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Potential solutions for ▫$CO_2▫$-capturing technologies in the slovenian context
Janvit Golob, Dušan Klinar, Mihael Bricelj, 2012, original scientific article

Abstract: Human activities have caused an enormous rise of the CO2 concentration in the Earth’s atmosphere over the past 200 years. In order to alleviate this problem, the threats to and the concerns of the international community need to be converted into economic opportunities for national economies, which shall develop and utilize technological opportunities rather than simply accepting international obligations to reduce CO2 emissions. In the article we analyze technological possibilities in the Slovenian context as possible opportunities for promoting sustainable development based on regional, renewable resources. Beginning with an analysis of the amine process for CO2 concentration and its possibilities, we continue with CO2 chemistry examples, like the precipitation of calcium carbonate from Ca++ sources like lime or fly ash. Through the concept of product engineering we emphasize the need for a stepwise realization from the laboratory to a pilot plant and then to the industrial scale. The growth of biomass through forestry or algae production can provide an additional CO2 sink. However, for an efficient technical solution and implementation a close working relationship between biologists and engineers is required.
Keywords: CO2 minimization, technological opportunities, amine concentration, CO2 chemistry, forestry, algae production, fly ash CO2 absorption
Published in DiRROS: 05.08.2024; Views: 226; Downloads: 140
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The Ural Owl, Strix uralensis macroura, in Slovenia : an overview of current knowledge on species ecology
Al Vrezec, Tomaž Mihelič, 2012, original scientific article

Abstract: In Slovenia the Ural Owl, Strix uralensis macroura, is on the north-western limit of its distribution with an estimated population size of 400-700 breeding pairs. The densities of territories range between 0.9 to 13.4 territories per 10 km2, and the highest densities are reached in montane forests of the southern Dinaric region. In the forests with dominant deciduous trees, e.g. Fagus sylvatica and Quercus robur, the breeding densities are significantly higher than in the forests with a higher proportion of coniferous trees, e.g. Picea abies. The species does not select specific altitude and throughout Slovenia it occurs between 150 and 1600 m a.s.l. Most natural nests were found in tree holes or semi-holes (56%) and on the tree stumps (20%). Breeding begins between 15 March to 21 June with median clutch sizes of 3.0 eggs per nest. In the brood there are 2 young and 1.5 young are fledged in median. At present 75% of nests produce at least one young. Voles and Mice are the most frequent prey in the diet, but the Fat Dormouse, Glis glis, seems to have very important role in the post-breeding period. As a top predator, the Ural Owl influences also the distribution of other owl species in the guild through direct predation or competitive exclusion. However, it could have also a positive indirect effect on smaller species, e.g. Tengmalm’s Owl, Aegolius funereus, which are tolerated within Ural Owl territories, and are able to extend their distribution due to exclusion from certain areas of the Tawny Owl, Strix aluco, by the Ural Owl.
Keywords: distribution, breeding density, habitat, breeding biology, interactions, Slovenia
Published in DiRROS: 05.08.2024; Views: 227; Downloads: 158
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On the rare and less known nudibranch Piseinotecus sphaeriferus (Schmekel, 1965) (Gastropoda, Nudibranchia, Piseinotecidae) in the Adriatic Sea
Borut Mavrič, Lovrenc Lipej, 2012, original scientific article

Abstract: The paper is describing the record of a less known nudibranch Piseinotecus sphaeriferus (Schmekel, 1965) in the port of Koper in November 2012. The specimen was found in the environment of dense epifauna, dominated by polyps of Aurelia aurita. Taking into consideration the available published data on this species we report on the first record of this less known nudibranch species in the Adriatic Sea.
Published in DiRROS: 05.08.2024; Views: 184; Downloads: 119
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Interannual size changes of adult Aurelia sp.5 medusae stage in the Marine protected Area of Mljet Island South Adriatic
Tjaša Kogovšek, Juan Carlos Molinero, Davor Lučić, Ivona Onofri, Barbara Gangai, Marijana Miloslavić, Delphine Bonnet, Alenka Malej, 2012, original scientific article

Abstract: Aurelia aurita s.l. is the most widespread scyphozoan jellyfish that recurrently appear “en mass” and forms large aggregations mainly in coastal waters, embayments and estuaries. Beside anthropogenic factors controlling jellyfish populations climate change may play an important role. The aim of this study was to assess whether climate-related factors in absence of other anthropogenically induced stressor influence medusae size. We investigated seasonal and interannual changes in the size of Aurelia in a “jelly lake” in the National Park of Mljet Island (Croatia) where minimal human impact on the environment makes the Veliko Jezero a natural mesocosm for understanding the impact of climate change on the Aurelia population. The observed changes suggest Aurelia medusa population response to changing environment, in particular to enhanced temperature, by reduced body sizes. Comparison of Aurelia population dynamics from different regions in the Mediterranean Sea revealed the unique feature of the Veliko Jezero population. Despite the similarity of the environmental windows of medusae occurrences in the Veliko Jezero and regions in the Mediterranean Sea, medusae in the Veliko Jezero are present all year round. It seems that the lake bathymetry enables medusae to vertically migrate to deeper and cooler water layer, avoiding the limiting temperatures developed in the upper layer during the summer. These conditions may prolong the Aurelia medusae life span and together with continuous strobilation support the stability of the Aurelia medusae population all year round.
Keywords: Mediterraneum, moon jellyfish, Adriatic Sea, South Adriatic Sea, marine lakes, Aurelia spp, climate-related factor, Mediterranean Sea, marine research, population dynamics
Published in DiRROS: 05.08.2024; Views: 216; Downloads: 94
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The epiplankton community in the southern Adriatic: multiple trophic levels along the south - north and inshore-offshore gradients
Valentina Turk, Davor Lučić, Jakica Njire, Senka Terzić, Tinkara Tinta, Adam Benović, Alenka Malej, 2012, original scientific article

Abstract: The epiplankton community was investigated during Meduza cruises along south - north and offshore – inshore transects in the middle and southern Adriatic in spring 2002. The diel and vertical distribution of heterotrophic bacteria, phytoplankton pigment composition, micro- and mesozooplankton were assessed. At most stations we observed a thermocline at approximately 20 m and a prominent chlorophyll a peak at about 70 m depth. The integrated phytoplankton and bacterial biomass were lower at the station in the central part of the southern Adriatic, and increased gradually towards middle Adriatic and towards coastal stations. Vertical profiles of both bacterial abundance and production showed a distinct peak in the surface layer. Bacterial abundance was high also in the layer of the deep chlorophyll a maximum. Higher bacterial production was associated with elevated abundance of pico- and nanoplankton feeding zooplankton indicating that bacterial populations were generally controlled by predation.
Keywords: Meduza project, heterotrophic bacteria, Adriatic Sea, South Adriatic Sea, phytoplankton pigments, open sea, microzooplankton, mesozooplankton, research cruises
Published in DiRROS: 05.08.2024; Views: 258; Downloads: 123
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Signatures of pigments and processes in the south Adriatic Pit - project MEDUZA
Mira Morović, Vesna Flander-Putrle, Davor Lučić, Branka Grbec, Barbara Gangai, Alenka Malej, Frano Matić, 2012, original scientific article

Abstract: During two cruises of the MEDUZA experiment conducted in July 2003 and May 2005 various data were obtained over the deepest part of the southern Adriatic Pit. Temperature, salinity, light transmission and fluorescence were measured in July 2003. During May 2005, except CTD measure- ments the samples were taken for laboratory determination of phytoplankton pigments with HPLC technique. During both cruises irradiance and radiance were measured at 14 wavelengths in the range 340-715 nm with optical probe to about 100 m depth. Bad weather conditions during both cruises caused interruption of measurements that continued after 24 to 48 hours. Stormy conditions have resulted in a slightly different structure of the water column. In the periods of measurements recorded were diurnal rhythms in a series of parameters, caused by solar radiation cycles in the surface layers as well as fluctuations in the deeper layers under the influence of the internal tide. Meteorological conditions and changes in sea level are also described. The analysis included the principal component and correlation analysis between the measured and derived parameters in order to establish a link between the in-situ pigments and multispectral data. During both cruises diurnal vertical oscillations were observed in biotic and abiotic parameters. Chlorophyll pigments prevailed over other pigments preventing other pigments to be distinguished spectrally. Regression models for chlorophyll a were established from radiance and reflectance ratios.
Keywords: termohaline properties, vertical migrations, Adriatic, South Adriatic Sea, diurnal rhithm, open sea, internal tide, Adriatic
Published in DiRROS: 05.08.2024; Views: 364; Downloads: 223
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Preliminary study on vertical migrations of dinoflagellates in a dynamic coastal sea (Gulf of Trieste, northern Adriatic)
Janja Francé, Patricija Mozetič, 2012, original scientific article

Abstract: The purpose of this preliminary study was to define the vertical migration pattern in the dinoflagellate community in the shallow coastal sea. Migrations were followed in an area of mussel farming, through two 24-hour samplings, first during mixed and second during stratified water column conditions. Despite variable physical environment we were able to follow vertical migrations of some autotrophic dinoflagellate species in the period of stratified water column. The results also suggest that Heterocapsa sp. may preserve its vertical migration pattern also under mixed conditions. Migrations were observed also for Dinophysis sacculus that can cause DSP problems in the area.
Keywords: dinoflagellates, vertical migrations, eastern Adriatic coast, Adriatic Sea, dynamic environment, coastal sea, Adriatic
Published in DiRROS: 05.08.2024; Views: 320; Downloads: 87
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Evaluation of metallothioneins in blue mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis) as a biomarker of mercury and cadmium exposure in the Slovenian waters (Gulf of Trieste): a long-term field study
Andreja Ramšak, Janez Ščančar, Milena Horvat, 2012, original scientific article

Abstract: In order to assess the spatial distribution and temporal trends of pollution with metals in the coastal sea of Slovenia, the level of metallothioneins (MT) was determined in blue mussels from three sampling locations, twice per year for a period of 10 years. MT concentrations ranged from 45 to 163 μg g-1 w.w. in March, and from 46 to 144 μg g-1 w.w. in the September sampling. The metals content was determined in whole mussel tissue once per year at two stations. The cadmium (Cd) concentration was in the range from 0.50 to 1.11 mg kg-1, while the concentration of mercury (Hg) was in the range from 0.70 to 0.237 mg kg-1. Results revealed no significant seasonal differences or differences between sampling sites in MT content, as well as variations in the content of Cd and Hg in mussels’ tissue during the examined period. The MT and metal content in mussels are not well correlated and other factors may have caused the fluctuations observed in MT content between years. This supports the notion that biomonitoring data have to be interpreted cautiously, taking into account various other factors that may influence MT induction.
Keywords: monitoring, coastal waters, biodiversity, bio-indicators, macrozoobenthos, metallothioneins, biocoenoses, ecological aspects, Gulf of Trieste
Published in DiRROS: 05.08.2024; Views: 762; Downloads: 114
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Quantifying the intersexual and interspecific morphometric variation in two resembling sympatric lacertids : Iberolacerta horvathi and Podarcis muralis
Anamarija Žagar, Nadja Osojnik, Miguel A. Carretero, Al Vrezec, 2012, original scientific article

Abstract: Podarcis muralis and Iberolacerta horvathi are sympatric, frequently syntopic, lacertids through the entire range of I. horvathi and very similar in their general body size and shape, as well as in most ecological traits. We morphologically compared adults from the area of sympatry using biometric measurements and performed analyses to investigate their sexual size and shape dimorphism. A total of 34 males and 24 females of I. horvathi, and 25 males and 23 females of P. muralis, all adult individuals, were measured. Both species showed sexual size dimorphism with females being longer (snout-vent length, SVL) than males. After SVL correction (ANCOVA), head width, length and height and mass showed to be sexually dimorphic in both species. Males carry relatively wider, longer and higher heads and were heavier than conspecific females. I. horvathi heads were more flattened than those of P. muralis and P. muralis were heavier than I. horvathi. Both species displayed the same pattern of sexual dimorphism regarding body size, head size and shape not only in direction but also in magnitude. All results confirm that both species are very similar in studied biometric characters and, together with their ecological similarities, these suggest in absence of other factors they are likely to interact when living together.
Keywords: biometric characters, sexual dimorphism, southern Slovenia, Podarcis muralis, Iberolacerta horvathi, Lacertidae
Published in DiRROS: 05.08.2024; Views: 225; Downloads: 253
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Reproductive biology, mating behavior, and vibratory communication of the brown-winged stink bug, Edessa meditabunda (Fabr.) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae)
Cleonor Cavalcante A. Silva, Raúl Alberto Laumann, Jonatas Barbosa Cavalcante Ferreira, Maria Carolina Blassioli Moraes, Miguel Borges, Andrej Čokl, 2012, original scientific article

Abstract: We describe different aspects of the reproductive biology, mating behavior, and vibratory communication of the pentatomid Edessa meditabunda (Fabr.). This species shows lower copulation frequency and reproductive potential with longer sexual maturation period compared to other species of pentatomids. Females with multiple mating show increased fecundity when compared with single-mated females and both increased fecundity and reduced longevity when compared with virgin females. Courtship and mating behavior and vibratory signals are typical and similar to what was observed in other species of pentatomids, except that males started the courtship. These results constitute the first paper on biology, behavior, and vibratory communication among species of the subfamily Edessinae.
Keywords: animal ecology, animal communication
Published in DiRROS: 05.08.2024; Views: 343; Downloads: 259
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