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Environmental footprint of external thermal insulation composite systems with different insulation types
Tajda Potrč Obrecht, Katja Malovrh Rebec, Friderik Knez, Roman Kunič, Andraž Legat, 2016, objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci

Povzetek: In terms of upcoming energy directive for Nearly Zero Energy Houses (nZEB), we are very much focused on building skin and its properties. Not only thermal characteristics and design, but also durability and environmental aspects should play a role, when deciding on which system will be implemented. External Thermal Insulation Composite Systems or ETICS are generally made of adhesive, insulation, render with mesh reinforcement, primer and finish coat. In the following case study we have presented a life cycle assessment (LCA) study of three ETICS with different types of insulation: expanded polystyrene (EPS), mineral wool and wood fiber board insulation. The study complies to the standard EN 15804:2012. It was conducted in the program Gabi using the Gabi Professional 2012 Database. The scope of the study is covering the production phase (raw material supply, transport to the factory, manufacturing). We have compared the functional unit of 1 sqm of the ETICS system with U-value 0.27 W/m2K taking into account different environmental impact categories. In the calculation the characterization factors proposed by Centre of Environmental Science (CML) at Leiden University were used. The comparison of ETICS shows the important impact of the insulation type used. Also there are some differences in the amount of other ETICS components applied, since changing the type of insulation affects the environmental footprint of the ETICS.
Ključne besede: ETICS, life cycle assessment, nearly zero energy house, insulition types
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 04.03.2025; Ogledov: 68; Prenosov: 28
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An international comparability study on quantification of mRNA gene expression ratios: CCQM-P103.1
Alison S. Devonshire, Tina Demšar, Jana Žel, Andrej Blejec, Mojca Milavec, 2016, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Measurement of RNA can be used to study and monitor a range of infectious and non-communicable diseases, with profiling of multiple gene expression mRNA transcripts being increasingly applied to cancer stratification and prognosis. An international comparison study (Consultative Committee for Amount of Substance (CCQM)-P103.1) was performed in order to evaluate the comparability of measurements of RNA copy number ratio for multiple gene targets between two samples. Six exogenous synthetic targets comprising of External RNA Control Consortium (ERCC) standards were measured alongside transcripts for three endogenous gene targets present in the background of human cell line RNA. The study was carried out under the auspices of the Nucleic Acids (formerly Bioanalysis) Working Group of the CCQM. It was coordinated by LGC (United Kingdom) with the support of National Institute of Standards and Technology (USA) and results were submitted from thirteen National Metrology Institutes and Designated Institutes. The majority of laboratories performed RNA measurements using RT-qPCR, with datasets also being submitted by two laboratories based on reverse transcription digital polymerase chain reaction and one laboratory using a next-generation sequencing method. In RT-qPCR analysis, the RNA copy number ratios between the two samples were quantified using either a standard curve or a relative quantification approach. In general, good agreement was observed between the reported results of ERCC RNA copy number ratio measurements. Measurements of the RNA copy number ratios for endogenous genes between the two samples were also consistent between the majority of laboratories. Some differences in the reported values and confidence intervals (‘measurement uncertainties’) were noted which may be attributable to choice of measurement method or quantification approach. This highlights the need for standardised practices for the calculation of fold change ratios and uncertainties in the area of gene expression profiling.
Ključne besede: RNA copy number ratio, RT-qPCR, gene expression, normalisation, standardisation, molecular diagnostic, transcriptomics, cancer, diagnostics, biomarker identification and validation
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 04.03.2025; Ogledov: 62; Prenosov: 28
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Experiences from in-situ monitoring of pavement under weather conditions change
Barbara Likar, Stanislav Lenart, Karmen Fifer Bizjak, Anh Minh Tang, 2016, objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci

Povzetek: Very strong winters with temperatures under 0°C and hot summers with temperatures more than 30°C are observed in the South East part of Slovenia. Those big differences in temperature during the year and especially temperatures below freezing point have strong influence on asphalt layer and sub base of road pavement. The freeze/thaw cycles lead to formation of ice lenses in base course causing cracks in asphalt layers and degrade the pavement usually in a few years. For this reason one section of the national road in the South East part of Slovenia was rebuilt with cold in-situ pavement retreatment. A test field with inbuilt sensors for measuring water content, temperature and deformation in various depths and locations was constructed during the remediation works to study the mechanism of freeze-thaw degradation of pavements. The main goal of the test field is to determine water content in sub base, freezing depth, temperature distribution and deformations, which lead to cracks in asphalt layer after the remediation work in the road construction.
Ključne besede: pavement, freezing, in-situ monitoring, climate effect
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 04.03.2025; Ogledov: 62; Prenosov: 32
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Some experience in numerical modelling of unsaturated slope instabilities
Josif Josifovski, Stanislav Lenart, 2016, objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci

Povzetek: In the past couple years, the region of South-East Europe is subjected to gust rainfall events activating many landslides which cause significant material and human losses. To revaluate the existing risk maps and set new standards some old case histories are revaluated. This paper presents two case histories of landslide instabilities subjected to excess climatic perturbations, gust rainfall, namely the «Stanjevci» cut-slope near the railway line in North-East of Slovenia; and the «Ramina» a natural landslide in urban area near the city of Veles in Central Macedonia. They are briefly described later to be analysed using coupled thermo-mechanical calculations. They are subjected to specific short and gusting rainfall considered as possible trigger. Hence, van Genuchten's hydraulic model is used in combination with elastoplastic material models. The results are summarized with critical comments regarding the mathematical formulation used to describe atmospheric-soil interaction and the influence of different aspects on the accuracy is discussed briefly.
Ključne besede: numerical, unsaturated soil, slope stability analysis, climate effect
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 04.03.2025; Ogledov: 60; Prenosov: 31
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Poročilo o vnosu podatkov v podatkovno zbirko Boletus informaticus za leto 2024 (obdobje 1. 3. 2024–28. 2. 2025)
Nikica Ogris, 2025, elaborat, predštudija, študija

Ključne besede: podatkovna zbirka, gliva, informacijski sistem, analiza, Boletus informaticus
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 03.03.2025; Ogledov: 64; Prenosov: 20
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Text Encoding Initiative (TEI), Oxygen
Andrej Pančur, 2024, ni določena

Ključne besede: Text Encoding Initiative, Oxygen, označevalni jeziki, orodja, humanistika
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 03.03.2025; Ogledov: 71; Prenosov: 12
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Simpozij o nodusih v ščitnici : elektronski zbornik znanstvenih prispevkov
2025, zbornik recenziranih znanstvenih prispevkov na domači konferenci

Objavljeno v DiRROS: 03.03.2025; Ogledov: 74; Prenosov: 20
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Slovenska raziskovalna infrastruktura za digitalno humanistiko DARIAH-SI
Andrej Pančur, 2024, ni določena

Ključne besede: DARIAH-SI, raziskovalne infrastrukture, digitalna humanistika
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 03.03.2025; Ogledov: 90; Prenosov: 19
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Standardizirane metapodatkovne sheme v družboslovju in humanistiki
Andrej Pančur, Irena Vipavc Brvar, 2024, ni določena

Ključne besede: metapodatki, raziskovalni podatki, humanistika, družboslovje
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 03.03.2025; Ogledov: 79; Prenosov: 12
.pptx Celotno besedilo (7,43 MB)

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