601. Predicting the total wall time of CFD simulations of single-compartment firesMartin Veit, Andrea Lucherini, Georgios Maragkos, Bart Merci, 2024, published scientific conference contribution Abstract: The total wall time is often difficult to predict a priori in compartment fire simulations due to dynamic phenomena that can occur, e.g., flame extinction. The wall time is dependent on multiple physical factors in the simulation, along with simulation factors and the system used to compute the model. Specifically, the CFL number of a simulation is highly influential to the wall time, as this restricts the time step size. In this paper, the prediction of the total wall time for a single-compartment fire is investigated considering varying fire heat release rates and compartment ventilation factors. It is shown that an increasing heat release rate increases the total wall time due to higher velocities inside the compartment. Furthermore, when the compartment becomes under-ventilated, the wall time becomes more difficult to predict early on in the simulation, as steady state conditions are reached later, compared to well-ventilated cases. The time at which the wall time can be accurately predicted changed from a few physical seconds in the well-ventilated case, to up to 60 physical seconds for the under-ventilated case. Keywords: simulations, computational fluid dynamics, fire dynamics simulator, wall time Published in DiRROS: 19.12.2024; Views: 155; Downloads: 89
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607. Delavnica »Biotehnični ukrepi v gozdnatih hudourniških območjih« na Gozdarskem inštitutu SlovenijeUrša Vilhar, Tomaž Cej, Klemen Jerina, Tadej Jeršič, Erika Kozamernik, Jože Papež, Robert Robek, Jaša Saražin, 2024, professional article Keywords: urejanje hudournikov, Slovenija Published in DiRROS: 18.12.2024; Views: 227; Downloads: 50
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608. Kekulé structure of angularly connected even ring systemsSimon Brezovnik, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: An even ring system $G$ is a simple $2$-connected plane graph with all interior vertices of degree $3$, all exterior vertices of either degree $2$ or $3$, and all finite faces of an even length. $G$ is angularly connected if all of the peripheral segments of $G$ have odd lengths. In this paper, we show that every angularly connected even ring system $G$, which does not contain any triple of altogether-adjacent peripheral faces, has a perfect matching. This was achieved by finding an appropriate edge coloring of $G$, derived from the proof of the existence of a proper face $3$-coloring of the graph. Additionally, an infinite family of graphs that are face $3$-colorable has been identified. When interpreted in the context of the inner dual of $G$, this leads to the introduction of $3$-colorable graphs containing cycles of lengths $4$ and $6$, which is a supplementation of some already known results. Finally, we have investigated the concept of the Clar structure and Clar set within the aforementioned family of graphs. We found that a Clar set of an angularly connected even ring system cannot in general be obtained by minimizing the cardinality of the set $A$. This result is in contrast to the previously known case for the subfamily of benzenoid systems, which admit a face $3$-coloring. Our results open up avenues for further research into the properties of Clar and Fries sets of angularly connected even ring systems. Keywords: Kekulé structure, Clar structure, perfect matching, benzenoid system, even ring system, face coloring, edge coloring, Clar set Published in DiRROS: 18.12.2024; Views: 161; Downloads: 70
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609. Ocena zaloge ogljika v načrtu trajnostnega gospodarjenja z gozdoviAmina Gačo Jež, Francesca Giannetti, Solaria Anzilotti, Matevž Triplat, 2024, professional article Abstract: Inovacije imajo pomembno vlogo v politiki EU za razvoj podeželja. Eden od načinov spodbujanja inovacij v EU je ustanavljanje operativnih skupin (OS), ki so del programa EIP-AGRI. Inovacije v kmetijstvu in gozdarstvu združujejo različne deležnike. Projekt FOREST4EU spodbuja različne OS v državah EU in njihove inovacije ter jih razporedi v pet različnih inovacijskih stičišč (ITHubs). Skupno je bilo prepoznanih 176 inovacij 86 operativnih skupin, ki so bile predstavljene z razširjenimi povzetki in po pomembnosti razvrščene v treh korakih (ocenjevanje projektnih partnerjev, strokovnjakov in na delavnici). V devetih EU državah je bil izveden izbor najpomembnejših petih inovacij glede na posamezen ITHub (skupaj 25). V primeru Slovenije, Hrvaške, Latvije in Portugalske je bila ena od najbolje ocenjenih inovacij metoda za ocenjevanje ogljika, shranjenega v lesni biomasi gozdov, namenjena plačilom za ekosistemske storitve operativne skupine GO FOR.TRACK. Prispevek predstavlja inovacijsko metodo izračuna zaloge ogljika na podlagi podatkov o gozdni biomasi, ki bi jo lahko uporabili za oceno zaloge ogljika v lesni biomasi gozdov in z njimi vzpostavili prostovoljni trg z emisijskimi kuponi. Gre za novost, ki bi lahko koristila tudi deležnikom v Sloveniji. Keywords: operativna skupina, znanje, inovacije, ogljični dobropisi, gospodarjenje z gozdovi, inovacije v kmetijstvu in gozdarstvu, metoda za ocenjevanje ogljika, shranjenega v lesni biomasi gozdov, plačilo za ekosistemske storitve Published in DiRROS: 18.12.2024; Views: 225; Downloads: 89
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