1891. The influence of genetic variability on the risk of developing malignant mesotheliomaAlenka Franko, Nika Kotnik, Katja Goričar, Viljem Kovač, Metoda Dodič-Fikfak, Vita Dolžan, 2018, original scientific article Keywords: malignant mesothelioma, genetic polymorphism, antioxidative enzymes, genetic variability Published in DiRROS: 10.06.2024; Views: 433; Downloads: 123 Full text (1,13 MB) |
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1896. First report on the uppermost Permian ostracods from the Masore section (External Dinarides), SloveniaTea Kolar-Jurkovšek, Ewa Olempska, Bogdan Jurkovšek, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: The ostracod assemblages from the Upper Permian and Permian-Triassic transitional strata of the Masore section in the External Dinarides (Slovenia) were studied. Altogether 13 genera and 20 species of the orders Palaeocopida, Platycopida and Podocopida are identified and illustrated. All recovered ostracods belong to shallow marine taxa. The older fauna from the uppermost Permian and the younger fauna from the Permian-Triassic boundary strata are distinguished. The obtained fauna from the Permian Bellerophon Formation corresponds to the “benthonic ostracod Eifelian Mega-assemblage” occupying the shelf sea floors. This study presents the first report of ostracod faunas from the uppermost Permian and Permian-Triassic boundary interval of Slovenia. The recovered ostracod fauna display a distinct faunal change and yield important paleobiogeographic implications as it reveals similarity with stratigraphical equivalent faunas from some other neighboring localities in the western Paleotethys, such as Bulla in Italy, Komirić in Serbia, and the Bükk Mountains in Hungary. Keywords: microfauna, Changhsingian, Permian-Triassic boundary strata, Dinarides Published in DiRROS: 10.06.2024; Views: 388; Downloads: 147 Full text (4,06 MB) |
1897. Quantitative insights on impurities in ice cores at the micro-scale from calibrated LA-ICP-MS imagingPascal Bohleber, Piers Larkman, Nicolas Stoll, David Clases, Raquel Gonzalez de Vega, Martin Šala, Marco Roman, Carlo Barbante, 2024, original scientific article Published in DiRROS: 10.06.2024; Views: 410; Downloads: 260 Full text (2,48 MB) This document has many files! More... |
1898. Site-specific dataset of mining and metallurgical residues for resource managementCarlo Cormio, Marta Fernández-Alonso, Peter Cleall, Soraya Heuss-Aßbichler, Daniela Guglietta, Danielle Sinnett, Katalin Szabó, Gorazd Žibret, Maria Teresa Carvalho, Ulrich Kral, Tim T. Werner, Bruno Lemiere, 2024, other scientific articles Abstract: This geospatial dataset provides a compilation of findings from an evidence-based review of site-specific resource assessments of mining and metallurgical residues. Information pertaining to location, target material, geological knowledge, extractability, resource classification and stakeholder perspectives was collected from publicly available reports, articles, academic theses, and databases. The dataset includes 44 relevant data attributes from 64 mining and metallurgical sites in 27 countries. Resource classification is available for 38 sites. The dataset can be used by evaluators of recovery projects, authorities that provide permits, as well as by decision makers in support of developing regulatory policies. The dataset facilitates future addition of sites by the research community and can be further used as a starting point to bridge the estimates on recoverable quantities to the United Nations Framework Classification (UNFC). The UNFC is a universally applicable scheme for the sustainable management of all energy, primary and secondary mineral resources. Its use is stimulated by the European Commission and is intended to be adopted by geological surveys to harmonize the data on the availability of primary and secondary raw materials in Europe in future. Keywords: resources, reserves, mining waste, secondary raw materials, tailings, geodatabase, circular economy, resource assessment Published in DiRROS: 10.06.2024; Views: 348; Downloads: 198 Full text (2,19 MB) |
1899. Guanidine modification improves functions of natural RNA-targeting alkaloidsTamaki Endoh, Sagar Satpathi, Yutong Chen, Saki Matsumoto, Tatsuya Ohyama, Peter Podbevšek, Janez Plavec, Kazumitsu Onizuka, Fumi Nagatsugi, Naoki Sugimoto, 2024, original scientific article Published in DiRROS: 10.06.2024; Views: 358; Downloads: 240 Full text (1,71 MB) This document has many files! More... |
1900. Jeziki sožitja, jeziki konflikta : mednarodna konferenca2024, other monographs and other completed works Abstract: Ključna beseda znanstvene konference »Jeziki sožitja, jeziki konflikta« je moč kot ključni družbeni proces, saj vsaka družba temelji na vrednotah in institucijah, ki imajo v tej družbi določeno moč. Družbeno razmerje moči se torej formira z močjo, vpeto v družbene institucije. Moč se uveljavlja bodisi s prisilo bodisi s tvorbo pomena na osnovi diskurzov, s katerimi delujejo družbeni akterji. Glavna mehanizma oblikovanja moči sta tako nasilje in/ali demokratični diskurz.
Kako se v večplastni komunikaciji znajdejo manjšinski/priseljenski in periferni jeziki v relaciji z večinskimi/avtohtonimi in centralnimi jeziki? So v preteklosti in danes jeziki pomenili most med različnimi etničnimi skupnostmi ali pa so vodili in vodijo k etničnim in jezikovnim konfliktom? Ali jeziki kot mediji prenosa informacij v različnih sporazumevalnih okoliščinah privedejo do sožitja ali do konflikta med njihovimi posameznimi uporabniki? Kako se posameznik sooča z intenziteto jezika v digitalnem svetu – ga vodi k nasilni ali nenasilni komunikaciji? Nenazadnje pa si je treba zastaviti ključno vprašanje, kako pristope, strategije in metode učenja jezikov, ki spodbujajo ohranjanje razvijanje medkulturnega zavedanja in demokratičnost v večjezičnih skupnostih, vključevati v izobraževalne procese v digitalni dobi.
Na vsa ta vprašanja poskušajo odgovoriti prispevki v treh sekcijah: (1) Narodi in jeziki v prostorih kulturnega stika: dvojezičnost, večjezičnost, raznojezičnost, (2) Intenziteta jezika in (ne)nasilna komunikacija, (3) Didaktika večjezičnosti, nenasilne komunikacije in medkulturne književnosti. Keywords: jeziki v stiku, didaktika, zborniki, povzetki Published in DiRROS: 07.06.2024; Views: 520; Downloads: 305 Full text (5,22 MB) This document has many files! More... |