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Numerical heat transfer model for swelling intumescent coatings during heating
Andrea Lucherini, Juan P. Hidalgo, Jose L. Torero, Cristian Maluk, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: This research study presents a heat transfer model aimed at estimating the thermal and physical response of intumescent coatings. The numerical model is inspired by the outcomes of an experimental study focused on analysing the insulating effectiveness of a commercial intumescent coating for a range of heating conditions and initial coating thickness. The model solves the one-dimensional heat conduction problem using the finite-difference Crank-Nicolson method, and it assumes that the effectiveness of intumescent coatings is mainly dependent on their ability to develop swelled porous char. The coating swelling is implemented in the model by adopting an approach based on expanding the mesh representing the physical domain in proximity to the substrate-coating interface. The model described herein offers researchers and engineers a tool to estimate the heat transfer of swelling intumescent coatings (i.e. in-depth thermal gradient). Outcomes of the analysis shown herein demonstrate that the heat conduction within intumescent coatings is governed by the physical coating swelling and the thermal conditions at the coating-substrate interface. The numerical model shows that its accuracy is highly influenced by the coating thickness ahead of the reaction zone. Consequently, the coating swelling rate plays a key role, while the thermo-physical properties of the intumescent coating have a secondary effect. According to its assumptions, the model defines a quasi-steady-state thermal problem: it is more accurate for conditions close to steady-state (e.g. high heat fluxes), but it loses accuracy for cases characterised by transient phenomena (e.g. phases prior to the onset of swelling and low heat fluxes).
Ključne besede: intumescent coatings, heat transfer, numerical model, swelling, fire safety
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 08.01.2024; Ogledov: 333; Prenosov: 57
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A new approach towards a user-driven coastal climate service to enhance climate resilience in European cities
Roberta Paranunzio, Iulia Anton, Elisa Adirosi, Tasneem Ahmed, Luca Baldini, Carlo Brandini, Filippo Giannetti, Cécil J. W. Meulenberg, Alberto Ortolani, Francesco Pilla, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Coastal climate services play a crucial role in developing customised climate information for diverse end-users and stakeholders. To build climate-resilient societies, decision-makers should be empowered through easy access to powerful tools that enable timely adaptation to future and ongoing hazards. For this reason, fit-for-purpose climate services are needed to conduct accurate historical characterisation and projections for interpretative studies on climate- and water-related risks at the local coastal scale. The EU-funded SCORE project (Smart Control of Climate Resilience in European Coastal Cities) utilises climate and marine services for the development of smart technologies that support nature-based solutions to address specific concerns, including rising sea levels, coastal erosion, and coastal flooding due to extreme weather events. As part of the SCORE project, decision-makers will be able to address climate change-related coastal effects in their own cities through novel participatory approaches (Coastal City Living Labs—CCLLs). As part of this framework, this work (i) discusses the main requirements for the identification of fit-for-purpose coastal climate services for local-scale impact studies in European coastal cities based on CCLL requests and prior knowledge and (ii) provides relevant parameters and features that fulfil the users’ needs.
Ključne besede: ecosystem, ecosystem services, climate change adaptation, coastal climate service, urban areas, climate resilience, coastal hazards
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 05.01.2024; Ogledov: 411; Prenosov: 168
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Is there a place for pantheism in (post-)Christian ecofeminist reconstruction of the God/Goddess–world relationship
Nadja Furlan-Štante, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: This paper is an attempt to consider an alternative pluralist pantheism (Mary Jane Rubenstein) as the next step in the evolution of interpersonal, interspecies, and God–human–nature relationships and its possible realisation in (post-)Christian ecofeminism and its epistemology. It follows the methodology and epistemology of theological ecofeminism, which assumes that the oppression of women and the exploitation of nature stem from the same constellation of phenomena: patriarchal domination, dualistic anthropologies, and global hypercapitalism. Recognising that pantheism is a very complex phenomenon and should not be viewed as a single codified viewpoint, but rather as a diverse family of different doctrines, this paper understands pantheism primarily as the paradigm that asserts that everything is part of a divine unity consisting of an all-encompassing, manifested deity or God/Goddess. The paper first explains the pan-en-theistic turn in Christian ecofeminism as a tool for deconstructing the dominant Cartesian dualistic binaries and their symbolism and metanarratives, and as the first “safe” phase of transition from Christian anthropocentrism. From this standpoint, Grace M. Jantzen’s defense of pantheism as an alternative to transcendental theism is further explored as she argues that divinity is found “in” the physical and material world and nowhere else. The paper then moves to the second phase, proposed in the final part of the paper, on the possibility of the theoretical adoption of pluralist pantheism in (post-)Christian ecofeminist ecotheology. Here, the question of the “fear and horror of pantheism” in Western thought is discussed.
Ključne besede: ecofeminist theology, nature, pan-en-theism, pluralistic pantheism
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 05.01.2024; Ogledov: 513; Prenosov: 417
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Državni presejalni program za raka dojk Dora
Kristijana Hertl, Mateja Kurir-Borovčić, Katja Jarm, Katja Kovše, Miloš Vrhovec, 2023, objavljeni strokovni prispevek na konferenci

Ključne besede: rak dojk, državni programi, register raka
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 05.01.2024; Ogledov: 352; Prenosov: 100
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Klinični register raka dojk
Sonja Tomšič, 2023, objavljeni strokovni prispevek na konferenci

Ključne besede: rak dojk, državni programi, register raka
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 05.01.2024; Ogledov: 320; Prenosov: 69
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Epidemiologija raka dojk
Vesna Zadnik, Sonja Tomšič, 2023, objavljeni strokovni prispevek na konferenci

Ključne besede: rak dojk, epidemiologija, register raka
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 05.01.2024; Ogledov: 341; Prenosov: 84
.pdf Celotno besedilo (154,94 KB)

Spoznaj : objave v sklopu projekta
2023, ni določena

Povzetek: V okviru projekta Podpora pri uvajanju načel odprte znanosti v Sloveniji (SPOZNAJ), izbranega za financiranje na javnem razpisu Načrta za okrevanje in odpornost z naslovom Prilagoditev javnih raziskovalnih organizacij in Centralne tehniške knjižnice Univerze v Ljubljani za delo po načelih odprte znanosti, bodo Centralna tehniška knjižnica Univerze v Ljubljani in dvajset javnih raziskovalnih organizacij uskladili svoje delovanje z ReZrIS30, ZZrID in Uredbo o izvajanju znanstvenoraziskovalnega dela v skladu z načeli odprte znanosti, s čimer bo njihovo delovanje skladno z določili glede odprte znanosti v Evropskem raziskovalnem prostoru. Partnerji projekta bodo izvedli usposabljanja za različne deležnike odprte znanosti, specialistična izobraževanja za ravnanje s FAIR in odprto dostopnimi raziskovalnimi podatki, pripravili priročnik o odprti znanosti in vzpostavili podporo za odprto znanost v lastnih organizacijah.
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 05.01.2024; Ogledov: 391; Prenosov: 0
Gradivo je zbirka in zajema 3 gradiva!

3. limfomska šola, Ljubljana, oktober 2023
Marko Boc, 2023, druge monografije in druga zaključena dela

Objavljeno v DiRROS: 04.01.2024; Ogledov: 337; Prenosov: 167
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