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Practical insights and advances in concrete pumping
Daniil Mikhalev, Ana Brunčič, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: This technical letter gives a concise overview of the state-of-the-art in concrete pumping. It outlines the different pump systems, briefly describes the general flow behavior of concrete in pipes, and addresses the main challenges of pumping. It also elaborates upon factors influencing the pumping behavior and how to control the pumping process.
Keywords: rheology, quality control, pressure, concrete, pumping, lubrication layer
Published in DiRROS: 18.02.2025; Views: 128; Downloads: 57
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Turning a point cloud into a Building Information Model (BIM) : defining and validating the accuracy requirements for existing buildings
Katja Žagar, Laurens Jozef Nicolaas Oostwegel, Katja Malovrh Rebec, 2025, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: Digitization of existing buildings is one of the main future goals, leading to efficient planning, renovation and maintenance. Among the existing buildings, a significant share is protected as a cultural heritage and their management is supervised because interventions on the protected sites are limited. Building information modeling (BIM) provides the opportunity to integrate accurate as-built information into the digital environment where it can easily be accessed and used. A digital representation of building creation usually starts with the acquisition of spatial data (point cloud), which is then used to create a semantically enriched model with certain geometric accuracy (BIM). In order for the model to serve its purpose, it is important to define how accurate the model should be. Since there are currently insufficient definitions of geometric requirementsfor specific BIM use cases, the research hypothesis was that the quality of BIM greatly depends on the modeler. The identified issue was approached with a study case. Using the point cloud of the existing building, the BIM was made and validated based on pre-defined accuracy requirements. Different accuracy validation methods were used in the process. Based on the results of the study case, conclusions and recommendations for efficient BIM creation were prepared.
Keywords: digitalization of existing buildings, point cloud, building information model, BIM, geometric accuracy
Published in DiRROS: 18.02.2025; Views: 151; Downloads: 85
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Multiplex basophil activation tests for allergy diagnosis : present and future applications
Ana Koren, Peter Korošec, 2024, review article

Abstract: The basophil activation test (BAT) has become a major cellular in vitro test for evaluating the allergenic activity of specific IgEs. The impact of the BAT is due to the ability of blood basophil granulocytes to present IgE on the high-affinity FcεRI receptor and to mirror the mast cell response that elicits an acute allergic reaction. The BAT proved to be able to identify allergic patients at risk of reacting to a low dose of the allergen and/or developing life-threatening reactions and thus can significantly improve the current management of allergic patients. However, to improve the diagnostic utility for identifying the allergenic activity of different genuinely sensitizing allergens and lower the procedure and labour requirements, developing a multiplex BAT approach incorporating multiple allergen components would be highly anticipated. Recently, the novel multiplex BAT was described utilizing two major innovative steps. The first step was the fluorescent labeling of allergens. The second step was applying fluorescently labeled allergens in flow cytometry assessment to analyze the activation of basophil subpopulations gated according to the binding of different allergens or to evaluate the fluorescence intensity of multiple allergens on the surface of basophils. These novel cellular multiplex approaches will advance our understanding of IgE-mediated responses. Integration of multiplex BAT, in addition to multiplex IgE assays into practice, will personalize the measurement of allergenic IgE activity and can help estimate the likelihood of clinical relevance and risks for multiple allergens when testing individual allergic patients.
Keywords: allergy, diagnosis, basophil activation test, CD63, multiplex analysis
Published in DiRROS: 17.02.2025; Views: 161; Downloads: 108
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Measuring the acceptance of smart home-based technologies among the older adults : systematic literature review
Ajda Šeme, David Bogataj, Boštjan Kefo Kerbler, 2024, review article

Abstract: The general acceptance of smart home-based technologies among older adults is investigated in this systematic literature review, aiming to provide a comprehensive understanding of the methodologies used to measure this acceptance. Given the pivotal role of housing in the wellbeing of older adults, smart home-based technologies have emerged as potential solutions to enhance their independence and safety. Despite the numerous benefits associated with these technologies, their acceptance remains a challenging aspect. The review has demonstrated that the methodology for measuring acceptance among older adults exhibits significant heterogeneity, often depending on prior utilization of a particular technology. Beyond this observation, the review identifies additional trends and serves as a foundational resource for advancing research on the digitization of home environments for older individuals.
Published in DiRROS: 13.02.2025; Views: 138; Downloads: 77
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Different environments and physical activity before and during the COVID-19 lockdown : data from Slovenia
Vita Žlender, Stefano Gemin, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: The relationship between physical activity and green spaces has been widely researched, but less so when comparing physical activity in different environments. This study investigates the variations in physical activity across six environments (nature, park, urban, home, sportsground and indoor venue) and how it was influenced by lockdown governed during the COVID-19 pandemic. Data were collected from 1161 participants using an online survey conducted in spring 2021 in Slovenia. The results show that 95.5% of respondents are somewhat physically active, mostly in nature and at home. Respondents found natural shade, trees, secure access to and secure use of green spaces most important, recreational routes most encouraging, and bad smells and crowdedness most discouraging for outdoor physical activity. During the lockdown, 80% of people maintained or increased their physical activity. Regression analysis showed significant differences in preference for green space characteristics and levels of physical activity in different environments. Several sociodemographic and living environment characteristics also appeared significant. Our research findings underline the importance of considering a variety of environments when exploring preferences for physical activity. They also provide scientific evidence and justification for recommendations in planning and policy-making to encourage outdoor physical activity.
Published in DiRROS: 13.02.2025; Views: 119; Downloads: 67
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Wartime and post-war confiscations of East Asian objects held in the collections of the Celje Regional Museum
Davor Mlinarič, 2025, original scientific article

Abstract: The article attempts to clarify, on the basis of laws adopted during and after the Second World War, how East Asian items became part of the museum collections held today by the Celje Regional Museum (Pokrajinski muzej Celje, PMC). The first part of the article focuses on confiscations of cultural and historical objects carried out by the Nazis in Lower Styria (Untersteiermark) between 1941 and 1945. The second part of the article covers the period immediately after the end of the Second World War. This was the period that saw the start of the formation of so-called national property, in other words the passage of ownership from private to state hands. As will be shown, a series of laws regulating the new authorities’ attitude towards property were passed in a relatively brief period. In the summer of 1945, the task of collecting cultural and historical objects was taken over by collection centres established for this purpose. One such collection centre was located in Celje. With the help of archival sources, we have attempted to shed light on its operations.
Keywords: East Asian objects, confiscation, legislation, Celje Regional Museum
Published in DiRROS: 13.02.2025; Views: 133; Downloads: 80
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Proučevanje potenciala za zagotavljanje kulturnih ekosistemskih storitev pri načrtovanju zelene infrastrukture v obmestni krajini : pristop z matriko strokovnih ocen
Vita Žlender, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: S širjenjem mestnih območij v obmestne krajine postaja potreba po učinkovitem načrtovanju zelene infrastrukture čedalje pomembnejša za ohranjanje ekološke celovitosti območij in človekovega dobrega počutja. V članku je predstavljena matrika strokovnih ocen kot metoda vrednotenja potenciala območij, da zagotavljajo kulturne ekosistemske storitve (KES), pri načrtovanju zelene infrastrukture (ZI) v obmestni krajini. Strokovnjaki z več področij so sistematično ovrednotili različne vrste rabe zemljišč in pokrovnosti tal ter varstvene režime, značilne za obmestne krajine, in to glede na kategorije KES. Poleg potenciala za zagotavljanje kulturnih ekosistemskih storitev so ovrednotili tudi potencial za povzročanje kulturnih ekosistemskih nevšečnosti. Njihove ocene so bile združene in na tej podlagi so bile izdelane karte, na katerih so razvidna območja z visokim potencialom za zagotavljanje KES in tista, na katerih bi lahko ekosistemi povzročili nevšečnosti. Opisani pristop je bil nato uporabljen v treh študijah primera, pri tem je bila dokazana njegova učinkovitost pri določanju prednostnih območij za načrtovanje ZI in izvedbo upravljavskih posegov. Izsledki raziskave opozarjajo na pomen upoštevanja KES pri načrtovanju ZI, saj lahko to izboljša odpornost krajin, družbeno blaginjo in ohranjanje kulturne dediščine v dinamičnih obmestnih okoljih. S presojo, vrednotenjem zbranih strokovnih ocen in jasno prostorsko predstavitvijo rezultatov za posamezno proučevano območje je bila potrjena uporabnost matrike strokovnih ocen kot uporabnega orodja za načrtovanje trajnostne ZI v krajinskem merilu.
Keywords: obmestna krajina, metoda prekrivanja, krajinsko načrtovanje, Ljubljana, Edinburg
Published in DiRROS: 12.02.2025; Views: 122; Downloads: 93
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