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Indicated domination game
Boštjan Brešar, Csilla Bujtás, Vesna Iršič, Douglas F. Rall, Zsolt Tuza, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Motivated by the success of domination games and by a variation of the coloring game called the indicated coloring game, we introduce a version of domination games called the indicated domination game. It is played on an arbitrary graph $G$ by two players, Dominator and Staller, where Dominator wants to finish the game in as few rounds as possible while Staller wants just the opposite. In each round, Dominator indicates a vertex $u$ of $G$ that has not been dominated by previous selections of Staller, which, by the rules of the game, forces Staller to select a vertex in the closed neighborhood of $u$. The game is finished when all vertices of $G$ become dominated by the vertices selected by Staller. Assuming that both players are playing optimally according to their goals, the number of selected vertices during the game is the indicated domination number, $\gamma_{\rm i}(G)$, of $G$. We prove several bounds on the indicated domination number expressed in terms of other graph invariants. In particular, we find a place of the new graph invariant in the well-known domination chain, by showing that $\gamma_{\rm i}(G)\ge \Gamma(G)$ for all graphs $G$, and by showing that the indicated domination number is incomparable with the game domination number and also with the upper irredundance number. In connection with the trivial upper bound $\gamma_{\rm i}(G)\le n(G)-\delta(G)$, we characterize the class of graphs $G$ attaining the bound provided that $n(G)\ge 2\delta(G)+2$. We prove that in trees, split graphs and grids the indicated domination number equals the independence number. We also find a formula for the indicated domination number of powers of paths, from which we derive that there exist graphs in which the indicated domination number is arbitrarily larger than the upper irredundance number. We provide some partial results supporting the statement that $\gamma_{\rm i}(G)=n(G)/2$ if $G$ is a cubic bipartite graph, and leave this as an open question.
Ključne besede: domination game, indicated coloring, independence number, upper domination number
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 16.05.2024; Ogledov: 492; Prenosov: 324
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Quantitative aspects of ToF-SIMS analysis of metals and alloys in a UHV, O2 and H2 atmosphere
Jernej Ekar, Saša Kos, Janez Kovač, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Although secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) is a versatile method used in the fields of surface analysis, depth profiling and elemental and molecular mapping, it also lacks quantification capabilities. The main reason for this is the matrix effect, which influences the ionization yield of secondary ions with respect to the substrate from which the analyzed compounds originate. There are several approaches to reduce the matrix effect, and gas flooding is one of the easiest methods to apply. In this work, we have investigated the possibilities of the ToF-SIMS method for the quantification of selected metals and alloys containing these metals in different ratios by reducing the matrix effect in the presence of different atmospheres. The measurements were performed in the ultra-high vacuum (UHV) environment, H2 and O2 atmospheres. H2 flooding shows the most significant improvements compared to the UHV analysis, while O2 is also promising but has some limitations. Improvements are most evident for the transition metals Ti, Cr, Fe, Co and Ni employed in our study, while the p-block elements such as Al and Si do not change so extensively. The deviations from the true atomic ratios of selected transition metals in different alloys reach a maximum of only 46 % when analyzed in the H2 atmosphere. In contrast, these values are 66 and 228 % for the O2 atmosphere and UHV environment, respectively. Our results suggest that gas adsorption and consequent formation of a new matrix on the surface, especially in the case of hydrogen, reduces the differences between the different chemical environments and electronic structures of the surface. In this way, the quantitative aspects of the SIMS method can be improved.
Ključne besede: ToF-SIMS quantification, H2 and O2 gas flooding, matrix effect reduction, cluster secondary ions
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 15.05.2024; Ogledov: 414; Prenosov: 256
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Microplastics in groundwater: pathways, occurrence, and monitoring challenges
Elvira Colmenarejo Calero, Manca Kovač Viršek, Nina Mali, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Microplastics (MPs), defined as plastic particles measuring less than 5 mm, are considered an emerging pollutant. Their presence in the water cycle and their interaction with ecological processes pose a significant environmental threat. As groundwater (GW) represents the primary source of drinking water, monitoring MPs in GW and investigating their potential sources and pathways is of urgent importance. This article offers a comprehensive overview of the primary contamination pathways of MPs from surface water, seawater, and soil into the GW. Moreover, it presents an examination of the occurrence of MPs in GW and identifies the challenges associated with their monitoring in GW. This study also discusses the difficulties associated with comparing research results related to MPs in GW, as well as indicating the need for implementing standardised techniques for their sampling and detection. On the basis of our experience and the literature review, we highlight the importance of understanding the specific hydrogeological and hydrogeographic conditions, collecting representative samples, using sampling devices with comparable specifications and comparable laboratory techniques for MP identification, and preventing contamination at all stages of the monitoring process. This review offers valuable insights and practical guidelines on how to improve the reliability and comparability of results between studies monitoring MPs in GW.
Ključne besede: microplastics, groundwater, sampling, monitoring, aquifer, borehole
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 15.05.2024; Ogledov: 419; Prenosov: 261
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Poljub z dihom : filozofska teologija ljubečega srečanja
Lenart Škof, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Članek se ukvarja s premišljevanjem logike božanske ljubezni v budističnih tantrah, krščanski mistiki ter sodobni zahodni filozofiji religije in filozofski teologiji. Osnovna teza članka je, da vse omenjene tematizacije ljubezni povezuje arhaična povezanost popolnega in enotnega para, ki je bila izgubljena z razvitjem prvih plasti bivanja. Iskanje te izgubljene enosti para se v prvem delu izvaja z obravnavo budističnih tantričnih spisov, ki jim sledijo krščanski mistični spisi. V okviru krščanskega pojmovanja se opiramo na Jakoba Böhmeja in Franza von Baaderja ter njuno eksplikacijo logike izvornega para in poljuba z dihom. V drugem delu se pomaknemo za korak naprej v smeri filozofije in teologije ljubezni kot bližine in intimnosti v okviru misli Ludwiga Feuerbacha in Luce Irigaray. V tem delu tudi kritično premišljujemo o heteronormativni logiki teologije ljubezni. Eksplikacija ljubezni Feuerbacha in Irigaray nas nazadnje vodi v tretji del, v katerem se v navezavi na Catherine Keller sprašujemo o možnostih povezave filozofije ljubezni in kvantne prepletenosti. Prispevek sklenemo z meditacijo o bližini para in dvojine.
Ključne besede: filozofska teologija, poljub z dihom, ljubezen, filozofija diha, dvojina, tantra, Franz von Baader, Ludwig Feuerbach, Catherine Keller
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 14.05.2024; Ogledov: 398; Prenosov: 353
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Elementalne politike v škodo zanikanih kultur : primorsko naravoverstvo
Cirila Toplak, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Skrivna zgodovinska kontrakultura domnevno predkrščanskih naravovercev v zahodni Sloveniji je bila globoko duhovno povezana z zrakom, vodo, ognjem in prstjo, temelji njihovega življenjskega sveta. V 20. stoletju so politični procesi v prostoru, kjer so naravoverci na skrivaj preživeli med nestrpnimi kristjani, močno preoblikovali njihove elementalne prakse in pripeljali do razpada njihove skupnosti. Gradnja železnice še v času avstro-ogrske je uničila najpomembnejše naravoversko svetišče. Prva svetovna vojna je zaradi topniškega obstreljevanja na soški fronti povzročila tolikšno preobremenitev prsti s kovinami, da je propadel sistem naravoverskih prostorskih triad – tročanov –, ki so zagotavljali rodovitnost zemlje in varnost skupnosti. V času medvojne okupacije Primorske je fašistična italijanska oblast prepovedala kurjenje kresov in tako preprečila najpomembnejše naravoverske skupne obrede. Italijanska oblast je zgradila tudi prve hidroelektrarne in jezove, ki so oskrunili sveto reko Sočo. Intenzivna industrializacija in ekstraktivizem v obdobju socialistične Jugoslavije po letu 1945 sta povzročila nadaljnje onesnaženje zraka, vode in prsti ter usodno predrugačila naravo, ki so jo naravoverci strahospoštljivo častili kot božanstvo. Elementarna degradacija zaradi »razvoja« in »napredka« na Primorskem v 20. stoletju tako ni imela neposrednega vpliva le na naravo, temveč tudi na zanikano, od narave neločljivo in odvisno kulturo. Naravoverci zaradi prikrivanja niso imeli možnosti za zaščito dragocenega elementalnega skupnega dobrega. Do konca 20. stoletja so bili elementalni temelji njihove kulture nepovratno izgubljeni in s tem tudi primorsko naravoverstvo.
Ključne besede: elementalna politika, naravoverstvo, Primorska, naravni elementi, zgodovina
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 14.05.2024; Ogledov: 452; Prenosov: 197
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Listening to the breath, chanting the word : the two breaths in María Zambrano’s Clearings of the forest
Raquel Ferrández, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Clearings of the Forest (Claros del Bosque, 1977), one of the most poetic and chal-lenging works of María Zambrano’s thought, cannot be approached from a breath-less paradigm. For the immersion in these clearings take us into the breathing of being that we contemplate alongside the more obvious physiological breathing, the breathing of life. In this work, Zambrano proposes a poetic and mystical phe-nomenology of the breathing of being through the breathing of its word. Thus, to recover contact with this inner breathing could be to recover the lost chant of the word. This essay does not pretend to be a detailed analysis of Zambrano’s thought as a whole, nor of the vibrant mystery that her clearings reveal. The purpose is to uncover the fundamental role that breathing plays in this poetic-philosophical journey, along with other symbols such as light or love, with the question of what place this type of philosophical exercise occupies today in the classrooms of con-temporary universities.
Ključne besede: poetic reason, María Zambrano, being, love, Unamuno, Ortega, respiration
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 14.05.2024; Ogledov: 435; Prenosov: 323
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On stifling a transcendental breath : an Italian contribution to the philosophy of breathing
Michael Lewis, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: The article contends that respiratory philosophy has, thus far, laid predominant stress upon the empirical form of breathing, as opposed to the transcendental; or at least it has used breath precisely as an occasion to elide or deconstruct this very opposition. Breath is then conceived primarily as material, bodily, and natural: as binding us together with the animals and with all living things.and yet this apparently benign ecological gesture is not without its deleterious side-effects: by contrasting this gesture with a more humanistic and transcendental conception of breath, inspired by Giorgio agamben’s work on the voice, we might begin to gain some clarity as to the jarring contrast that sprang up between the friendly valorisation of a shared con-spiration that has characterised this young philosophy up to now, and the intense, even violent, hostility to the breath of the other which the developed world exhibited from at least 2020 to 2022.We consider whether an overly empiricistic conception of breath and of the human might have played a part in this reversal of values. In conclusion, the article urges upon us a certain turn towards the transcendental form of the breath, and indeed to a certain human exceptionalism in this regard.
Ključne besede: Agamben, language, voice, breath, animal, human, humanism, transcendental, empirical, masks, stifling, identity, invisibility, virus, pandemic
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 14.05.2024; Ogledov: 492; Prenosov: 308
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New “inspirations” in philosophical anthropology
Pier Francesco Corvino, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: This paper aims to endow the contamination of ecological wisdom with human and political ecology by outlining the basic features of a renewed philosophical an-thropology. With this purpose, the concept of human nature is investigated here, using an ecological, eco-critical and integral framework, known as “inspiratory.” The key concept of this framework is to be found in the seemingly antiquated notion of temperament, which will be archeologically recovered and philosophi-cally enhanced.
Ključne besede: inspiration, temperament, breath, talent, character, ecological wisdom
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 14.05.2024; Ogledov: 356; Prenosov: 271
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The somaesthetics of heaviness and Hara in Zen Buddhist meditation
Geoffrey Ashton, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Breath is a grounding phenomenon present in many forms of Buddhist medi-tation. In traditional Buddhist meditations (including ānāpānasati and vipassanā), the practitioner observes the breath, surveys various physical and mental phenom-ena, and from there realizes that suffering (duḥkha) is not ultimately binding (and along the way, they may experience the nonduality of body and mind). Similarly, the seated meditation practice (zazen) deployed by Rinzai Zen begins with atten-tion to breath, refines one’s attention to psycho-physical sensations, and fosters a realization of mind-body unity that enables the practitioner to face duḥkha. But this form of Zen recasts the respiratory philosophy of early Buddhism in some important respects. This paper explores how these adaptations take place in terms of an explicitly somaesthetic orientation. Emphasizing the postural form of the body, the capacity to sense the pull of gravity, and the performance of breathing from the hara (lower belly), zazen seeks to awaken the somatic body by transform-ing the weight of suffering into nondual, vital energy.
Ključne besede: zazen, duḥkha, gravity, grief, somaesthetics, hara, breathing
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 14.05.2024; Ogledov: 385; Prenosov: 281
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Accelerated drought-induced resilience decline across European forests
Allan Buras, Benjamin Meyer, Konstantin Gregor, Lucia Layritz, Jernej Jevšenak, Christian Zang, Anja Rammig, 2024, objavljeni povzetek znanstvenega prispevka na konferenci

Ključne besede: Europe, drought, forest, Europe
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 14.05.2024; Ogledov: 490; Prenosov: 275
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