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An analysis of the kinetic energy in the basket to handstand on parallel bars : a case study of an elite gymnast
Saša Veličković, Dušan Đorđević, Petar Veličković, Marijo Možnik, Edvard Kolar, Cristina-Elena Stoica, Alina-Mihaela Cristută, Nicolae-Lucian Voinea, Ana-Maria Vulpe, Saša Bubanj, Dušan Stanković, Bojan Bjelica, Nikola Aksović, Tatiana Dobrescu, 2025, original scientific article

Abstract: : (1) Background: This study aimed to examine the differences in the kinetic energy of the body’s center of mass between successful and unsuccessful attempts at transitioning from a basket to a handstand on the parallel bars. Special attention was given to the analysis of kinetic energy as a key factor in the efficient execution of this complex element. (2) Methods: The sample consisted of 10 successful and 10 unsuccessful attempts performed by an elite gymnast (a multiple-medalist in World and European Championships). All attempts and kinematic data were recorded and analyzed using high-frequency cameras (300 Hz) and the Ariel Performance 3D video system, respectively. Successful and unsuccessful performances were compared using a paired-sample t-test. (3) Results: Significant differences in kinetic energy were observed in the first part of the anti-gravitational phase of movement between successful and unsuccessful attempts. Successful attempts demonstrated a more favorable position at the beginning of this phase, allowing better utilization of accumulated kinetic energy—a higher position of the feet and hips, and a smaller shoulder joint angle at the moment the shoulder passed through the lower vertical. (4) Conclusions: Successful attempts in gymnastics are characterized by better biomechanical optimization and efficient kinetic energy use, achieved through an earlier entry into the second phase of movement with optimal body positioning, leading to greater peripheral and angular velocities crucial for performance.
Keywords: energy, gymnastics, kinematic analysis, parallel bars, biomechanics
Published in DiRROS: 27.01.2025; Views: 122; Downloads: 79
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Teachers social, emotional, and diversity awareness competencies : from policy experimentation to policy recommendations
Urška Štremfel, 2024, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph

Abstract: This chapter aims to explain the HAND in HAND: Empowering Teachers Across Europe to Deal with Social, Emotional and Diversity-Related Career Challenges (“HAND:ET”) project from a policy perspective. Basic theoretical insights into the relationship between social science experimentation and policymaking are provided. The chapter explores how the HAND:ET policy experiment is positioned with respect to existing educational priorities concerning teachers and their well-being on the EU level and in the national policies in the countries participating in the policy experimentation (Austria, Croatia, Portugal, Slovenia, Sweden). The chapter describes the manner in which the HAND:ET policy experiment, by focusing on teachers’ SEDA competencies addresses the recent European Union policy problems of the teacher profession (e.g., teacher shortages) and, based on the literature review, seeks to identify possible policy recommendations that would ensure that the results of the HAND:ET policy exper‐iment are applied on the systemic level of the EU and the participating countries. It thus elaborates on the conditions for the scalability, transferability and therefore sustainability of the HAND:ET policy experimentation outcomes in the wider field of teacher policy.
Keywords: education, teachers, teacher's competencies, social and emotional competencies, diversity awareness, policy experiment, policy problem, policy development, policy recommendations
Published in DiRROS: 27.01.2025; Views: 136; Downloads: 80
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Supporting teachers’ social and emotional competencies and diversity awareness in the future : implications for educational policies and practices
Urška Štremfel, Ana Kozina, Tina Vršnik Perše, Iva Odak, Ivana Jugović, Lisa Paleczek, Valerie Fredericks, Nina Rozcen, Mojca Rožman, Nina Eliasson, Helene Dahlström, Gina Tome, Margarida Gaspar de Matos, Hrvoje Bakić, Aleš Ojsteršek, Iva Perković, 2024, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph

Abstract: The chapter is based on summarised findings of both the HAND in HAND: Empowering Teachers Across Europe to Deal with Social, Emotional and Diversity-Related Career Challenges policy experiment (presented in volume 1) and analyses of current European Union and national policy frameworks (presented in this volume), and elaborates on the conditions needed to ensure the scalability, transferability and thus sustainability of the HAND in HAND: Empowering Teachers Across Europe to Deal with Social, Emotional and Diversity-Related Career Challenges project outcomes and the systematic policy and political support needed on the European Union and national levels. It sets out 39 guidelines organised in 5 areas: 1) Including social and emotional and diversity awareness content in teachers’ professional development; 2) Supporting the development and implementation of teachers’ social and emotional competencies and diversity awareness programmes; 3) Considering the role of working conditions in teachers’ well-being; 4) Enhancing teachers’ professional status in society; and 5) Improving policy frameworks for supporting teachers’ social and emotional competencies and diversity awareness on all levels of the European Union’s multi-level governance. While considering the differences in current national policy arrangements and challenges to teachers’ well-being and the development of their social and emotional competencies and diversity awareness in the HAND in HAND: Empowering Teachers Across Europe to Deal with Social, Emotional and Diversity-Related Career Challenges project field-trial countries (Austria, Croatia, Portugal, Slovenia, Sweden), the chapter also introduces specific guidelines concerning ways to foster teachers’ SEDA development in their respective national contexts.
Keywords: education, European Union, field trial countries, HAND:ET, social and emotional competencies, diversity awareness, initial and continuous professional development, professional development, working conditions, teachers' professional status in society
Published in DiRROS: 27.01.2025; Views: 158; Downloads: 84
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Policies supporting teachers’ social and emotional competencies, and diversity awareness on the European union level
Urška Štremfel, 2024, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph

Abstract: The chapter presents the embodiment of teachers’ social and emotional competencies, and diversity awareness in European Union policies in a longer-term perspective. It demonstrates how teachers’ social and emotional competencies and diversity awareness have slowly entered the European Union agenda ever since the European Community was set up in 1951. This path has been marked by supporting teachers’ mobility (1990s), strengthening their intercultural competencies (2010s) and, finally, establishing teachers’ well-being as a high political priority (2020s). The chapter shows that teachers’ competencies (also those implicitly related to social and emotional competencies and diversity awareness) are treated mostly as support for students’ outcomes and assuring quality and effective education and training and, to a large extent the exposure of their importance in European Union policy documents, is influenced by external factors (the economic, migrant and COVID crises). By describing past and particularly current European Union strategic priorities concerning the development of teachers’ well-being and social and emotional competencies, and diversity awareness, the chapter outlines the European Union policy framework in which the HAND in HAND: Empowering Teachers Across Europe to Deal with Social, Emotional and Diversity-Related Career Challenges project was initiated and to whose realisation it is expected to contribute.
Keywords: education, European Union, teacher policy, historical development, social and emotional competencies, diversity awareness, well-being
Published in DiRROS: 27.01.2025; Views: 127; Downloads: 80
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Perspectives from Slovenia
Urška Štremfel, Aleš Ojsteršek, Stanka Lunder Verlič, Mija Javornik, 2024, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph

Abstract: The chapter presents the systemic support currently available for developing teachers’ social and emotional competencies and diversity awareness in Slovenia. It demonstrates that in educational legislation they are implicitly related to a safe and supportive learning environment. They are not systematically supported in initial professional development in various pedagogical programmes. Although several continuous professional development programmes in the field can be found in Slovenia, these are mainly shorter-term programmes that teachers attend voluntarily. Several developmental programmes conducted in the last few years in Slovenia were related to a safe and supportive learning environment and developing teachers’ diversity awareness. However, research shows that teachers’ social and emotional competencies and diversity awareness, based on the Teaching and Learning International Survey and rare national research findings, particularly in recent years, in addition to teacher shortages and stress, remain important challenges of the education system in Slovenia. The ongoing educational policy reforms aim to address them by recognising the importance of teachers’ social and emotional competencies and diversity awareness for the quality of teaching and learning and highlighting the need for systemic support for the development of teachers’ relational competencies and the intended renewal of initial and continuous teachers’ professional development in this respect.
Keywords: education, teachers, social and emotional competencies, diversity awareness, safe and supportive school environment, professional development, Slovenia
Published in DiRROS: 27.01.2025; Views: 168; Downloads: 89
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Perspectives from Croatia
Hrvoje Bakić, Gordana Galić, Urška Štremfel, 2024, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph

Abstract: The chapter provides a review of current policy frameworks supporting teachers’ social and emotional competencies and diversity awareness in Croatia. It shows that although these competencies of teachers are not explicitly addressed in educational legislation, strategies and other relevant policy documents, implicitly the need for healthy (social and emotional) development of students is implied. Despite teachers’ social and emotional competencies and diversity awareness not being systemically supported in initial and continuous professional development programmes in Croatia, several examples of such courses and programmes are identified. The integrated supervision for teachers and other professional staff conducted by the National Education and Teacher Training Agency addresses the development of both teachers’ social and emotional competencies and diversity awareness competencies and their needs in the field. In the National Plan for Development of the Education and Training System until 2027, the pressing challenges facing the teaching profession (teacher shortages, working conditions, professional status in society) are planned to be addressed with several measures for advancing teachers’ professional development. The research findings presented in the chapter hold several policy implications indicating that the development of teachers’ social and emotional competencies and diversity awareness should be incorporated into the planned renewal of teacher professional development and thereby be better systemically supported.
Keywords: education, teachers, social and emotional competencies, diversity awareness, professional development, policy, Croatia
Published in DiRROS: 27.01.2025; Views: 151; Downloads: 88
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National policy support for developing teachers’ social and emotional competencies and diversity awareness : comparative insights
Urška Štremfel, 2024, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph

Abstract: The chapter aims to provide comparative insights into national policy frameworks supporting the development of teachers’ social and emotional competencies and diversity awareness in the HAND in HAND: Empowering Teachers Across Europe to Deal with Social, Emotional and Diversity-Related Career Challenges project field trial countries (Austria, Croatia, Portugal, Slovenia, Sweden). The results show that, despite several good practices being identified, the field is not systematically supported in the mentioned countries. This is evident in the lack of clear definitions and goals in key national policy documents, the non-obligatory presence of the topic in both initial teacher education and continuous professional development, the absence of systematic monitoring of teachers’ well-being and social and emotional competencies and diversity awareness, coupled with the scarce policy-related research in the field. Nevertheless, significant differences between countries are established. These findings are important for determining fields in need of further improvement, identifying good practices for policy learning between European Union countries as well as providing one of the several backgrounds for understanding the complexity of the HAND in HAND: Empowering Teachers Across Europe to Deal with Social, Emotional and Diversity-Related Career Challenges policy experiment results.
Keywords: education, teachers' well-being, social and emotional competencies, diversity awareness, national educational policy, comparative insights
Published in DiRROS: 27.01.2025; Views: 124; Downloads: 79
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Conceptual framework of the project HAND in HAND : empowering teachers
Ana Kozina, Tina Vršnik Perše, 2024, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph

Abstract: This chapter explores three key areas. The first one centres on the significance of social and emotional competencies along with diversity awareness (SEDA) for teach‐ers. SEDA competencies play an important role in teachers’ personal and professional development, promoting their growth and fostering students’ progress in these areas. The second area provides an overview of the project HAND in HAND: Empowering Teachers Across Europe to Deal with Social, Emotional and Diversity-Related Career Challenges (“HAND:ET”). This project seeks to support teachers in developing SEDA competencies, equipping them to navigate the complexities of their daily work in ever more diverse classrooms and adapt to new challenges. The third area delves into the core concepts of the HAND:ET project, their interconnectedness, and the anticipated outcomes. The central elements of the HAND:ET project follow the complexity of educational processes within classrooms and schools and can be grouped into core concepts, tools and outcomes. The main concepts encompass social and emotional competencies (self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, responsible decision-making) as well as diversity awareness. These concepts are deliv‐ered through the tools of mindfulness, empathic curiosity, and reflection. The outcomes directly expected are teachers possessing enhanced SEDA competencies, with indirect effects expected to include positive relationships within classrooms and schools.
Keywords: education, HAND:ET project, teachers, social and emotional competencies, diversity awareness, core concepts
Published in DiRROS: 27.01.2025; Views: 141; Downloads: 106
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Responsible decision making in the use of artificial intelligence from students’ perspective
Marta Licardo, Tina Vršnik Perše, 2024, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph

Abstract: Responsible decision making in the use of artificial intelligence (AI) has been one of the key issues in recent years. With technological development progressing faster than ever and no formal regulations yet in place, young people must often rely on their judgement and critical thinking. The aim of this study was to determine students’ perspectives on the use of AI in lectures, as well as on AI and social and emotional skills as transversal competencies. The written responses of the 49 university students (pre-service early childhood education teachers) on the topic of responsible decision making and the use of AI were analysed. The main findings show that students are aware of the potential of AI use and are quite enthusiastic about the potential of AI in problem solving, reasoned judgement and evaluation. However, they also reported concerns relating to trust, accuracy, addiction to AI, the impact on personal development, i.e. AI is unable to predict and assess consequences or impacts due to the complexity of human life. The study is important because it provides insight into students’ perceptions of important themes related to responsible decision making in the use of AI.
Keywords: social and emotional skills, responsible decision making, artificial intelligence, students’ perspectives
Published in DiRROS: 27.01.2025; Views: 131; Downloads: 63
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