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Frequency of physical activity-related injuries among adolescents : an umbrella review
Kerrtu Toivo, Peter Bakalár, Mari Leppänen, Jari Parkkari, Ensar Abazović, Boštjan Šimunič, Kaja Teraž, Marta Malinowska-Cieślik, Jaroslava Kopčáková, Aurel Zelko, Agnieszka Michalska, Dagmar Sigmundova, Rado Pišot, Armin Paravlić, 2025, pregledni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Objectives: The aim of this umbrella review was to investigate the frequency of physical activity-related injuries (PARI) among adolescents. Our secondary objective was to describe the available reviews of injuries in three settings: organized sports, leisure time physical activity (PA), and school physical education (PE). Methods: We conducted an overview of reviews consistent with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement guidelines on the frequency of physical activity related injuries in adolescents. Results: We identified 19 systematic reviews with at least moderate quality to include in the review. We were not able to pool data from reviews and conduct meta-analysis due to heterogeneity of injury definitions, exposure times, and sample demographics. All reviews included studies of injuries sustained in organized sports, and injury incidence was higher during matches than training. No systematic reviews were found focusing on leisure time or school-based PA injuries. Conclusion: High-quality research is essential to understand the frequency of various types of physical activity related injuries among adolescents in organized sports, PE, and leisure time activities to develop more effective prevention strategies.
Ključne besede: physical activity-related injuries, sports injuries, adolescence, frequency, prevalence, incidence
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 22.01.2025; Ogledov: 137; Prenosov: 85
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Perceptions of Ukrainian and other refugees among eighth-graders in Slovenia : characteristics of students towards inclusion of refugee students in mainstream schools
Eva Klemenčič Mirazchiyski, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: There is a lack of empirical data on the school-age population’s attitudes toward refugees. Despite this, the attention being paid to the integration of refugee students in schools worldwide is increasing. Objectives: First, the present study aims to explore the attitudes of eighth-grade students in Slovenia regarding refugees and to investigate whether there are differences in their attitudes based on the geographical areas from where refugees originate. Second, the study also explores the connections between attitudes and some characteristics of students. Methods: The present study is quantitative; sample: 3466 respondents (representative sample; year 2022). Descriptive statistics and binary logistic regression are used. Results: Most of the students would be willing to help refugees coming from any country. The students are least willing to help refugees from Syria and Afghanistan or Africa. A high proportion of students express fears about what refugees bring, though these fears are varied. Logistic regression shows that civic knowledge and positive attitudes towards immigrants are significantly and negatively related to students’ opinion that refugee children should study in separate schools, while student socio-economic status (SES) and own immigration status are not. Conclusions: The results call for different approaches to be maintained/introduced in schools for tolerance and reducing prejudices for (certain) groups of immigrants/refugees.
Ključne besede: refugee students, Ukrainian refugees, attitudes, integration into mainstream schools, eighth-grade students, Slovenia
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 22.01.2025; Ogledov: 132; Prenosov: 78
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2nd Scientific Conference Corporate Social Responsibility, as the Responsibility of Directors in Euromediterranean Region, in Current and Future Green and Digital Transformation : Koper, Slovenia, 26 September 2024
2024, druge monografije in druga zaključena dela

Povzetek: On September 26, 2024, the Law Institute of the Science and Research Centre Koper (ZRS Koper), in cooperation with the EMUNI University and IRDO – Institute for the Development of Social Responsibility, organized the 2nd scientific conference entitled “Corporate Social Responsibility as the Responsibility of Directors in the Euro-Mediterranean Region, in the Current and Future Green and Digital Transformation”. The conference was held at the Centre for Humanities of the ZRS Koper, Kreljeva 6, Koper, and is part of the research project entitled CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF DIRECTORS (ARIS: J5-4582). Slovenian and foreign lecturers discussed various topics in the field of sustainability management and social responsibility in both, the public and private sectors. Particular emphasis has been placed on due diligence and accountability of directors and boards in this regard. The practices of voluntary and legislative commitments to introduce sustainability into business were presented, as well as international comparisons of business and legislative practices in India, the USA and Norway. The authors of the scientific articles presented the transnational aspects of ESG (environmental, social, governance) and the impact of EU sustainable legislation on the policy and legislation of different countries. They discussed how sustainability should be successfully managed by managers in an innovative sustainable socially responsible society and what should be the profile of a successful manager in this area. The incentives of the Slovenian Ministry of Economy, Tourism and Sport for the circular economy and green transition, as well as corporate security, ethics, artificial intelligence management and reporting in the context of sustainability and corporate social responsibility, were presented.
Ključne besede: zborniki, elektronske knjige
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 21.01.2025; Ogledov: 143; Prenosov: 102
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Use of marginal and recycled fills for GRS structures
Stanislav Lenart, Siva Ram Karumanchi, 2024, objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci

Povzetek: Marginal and recycled fills are increasingly being utilized in geosynthetic reinforced soil (GRS) structures like retaining walls and bridge abutments due to their cost- effectiveness and sustainability. Marginal fills, including locally available soils with less desirable engineering properties, can be used when properly engineered with geosynthetics to enhance strength and stability. Recycled fills, such as recycled concrete, asphalt, various ashes have been proved already as an eco-friendly alternative to conventional aggregates. However, these practices involve thorough characterization and testing of marginal and recycled fills to ensure their suitability for specific applications. Advanced geotechnical analyses, including laboratory tests and numerical modeling, help determine the optimal blend of materials and reinforcement for achieving desired performance criteria. Experiences with the use of residues from deinking paper industry and river debris as backfill material are presented. Time effect on the compaction and deformation characteristics as well as the impact of high basicity of backfill material have been considered.
Ključne besede: soil reinforcement, reinforced fill structures, GRS abutments, residues from paper industry, river debris
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 21.01.2025; Ogledov: 147; Prenosov: 70
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The impact of a thermal insulation layer on the seismic performance of energy-efficient buildings
Stanislav Lenart, Siva Ram Karumanchi, 2024, objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci

Povzetek: Energy-efficient homes are constructed with a continuous and uniform thermal envelope and are commonly built on top of a thermal insulation (TI) layer that encloses the entire building. Lightweight aggregates such as foamed glass aggregate, expanded clay aggregate, and extruded polystyrene (XPS) insulation boards are commonly used as materials for the TI layer to prevent thermal bridging at the ground floor slab. However, the reinforced concrete slab foundation above the TI layer is susceptible to horizontal sliding during seismic loading. To improve the seismic behavior of buildings founded on TI layers, this study discussed the shear stiffness and damping characteristics of lightweight aggregates and three types of XPS boards through laboratory tests available in the literature. A 2-dimensional numerical analysis is performed, and the corresponding validation results of the simulations are presented. The effect of TI layers on the seismic performance of buildings constructed with TI layers made from these materials is assessed. A comparative analysis of various interface conditions of the TI materials under seismic loading is also conducted. Overall, this research aims to enhance the resilience and sustainability of energy-efficient homes by investigating the impact of TI layers on their seismic performance. The findings provide valuable insights for designing more robust structures that can withstand seismic events.
Ključne besede: energy-efficient buildings, thermal insulation, extruded polystyrene (XPS), finite element analysis, foamed glass aggregate, seismic response
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 21.01.2025; Ogledov: 117; Prenosov: 59
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Numerical evaluation of suction effects and groundwater table variations on long-term pavement subgrade performance
Siva Ram Karumanchi, Anirban Mandal, Stanislav Lenart, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Over the past few decades, flexible pavements across the globe have seen a significant reduction in their service life due to climate changes. The flexible pavements with unsaturated sub- grades undergo volumetric changes during the drying and wetting phases, affecting their long-term deformation behavior. These phases cause significant variations in matric suction and groundwater table depth. This study employs a coupled pore pressure-deformation analysis on flexible pavements to investigate the impact of groundwater table depth and suction variations in unsaturated subgrades. Finite-element simulations using the Abaqus and developed USDFLD code were validated against literature data. Sensitivity analysis was conducted by varying the suctions in subgrades during drying and subsequent wetting to evaluate the groundwater table depth. Furthermore, under heavy cyclic wheel loading, pavement-deformation analysis was conducted to investigate the influence of subgrade suction. The findings demonstrate that, after an initial drying phase at 5000 kPa suction, wetting over 180 days caused the groundwater level to rise from 5.45 m beneath the subgrade to the surface. This led to a 98% increase in surface-vertical deformations due to cyclic wheel loading after 180 days of wetting compared to the deformations during the drying phase at the same suction level. This assessment of groundwater-depth variations and long-term deformation behavior with the impact of suction improves the design and sustainability of flexible pavements.
Ključne besede: flexible pavement, unsaturated soil, suction, finite-element method
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 21.01.2025; Ogledov: 124; Prenosov: 82
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(Re)negotiating subjecthood : ritual communication between Istrian communities and Venice in the 15th century
Josip Banić, 2024, samostojni znanstveni sestavek ali poglavje v monografski publikaciji

Ključne besede: Istria, war, economic treaties, political history
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 21.01.2025; Ogledov: 120; Prenosov: 42
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Dominium quoad protectionem : Savez Dvigrada s Hugonom VIII. Devinskim iz 1386. godine
Josip Banić, 2021, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Autor priređuje i analizira neobjavljenu listinu, izdanu 1386. godine u Dvigradu, kojom je sklopljen savez između dvigradske komune, nominalno pod jurisdikcijom akvilejskih patrijarha, i Hugona VIII. Devinskog, kapetana susjedne Istarske grofovije, upravne regije pod vrhovnom vlašću kuće Habsburg. Ističući razne nedaće koje su pogodile Akvilejski patrijarhat i Markgrofoviju Istru tijekom zadnjih desetljeća 14. stoljeća, imenovanje je Hugona VIII. kao novoga advokata (tj. zaštitnika, lat. advocatus) Dvigrada interpretirano u svjetlu jurisdikcijskoga pluraliteta, poroznih granica istarskoga srednjovjekovlja i, najvažnije, recipročne naravi odnosa između gospodara i podanika. Autor zaključuje da je novoutemeljeni savez bio prvenstveno motiviran nemoći tadašnjih istarskih markgrofova da svojim podanicima pruže primjerenu vojnu zaštitu, pogotovo u kontekstu tradicionalnih graničnih sporova između podanika akvilejske Crkve s jedne i Istarske grofovije s druge strane. Štoviše, kako je Akvilejski patrijarhat potonuo u građanski rat, koji je suprotstavio promletački tabor na čelu s Udinama protiv propadovanskoga, koji su vodili de iure patrijarh Filip d’Alençon i Čedad, Hugon VIII. Devinski postao je jedan od najmoćnijih regionalnih vlastodržaca. Istovremeno, tadašnji istarski markgrof, Dujam od Castella, otvoreno je podržavao promletački front te mu je stoga zakoniti patrijarh d’Alençon osporavao legitimitet ureda; Hugon VIII., s druge strane, ostao je službeno neutralan u ovom sukobu, ali je prešutno podržavao propadovanski savez, postajući de facto neprijatelj istarskoga markgrofa Dujma, de iure gospodara Dvigrada. Upravo je u tom kontekstu neprijateljstva, krize i neizvjesnosti građanskoga rata dvigradska komuna, na čije su teritorije najvjerojatnije pljačkaški upadali podanici Pazinske knežije uz podršku samoga Hugona VIII., odlučila sklopiti savez sa svojim moćnim susjedom, preferirajući imenovati tadašnjega kapetana Pazina kao svojega službenog zaštitnika i plaćati mu godišnji danak (tj. reket), nego ostati vjerna nemoćnoj akvilejskoj Crkvi.
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 21.01.2025; Ogledov: 116; Prenosov: 38
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Najstariji spomen Kanfanara : filološka i diplomatička raščlamba Navodne darovnice patrijarha Ulrika I. dvigradskom gastaldu Vedellu (Kanfanar, 1096. godina)
Ante Matan, Josip Banić, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: U radu autori analiziraju navodnu ispravu koja donosi najstariji pisani spomen Kanfanara, datiranu u 1096. godinu,. Isprava je očuvana samo u formi regesta, koji je sastavio udinski humanist i javni bilježnik Antonio Belloni početkom XVI. stoljeća, prema kojoj akvilejski patrijarh daje svomu gastaldu u koncesiju područje navedeno kao Montesellum te luku u Limu zajedno s crkvom sv. Lovre. Po prvi se put predstavlja tekst prema najstarijem očuvanom rukopisu, uz primjeren kritički aparat i prijevod na hrvatski jezik. Filološki je dio analize pokazao brojne manjkavosti teksta te potvrdio da etimologija toponima Kanfanar tek treba pronaći svoje znanstveno i zadovoljavajuće rješenje. U diplomatičkom su dijelu analize u obzir uzeti svi dostupni relevantni izvori akvilejske i istarske provenijencije, koji su doveli do zaključka da regest pati od brojnih diplomatičkih i sadržajnih nedostataka te da je sama isprava sastavljena na temelju najmanju dvaju dokumenata, jednoga iz kancelarije porečkih biskupa i drugoga koji je izdao akvilejski patrijarh Ulrik I. Eppenstein. Rezultati su pokazali da je isprava u kojoj se prvi put spominje Kanfanar povijesni falsifikat nastao u kancelariji akvilejskoga patrijarha Rajmunda della Torrea u zadnjoj četvrtini XIII. stoljeća s ciljem da pobije jurisdikcijske pretenzije porečkih biskupa prema Dvigradu. Autori zaključuju da se u ispravi ocrtava jedna od epizoda stoljetnoga sukoba porečkoga biskupa i akvilejskoga patrijarha oko prava nad prostorom u trokutu koji čine Rovinj, Dvigrad i Bale.
Ključne besede: etimologija, diplomatika, Akvilejski patrijarhat, Porečka biskupija, Kanfanar, Dvigrad
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 21.01.2025; Ogledov: 109; Prenosov: 62
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Mletački podestati, plemenite čarobnice i motovunska komuna: kritike, ispravci i dopune knjizi Proces protiv Dilette [Motovun, 1271.] u prožimanju rimskog, kanonskog običajnog i mletačkog prava Dunje i Ivana Milotića (Pazin – Motovun: Državni arhiv u Pazinu – Općina Motovun, 2022.)
Josip Banić, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Autor se detaljno kritički osvrće na najnoviju monografiju Dunje i Ivana Milotića o procesu protiv čarobnice Dilekte vođenom u Motovunu 1271., pokazujući da djelo obiluje ozbiljnim tehničkim, faktografskim i interpretativnim pogreškama te metodološkim neispravnostima, što u potpunosti ruši veliku većinu izvedenih zaključaka. Nakon podrobnoga prikaza knjige, autor ispravlja brojne netočne navode i kritizira interpretativne postupke, posebice položaj i ulogu notara Bonaventure, jurisdikcijski položaj motovunske komune u odnosu na Akvilejski patrijarhat i Veneciju te pitanje sudskoga procesa sprovedenoga protiv Dilekte u Motovunu i protiv Tome Michiela u Veneciji. Na temelju historiografskih dostignuća te raščlambe relevant nih povijesnih vrela, kako onih objavljenih, tako i neobjavljenih, zaključuje se da: (1) Bonaventura nije bio notar s papinskom ovlašću koji se dolaskom mletačke vlasti našao u neizvjesnom položaju u Motovunu već da je riječ o notaru s carskom ovlasti koji je bio zaposlen kao kancelar motovunskoga podestata; (2) Motovun nije potpao pod de facto vlast Venecije 1271. već prvo i kratkotrajno 1276. te potom 1278., onako kako je to tumačila tradicionalna istarska historiografija; (3) oba procesa, kako onaj koji je Toma vodio protiv svoje žene Dilekte, tako i onaj koji su mletačke vlasti pokrenule protiv Tome, po svemu su se sudeći uredno odvila, iako o tome nisu sačuvani relevantni zapisnici zbog nesačuvanosti relevantnih arhivskih fondova. Stoga se u potpunosti rehabilitira autentičnost isprave Dilektina priznanja koju su Milotići u suštini proglasili fiktivnim originalom. Rad zatvaraju prilozi, dvije tablice i kritičke priredbe trinaest povijesnih vrela, osam relevantnih za mehanizme izbora podestata u istarskim komunama koje su priznavale svjetovnu vlast akvilejskih patrijarha i pet za slučaj pogubljene Dilekte.
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 21.01.2025; Ogledov: 112; Prenosov: 61
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