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Ocena pridobljenih let življenja v populacijskih presejalnih programih za raka
Vesna Zadnik, Maja Pohar Perme, Tina Žagar, Bor Vratanar, Katja Jarm, Katarina Lokar, Maja Jurtela, Sonja Tomšič, 2024, strokovni članek

Povzetek: Zaradi možnih negativnih zdravstvenih posledic presejalnih programov in velikih sredstev, vloženih vanje, je pomembno spremljati njihovo učinkovitost. Umrljivost v ciljni populaciji je eden od kazalnikov, ki služi za prikaz dolgoročne učinkovitosti organiziranih populacijskih presejalnih programov – po 10 do 20 letih se pričakuje padec umrljivosti v ciljni populaciji za 20 % do 30 %. Ena od glavnih omejitev kazalnika umrljivosti je, predvsem pri rakih z dobrim preživetjem, da pokaže učinkovitost presejanja šele v daljšem časovnem obdobju. Mnogokrat se zato za oceno učinkovitosti populacijskih presejalnih programov za raka uporablja analiza preživetja, pri kateri so rezultati dostopni prej. Tudi analiza preživetja ima svoje omejitve, saj se lahko v rezultate prikradejo številne pristranosti (npr. pristranost časa trajanja, prednosti in prediagnosticiranja). Nedavno smo slovenski raziskovalci predlagali nov analitični pristop, ki omogoča primerjavo preživetja pri rakih, ki so oz. niso odkriti v presejalnem programu, z upoštevanjem vseh pomembnih pristranosti. Izračunana preživetja so osnova za izračun pridobljenih let življenja, to je mere, ki izraža dodatno število let življenja, ki bi jih osebe preživele zaradi vključitve v presejalni program.V testnem primeru smo ocenili učinke uvedbe Državnega prese-jalnega program za raka dojk DOR A, ki smo ga prvim prebival-kam ponudili leta 2008, na celotno populacijo pa je bil razširjen leta 2018. Ženske, ki so bile povabljene v program DOR A v obdobju 2008–2018, so do leta 2022 pridobile skupaj 90,6 leta življenja, če bi bile v program DOR A že od leta 2008 vključene vse ženske, pa bi pridobile 552,7 leta življenja. Z vsakim dodatnim letom opazovanja, ko posamezne ženske od vključitve v program DOR A preživijo, se seštevek pridobljenih let življenja poveča.Nova metoda bo v pomoč pri upravljanju obstoječih presejalnih programov za raka, njihovi promociji in vrednotenju učinkov pri spremembah presejalnih politik.
Ključne besede: presejalni programi, kakovost, register raka
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 26.07.2024; Ogledov: 229; Prenosov: 130
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DNAqua-Net : developing new genetic tools for bioassessment and monitoring of aquatic ecosystems in Europe
Florian Leese, Tina Eleršek, Cene Fišer, Ana Rotter, Bojana Žegura, Irena Maček, 2016, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: The protection, preservation and restoration of aquatic ecosystems and their functions are of global importance. For European states it became legally binding mainly through the EU-Water Framework Directive (WFD). In order to assess the ecological status of a given water body, aquatic biodiversity data are obtained and compared to a reference water body. The quantified mismatch obtained determines the extent of potential management actions. The current approach to biodiversity assessment is based on morpho-taxonomy. This approach has many drawbacks such as being time consuming, limited in temporal and spatial resolution, and error-prone due to the varying individual taxonomic expertise of the analysts. Novel genomic tools can overcome many of the aforementioned problems and could complement or even replace traditional bioassessment. Yet, a plethora of approaches are independently developed in different institutions, thereby hampering any concerted routine application. The goal of this Action is to nucleate a group of researchers across disciplines with the task to identify gold-standard genomic tools and novel eco-genomic indices for routine application in biodiversity assessments of European fresh- and marine water bodies. Furthermore, DNAqua-Net will provide a platform for training of the next generation of European researchers preparing them for the new technologies. Jointly with water managers, politicians, and other stakeholders, the group will develop a conceptual framework for the standard application of eco-genomic tools as part of legally binding assessments.
Ključne besede: aquatic ecosystems, biodiversity, monitoring, genomic tools
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 25.07.2024; Ogledov: 216; Prenosov: 105
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Enhanced detection of pathogenic enteric viruses in coastal marine environment by concentration using methacrylate monolithic chromatographic supports paired with quantitative PCR
Mukundh Narayanan Balasubramanian, Nejc Rački, José Gonçalves, Katarina Kovač, Magda Tušek-Žnidarič, Valentina Turk, Maja Ravnikar, Ion Gutiérrez-Aguirre, 2016, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Currently, around 50% of the world's population lives in towns and cities within 100 km of the coast. Monitoring of viruses that are frequently present in contaminated coastal environments, such as rotavirus (RoV) and norovirus (NoV), which are also the major cause of human viral gastroenteritis, is essential to ensure the safe use of these water bodies. Since exposure to as few as 10–100 particles of RoV or NoV may induce gastrointestinal disease, there is a need to develop a rapid and sensitive diagnostic method for their detection in coastal water samples. In this study, we evaluate the application of methacrylate monolithic chromatographic columns, commercially available as convective interaction media (CIM®), to concentrate pathogenic enteric viruses from saline water samples prior to virus quantification by one-step reverse transcription quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR). Using RoV and NoV as model enteric viruses, we present our results on the most effective viral concentration conditions from saline water matrices using butyl (C4) hydrophobic interaction monolithic support (CIM® C4). C4 monolithic columns exhibit a good capacity to bind both RoV and NoV and both viruses can be eluted in a single step. Our protocol using a 1 ml C4 column enables processing of 400 ml saline water samples in less than 60 min and increases the sensitivity of RoV and NoV detection by approximately 50-fold and 10-fold respectively. The protocol was also scaled up using larger capacity 8 ml C4 columns to process 4000 ml of seawater samples with concentration factors of 300-fold for RoV and 40-fold for NoV, without any significant increase in processing time. Furthermore, C4 monolithic columns were adapted for field use in an on-site application of RoV concentration from seawater samples with performance equivalent to that of the reference laboratory setup. Overall, the results from successful deployment of CIM C4 columns for concentration of rotavirus and norovirus in seawater samples reiterate the utility of monolithic supports as efficient, scalable and modular preparative tools for processing environmental water samples to enhance viral detection using molecular methods.
Ključne besede: rotavirus, norovirus, seawater, fecal contamination, qPCR, sewage
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 25.07.2024; Ogledov: 226; Prenosov: 127
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Use of hydrodynamic cavitation in (waste)water treatment
Matevž Dular, Tjaša Griessler Bulc, Ion Gutiérrez-Aguirre, Ester Heath, Tina Kosjek, Aleksandra Krivograd-Klemenčič, Martina Oder, Martin Petkovšek, Nejc Rački, Maja Ravnikar, Andrej Šarc, Brane Širok, Mojca Zupanc, Miha Žitnik, Boris Kompare, 2016, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: The use of acoustic cavitation for water and wastewater treatment (cleaning) is a well known procedure. Yet, the use of hydrodynamic cavitation as a sole technique or in combination with other techniques such as ultrasound has only recently been suggested and employed. In the first part of this paper a general overview of techniques that employ hydrodynamic cavitation for cleaning of water and wastewater is presented. In the second part of the paper the focus is on our own most recent work using hydrodynamic cavitation for removal of pharmaceuticals (clofibric acid, ibuprofen, ketoprofen, naproxen, diclofenac, carbamazepine), toxic cyanobacteria (Microcystis aeruginosa), green microalgae (Chlorella vulgaris), bacteria (Legionella pneumophila) and viruses (Rotavirus) from water and wastewater. As will be shown, hydrodynamic cavitation, like acoustic, can manifest itself in many different forms each having its own distinctive properties and mechanisms. This was until now neglected, which eventually led to poor performance of the technique. We will show that a different type of hydrodynamic cavitation (different removal mechanism) is required for successful removal of different pollutants. The path to use hydrodynamic cavitation as a routine water cleaning method is still long, but recent results have already shown great potential for optimisation, which could lead to a low energy tool for water and wastewater cleaning.
Ključne besede: wastewater, cleaning, hydrodynamic cavitation, pharmaceuticals, cyanobacteria, microalgae, viruses, Legionella bacteria
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 25.07.2024; Ogledov: 193; Prenosov: 96
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ADC values as a biomarker of fetal brain maturation
Lucija Kobal, Katarina Šurlan Popović, Jernej Avsenik, Tina Vipotnik-Vesnaver, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Background. During the period of fetal development, myelination plays a key role and follows specific time and spa-tial sequences. The water content in the brain is inversely proportional to myelination – the more myelinated the brain, the lower the water content in it. The diffusion of water molecules can be quantitatively assessed using the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC). We were interested in whether, by determining the ADC values, we could quantitatively evaluate the development of the fetal brain. Patients and methods. The study included 42 fetuses with gestational age 25 to 35 weeks. We manually selected 13 regions on diffusion-weighted images. Statistically significant differences between ADC values were checked using one-way analysis of variance and Tukey’s post hoc test. The relationship between the ADC values and the gestational age of the fetuses was then assessed using linear regression. Results. The average gestational age of the fetuses was 29.8 ± 2.4 weeks. ADC values in the thalami, pons and cerebellum differed significantly among each other and from the ADC values in other brain regions. In the thalami, pons and cerebellum, linear regression showed a significant decrease in ADC values with increasing gestational age. Conclusions. ADC values change with the increasing gestational age of the fetus and differ among different brain regions. In the pons, cerebellum and thalami, the ADC coefficient could be used as a biomarker of fetal brain matura-tion since ADC values decrease linearly with increasing gestational age.
Ključne besede: myelination, fetal brain maturation, ADC, biomarker, diffusion-weighted imaging, diffusion
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 25.07.2024; Ogledov: 217; Prenosov: 166
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Newly isolated bacteriophages from the Podoviridae, Siphoviridae, and Myoviridae families have variable effects on putative novel Dickeya spp.
Špela Alič, Tina Mikuletič, Magda Tušek-Žnidarič, Maja Ravnikar, Nejc Rački, Matjaž Peterka, Tanja Dreo, 2017, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Soft rot pathogenic bacteria from the genus Dickeya cause severe economic losses in orchid nurseries worldwide, and there is no effective control currently available. In the last decade, the genus Dickeya has undergone multiple changes as multiple new taxa have been described, and just recently a new putative Dickeya species was reported. This study reports the isolation of three bacteriophages active against putative novel Dickeya spp. isolates from commercially produced infected orchids that show variable host-range profiles. Bacteriophages were isolated through enrichment from Dickeya-infected orchid tissue. Convective interaction media monolith chromatography was used to isolate bacteriophages from wastewaters, demonstrating its suitability for the isolation of infective bacteriophages from natural sources. Based on bacteriophage morphology, all isolated bacteriophages were classified as being in the order Caudovirales, belonging to three different families, Podoviridae, Myoviridae, and Siphoviridae. The presence of three different groups of bacteriophages was confirmed by analyzing the bacteriophage specificity of bacterial hosts, restriction fragment length polymorphism and plaque morphology. Bacteriophage BF25/12, the first reported Podoviridae bacteriophage effective against Dickeya spp., was selected for further characterization. Its genome sequence determined by next-generation sequencing showed limited similarity to other characterized Podoviridae bacteriophages. Interactions among the bacteriophages and Dickeya spp. were examined using transmission electron microscopy, which revealed degradation of electron-dense granules in response to bacteriophage infection in some Dickeya strains. The temperature stability of the chosen Podoviridae bacteriophage monitored over 1 year showed a substantial decrease in the survival of bacteriophages stored at -20∘C over longer periods. It showed susceptibility to low pH and UV radiation but was stable in neutral and alkaline pH. Furthermore, the stability of the tested bacteriophage was also connected to the incubation medium and bacteriophage concentration at certain pH values. Finally, the emergence of bacteriophage-resistant bacterial colonies is highly connected to the concentration of bacteriophages in the bacterial environment. This is the first report on bacteriophages against Dickeya from the Podoviridae family to expand on potential bacteriophages to include in bacteriophage cocktails as biocontrol agents. Some of these bacteriophage isolates also showed activity against Dickeya solani, an aggressive strain that causes the soft rot of potatoes, which indicates their broad potential as biocontrol agents.
Ključne besede: bacteriophages, genome sequencing, resistance development, convective interaction media monolith chromatography
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 25.07.2024; Ogledov: 234; Prenosov: 177
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Impact of the COVID-19 epidemic on cancer burden and cancer care in Slovenia : a follow-up study
Tina Žagar, Sonja Tomšič, Vesna Zadnik, Nika Bric, Mojca Birk, Blaž Vurzer, Ana Mihor, Katarina Lokar, Irena Oblak, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: In Slovenia, cancer care services were exempt from government decrees for COVID-19 containment. Nevertheless, cancer control can be impacted also by access to other health services and changes in health-seeking behaviour. In this follow up study, we explored changes in cancer burden and cancer care beyond the first months after the onset of the COVID-19 epidemic.Materials and methods. We analysed routinely collected data for the period January 2019 through July 2022 from three sources: (1) pathohistological and clinical practice cancer notifications from two major cancer centres in Ljubljana and Maribor (source: Slovenian Cancer Registry); (2) referrals issued for oncological services (source: e-referral system); and (3) outpatient appointments and diagnostic imaging performed (source: administrative data of the Institute of Oncology Ljubljana – IOL). Additionally, changes in certain clinical and demographic characteristics in patients diagnosed and treated during the epidemic were analysed using the Hospital-Based Cancer Registry of the IOL (period 2015–2021).Results. After a drop in referrals to follow-up cancer appointments in April 2020, in June-August 2020, there was an increase in referrals, but it did not make-up for the drop in the first wave; the numbers in 2021 and 2022 were even lower than 2020. Referrals to first cancer care appointments and genetic testing and counselling increased in 2021 compared to 2019 and in 2022 increased further by more than a quarter. First and follow-up outpatient appointments and cancer diagnostic imaging at the IOL dropped after the onset of the epidemic in March 2020 but were as high as expected according to 2019 baseline already in 2021. Some deficits remain for follow-up outpatients’ appointments in surgical and radiotherapy departments. There were more CT, MRI and PET scans performed during the COVID-19 period than before. New cancer diagnoses dropped in all observed years 2020, 2021 and until July 2022 by 6%, 3% and 8%, respectively, varying substantially by cancer type. The largest drop was seen in the 50−64 age group (almost 14% in 2020 and 16% in 2021), while for patients older than 80 years, the numbers were above expected according to the 2015–2019 average (4% in 2020, 8% in 2021).Conclusions. Our results show a varying effect of COVID-19 epidemic in Slovenia for different types of cancers and at different stages on the patient care pathway – it is probably a mixture of changes in health-seeking behaviour and systemic changes due to modifications in healthcare organisation on account of COVID-19. A general drop in new cancer cases reflects disruptions in the pre-diagnostic phase and could have profound long-term consequences on cancer burden indicators.
Ključne besede: cancer, covid-19, delay in diagnosis
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 25.07.2024; Ogledov: 215; Prenosov: 140
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Real-world outcomes, treatment patterns and T790M testing rates in non-small cell lung cancer patients treated with first-line first- or second-generation epidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitors from the Slovenian cohort of the REFLECT study
Nina Turnšek, Rok Devjak, Natalija Edelbaher, Ilonka Osrajnik, Mojca Unk, Dušanka Vidovič, Tina Jerič, Urška Janžič, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Background. Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) are effective treatments for EGFR mutation-positive (EGFRm) non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). However, routine clinical practice is different between countries/institutions. Patients and methods. The REFLECT study (NCT04031898) is a retrospective medical chart review that explored real-life treatment and outcomes of EGFRm NSCLC patients receiving first-line (1L) first-/second-generation (1G/2G) EGFR TKIs in 8 countries. This study included adult patients with documented advanced/metastatic EGFRm NSCLC with 1L 1G/2G EGFR TKIs initiated between Jan 2015 – Jun 2018. We reviewed data on clinical characteristics, treatments, EGFR/T790M testing patterns, and survival outcomes. Here, we report data from 120 medical charts in 3 study sites from Slovenia. Results. The Slovenian cohort (median age 70 years, 74% females) received 37% erlotinib, 32% afatinib, 31% gefitinib. At the time of data collection, 94 (78%) discontinuations of 1L TKI, and 89 (74%) progression events on 1L treatment were reported. Among patients progressing on 1L, 73 (82%) were tested for T790M mutation yielding 50 (68%) positive results, and 62 (85%) received 2L treatment. 82% of patients received osimertinib. Attrition rate between 1L and 2L was 10%. The median (95% CI) real-world progression free survival on 1L EGFR TKIs was 15.6 (12.6, 19.2) months; median overall survival (95% CI) was 28.9 (25.0, 34.3) months. Conclusions. This real-world study provides valuable information about 1G/2G EGFR TKIs treatment outcomes and attrition rates in Slovenian EGFRm NSCLC patients. The reduced attrition rate and improved survival outcomes empha-size the importance of 1L treatment decision.
Ključne besede: real-world study, non-small cell lung cancer, epidermal growth factor receptor, lung cancer
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 25.07.2024; Ogledov: 173; Prenosov: 78
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Na gozdne učne poti po novo znanje in sprostitev
Tina Dolenc, 2024, poljudni članek

Ključne besede: gozdne poti, učne poti, gozdne učne poti, učni gozdovi, Slovenija
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 24.07.2024; Ogledov: 232; Prenosov: 0
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