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Die Stille des Seyns und die Fülle des Nichts : zur Erfahrung des Heilsamen im Denken Martin Heideggers
Johannes Vorlaufer, 2024, original scientific article

Published in DiRROS: 21.10.2024; Views: 1; Downloads: 0
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Das Freisein : zum Begriff des Seinkönnens in Sein und Zeit
Petar Šegedin, 2024, original scientific article

Published in DiRROS: 21.10.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 0
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Ontological aspects of the literary work of art in Roman Ingarden and Nicolai Hartmann
Sazan Kryeziu, 2024, original scientific article

Keywords: phenomenology, ontology, aesthetics, literary work of art
Published in DiRROS: 21.10.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 0
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Normalität als Grundphänomen des Lebens : versuch einer phänomenologischen Annäherung
Bence Peter Marosan, 2024, original scientific article

Published in DiRROS: 21.10.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 1
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Kant’s transcendentalism and Tillich’s ontological theology
Mindaugas Briedis, 2024, original scientific article

Keywords: Kant, Tillich, transcendental horizon, categories, ontology, finitude
Published in DiRROS: 21.10.2024; Views: 1; Downloads: 3
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Population-genetics analysis of the brown trout broodstock in the “Panjica” hatchery (Serbia) and its conservation applications
Tijana Veličković, Aleš Snoj, Jernej Bravničar, Vladica Simić, Radek Šanda, Jasna Vukić, Dovilė Barcytė, David Stanković, Saša Marić, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: Artificial propagation and stocking of brown trout is a standard practice in recreational fishery management. In recent decades, the importance of maintaining intraspecific diversity and protecting locally adapted lineages has been recognized for the species' long-term survival. The first step in selecting donors for stocking involves distinguishing native trout from non-native and introgressed individuals. The established method for discerning Atlantic hatchery strains from the wild populations involves genetic screening of individual diagnostic SNPs and microsatellite assignment tests. This study, using Serbia's Panjica hatchery as an example, illustrates the proper conduct of routine genetic screening for identifying suitable donors for supportive stocking. The broodstock and reference populations were screened using mtDNA control region, LDH nuclear gene, and 12 microsatellite loci to assess the origin, diversity, and inbreeding levels. The analysis revealed only moderate contamination with Atlantic trout and showed the regional origin of the Danubian genes – over 50% of the broodstock was composed of non-introgressed Danubian individuals tracing their origin to the Zapadna Morava River system. Additionally, the study highlighted a considerable discordance between LDH locus and microsatellites in identifying introgressed individuals, raising concerns about the sole reliance on LDH locus for the identification of Atlantic genetic origin in nuclear DNA.
Keywords: molecular marker discordance, artificial propagation, Atlantic brown trout, Danubian brown trout, supplementation stocking, intraspecific diversity, genetic screening, zoology
Published in DiRROS: 21.10.2024; Views: 6; Downloads: 5
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A new approach to universal $F$-inverse monoids in enriched signature
Ganna Kudryavtseva, Ajda Lemut Furlani, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: We show that the universal $X$-generated $F$-inverse monoid $F(G)$, where ▫$G$▫ is an $X$-generated group, introduced by Auinger, Szendrei and the first-named author, arises as a quotient inverse monoid of the Margolis-Meakin expansion $M(G, X\cup \overline{G})$ of $G$, with respect to the extended generating set $X\cup \overline{G}$, where $\overline{G}$ is a bijective copy of $G$ which encodes the ▫$m$▫-operation in $F(G)$. The construction relies on a certain dual-closure operator on the semilattice of all finite and connected subgraphs containing the origin of the Cayley graph ${\rm Cay}(G, X\cup {\overline{G}})$ and leads to a new and simpler proof of the universal property of $F(G)$.
Keywords: inverse monoid, F-inverse monoid, Margolis-Meakin expansion, group presentation, Cayley graph of a group, closure operator, dual-closure operator, partial action, partial action product
Published in DiRROS: 21.10.2024; Views: 14; Downloads: 8
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Pore-forming aegerolysin and MACPF proteins in extremotolerant or extremophilic fungi
Nada Kraševec, 2024, original scientific article

Published in DiRROS: 21.10.2024; Views: 27; Downloads: 12
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Mreža občanske znanosti v Sloveniji
Mitja Vovk Iskrić, 2024, professional article

Abstract: Občanska znanost je koncept znanstvenoraziskovalnega dela, ki spodbuja odprt dialog med znanstveno in širšo skupnostjo, s čimer usmerja tudi družbeni razvoj. V Sloveniji je v zadnjem letu doživela pomemben razvoj, zlasti z vzpostavitvijo specializiranega spletnega portala in nastankom Mreže občanske znanosti. Tudi Evropska unija je prispevala k napredku in vidnosti občanske znanosti, zlasti s financiranjem projektov. Poleg drugih organizacij, kot so muzeji in društva, ter posameznikov tudi univerze in raziskovalni inštituti prispevajo k razvoju občanske znanosti. Širijo in krepijo raziskovalne dejavnosti z vključevanjem javnosti in hkrati tudi izboljšujejo svoj družbeni položaj ter povečujejo zaupanje v znanost. Hkrati zagotavljajo infrastrukturo, znanje, veščine, etične in pravne okvire ter financiranje. V Sloveniji je vključevanje javnosti v znanost dolgoletna tradicija, ki je potekala pod različnimi imeni, dokler se ni utrdil izraz »občanska znanost« kot najprimernejši prevod. Centralna tehniška knjižnica Univerze v Ljubljani (CTK) že od leta 2017 sodeluje pri promociji in razvoju občanske znanosti v Sloveniji, z organizacijo strokovnih srečanj in pozneje tudi neposredno s podporo projektu občanske znanosti. Sodeluje z drugimi organizacijami pri pripravi dogodkov za spodbujanje sodelovanja med raziskovalci in knjižnicami ter širšo skupnostjo in aktivno deluje v mednarodnih organizacijah. V članku so podrobno predstavljeni vsebina portala, ki ga je razvila Centralna tehniška knjižnica Univerze v Ljubljani, ter ustanovitev in delovanje Mreže občanske znanosti v Sloveniji.
Keywords: odprta znanost, občanska znanost, spletni portali, sodelovanje, Slovenija
Published in DiRROS: 21.10.2024; Views: 10; Downloads: 8
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