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Benefits of urgan forest : just one step away from the city
Urša Vilhar, 2021, not set

Published in DiRROS: 22.04.2021; Views: 943; Downloads: 366
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Mestni gozd nas bogati
Urša Vilhar, 2021, not set

Keywords: mestni gozdovi, promocija
Published in DiRROS: 22.04.2021; Views: 1155; Downloads: 433
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Water regulation ecosystem services following gap formation in Fir-beech forests in the Dinaric Karst
Urša Vilhar, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: This paper investigates how variation in forest structural characteristics affects the water retention capacity of gaps and forests in fir-beech forests in the Dinaric Karst. Forests are identified as a key element of the landscape for provision of pristine water resources, particularly in highly vulnerable karst aquifers characterized by rapid infiltration of recharge water, high subsurface permeability, and heterogeneous underground flow. Indicators of hydrologic fluxes (drainage flux, canopy interception, transpiration, and soil evaporation) in a large experimental gap (approximately 0.2 ha in size) and those in a nearby old-growth gap were compared over a 13-year period using the Brook90 hydrological model and their structural characteristics were analyzed. In addition, the hydrologic fluxes were also simulated for a managed forest and an old-growth forest for reference. Water regulation capacity was lowest in the experimental gap, where drainage flux accounted for 81% of precipitation and the sum of canopy interception, transpiration, and soil evaporation (evapotranspiration) accounted for 18%. This was followed by the old-growth gap, where drainage flux accounted for 78% of precipitation and evapotranspiration for 23%. Water retention capacity was highest and generally similar for both forests, where 71%72% of annual precipitation drained to the subsurface. The results of this study suggest that the creation of large canopy gaps in fir-beech forests in the Dinaric Karst results in significant and long-lasting reduction in soil and vegetation water retention capacity due to unfavorable conditions for successful natural tree regeneration. For optimal provision of water regulation ecosystem services of forests in the Dinaric Karst, small, irregularly shaped canopy gaps no larger than tree height should be created, mimicking the structural characteristics of naturally occurring gaps in old-growth forests.
Keywords: water retention capacity, drainage flux, evapotranspiration, Brook90 hydrological model, experimental canopy gap, old-growth forest
Published in DiRROS: 05.03.2021; Views: 1065; Downloads: 854
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Priročnik za fenološka opazovanja dreves v mestu in urbanih gozdovih
Urša Vilhar, 2014, dictionary, encyclopaedia, lexicon, manual, atlas, map

Keywords: fenologija, urbani gozdovi, monitoring, drevnine, drevesa, priročniki
Published in DiRROS: 01.02.2021; Views: 1474; Downloads: 498
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Three decades of urban forest and green space research and practice in Croatia and Slovenia
Silvija Krajter Ostoić, Dijana Vuletić, Špela Planinšek, Urša Vilhar, Anže Japelj, 2020, review article

Abstract: Background and Objectives: Urban forests and green space contribute to human wellbeing. Green infrastructure is recognized by the European Union as a planning tool that contributes to the implementation of many public policies, with urban forests and green space as its main building blocks. Croatia and Slovenia are young democracies and recent members of the European Union. Hence, they also need to contribute to the implementation of those policies. Previous review studies on urban forests and green space rarely addressed scientific or professional publications in those countries. Furthermore, the body of knowledge about urban forest and green space research and practice in post-socialist countries is still rather weak. The goal of the paper is (a) to show that urban forest and green space research and practice is much stronger in these countries than it is possible to assume based only on previous review papers or only by searching Scopus andWeb of Science, and (b) to describe publications written by scientists and professionals in the past 30 years. Materials and Methods: We used a trilingual systematic literature review to identify scientific and grey literature in various databases, as well as a snowballing technique, and yielded 211 publications in Croatia and 84 in Slovenia. Results: We identified many more publications on urban forests and green space science and practice in Croatia and Slovenia than it was possible to assume based only on previous review papers and when searching solely publications in English. Croatian authors showed continuity over time in terms of number of publications, while Slovenian publications have been on the rise in the past decade. In both countries, scientific papers were most frequent, and the vast majority of studies addressed capital cities. Croatian publications mainly focused on parks and park-forests, while Slovenian publications focused on urban forests. Interestingly, Croatian authors were a%liated with over 60 organizations, and in comparison to Slovenian authors, have stronger preference towards publishing in their local language. Green space planning and design followed by resource inventory were the most frequent themes. The least addressed themes in both countries were resource management, economic aspects, policy, legislation or governance. Conclusions: Important discussion in the future, especially in Croatia, would be regulation of urban forestry as a profession. Cross-sectoral and interdisciplinary studies, as well as focusing on cities other than capitals in future, can help in addressing issues such as climate change or application of participatory approaches.
Keywords: urban forests, urban forestry, green space, post-socialist countries, grey literature
Published in DiRROS: 26.05.2020; Views: 1834; Downloads: 1193
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Ekosistemske storitve urbanih gozdov za rezervni vodni vir
Urša Vilhar, Erika Kozamernik, 2020, original scientific article

Abstract: Gozdovi s svojimi ekosistemskimi storitvami pomembno prispevajo k varovanju vodnih virov, posebno v urbanih okoljih. V članku predstavljamo metodologijo za oceno ekosistemskih storitev urbanih gozdov za varovanje rezervnega vodnega vira, pri čemer je to prva tovrstna neekonomska ocena. Da bi lahko primerjali ekosistemske storitve gozdov za varovanje vodnih virov z drugimi rabami tal, smo za vodozbirno zaledje rezervnega vodnega vira izbrali kazalnike za ohranjanje kakovosti voda, uravnavanje količine voda in zmanjševanje onesnaženosti zraka za urbane gozdove in druge rabe tal v študijskem območju. Za vsak kazalnik smo izračunali relativni prispevek posamezne rabe tal k ekosistemski storitvi varovanja vodnih virov, in sicer za (1) kmetijska zemljišča, (2) travniki in opuščena kmetijska zemljišča, (3) urbani gozd, (4) mokrišča, močvirja in poplavne ravnice ter (5) pozidano zemljišče. Ugotovili smo, da urbani gozdovi v znatno večji meri prispevajo k ekosistemski storitvi varovanja vodnih virov kot druge rabe tal. Največji prispevek urbanih gozdov je bil ugotovljen pri ohranjanju kakovosti voda ter zmanjševanju onesnaženosti zraka, kjer so kazalniki znatno višji kot za travnike ali kmetijska zemljišča. Prav tako je bil ugotovljen velik prispevek urbanih gozdov k uravnavanju količine voda, ki pa je bil višji za mokrišča, močvirja in poplavne ravnice. K ekosistemskim storitvam varovanja vodnih virov je glede na izbrane kazalnike največji skupni relativni prispevek urbanih gozdov (2,4), katerim sledijo travniki in opuščena kmetijska zemljišča (1,6). Mokrišča, močvirja oziroma poplavne ravnice (1,3) prispevajo podobno kot kmetijska zemljišča (1,2). Najmanjši relativni skupni relativni prispevek pa smo ugotovili za pozidane površine (0,0). Glede na velik prispevek urbanih gozdov k ekosistemski storitvi varovanja vodnih virov v primerjavi z drugimi rabami tal bi bilo smiselno njihov delež ohraniti ali v II. in III. vodovarstvenem območju celo povečati. Vsekakor pa bi bilo priporočljivo omejiti širjenje urbanizacije ter druge človekove dejavnosti, ki ogrožajo vodne vire.
Keywords: urbani gozdovi, ekosistemske storitve, oskrba s pitno vodo, raba tal, zelena infrastruktura
Published in DiRROS: 02.05.2020; Views: 2645; Downloads: 741
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Didaktični programi za gozdno pedagogiko za Vrtec Petra Klepca in Osnovno šolo Cerkno
2019, other educational material

Abstract: Gozd s svojim dinamičnim utripom predstavlja bogato in neponovljivo vzgojnoučno okolje. Otroci ga občutijo z vsemi čuti, ga preoblikujejo po lastnih zamislih in gozd preoblikuje njih. Ponuja jim ustvarjalno okolje, ki porodi iskrive zamisli, pozitivna čustva, jih umiri in jim pomaga odkrivati lastne izrazne možnosti. Odkrivanje gozda otroke popelje do razburljivih doživetij, jim omogoča oddih v naravi, krepitev gibalnih sposobnosti, čutnih zaznav, razumevanja naravnih zakonitosti in procesov, spodbuja njihovo ustvarjalnost od najzgodnejšega obdobja pa do pozne odraslosti.
Keywords: spoznavanje okolja, gozdna pedagogika, otroški vrtci, osnovne šole, elektronske knjige
Published in DiRROS: 07.11.2019; Views: 3891; Downloads: 1602
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Trajnostna rekreacija in turizem v gozdu : zbornik zaključne konference CRP projekta Priprava strokovnih izhodišč za turistično in rekreacijsko rabo gozdov, 11. september 2018, Ljubljana
not set

Abstract: Rekreacijska in turistična raba gozdov v Sloveniji je v porastu. Razlogov je več, med drugim tudi ugodne značilnosti in vsebine gozda v Sloveniji za tako rabo. K povpraševanju in dejanski rabi in izrabi potencialov nedvomno prispeva tudi ozaveščenost prebivalcev o pomenu gibanja v naravi za zdravje in dobro počutje, intenziven marketing proizvajalcev športne opreme za prosti čas ter možnost neposrednega ali posrednega zaslužka z različnimi turističnimi produkti, kot so opazovanje živali ali lov, vodeni pohodniški ali kolesarski izleti, nabiralništvo in drugo. Kakor pri tem obstajajo koristi za uporabnike oziroma izvajalce dejavnosti, pa se na drugi strani pojavljajo različni konflikti na ravneh lastništva in uporabnikov gozdnega prostora. Med pogostejšimi konflikti prepoznavamo negativne vplive aktivnosti na sam gozdni ekosistem, poseganje v lastninsko pravico lastnikov gozdov, navzkrižje interesov med deležniki ali med različnimi rabami gozda in podobno.
Keywords: raba gozdov, trajnostna strategija, gozdna pedagogika, turistične kmetije, lastniki gozdov, medvedi, zakonodaja, zborniki, elektronske knjige
Published in DiRROS: 15.10.2018; Views: 5120; Downloads: 1491
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