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Materiali in tehnologije
2000, not set

Abstract: Materiali in tehnologije (MIT) je mednarodna, recenzirana in odprtodostopna revija. Revija omogoča objave izvirnih znanstvenih člankov in preglednih člankov s področja kovinskih in anorganskih materialov, polimerov, nanomaterialov, metalurgije in vakuumske tehnike. Revija izhaja šestkrat letno v tiskani in elektronski obliki.
Keywords: materiali, metalurgija, kovine, zlitine, nanomateriali, polimeri
Published in DiRROS: 22.10.2024; Views: 344; Downloads: 245
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"The cause of our poverty is colonia." The colonate sistem in the County of Gorizia and Gradisca during the Austro-Hungarian empire
Robert Devetak, 2024, original scientific article

Published in DiRROS: 22.10.2024; Views: 228; Downloads: 771
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Analysis of the materials and painting techniques used in medieval mural paintings in Slovenia up to 1380
Anabelle Križnar, Katja Kavkler, Sabina Dolenec, 2024, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph

Keywords: medieval painting, murals, painting techniques, pigments
Published in DiRROS: 22.10.2024; Views: 252; Downloads: 176
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Animal life in the shallow subseafloor crust at deep-sea hydrothermal vents
Monika Bright, Sabine Gollner, André Luiz de Oliveira, Salvador Espada-Hinojosa, Avery Fulford, Tihomir Makovec, Tinkara Tinta, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: It was once believed that only microbes and viruses inhabited the subseafloor crust beneath hydrothermal vents. Yet, on the seafloor, animals like the giant tubeworm Riftia pachyptila thrive. Their larvae are thought to disperse in the water column, despite never being observed there. We hypothesized that these larvae travel through the subseafloor via vent fluids. In our exploration, lifting lobate lava shelves revealed adult tubeworms and other vent animals in subseafloor cavities. The discovery of vent endemic animals below the visible seafloor shows that the seafloor and subseafloor faunal communities are connected. The presence of adult tubeworms suggests larval dispersal through the recharge zone of the hydrothermal circulation system. Given that many of these animals are host to dense bacterial communities that oxidize reduced chemicals and fix carbon, the extension of animal habitats into the subseafloor has implications for local and regional geochemical flux measurements. These findings underscore the need for protecting vents, as the extent of these habitats has yet to be fully ascertained.
Keywords: subseafloor, hydrothermal vents, tubeworms, larvae, vent fluids, bacterial communities, geochemical flux, geochemistry, marine biology
Published in DiRROS: 22.10.2024; Views: 247; Downloads: 1003
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Die Nähe zu den Dingen : Zum philosophischen Werk Günter Figals
Damir Barbarić, 2024, professional article

Published in DiRROS: 21.10.2024; Views: 238; Downloads: 53
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Gespräch mit Bernhard Waldenfels
2024, polemic, discussion, commentary

Published in DiRROS: 21.10.2024; Views: 234; Downloads: 57
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O vojni nihilizma
Dean Komel, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: Gotovo nas danes vsaj nekoliko osupne in zgrozi, da je retorika vojne postala samoumevna in uživa tudi precejšno, če ne kar izdatno, javno podporo, ki je seveda lahko tudi politično dirigirana. Prav tako pa smo zaprepaščeni nad nasilnimi vojnimi razmerami, ki naj bi bile – po sicer široko bolj ali manj vsiljenem prepričanju – sramotne za človeštvo v 21. stoletju. Pričujoči prispevek se ne ukvarja z ugotavljanjem nihilističnih implikacij in komplikacij današnjih vojnih spopadov, ki so bolj ali manj vidne, najsi se jih skuša še tako potajiti, marveč razgrinja vršenje vojne nihilizma, ki v prvi vrsti nihilizira sámo bistvo človeka in briše horizont sveta. Vojna nihilizma, čeprav vidno grozi z vsesplošnim izničenjem in uničenjem, ni neposredno razvidna kot moč čez vse in vendar za nič. Ta nerazvidnost ima manipulativen značaj, spričo katerega se proti vojni nihilizma ni mogoče mobilizirati, ker sama izvaja »totalno mobilizacijo« v službi opolnomočenja čiste moči, se pravi moči, ki je v svoji domnevni »brezvolji« dovolj močna, da noče nič, predvsem pa nič bistvenega
Keywords: vojna, nihilizem, moč, bit, človeško bitje
Published in DiRROS: 21.10.2024; Views: 245; Downloads: 70
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The End of the Political Subject : Wars without Revolutions
Tonči Valentić, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: The article reflects on Alain Badiou’s philosophy of the subject as a powerful resource in rethinking the link between philosophy and politics. It argues that there is a significant gap between power and governance as “management” without the true subject of politics as such. Modern politics must, therefore, constantly constitute the reasons for the existence of this subject, although it, like society and state, already disappeared with the advent of the post-imperial sovereignty or appears as a relic of the historical deterioration of the meaning of democracy. One of the main goals of the present paper is to inquire whether Badiou’s manifestos of thinking politics apart from the structural normatives actually mean that there are still potentials for the advent of “the revolutionary event” or do we today live in a world of “wars without revolutions”; the latter would suggest that politics has been left without a subject, and society without a substance, which is why the logic of absolute control is at work as the total mobilization of transcendent and immanent power.
Keywords: political subject, event, sovereignty, Alain Badiou
Published in DiRROS: 21.10.2024; Views: 254; Downloads: 62
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Vprašanje epohalnega obrata : Ob članku Ivana Urbančiča »Jugoslovanska ‚nacionalistična kriza‘ in Slovenci v perspektivi konca nacije«
Luka Hrovat, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: S pomočjo hermenevtično-fenomenološke analize poskušamo v pričujoči študiji prikazati kompleksnost Urbančičevih filozofskih pojmov, objavljenih v članku z naslovom »Jugoslovanska ‚nacionalistična kriza‘ in Slovenci v perspektivi konca nacije«, ki je bil vključen v Prispevke za slovenski nacionalni program znotraj prelomne 57. številke Nove revije. V središče postavljamo Urbančičevo filozofsko misel, izhajajočo iz tega konca kot epohalnega preobrata, za katerega je značilen razhod z novoveško paradigmo subjektnega kot avtomatičega, avtonomnega, samovzpostavitvenega, samodoločujočega in samoodločujočega. Ta razhod ali sestop v kibernetiko dandanes ni niti jasen niti očiten, marveč ostaja zastrt, zakrit in neviden. Zadrževanje pri Urbančičevem mišljenju epohalnega obrata tako v samem jedru problema izpostavlja situacijo prebivanja, na podlagi katere v zadnjem delu članka skušamo okarakterizirati, kako se takšen zastrti epohalni obrat tudi mišljenjsko, se pravi filozofsko, izkazuje.
Keywords: Urbančič, narod, kibernetika, informacija, filozofija
Published in DiRROS: 21.10.2024; Views: 269; Downloads: 59
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Nurturing the Ecosoma : Immune System and Impersonal (Dis)Cognition
Maxim Miroshnichenko, 2024, review article

Abstract: The article reexamines the immune system as a cognitive entity within an enactivism framework and the 4EA approach, emphasizing embodied, embedded, extended, enactive, and affective cognition. Based on a comparative and conceptualanalytic method, this text contests the mainstream implications of immunology. Challenging the conventional linear immunity model, which simplifies antigens as inputs and antibodies as outputs, the paper proposes a hypothesis where the immune system, through eigenbehavior, creates virtual selves and endogenous “molecular worlds” influenced by environmental factors. This perspective shifts the view of immunity from a reactive, militaristic model to a more nuanced, “peace-loving” system engaged in adaptive interactions with its environment. The study culminates in analyzing multiple chemical sensitivities as instances of discognition, demonstrating how an organism-centric view of immunology highlights the deep interdependence between humans and their surroundings.
Keywords: immunity, enactivism, eigenbehavior, inhuman cognition, multiple chemical sensitivity
Published in DiRROS: 21.10.2024; Views: 220; Downloads: 62
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