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Middle Triassic deeper-marine volcano-sedimentary successions in western Slovenia
Dragomir Skaberne, Jože Čar, Maja Pristavec, Boštjan Rožič, Luka Gale, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: A Ladinian – Carnian volcano-sedimentary succession from western Slovenia, paleogeographically belonging to the western Slovenian Basin, is presented in 17 sections. Except for the lowermost part, which is dominated by volcanics and volcaniclastics, most of the succession is dominated by shale, sandstone, and micritic limestone. Various authors use the name Pseudozilja and/or Amphiclina formation for this part, which is dominated by clastics, but they disagree on the differences between the formations. The lower Pseudozilja formation, represented by the Malenski Vrh section, comprises diabase, tuf and shale. No substantial differences in lithological composition have been observed between the upper Pseudoziljaformation and the Amphiclina formation, which are predominantly composed of shale, sandstone, and limestone. The shale and sandstone are largely composed of quartz, feldspar, and lithic grains (especially volcanics), which vary in proportions. Limestone varieties comprise hemipelagic limestones and resedimented carbonates deposited by gravity-flows. Deposition of the Ladinian – Carnian volcano-sedimentary succession took place on or near the continental slope that was generally inclined to the S, with the direction of transport mainly from N to S.
Ključne besede: stratigraphy, carbonate-siliciclastic deposits, Slovenian Basin, Middle Triassic, Ladinian, Carnian, Pseudozilja formation, Amphiclina formation
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 09.07.2024; Ogledov: 186; Prenosov: 89
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The biology and clinical potential of circulating tumor cells
Taja Ložar, Klara Geršak, Maja Čemažar, Cvetka Grašič-Kuhar, Tanja Jesenko, 2019, pregledni znanstveni članek

Ključne besede: circulating tumor cells, metastasis, liquid biopsy
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 05.07.2024; Ogledov: 255; Prenosov: 93
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Premalignant gastric lesions in patients included in National colorectal cancer screening
Bojan Tepeš, Maja Šeruga, Miroslav Vujasinović, Dejan Urlep, Liljana Ljepovic, Nataša Brglez Jurecic, Alenka Forte, Anita Kek-Ljubec, Miha Skvarč, 2018, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Background. Gastric cancer is the fifth most common malignancy in the world with almost one million new cases annually. Helicobacter pylori infection causes 89% of all gastric cancers. Premalignant lesions (atrophy and intestinal metaplasia) develop after several decades of inflammation. Secondary prevention with gastroscopy is possible, but it is costly and has a low compliance rate. Alternative procedures like serology testing for pepsinogen I and II and pepsinogen I/II ratio are available to select patients for surveillance gastroscopies. Patients and methods. In seven outpatient endoscopic units, 288 patients (154 men; 53.5%), average age 60.68 years, tested positive in National colorectal cancer screening programme SVIT, were included in the study. Gastropanel (BioHit, Finland) was used as a serologic biopsy method. Results. We found 24 patients (12 men, mean age 63.7 years) with pepsinogen (pepsinogen I/II < 3 and/or pepsinogen I < 30 %g/L). Premalignant changes were found on gastric biopsies in 21 patients (7.3% incidence). Operative Link on Gastric Intestinal Metaplasia Assessment (OLGIM) % 1 was found in 20 patients; Operative Link for Gastritis Assessment (OLGA) % 1 was found in 19 patients. Combined accuracy for preneoplastic lesions in Gastropanel positive patients was 87.5%. H. pylori seropositivity was found in 219 patients (76%). Only 24% of our population had normal results. Conclusions. Gastropanel test has proven to be a reliable non-invasive test for advanced gastric preneoplastic lesions that can select patients for further gastroscopy. We found high H. pylori seropositivity in older age groups in Slovenia.
Ključne besede: Helicobacter pylori, gastropanel, atrophy, Slovenia, intestinal metaplasia, gastric cancer, SVIT
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 02.07.2024; Ogledov: 287; Prenosov: 76
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Helicobacter pylori treatment results in Slovenia in the period 2013-2015 as a part of European Registry on Helicobacter pylori management
Bojan Tepeš, Marko Kastelic, Miroslav Vujasinović, Polona Lampic, Maja Šeruga, Nataša Brglez Jurecic, Olga Perez Nyssen, Maria G. Donday, Colm O'Morain, Francis Megraud, Adrian G. Mcnicholl, Javier P. Gisbert, 2018, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Background. Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is the most common chronic bacterial infection in the world affecting over 50% of the world%s population. H. pylori is a grade I carcinogen, responsible for the development of 89 % of noncardia gastric cancers. In the present study we analyzed the data for H. pylori eradication treatments in Slovenia. Patients and methods. Slovenia is a part of the European Registry on Helicobacter pylori Management from the beginning. In seven medical institutions data for H. pylori eradication treatments was collected for 1774 patients from April 16th 2013 to May 15th 2016. For further modified intention to treat (mITT) analysis 1519 patients were eligible and for per protocol (PP) analysis 1346 patients. Results. Patients% dropout was 11.4%. Eradication rate for 7 day triple therapy with proton pump inhibitor (PPI) + Clarithromycin (C) + Amoxicillin (A) was 88.7% PP and 72.0% mITT; for PPI + C + Metronidazole (M) 85.2% PP and 84.4% mITT. Second line 14 day therapy PPI + A + Levofloxacin had 92.3% eradication rate PP and 87.1% mITT. Ten to fourteen day Bismuth quadruple therapy was the therapy in difficult to treat patients. At the end all patients that adhered to prescribed regimens were cured of their H. pylori infection. Conclusions. High dropout rate deserves further analysis. Slovenia is still a country with < 15% H. pylori resistance to clarithromycin, triple therapy with PPI plus two antibiotics reaches PP eradication rate > 85%, but mITT eradication rates are suboptimal.
Ključne besede: Helicobacter pylori, eradication treatment, European Registry on Helicobacter pylori management, Slovenian results
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 02.07.2024; Ogledov: 297; Prenosov: 89
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Three-dimensional ultrasound evaluation of tongue posture and its impact on articulation disorders in preschool children with anterior open bite
Sanda Lah Kravanja, Irena Hočevar-Boltežar, Maja Marolt-Mušič, Ana Jarc, Ivan Verdenik, Maja Ovsenik, 2018, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Background. Tongue posture plays an important role in the etiology of anterior open bite (AOB) and articulation disorders, and is crucial for AOB treatment planning and posttreatment stability. Clinical assessment of tongue posture in children is unreliable due to anatomical limitations. The aim of the study was to present functional diagnostics using three-dimensional ultrasound (3DUS) assessment of resting tongue posture in comparison to clinical assessment, and the associations between the improper tongue posture, otorhinolaryngological characteristics, and articulation disorders in preschool children with AOB. Patients and methods. A cross-sectional study included 446 children, aged 3-7 years, 236 boys and 210 girls, ex- amined by an orthodontist to detect the prevalence of AOB. The AOB was present in 32 children. The control group consisted of 43 children randomly selected from the participants with normocclusion. An orthodontist, an ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialist and a speech therapist assessed orofacial and ENT conditions, oral habits, and articulation disorders in the AOB group and control group. Tongue posture was also assessed by an experienced radiologist, us- ing 3DUS. The 3DUS assessment of tongue posture was compared to the clinical assessment of orthodontist and ENT specialist. Results. The prevalence of AOB was 7.2%. The AOB group and the control group significantly differed regarding improper tongue posture (p < 0.001), and articulation disorders (p < 0.001). In children without articulation disorders from both groups, the improper tongue posture occured less frequently than in children with articulation disorders (p < 0.001). After age adjustment, a statistical regression model showed that the children with the improper tongue posture had higher odds ratios for the presence of AOB (OR 14.63; p < 0.001) than the others. When articulation disor- ders were included in the model, these odds ratios for the AOB became insignificant (p = 0.177). There was a strong association between the improper tongue posture and articulation disorders (p = 0.002). The 3DUS detected the high- est number of children with improper resting tongue posture, though there was no significant difference between the 3DUS and clinical assessments done by orthodontist and ENT specialist. Conclusions. The 3DUS has proved to be an objective, non-invasive, radiation free method for the assessment of tongue posture and could become an important tool in functional diagnostics and early rehabilitation in preschool children with speech irregularities and irregular tongue posture and malocclusion in order to enable optimal condi- tions for articulation development.
Ključne besede: anterior open bite, tongue posture, three-dimensional ultrasound
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 02.07.2024; Ogledov: 274; Prenosov: 135
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Evidence-based unification of potato gene models with the UniTato collaborative genome browser
Maja Zagorščak, Jan Zrimec, Carissa Bleker, Nadja Francesca Nolte, Mojca Juteršek, Živa Ramšak, Kristina Gruden, Marko Petek, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Potato (Solanum tuberosum) is the most popular tuber crop and a model organism. A variety of gene models for potato exist, and despite frequent updates, they are not unified. This hinders the comparison of gene models across versions, limits the ability to reuse experimental data without significant re-analysis, and leads to missing or wrongly annotated genes. Here, we unify the recent potato double monoploid v4 and v6 gene models by developing an automated merging protocol, resulting in a Unified poTato genome model (UniTato). We subsequently established an Apollo genome browser ( that enables public access to UniTato and further community-based curation. We demonstrate how the UniTato resource can help resolve problems with missing or misplaced genes and can be used to update or consolidate a wider set of gene models or genome information. The automated protocol, genome annotation files, and a comprehensive translation table are provided at
Ključne besede: bioinformatics analysis, plant genome annotation, gene model annotations, Phureja group, GFF files, poTato genome model, UniTato
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 11.06.2024; Ogledov: 253; Prenosov: 261
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