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Carbon flux and environmental parameters data from an eddy covariance tower in a mid-succession ecosystem developed on abandoned karst grassland in Slovenia (2012-2019)
Koffi Dodji Noumonvi, Klemen Eler, Dominik Vodnik, Primož Simončič, Mitja Ferlan, 2021, complete scientific database of research data

Abstract: This data set was used to estimate carbon fluxes by comparing eddy covariance tower (Long = 13.916701, Lat = 45.543491) measurements with vegetation indices based estimates.
Keywords: eddy covariance, GPP, NEE, empirical model, LUE model, vegetation photosynthesis model, vegetation indices
Published in DiRROS: 21.02.2022; Views: 849; Downloads: 663
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Primerjava različnih regresijskih modelov za napovedovanje debelinskega priraščanja jelke
Andrej Ficko, Vasilije Trifković, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: V prispevku na primeru jelke predstavljamo sedem regresijskih modelov za modeliranje priraščanja dreves s podatki periodičnih meritev na stalnih vzorčnih ploskvah. Poleg polinomske regresije, modela z dodanim šumom in mešanega linearnega modela, predstavljamo regresijo z naravnimi zlepki in tri modele z omejenimi odvisnimi spremenljivkami: truncated regression, tobit regression in grouped data regression. Modele lahko uporabimo, kadar se zaradi načina merjenja in zaokroževanja podatkov ter hierarhičnosti podatkov srečamo z rezanimi ali krnjenimi slučajnostnimi spremenljivkami, nezveznostjo odvisne spremenljivke in pristransko oceno prirastka. Pri pojasnitvi debelinskega priraščanja 21.013 jelk na 4.405 ploskvah v obdobju 1990–2014 v raznomernih gozdovih v dinarskih jelovo-bukovjih so vsi modeli pokazali podoben vpliv prsnega premera, sestojne temeljnice, temeljnice debelejših dreves, raznomernosti, nagiba, nadmorske višine in le manjše razlike v regresijskih koeficientih in merah prileganja. Največje povprečne napovedi prirastka daje tobit model, mešani model pa se najbolj prilega podatkom. V primerjavi z drugimi modeli model z zlepki kaže na počasnejše zmanjševanje prirastka zelo debelih jelk po kulminaciji prirastka.
Keywords: prirastek, multipla regresija, statistične metode, tobit model, krnjenje, mešani modeli, jelka, modeli z omejenimi odvisnimi spremenljivkami, stalne vzorčne ploskve
Published in DiRROS: 01.12.2021; Views: 3341; Downloads: 1933
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Continent-wide tree species distribution models may mislead regional management decisions : a case study in the transboundary biosphere reserve Mura-Drava-Danube
Marcus Sallmannshofer, Debojyoti Chakraborty, Harald Vacik, Gábor Illés, Markus Löw, Andreas Rechenmacher, Katharina Lapin, Sophie Ette, Dejan Stojanović, Andrej Kobler, Silvio Schueler, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: The understanding of spatial distribution patterns of native riparian tree species in Europe lacks accurate species distribution models (SDMs), since riparian forest habitats have a limited spatial extent and are strongly related to the associated watercourses, which needs to be represented in the environmental predictors. However, SDMs are urgently needed for adapting forest management to climate change, as well as for conservation and restoration of riparian forest ecosystems. For such an operative use, standard large-scale bioclimatic models alone are too coarse and frequently exclude relevant predictors. In this study, we compare a bioclimatic continent-wide model and a regional model based on climate, soil, and river data for central to south-eastern Europe, targeting seven riparian foundation species%Alnus glutinosa, Fraxinus angustifolia, F. excelsior, Populus nigra, Quercus robur, Ulmus laevis, and U. minor. The results emphasize the high importance of precise occurrence data and environmental predictors. Soil predictors were more important than bioclimatic variables, and river variables were partly of the same importance. In both models, five of the seven species were found to decrease in terms of future occurrence probability within the study area, whereas the results for two species were ambiguous. Nevertheless, both models predicted a dangerous loss of occurrence probability for economically and ecologically important tree species, likely leading to significant effects on forest composition and structure, as well as on provided ecosystem services.
Keywords: bioclimatic model, ecological niche model, forest management, tree species selection, riparian forest habitat, climate change adaptation
Published in DiRROS: 22.03.2021; Views: 1306; Downloads: 880
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Preverjanje uporabnosti modela SiWaWa za simuliranje razvoja čistih bukovih in smrekovih enomernih sestojev v Sloveniji
Matija Klopčič, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: Modeli razvoja gozdov napovedujejo razvoj dreves in gozdnih sestojev glede na drevesne, sestojne, rastiščne in gozdnogospodarske dejavnike. Zaradi kompleksne narave gozdnih ekosistemov in dolgih proizvodnih ciklov je modeliranje razvoja gozdov pomemben sestavni del upravljanja gozdov. Sestojni modeli so bili prepoznani kot primerni za podporo odločanju pri upravljanju z gozdovi. Primer takega modela je švicarski model SiWaWa, ki smo ga preizkusili v pričujoči raziskavi. Na štirih vzorcih po 50 stalnih vzorčnih ploskev v negospodarjenih in gospodarjenih čistih bukovih in čistih smrekovih enomernih sestojih smo izvedli simulacije razvoja gozdov za obdobje 10 let, nato pa smo primerjali dejanske vrednosti in modelske napovedi za sestojno temeljnico G, število dreves N in srednje temeljnični premer Dg. Napovedovanje razvoja čistih bukovih gozdov je bilo zadovoljivo točno; v negospodarjenih sestojih je celotna napaka RMSE za sestojno temeljnico znašala 2,35 m2 /ha, v gospodarjenih sestojih pa 3,42 m2/ha ob upoštevanju le posekanih dreves in 4,35 m2/ha ob upoštevanju celotne mortalitete. Enako ne moremo trditi za napovedovanje razvoja čistih smrekovih sestojev. Pri slednjih so bile mere točnosti znatno slabše, saj so RMSE za napovedano sestojno temeljnico znašali 8,94 m2/ha za negospodarjene in 6,13 m2/ha ter 6,11 m2/ha za gospodarjene sestoje ob upoštevanju poseka oziroma celotne mortalitete. Model SiWaWa, ki je parametriziran za švicarske gozdove, se zdi uporaben za simuliranje razvoja čistih bukovih gozdov brez simuliranega ukrepanja (poseka) ali z njim. Zanesljive simulacije razvoja čistih smrekovih sestojev pa model zaenkrat še ne omogoča.
Keywords: model razvoja gozdov, gozdni sestoj, gozdna inventura, simulacije razvoja gozdov, sestojna temeljnica, število dreves, srednje temeljnični premer
Published in DiRROS: 08.03.2021; Views: 1625; Downloads: 499
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Water regulation ecosystem services following gap formation in Fir-beech forests in the Dinaric Karst
Urša Vilhar, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: This paper investigates how variation in forest structural characteristics affects the water retention capacity of gaps and forests in fir-beech forests in the Dinaric Karst. Forests are identified as a key element of the landscape for provision of pristine water resources, particularly in highly vulnerable karst aquifers characterized by rapid infiltration of recharge water, high subsurface permeability, and heterogeneous underground flow. Indicators of hydrologic fluxes (drainage flux, canopy interception, transpiration, and soil evaporation) in a large experimental gap (approximately 0.2 ha in size) and those in a nearby old-growth gap were compared over a 13-year period using the Brook90 hydrological model and their structural characteristics were analyzed. In addition, the hydrologic fluxes were also simulated for a managed forest and an old-growth forest for reference. Water regulation capacity was lowest in the experimental gap, where drainage flux accounted for 81% of precipitation and the sum of canopy interception, transpiration, and soil evaporation (evapotranspiration) accounted for 18%. This was followed by the old-growth gap, where drainage flux accounted for 78% of precipitation and evapotranspiration for 23%. Water retention capacity was highest and generally similar for both forests, where 71%72% of annual precipitation drained to the subsurface. The results of this study suggest that the creation of large canopy gaps in fir-beech forests in the Dinaric Karst results in significant and long-lasting reduction in soil and vegetation water retention capacity due to unfavorable conditions for successful natural tree regeneration. For optimal provision of water regulation ecosystem services of forests in the Dinaric Karst, small, irregularly shaped canopy gaps no larger than tree height should be created, mimicking the structural characteristics of naturally occurring gaps in old-growth forests.
Keywords: water retention capacity, drainage flux, evapotranspiration, Brook90 hydrological model, experimental canopy gap, old-growth forest
Published in DiRROS: 05.03.2021; Views: 1037; Downloads: 838
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Spletna orodja za upravljanje s smrekovimi podlubniki : Web tools for management of Spruce Bark Beetles
Nikica Ogris, 2020, professional article

Abstract: V prispevku predstavljamo spletna orodja, s katerimi si lahko pomagamo pri upravljanju s smrekovimi podlubniki. Na voljo je več spletnih orodij, ki pomagajo pri načrtovanju spremljanja kontrolnih pasti in kontrolnih nastav, ki jih uporabljamo za ugotavljanje gostote populacij smrekovih podlubnikov. Na podlagi teh podatkov vsako leto ugotavljamo lokacije pasti, kjer so se podlubniki prenamnožili. Posledično moramo na takšnih lokacijah povečati obseg ukrepov in pospešiti izvajanje varstva gozdov pred podlubniki zaradi preprečevanja škode v gozdovih. Rezultate teh analiz objavljamo v spletni reviji Napovedi o zdravju gozdov. V okviru Javne gozdarske službe na Gozdarskem inštitutu Slovenije, tj. Poročevalsko prognostično-diagnostične službe za gozdove, vsako leto izdelamo kratkoročno napoved sanitarnega poseka smreke. Napoved je verjetnostna in pomaga pri bolj osredotočenem iskanju žarišč smrekovih lubadark; najprej iščemo žarišča na lokacijah, kjer je največja verjetnost pojava žarišč. Tako se poveča verjetnost, da žarišča najdemo še v zgodnji fazi napada, kar omogoči več časa za ukrepanje. Ko enkrat najdemo žarišče, nas zanima, koliko časa imamo za sanacijo. Za ta namen smo razvili spletno orodje, ki izračuna priporočeni rok za izvedbo ukrepov za zatiranje smrekovih podlubnikov. S tem orodjem si lahko postavimo prioritete za sanacijo žarišč lubadark, tj. najprej saniramo žarišča, katerim bo rok za izvedbo ukrepov potekel najprej. Izdelali smo tudi dolgoročno napoved sanitarne sečnje zaradi žuželk, ki je lahko v pomoč pri določitvi smernic za dolgoročno gospodarjenje s smreko in pri usmerjanju ciljne drevesne sestave v gozdnogospodarskih načrtih. Vsa navedena spletna orodja je razvil Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije in so javno dostopna na spletnem portalu Varstvo gozdov (
Keywords: rok sanitarne sečnje, fenološki model, RITY, CHAPY, osmerozobi smrekov lubadar, Ips typographus, šesterozobi smrekov lubadar, Pityogenes chalcographus, pripomoček, spremljanje, monitoring, namnožitev, napoved, prognoza, gostota populacije
Published in DiRROS: 14.11.2020; Views: 1681; Downloads: 497
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Growth-limiting factors and climate response variability in Norway spruce (Picea abies L.) along an elevation and precipitation gradients in Slovenia
Jernej Jevšenak, Ivan Tychkov, Jožica Gričar, Tom Levanič, Jan Tumajer, Peter Prislan, Domen Arnič, Margarita Popkova, Vladimir V. Shishov, 2020, original scientific article

Abstract: Norway spruce (Picea abies L.) is among the most sensitive coniferous species to ongoing climate change. However, previous studies on its growth response to increasing temperatures have yielded contrasting results (from stimulation to suppression), suggesting highly site-specific responses. Here, we present the first study that applies two independent approaches, i.e. the nonlinear, process-based Vaganov-Shashkin (VS) model and linear daily response functions. Data were collected at twelve sites in Slovenia differing in climate regimes and ranging elevation between 170 and 1300 m a.s.l. VS model results revealed that drier Norway spruce sites at lower elevations are mostly moisture limited, while moist high-elevation sites are generally more temperature limited. Daily response functions match well the pattern of growth-limiting factors from the VS model and further explain the effect of climate on radial growth: prevailing growth-limiting factors correspond to the climate variable with higher correlations. Radial growth correlates negatively with rising summer temperature and positively with higher spring precipitation. The opposite response was observed for the wettest site at the highest elevation, which positively reacts to increased summer temperature and will most likely benefit from a warming climate. For all other sites, the future radial growth of Norway spruce largely depends on the balance between spring precipitation and summer temperature.
Keywords: Vaganov-Shashkin model, climate-growth correlations, tree rings, process-based modelling, dendroTools, dendroclimatology
Published in DiRROS: 21.10.2020; Views: 1271; Downloads: 1011
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