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Mednarodna konferenca o enakosti in raznolikosti v gozdarstvu
Nike Krajnc, Darja Stare, 2024, professional article

Keywords: gozdarstvo, enakost, raznolikost
Published in DiRROS: 31.01.2025; Views: 135; Downloads: 81
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Cene gozdarskih storitev v Sloveniji - oktober 2024
Peter Smolnikar, Gašper Ogrin, Matevž Triplat, 2024, professional article

Keywords: gozdarske storitve, tržne razmere
Published in DiRROS: 31.01.2025; Views: 159; Downloads: 85
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Stanje na trgu okroglega lesa in lesnih proizvodov v Sloveniji v letih 2023 in 2024
Špela Ščap, Matjaž Dremelj, Darja Stare, Tomaž Remic, 2024, professional article

Keywords: les, tržne razmere
Published in DiRROS: 31.01.2025; Views: 185; Downloads: 87
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Znižanje cen lesnih goriv ob začetku nove kurilne sezone
Darja Stare, Matjaž Dremelj, 2024, professional article

Keywords: les, tržne razmere
Published in DiRROS: 31.01.2025; Views: 146; Downloads: 83
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Gostota in mehanske lastnosti izbranih drevesnih vrst v Sloveniji
Luka Krajnc, Polona Hafner, Jožica Gričar, 2024, professional article

Keywords: anatomija lesa, mehanske lastnosti lesa
Published in DiRROS: 31.01.2025; Views: 145; Downloads: 62
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Offline indoor navigation via QR codes
Robert Modic, Matevž Ogrinc, Andraž Simčič, Bojan Blažica, Drago Torkar, 2025, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: This paper introduces a novel, cost-effective system for indoor navigation and localization that operates independently of satellite positioning services and data communication networks. The proposed solution leverages QR codes affixed within building interiors and an accompanying smartphone application, which, through integration with the device’s inertial motion unit (IMU) sensors and the application of the Pedestrian Dead Reckoning (PDR) algorithm [1], accurately determines the user’s position. This position data is then utilized by the Dijkstra navigation algorithm [2] to facilitate user navigation to their desired destination. Beyond navigation, this system offers significant utility in healthcare logistics, enabling efficient collection and transmission of triage decisions in emergency situations, even in the absence of a communication network.
Keywords: cost-effective system, QR codes, Pedestrian Dead Reckoning, indoor navigation
Published in DiRROS: 30.01.2025; Views: 117; Downloads: 0
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Comparing hydrolysable and condensed tannins for tannin protein-based foams
Jonas Eckardt, Lorenzo Moro, Elena Colusso, Primož Šket, Samuele Giovando, Gianluca Tondi, 2025, original scientific article

Published in DiRROS: 30.01.2025; Views: 117; Downloads: 71
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