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492. Effects of copper compounds on phenolic composition of the common and tartary buckwheat seedlingsEva Kovačec, Marjana Regvar, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek Ključne besede: buckwheat, seed coating agents, germination, phenols, flavonoids, tannins, copper, nanoparticles Objavljeno v DiRROS: 24.10.2024; Ogledov: 552; Prenosov: 0 |
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496. Environmental DNA metabarcoding of cephalopod diversity in the Tyrrhenian deep seaMartina La Torre, Alex Cussigh, Valentina Crobe, Martina Spiga, Alice Ferrari, Alessia Cariani, Federica Piattoni, Federica Costantini, Silvia Franzellitti, Alberto Pallavicini, David Stanković, Sergio Stefanni, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek Povzetek: The deep sea, the largest biome on Earth, is the least explored and understood. This lack of knowledge hampers our ability to understand and protect this important environment. In this study, water and sediment samples were collected at different depths in the central Mediterranean (224–780 m), specifically, within the Dohrn Canyon and the Palinuro Seamount, to investigate the diversity of cephalopods and establish a baseline knowledge of their distribution in these sites to preserve their habitats and estimate the impacts of human-driven environmental changes. Key taxa identified included Heteroteuthis sp., Loligo sp., and Histioteuthis sp., which were the most abundant across all sampling stations. A low overlap in species detection was observed between water and sediment samples, confirming previous findings that the typology of environmental matrices used in eDNA metabarcoding has a significant impact on the organisms detected and, therefore, the integrated use of different matrices to better represent local biodiversity is recommended. Furthermore, this study highlights the limitations posed by gaps in reference databases, particularly for deep-sea organisms, and addresses these by emphasising the need for improved multi-marker approaches and expanded reference databases to enhance the accuracy of eDNA-based biodiversity assessment. Ključne besede: eDNA metabarcoding, cephalopod assemblages, deep-sea biodiversity, Dohrn canyo, environmental matrices, reference databases, Tyrrhenian deep sea, Mediterranean deep sea Objavljeno v DiRROS: 24.10.2024; Ogledov: 156; Prenosov: 948 Celotno besedilo (1,79 MB) Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
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498. Aristotel in Descartes o zmožnostih dušePrimož Turk, 2023, pregledni znanstveni članek Povzetek: Namen prispevka je osvetliti Aristotelovo in Descartesovo razumevanje zmožnosti duše. Takšno razumevanje nam odpira pot v širši razmislek o Aristotelovi in Descartesovi filozofski antropologiji. Besedilo je potemtakem zastavljeno tako, da najprej sledimo Aristotelovemu razumevanju zmožnosti duše. Ob bok temu postavljamo Descartesovo razumevanje, in sicer vedno z ozirom na posamezno duševno zmožnost, ki smo jo izpostavili pri Aristotelu. Zmožnosti duše, ki jih v prispevku obravnavamo, sledijo Aristotelovi delitvi duše na vegetativne, čutno zaznavne in razumske zmožnosti. Izhodišče prispevka je vprašanje povezanosti duše in telesa v Aristotelovi in Descartesovi filozofiji. Ključne besede: filozofska antropologija, duša, čutno zaznavanje Objavljeno v DiRROS: 23.10.2024; Ogledov: 100; Prenosov: 29 Celotno besedilo (327,38 KB) |
499. O dveh fizikah : Utelešena formalnost matematičnih znanostiIzak Hudnik Zajec, 2023, pregledni znanstveni članek Povzetek: V prispevku kritično ovrednotim osnovne predpostavke fenomenološke interpretacije znanstvene revolucije v delih Edmunda Husserla in Martina Heideggra. Ob razkritju nasprotij med intelektualnimi vodili antične teorije števil in mešanih znanosti, na eni strani, ter novoveške algebre in mehanike, na drugi strani, izpostavim vlogo novonastalega simbolnega mišljenja, ki jo omenjena fenomenologa zanemarjata kot posledico, in ne kot vzrok, znanstvene revolucije. Z mislijo Jacoba Kleina nato oblikujem alternativno razumevanje znanstvenega mišljenja, ki v ospredje postavi t. i. simbolno delujočo abstrakcijo matematično-fizikalnih pojmov. Ti se ob zaprtju v lastne strukturne odnose oddaljijo od neposrednih materialnih interpretacij in s tem omogočijo kompleksnejše mišljenje izvora znanstvenih idealizacij. Slednje izpeljem v tesni navezavi na pojem simbolnega vedênja pri Mauriceu Merleau-Pontyju in obenem izoblikujem nastavek za teorijo utelešene znanstvene zaznave. Ključne besede: fenomenologija znanosti, idealizacija, simbolizacija Objavljeno v DiRROS: 23.10.2024; Ogledov: 118; Prenosov: 28 Celotno besedilo (469,20 KB) |
500. Is Causality Admissible in Phenomenology? : A Corrective to Edmund Husserl’s IdeaIgor W. Kirsberg, 2023, strokovni članek Povzetek: The article rejects the traditional limitation of causality in phenomenology and attempts to demonstrate the mistakes in Edmund Husserl’s arguments for such an understanding, which limited natural causality to the empirical world and confused both natural as well as motivational causality with logical and psychological connections. The specificity of causality is stressed, in order to clarify the main structures of pure consciousness—thought, feeling, and will—as well as to elucidate the mutual irreducibility of connections and interactions between them. Thus, phenomenology altogether can be outlined as being compatible with scientific discipline. Ključne besede: phenomenology, causality, science, difference between thought and feeling Objavljeno v DiRROS: 23.10.2024; Ogledov: 141; Prenosov: 42 Celotno besedilo (281,46 KB) |