggesting stronger D binding within the amorphous matrix. Using ion beam analysis, we quantified the deuterium retention and examined the depth-resolved reduction of the oxide within the films following deuterium exposure
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 28.02.2025; Ogledov: 94; Prenosov: 34
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Life IP CARE4CLIMATE - Action C8 and E3 Third Interim Report
Andreja Ferreira, Boštjan Mali, Simon Zidar, Gal Kušar, Nataša Turk, 2025, elaborat, predštudija, študija

Objavljeno v DiRROS: 28.02.2025; Ogledov: 109; Prenosov: 0
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Autochthonous conifers of family Pinaceae in Europe : broad review of morpho-anatomical and phytochemical properties of needles and genetic investigations
Biljana M. Nikolić, Dalibor Ballian, Zorica S. Mitić, 2024, pregledni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Gymnosperms are a very old and small group of plants compared to angiosperms. Contemporary science recognizes about 650 extant conifers worldwide. This review focuses on species of the Pinaceae family found in Europe. There are 23 species from the genera Abies, Larix, Picea, and Pinus. Some of them are widespread in Europe, but others have fragmented and limited distribution and are classified as relic, endemic, or endangered. The aim of this review is providing cumulative information about the variability of needle morpho-anatomy, terpenes, and n-alkanes, as well as the genetics of the Pinaceae species, native to Europe. The first morpho-anatomical examinations of needles were conducted in the 19th century. A lot of species have been investigated up to now, but the population variability of many conifer species is still not known. The composition and abundance of terpenes differ between genera and families but also within the same genus, pointing to their taxonomic importance. n-Alkanes on the needle wax surfaces of conifers are sometimes very useful markers of species and population variability. The most abundant n-alkanes in Abies species are nonacosane (C29), hentriacontane (C31), or heptacosane (C27), whereas in Larix decidua and the majority of Picea species, C31 is predominant. C31 and C29 are the dominant n-alkanes in the genus Pinus. The most extensive population-genetic studies of European representatives of the Pinaceae family have focused on Abies alba, Picea abies, Pinus nigra, and Pinus sylvestris, but also examined endemic species such as Abies borisii-regis, A. cephalonica, A. nebrodensis, and Picea omorika. These studies hold significant practical value in assessing species’ evolutionary potential, devising strategies for long-term species conservation, identifying centers of diversity, detecting relict and ancestral populations, unveiling cryptic species and hybrids, and elucidating the taxonomic significance of species. These investigations are of great value not only on the biodiversity level, but also on the levels of ecology, physiology, taxonomy, and evolution.
Ključne besede: Europe, Pinaceae, conifers, needle morphology, needle anatomy, terpenes, n-alkanes, genetic markers
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 27.02.2025; Ogledov: 122; Prenosov: 74
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Fenološka svojstva listanja i zadržavanja listova crnih topola (Populus nigra L.) u klonskom arhivu u Žepču
Mirzeta Memišević Hodžić, Dalibor Ballian, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Objavljeno v DiRROS: 27.02.2025; Ogledov: 90; Prenosov: 86
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