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Post-radiation xerostomia therapy with allogeneic mesenchymal stromal stem cells in patients with head and neck cancer : study protocol for phase I clinical trial
Primož Strojan, Gaber Plavc, Marko Kokalj, Goran Mitrović, Olga Blatnik, Luka Ležaič, Aljaž Sočan, Aljoša Bavec, Nataša Tešić, Katrina Pretnar-Hartman, Urban Švajger, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Background: Xerostomia is a common side effect of radiotherapy in patients with head and neck tumors that negatively affects quality of life. There is no known effective standard treatment for xerostomia. Here, we present the study protocol used to evaluate the safety and preliminary efficacy of allogeneic mesenchymal stromal stem cells (MSCs) derived from umbilical cord tissue. Methods: Ten oropharyngeal cancer patients with post-radiation xerostomia and no evidence of disease recurrence 2 or more years after (chemo)irradiation (intervention group) and 10 healthy volunteers (control group) will be enrolled in this nonrandomized, open-label, phase I exploratory study. MSCs from umbilical cord tissue will be inserted under ultrasound guidance into both parotid glands and both submandibular glands of the patients. Toxicity of the procedure will be assessed according to CTCAE v5.0 criteria at days 0, 1, 5, 28, and 120. Efficacy will be assessed by measuring salivary flow and analyzing its composition, scintigraphic evaluation of MSC grafting, retention, and migration, and questionnaires measuring subjective xerostomia and quality of life. In addition, the radiological, functional, and morphological characteristics of the salivary tissue will be assessed before, at 4 weeks, and at 4 months after the procedure. In the control group subjects, only salivary flow rate and salivary composition will be determined. Discussion: The use of allogeneic MSCs from umbilical cord tissue represents an innovative approach for the treatment of xerostomia after radiation. Due to the noninvasive collection procedure, flexibility of cryobanking, and biological advantages, xerostomia therapy using allogeneic MSCs from umbilical cord tissue may have an advantage over other similar therapies.
Ključne besede: oropharyngeal cancer, xerostomia, mesenchymal stromal stem cells
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 26.07.2024; Ogledov: 452; Prenosov: 209
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Clinitrachus argentatus (Risso, 1810) (Perciformes: Clinidae) - a less known fish species in Slovenian coastal waters (Adriatic Sea)
Martina Orlando-Bonaca, Domen Trkov, 2016, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: The data regarding the occurrence of the Cline (Clinitrachus argentatus) in the Adriatic Sea are scarce, limited and sporadic. In the Slovenian sea only three specimens were observed in the past decades. The paper presents new findings of the species from 2013 to 2016, when some specimens were occasionally manually collected in shallow waters. Data about habitat preferences, depth range, total lengths and meristic counts are reported. The aim of the study is also to discuss the reasons for the underestimation of the occurrence of C. argentatus in the area.
Ključne besede: fishes, shallow waters, overlooked species, habitat preferences, Adriatic Sea
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 26.07.2024; Ogledov: 281; Prenosov: 156
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Is the Port of Koper an inhospitable environment for the settlement of non-indigenous macrophytes?
Martina Orlando-Bonaca, Ante Žuljević, Boris Antolić, 2016, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: The area of the Port of Koper was sampled for benthic macroalgae within the BALMAS project, in order to prepare an overview of native and non-indigenous species (NIS). In the mediolittoral and upper-infralittoral belts of the port area, 28 algal taxa were found (21 Rhodophyta, 6 Chlorophyta and 1 Ochrophyta). Only one algal NIS was identified, the tetrasporophyte of the red algae Asparagopsis armata. The species was found in low abundances only in autumn samples, collected in the lower mediolittoral and upper infralittoral belt. The aim of this paper is to discuss the limited presence and abundance of algal NIS in the area of the Port of Koper.
Ključne besede: Fucus virsoides, algae, occurrence, macrophytes, Port of Koper, Adriatic Sea
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 26.07.2024; Ogledov: 224; Prenosov: 131
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A record of porbeagle, Lamna nasus (Bonnaterre, 1788), in the Gulf of Trieste with discussion on its occurence in the Adriatic Sea
Lovrenc Lipej, Jernej Uhan, Borut Mavrič, Snježana Vujčić-Karlo, 2016, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: A juvenile male of porbeagle (Lamna nasus) was caught in waters off Piran (Slovenia, northern Adriatic) on December 22, 2015. The specimen was accurately measured and weighed. Cephalopods and fish remains were found in its stomach contents. This is the first record of a porbeagle in the waters of Slovenia and in the Gulf of Trieste, and one of the few records up to date reported in the northern Adriatic Sea. The presence of this juvenile specimen arises a question whether the Adriatic Sea is a reproductive ground of this species. According to an older record from 1910, a female porbeagle with four embryos was caught on Ugljan Island, confirming the fact that porbeagles reproduced at least in the past in the Adriatic Sea.
Ključne besede: sharks, lamnoid sharks, by-catch, occurrence, Adriatic Sea
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 26.07.2024; Ogledov: 248; Prenosov: 134
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The diet of the Mediterranean shag Phalacrocorax aristotelis desmarestii roosting along the Slovenian coast
Lovrenc Lipej, Borut Mavrič, Roberto Odorico, Urška Koce, 2016, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Five hundred pellets of the Mediterranean Shag Phalacrocorax aristotelis desmarestii were collected at three roost-sites along the Slovenian coast and analysed. The diet was characterized mostly by the dominance of bottom dwelling fish species of the appropriate size. The Black Goby Gobius niger was the most dominant prey and represented the Shag’s main prey in the studied area (IRI% = 64.0). The results of the study confirm that the Mediterranean Shag preys mainly on fish species which are without commercial value for local fisheries.
Ključne besede: piscivorous birds, occurrence, roosts, otoliths, Northern Adriatic
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 26.07.2024; Ogledov: 306; Prenosov: 146
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Modeling the ocean and atmosphere during an extreme bora event in northern Adriatic using one-way and two-way atmosphere-ocean coupling
Matjaž Ličer, Peter Smerkol, Anja Fettich, Michalis Ravdas, Alexandros Papapostolou, Anneta Mantziafou, Benedikt Strajnar, Jure Cedilnik, Maja Jeromel, Jure Jerman, Sašo Petan, Vlado Malačič, Sarantis Sofianos, 2016, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: We have studied the performances of (a) a two-way coupled atmosphere%ocean modeling system and (b) one-way coupled ocean model (forced by the atmosphere model), as compared to the available in situ measurements during and after a strong Adriatic bora wind event in February 2012, which led to extreme air%sea interactions. The simulations span the period between January and March 2012. The models used were ALADIN (Aire Limitée Adaptation dynamique Développement InterNational) (4.4 km resolution) on the atmosphere side and an Adriatic setup of Princeton ocean model (POM) (1%=30%1%=30 angular resolution) on the ocean side. The atmosphere%ocean coupling was implemented using the OASIS3-MCT model coupling toolkit. Two-way coupling ocean feedback to the atmosphere is limited to sea surface temperature. We have compared modeled atmosphere%ocean fluxes and sea temperatures from both setups to platform and CTD (conductivity, temperature, and depth) measurements from three locations in the northern Adriatic.We present objective verification of 2m atmosphere temperature forecasts using mean bias and standard deviation of errors scores from 23 meteorological stations in the eastern part of Italy. We show that turbulent fluxes from both setups differ up to 20° during the bora but not significantly before and after the event. When compared to observations, two-way coupling ocean temperatures exhibit a 4 times lower root mean square errors (RMSE) than those from one-way coupled system. Two-way coupling improves sensible heat fluxes at all stations but does not improve latent heat loss. The spatial average of the two-way coupled atmosphere component is up to 0.3 °C colder than the one-way coupled setup, which is an improvement for prognostic lead times up to 20 h. Daily spatial average of the standard deviation of air temperature errors shows 0.15 °C improvement in the case of coupled system compared to the uncoupled. Coupled and uncoupled circulations in the northern Adriatic are predominantly wind-driven and show no significant mesoscale differences.
Ključne besede: sea, marine water, numerical modeling, physical oceanography, dense water, bora wind, Adriatic sea, Mediterranean sea, Adriatic shelf
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 26.07.2024; Ogledov: 301; Prenosov: 184
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Transmembrane protein CD9 is glioblastoma biomarker, relevant for maintenance of glioblastoma stem cells
Neža Podergajs, Helena Motaln, Uroš Rajčević, Urška Verbovšek, Marjan Koršič, Nina Obad, Heidi Espedal, Miloš Vittori, Christel Herold-Mende, Hrvoje Miletic, Rolf Bjerkvig, Tamara Lah Turnšek, 2016, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: The cancer stem cell model suggests that glioblastomas contain a subpopulation of stem-like tumor cells that reproduce themselves to sustain tumor growth. Targeting these cells thus represents a novel treatment strategy and therefore more specific markers that characterize glioblastoma stem cells need to be identified. In the present study, we performed transcriptomic analysis of glioblastoma tissues compared to normal brain tissues revealing sensible up-regulation of CD9 gene. CD9 encodes the transmembrane protein tetraspanin which is involved in tumor cell invasion, apoptosis and resistance to chemotherapy. Using the public REMBRANDT database for brain tumors, we confirmed the prognostic value of CD9, whereby a more than two fold up-regulation correlates with shorter patient survival. We validated CD9 gene and protein expression showing selective up-regulation in glioblastoma stem cells isolated from primary biopsies and in primary organotypic glioblastoma spheroids as well as in U87-MG and U373 glioblastoma cell lines. In contrast, no or low CD9 gene expression was observed in normal human astrocytes, normal brain tissue and neural stem cells. CD9 silencing in three CD133+ glioblastoma cell lines (NCH644, NCH421k and NCH660h) led to decreased cell proliferation, survival, invasion, and self-renewal ability, and altered expression of the stem-cell markers CD133, nestin and SOX2. Moreover, CD9-silenced glioblastoma stem cells showed altered activation patterns of the Akt, MapK and Stat3 signaling transducers. Orthotopic xenotransplantation of CD9-silenced glioblastoma stem cells into nude rats promoted prolonged survival. Therefore, CD9 should be further evaluated as a target for glioblastoma treatment.
Ključne besede: biomarker, CD9, glioblastoma stem cells, neural stem cells, tetraspanin
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 26.07.2024; Ogledov: 271; Prenosov: 171
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Velikost populacije prepelice Coturnix coturnix na Ljubljanskem barju se je v dvajsetih letih zmanjšala za polovico, morda pa še za (bistveno?) več
Davorin Tome, Al Vrezec, Špela Ambrožič Ergaver, Andrej Kapla, 2016, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: In 2015, we used the same method as in the 1989-1996 period to count calling males of the Common Quail Coturnix coturnix in selected 1x1 km squares of Ljubljansko barje (central Slovenia). We counted 39 males, which is 87% less compared to the survey 20 years ago. Quails were found in 56% fewer squares. Since Quail populations are known to fluctuate greatly between years, we think that the most realistic long-term estimate for population decline would be somewhere between 50 to 90%. We detected that within only one week males stopped calling in some squares, while in others they began calling although they had not been detected there before, indicating possible relocations. This dynamics should be considered when designing a population monitoring protocol for the Quail.
Ključne besede: travniki, upad populacije, prepelica, Ljubljansko barje, monitoring
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 26.07.2024; Ogledov: 751; Prenosov: 121
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Obročkanje ptic v Sloveniji leta 2015 in pojav velikih krivokljunov Loxia pytyopsittacus
Al Vrezec, Dare Fekonja, 2016, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: In 2015, 170 bird species were recorded during bird ringing activities in Slovenia. We ringed 73,371 birds belonging to 162 species, there were 132 foreign recoveries of birds ringed in Slovenia, 120 recoveries of birds ringed abroad and found in Slovenia, as well as 1964 local recoveries. The most frequently ringed species were Blackcap Sylvia atricapilla and Great Tit Parus major. In ringed nestlings, Great Tits and Tree Sparrows Passer montanus predominated. In 2015, the first preliminary ringing of Scops Owls Otus scops during migration took place, resulting in the highest number of Scops Owls ringed so far. Concerning recoveries of birds ringed in Slovenia and later recorded abroad and birds ringed abroad and later recorded in Slovenia, the commonest were Mute Swans Cygnus olor and Black-headed Gulls Chroicocephalus ridibundus. The longest-distance recovery concerned a Reed Bunting Emberiza schoeniculus found in Sweden (2,144 km away). Among the interesting finds were also the first finds of ringed Pygmy Cormorants Microcarbo pygmeus so far from breeding sites in Hungary. Among rare species, Yellow-browed Warbler Phylloscopus inornatus, Spanish Sparrow Passer hispaniolensis and a pair of Parrot Crossbills Loxia pytyopsittacus were caught and ringed, the latter for the very first time in Slovenia after more than 100 years. An overview of records of the Parrot Crossbill is given herein, as well as analysis of irruptive years of the Red Crossbills Loxia curvirostra between 1980 and 2015, when the probability of boreal Crossbill species occurrence is the highest. According to the ringers’ data, the irruptive years of Red Crossbills in Slovenia were 1984, 1985, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011 and 2012. The article points to the probability that Parrot Crossbills have been overlooked in the past, since larger specimens of Crossbills were ringed mostly in irruptive years, but no specific bill measurements important for distinguishing between Parrot and Red Crossbill had been taken.
Ključne besede: obročkanje, najdbe, Slovenija, 2015, veliki krivokljun
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 26.07.2024; Ogledov: 307; Prenosov: 130
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Pregled pojavljanja močvirske uharice Asio flammeus v Sloveniji med letoma 1995 in 2015 ter verjetno gnezdenje v eruptivnem letu 2008
Al Vrezec, 2016, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Between 1995 and 2015 the number of records of Short-eared Owl Asio flammeus in Slovenia increased drastically, especially after 2007, but the species occurred regularly every year since 2002. Before that, the Short-eared Owl was regarded as a very rare migrant in Slovenia. Most of the observations were from wintering and migration periods, and the most important areas for the species in Slovenia were Ljubljansko barje, Lake Cerknica, surroundings of the water reservoir Medvedce and coastal wetlands. In 2008 and 2013 the Short-eared Owl occurred in large numbers, and these years were regarded as irruptive. Flocks of 2 to 8 birds were observed. At Ljubljansko barje, increased numbers of observed Short-eared Owls coincided with a large population of small mammals (species of the genus Apodemus and Microtus) and poor snow cover in 2008, and at least three communal roost sites were found that year. In the irruptive year 2013 there was a greater number of Short-eared Owls observed at the Medvedce water reservoir. On the plain at Lesce near the village of Smokuč an injured second year female was found at the end of March 2008 with a developing brood patch in its initial stage. It is likely that the female attempted to nest, which confirms the status of the species as occasional breeder in Slovenia. The last confirmed breeding in Slovenia was recorded in 1936 at Ljubljansko barje. In addition to local conditions (population of small mammals, snow cover) the frequency of occurrence of the Short-eared Owl in Slovenia is also affected by the population of development in the Boreal region and changes in migratory characteristics of the species in Europe. Therefore, an increase of the number of Short-eared Owls in Slovenia is expected in the future, as well as breeding attempts by this nomadic owl in seasons with high populations of small mammals and green winters, of course, if appropriate meadow habitat is still preserved.
Ključne besede: močvirska uharica, pojavljanje, gnezdenje, erupcija, Ljubljansko barje
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 26.07.2024; Ogledov: 251; Prenosov: 135
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