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Zoantharians (Hexacorallia: Zoantharia) associated with cold-water corals in the Azores Region: new species and associations in the deep sea
Marina Carreiro-Silva, Oscar Ocaňa, David Stanković, ĺris Sampaio, Filipe M. Porteiro, Marie-Claire Fabri, Sergio Stefanni, 2017, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Zoantharians are a group of cnidarians that are often found in association with marine invertebrates, including corals, in shallow and deep-sea environments. However, little is known about deep-sea zoantharian taxonomy, specificity and nature of their associations with their coral hosts. In this study, analyses of molecular data (mtDNA COI, 16S, and 12S rDNA) coupled with ecological and morphological characteristics were used to examine zoantharian specimens associated with cold-water corals (CWC) at depths between 110 and 800 m from seamounts and island slopes in the Azores region. The zoantharians examined were found living in association with stylasterids, antipatharians and octocorals. From the collected specimens, four new species were identified: (1) Epizoanthus martinsae sp. n. associated with the antipatharian Leiopathes sp.; (2) Parazoanthus aliceae sp. n. associated with the stylasterid Errina dabneyi (Pourtalès, 1871); (3) Zibrowius alberti sp. n. associated with octocorals of the family Primnoidae [Paracalyptrophora josephinae (Lindström, 1877)] and the family Plexauridae (Dentomuricea aff. meteor Grasshoff, 1977); (4) Hurlizoanthus hirondelleae sp. n. associated with the primnoid octocoral Candidella imbricata (Johnson, 1862). In addition, based on newly collected material, morphological and molecular data and phylogenic reconstruction, the zoantharian Isozoanthus primnoidus Carreiro-Silva, Braga-Henriques, Sampaio, de Matos, Porteiro & Ocaña, 2011, associated with the primnoid octocoral Callogorgia verticillata (Pallas, 1766), was reclassified as Zibrowius primnoidus comb. nov. The zoantharians, Z. primnoidus comb. nov., Z. alberti sp. n., and H. hirondelleae sp. n. associated with octocorals showed evidence of a parasitic relationship, where the zoantharian progressively eliminates gorgonian tissue and uses the gorgonian axis for structure and support, and coral sclerites for protection. In contrast, the zoantharian P. aliceae sp. n. associated with the stylasterid E. dabneyi and the zoantharian E. martinsae sp. n. associated with the antipatharian Leiopathes sp., appear to use the coral host only as support with no visible damage to the host. The monophyly of octocoral-associated zoantharians suggests that substrate specificity is tightly linked to the evolution of zoantharians.
Ključne besede: antipatharians, octocorals, Azores, gorgonians, molecular taxonomy, phylogeny, stylasterids
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 24.07.2024; Ogledov: 249; Prenosov: 171
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Gozdar pred svojim časom - pomemben zbornik, posvečen prof. dr. Boštjanu Anku
Zarika Snoj Verbovšek, 2024, recenzija, prikaz knjige, kritika

Ključne besede: ocene in poročila
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 24.07.2024; Ogledov: 268; Prenosov: 57
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Filling the gaps in diagnostics of Pepino mosaic virus and Potato spindle tuber viroid in water and tomato seeds and leaves
Nataša Mehle, Polona Kogovšek, Nejc Rački, Tjaša Jakomin, Ion Gutiérrez-Aguirre, Petra Kramberger, Maja Ravnikar, 2017, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Waterborne and seedborne Pepino mosaic virus (PepMV) and Potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd) pose serious threats to tomato production due to seed transmission and mechanical transmission, coupled with their long-term stability outside the host plant. Therefore, rapid and sensitive diagnostic procedures are needed to prevent the spread of these quarantine pathogens. In particular, water and seed contamination are difficult to detect and confirm without efficient concentration methods. This study presents procedures that improve detection of PSTVd from tomato seeds and leaf tissue, and PepMV from water and tomato leaf tissue. For efficient concentration of PepMV from water samples, a procedure was optimized using convective interaction media monolithic chromatography columns, which provides concentration by three orders of magnitude. For concentration of PSTVd from seed extracts, an easy-to-use and efficient method was developed based on RNA binding to positively charged anion-exchange resin beads that provides up to 100-fold more sensitive detection in comparison with procedures without a concentration step. This thus allows confirmation of RT-qPCR results with sequencing of RT-PCR products in samples with low viroid levels. In addition, reverse-transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification assays for detection of PSTVd and PepMV were optimized and adapted to both laboratory and on-site testing requirements. This allows rapid detection of these pathogens in crude leaf homogenates, in under 30 min. These procedures of concentration and detection are shown to be efficient and to fill the gaps in diagnostics of PepMV and PSTVd, especially when these pathogens are present at low levels in difficult matrices such as water and seeds.
Ključne besede: PSTVd, PepMV, seeds, water, concentration, loop-mediated isothermal amplification
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 24.07.2024; Ogledov: 319; Prenosov: 139
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Seminar in delavnica iz varstva gozdov 2024
Simon Zidar, Nikica Ogris, Andrej Držaj, 2024, poljudni članek

Ključne besede: varstvo gozdov
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 24.07.2024; Ogledov: 270; Prenosov: 6
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1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate oxidase induction in tomato flower pedicel phloem and abscission related processes are differentially sensitive to ethylene
Marko Chersicola, Aleš Kladnik, Magda Tušek-Žnidarič, Tanja Mrak, Kristina Gruden, Marina Dermastia, 2017, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Ethylene has impact on several physiological plant processes, including abscission, during which plants shed both their vegetative and reproductive organs. Cell separation and programmed cell death are involved in abscission, and these have also been correlated with ethylene action. However, the detailed spatiotemporal pattern of the molecular events during abscission remains unknown. We examined the expression of two tomato ACO genes, LeACO1, and LeACO4 that encode the last enzyme in ethylene biosynthesis, 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate oxidase (ACO), together with the expression of other abscission-associated genes involved in cell separation and programmed cell death, during a period of 0–12 h after abscission induction in the tomato flower pedicel abscission zone and nearby tissues. In addition, we determined their localization in specific cell layers of the flower pedicel abscission zone and nearby tissues obtained by laser microdissection before and 8 h after abscission induction. The expression of both ACO genes was localized to the vascular tissues in the pedicel. While LeACO4 was more uniformly expressed in all examined cell layers, the main expression site of LeACO1 was in cell layers just outside the abscission zone in its proximal and distal part. We showed that after abscission induction, ACO1 protein was synthesized in phloem companion cells, in which it was localized mainly in the cytoplasm. Samples were additionally treated with 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP), a competitive inhibitor of ethylene actions, and analyzed 8 h after abscission induction. Cell-layer-specific changes in gene expression were observed together with the specific localization and ethylene sensitivity of the hallmarks of cell separation and programmed cell death. While treatment with 1-MCP prevented separation of cells through inhibition of the expression of polygalacturonases, which are the key enzymes involved in degradation of the middle lamella, this had less impact on the occurrence of different kinds of membrane vesicles and abscission-related programmed cell death. In the flower pedicel abscission zone, the physical progressions of cell separation and programmed cell death are perpendicular to each other and start in the vascular tissues.
Ključne besede: abscission, ACO, cell separation, ethylene, laser microdissection, programmed cell death, tomato, ultrastructure
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 24.07.2024; Ogledov: 237; Prenosov: 279
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Na gozdne učne poti po novo znanje in sprostitev
Tina Dolenc, 2024, poljudni članek

Ključne besede: gozdne poti, učne poti, gozdne učne poti, učni gozdovi, Slovenija
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 24.07.2024; Ogledov: 262; Prenosov: 5
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Mesenchymal stem cells differentially affect the invasion of distinct glioblastoma cell lines
Barbara Breznik, Helena Motaln, Miloš Vittori, Ana Rotter, Tamara Lah Turnšek, 2017, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Glioblastoma multiforme are an aggressive form of brain tumors that are characterized by distinct invasion of single glioblastoma cells, which infiltrate the brain parenchyma. This appears to be stimulated by the communication between cancer and stromal cells. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are part of the glioblastoma microenvironment, and their ‘cross-talk’ with glioblastoma cells is still poorly understood. Here, we examined the effects of bone marrow-derived MSCs on two different established glioblastoma cell lines U87 and U373. We focused on mutual effects of direct MSC/glioblastoma contact on cellular invasion in three-dimensional invasion assays in vitro and in a zebrafish embryo model in vivo. This is the first demonstration of glioblastoma cell-type-specific responses to MSCs in direct glioblastoma co-cultures, where MSCs inhibited the invasion of U87 cells and enhanced the invasion of U373. Inversely, direct cross-talk between MSCs and both of glioblastoma cell lines enhanced MSC motility. MSC-enhanced invasion of U373 cells was assisted by overexpression of proteases cathepsin B, calpain1, uPA/uPAR, MMP-2, -9 and -14, and increased activities of some of these proteases, as determined by the effects of their selective inhibitors on invasion. In contrast, these proteases had no effect on U87 cell invasion under MSC co-culturing. Finally, we identified differentially expressed genes, in U87 and U373 cells that could explain different response of these cell lines to MSCs. In conclusion, we demonstrated that MSC/glioblastoma cross-talk is different in the two glioblastoma cell phenotypes, which contributes to tumor heterogeneity.
Ključne besede: glioblastoma multiforme, proteases, mesenchymal stem cells, tumor heterogeneity, zebrafish model
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 24.07.2024; Ogledov: 269; Prenosov: 175
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Pridobivanje in uporaba ekstraktivov iz lesa in drevesne skorje
Primož Oven, Ida Poljanšek, Urša Osolnik, Viljem Vek, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Ekstraktivi so nizkomolekularne spojine, ki so v vseh rastlinskih tkivih, tudi v lesu in drevesni skorji. V drevesu imajo pomembne ekološke in fiziološke funkcije, obenem pa predstavljajo bioosnovane proizvode z visoko dodano vrednostjo, ki jih je mogoče pridobivati tudi iz lesa slabše kakovosti in biomasnih ostankov gozdnih lesnih verig. V prispevku bomo ekstraktive razvrstili, pojasnili, kakšna je kakovostna in količinska spremenljivost po posameznih tkivih izbranih drevesnih vrst, predstavili bomo načine pridobivanja in področja uporabe. Ocenjujemo, da je pridobivanje ekstraktivov dokaj enostaven tehnološki postopek, ki bi bil v obliki manjše biorafinerije izvedljiv v lokalnih okoljih, kjer so na voljo zadostne količine lesne biomase.
Ključne besede: les, skorja, ekstraktivi, kaskadna raba, biorafinacija
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 24.07.2024; Ogledov: 272; Prenosov: 62
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