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Insights into electrocatalytic hydrogenation of furfural on nanoparticulate Pd/C under acidic conditions
Nik Maselj, Vasko Jovanovski, Jan Trputec, Martin Šala, Kristina Mervič, Nejc Hodnik, Primož Jovanovič, 2025, original scientific article

Published in DiRROS: 07.02.2025; Views: 153; Downloads: 101
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O tobožnjem privilegiju akvilejskoga patrijarha Grgura de Montelonga i širenju ingerencija koparske komune na Buje, Oprtalj, Buzet i Dvigrad
Josip Banić, 2017, original scientific article

Abstract: Članak utvrđuje epistemološke pretpostavke koje stoje iza tvrdnje da je akvilejski patrijarh Grgur de Montelongo (1251. – 1269.) na početku svoje vlasti (1251. ili 1254.) izdao poseban privilegij koparskoj komuni, davši joj pravo postavljanja podestata iz redova gradskoga plemstva u Bujama, Oprtlju, Buzetu i Dvigradu. To su mišljenje u istarskoj historiografiji popularizirali Pietro Kandler, Carlo de Franceschi i Dane Gruber, sva trojica bez navođenja ikakva izvora, a kasnije su tvrdnju preuzeli Dario Alberi i Darko Darovec. S druge strane, mnogi povjesničari srednjovjekovne povijesti Akvilejskoga patrijarhata i Istre, poput Pija Paschinija i Giovannija de Vergottinija, nigdje ne spominju taj događaj. Nadalje, ni izvorna listina ni njezin prijepis ne nalaze se ni u jednoj objavljenoj zbirci izvora niti u poznatim arhivskim fondovima. Autor zaključuje da je sporno mišljenje prvi formulirao Prospero Petronio u 17. stoljeću, nadovezujući se na Nicolòa Manzuolija, koji je pogrešno povezao koparske privilegije iz 1421. i 1423. s tada već poznatom činjenicom da su koparski plemići u trinaestom stoljeću služili kao podestati u nekim istarskim komunama. Kako se radi o čistoj novovjekovnoj fikciji koja je služila jačanju legitimnosti vlasti koparske komune, tadašnjem neosporivom centru mletačke Istarske provincije, tvrdnja o tobožnjem privilegiju Grgura de Montelonga mora se u potpunosti napustiti.
Keywords: historiografija, horografija, razvijeni srednji vijek, Istra, Kopar, Akvilejski patrijarhat, komune
Published in DiRROS: 06.02.2025; Views: 136; Downloads: 46
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Occurrence and distribution of root-knot nematodes Meloidogyne spp. in Serbia
Jasmina Bačić, Ivana Lalićević, Saša Širca, Melita Theuerschuh, Nik Susič, Barbara Gerič Stare, 2025, original scientific article

Abstract: This study examines the occurrence and distribution of root-knot nematodes (RKN), Meloidogyne spp., in Serbia through an official survey conducted from 2021 to 2023. A total of 241 plant and soil samples were collected from 25 districts across two regions: Northern Serbia (Vojvodina Province) and Central Serbia. RKN infestations were detected in 23.7% of the samples. Among the 57 identified populations, 5 Meloidogyne species were recorded: M. incognita, M. hapla, M. luci, M. arenaria and M. javanica. Meloidogyne luci was reported in Serbia for the first time, marking a significant finding for nematology in the region. This study highlights the importance of implementing effective pest management strategies to mitigate the agricultural impact of RKN in Serbia.
Keywords: molecular identification, root-knot nematodes, nematodes, morphological identification, distribution, Serbia
Published in DiRROS: 05.02.2025; Views: 150; Downloads: 78
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Is alloying a promising path to substitute critical raw materials?
François Rousseau, Alexandre Nominé, Janez Zavašnik, Uroš Cvelbar, 2025, original scientific article

Abstract: A long-standing problem in metallurgy has been the alloying of metals and the search for new alloys that can improve performance and replace expensive metals. This decades-long quest for high-performance alloys has led to increasingly complex compositions. The number of possible alloy compositions to explore is literally astronomical. While this enormous range gives hope for the discovery of alternative materials, it also makes trial-and-error research highly speculative. This article will show that while alloying can offer alternatives, the supply risks increases with the number of elements involved and quickly outweigh the supply risks of the element being replaced. Therefore, the possibilities of alloying are not unlimited and a balance must be found between the overall supply risk and the number of elements used. In substitution scenarios, the supply risk increases almost linearly with the number of elements in the alloy. As a rule, effective combinations comprise no more than five elements, all of which are selected from the elements with the lowest supply risk. This significantly limits the range of possible candidates and makes the task of synthesis and characterization more manageable for materials scientists. By considering the multiple dimensions stepping in the supply risk, the list of suitable elements can be further refined and prioritized.
Keywords: critical raw materials, risk assessment, supply chain sustainability, material dependency reduction
Published in DiRROS: 05.02.2025; Views: 695; Downloads: 90
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Izbrana poglavja iz zgodovine slovenske priseljenske skupnosti v Braziliji
Neža Hlebanja, 2024, scientific monograph

Keywords: Slovenci, migracije, zgodovinski pregledi, izseljenske organizacije
Published in DiRROS: 04.02.2025; Views: 127; Downloads: 98
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Quality of Slovenian dry-cured ham from Krškopolje and hybrid pigs : Influence of skin trimming methods
Bojana Savić, Martin Škrlep, Nives Marušić Radovčić, Sandra Petričević, Marjeta Čandek-Potokar, 2025, review article

Abstract: This study examined the quality of dry-cured hams produced from local pig breed and modern hybrids using two trimming methods. Hams (n = 24) of similar weight were harvested from local breed “Krškopolje pig” (KKP) and conventional hybrid pigs (CON). The left and right hams from KKP were trimmed according to “Kraški pršut” (K) and “Istrski pršut” (I), respectively, while the hams from CON were trimmed as “Kraški pršut”, yielding 8 hams per treatment (K-KKP, I-KKP, K-CON). After processing, the samples of dry-cured hams (part with biceps femoris, semimembranosus and semitendinosus muscles) were collected and analysed for chemical composition, texture, sensory analysis and volatile profile. Dry-cured hams of local breed (K-KKP) had lower dehydration loss (due to thicker fat cover), moisture content and aw, softer and more plastic texture, with sensory analysis showing more marbling, softer, pastier texture, more pronounced herbal aroma and sweetness than K-CON. Trimming type was associated with higher dehydration loss (due to removed skin), lower moisture content and aw, higher salt content and harder texture, with sensory analysis showing more marbling, more surface moisture and herbal odour, harder and pastier texture, and sweeter and less bitter taste in I-KKP than K-KKP. The analysis of volatile compounds clearly distinguished the types of dry-cured hams, with each exhibiting a unique volatile profile that enabled differentiation based on breed or trimming. Overall, the study highlights some advantages of dry-cured ham from local pig breeds and shows how trimming affects product's characteristics.
Keywords: pigs, dry-cured ham, Krškopolje pig, Kraški pršut, Istrski pršut, physico-chemical properties, volatile profile
Published in DiRROS: 04.02.2025; Views: 151; Downloads: 91
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Application of self-organizing maps to explore the interactions of microorganisms with soil properties in fruit crops under different management and pedo-climatic conditions
Francesca Antonucci, Simona Violino, Loredana Canfora, Malgorzata Tartanus, Ewa M. Furmanczyk, Sara Turci, Maria Grazia Tommasini, Nika Cvelbar Weber, Jaka Razinger, Morgane Ourry, Samuel Bickel, Thomas A. J. Passey, Anne Bohr, Heinrich Maisel, Massimo Pugliese, Francesco Vitali, Stefano Mocali, Federico Pallottino, Simone Figorilli, Corrado Costa, Eligio Malusà, 2025, original scientific article

Abstract: Self-organizing maps (SOMs) are a class of neural network algorithms able to visually describe a high-dimensional dataset onto a two-dimensional grid. SOMs were explored to classify soils based on an array of physical, chemical, and biological parameters. Methods: The SOM analysis was performed considering soil physical, chemical, and microbial data gathered from an array of apple orchards and strawberry plantations managed by organic or conventional methods and located in different European climatic zones. Results: The SOM analysis considering the “climatic zone” categorical variables was able to discriminate the samples from the three zones for both crops. The zones were associated with different soil textures and chemical characteristics, and for both crops, the Continental zone was associated with microbial parameters—including biodiversity indices derived from the NGS data analysis. However, the SOM analysis based on the “management method” categorical variables was not able to discriminate the soils between organic and integrated management. Conclusions: This study allowed for the Soil Syst. 2025, 9, 10 https://doi.org/10.3390/soilsystems9010010 Soil Syst. 2025, 9, 10 2 of 14 discrimination of soils of medium- and long-term fruit crops based on their pedo-climatic characteristics and associating these characteristics to some indicators of the soil biome, pointing to the possibility of better understanding the interactions among diverse variables, which could support unraveling the intricate web of relationships that define soil quality.
Keywords: apple, neural networks, soil microbiome diversity, strawberry
Published in DiRROS: 03.02.2025; Views: 150; Downloads: 41
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