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Krožni in nizko-ogljični gradbeni proizvodi
Janez Turk, Tajda Potrč Obrecht, Katja Malovrh Rebec, Patricija Ostruh, 2023, treatise, preliminary study, study

Keywords: smernica, sekundarni proizvodi, ponovna uporaba, reciklaža, LCA
Published in DiRROS: 19.08.2024; Views: 277; Downloads: 583
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Vpliv dodatka nanofibrilirane celuloze na mehanske lastnosti poli(3-hidroksibutirata)
Vesna Žepič Bogataj, Erika Švara Fabjan, Ida Poljanšek, Primož Oven, 2017, original scientific article

Abstract: Namen prispevka temelji na inovativnem postopku izdelave nanokompozitov na osnovi poli(3-hidroksibutirata) (PHB) in nanofibrilirane celuloze (NFC). Raziskovalno delo obravnava pripravo koncentratnih mešanic PHB-prahu in NFC v vodni raztopini za tehnologijo ekstruzijskega mešanja. Ekstrudat koncentrirane mešanice PHB/NFC je bil nato uporabljen kot dodatek h granulirani obliki PHB pri pripravi brizganih vzorcev z različnimi utežnimi deleži NFC. V prispevku so podane določene omejitve pri predelavi tovrstnih materialov in predlagane uporabne rešitve za njihovo optimiziranje. Morfološke lastnosti nanokompozitnih komponent smo raziskali z elektronsko mikroskopijo (FE-SEM), mehanske lastnosti pa z nateznim preizkusom. Morfološka preiskava koncentratnih mešanic je razkrila prepleteno sestavo celuloznih nanofibril in polimernih kroglic, pri čemer se posamezne fibrile prepletajo v obliki širših pramenov in ustvarjajo videz zamrežene strukture znotraj polimerne komponente. Mikroskopski posnetki nanokompozitnih mešanic in izboljšane mehanske lastnosti izhodnih materialov potrjujejo,da je adhezivni stik med matrično in ojačitveno komponento dosežen, porazdelitev celuloznih nanofibril po polimerni osnovi pahomogena. Nanokompoziti z visokimi utežnimi deleži NFC (10 % utežnega deleža) dosegajo pomembno večje vrednosti modula elastičnosti (Et = 1720 MPa) in raztezka pri pretrgu (b = 3,1 %) ter prenesejo višje pretržne napetosti ( M = 26 MPa) v primerjavi z referenčnim polimernim vzorcem (Et = 1340 MPa;b = 2,4 %; M = 20 MPa). Rezultati študije dokazujejo, da je ob pravilni predpripravi polimernih mešanic in optimizaciji tehnologije ekstruzijske predelave, mogoče izdelati trdne in žilave materiale, pri čemer delež ojačitvene faze narekuje stopnjo izboljšave končnih lastnosti biopolimerne osnove.
Keywords: nanofibrilirana celuloza, poli(3-hidroksibutirat), morfologija, mehanske lastnosti, ekstruzija, tehnologija brizganja
Published in DiRROS: 14.08.2024; Views: 318; Downloads: 158
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Comparison of the mineralogy and microstructure of EAF stainless steel slags with reference to the cooling treatment
Mojca Loncnar, Ana Mladenovič, Marija Zupančič, Peter Bukovec, 2017, original scientific article

Abstract: TIn the present study the differences in the mineralogical composition and microstructure of various types of EAF stainless steel (EAF S) slag with regard to the cooling treatment, the operation practice in an EAF (electric arc furnace) and environmental ageing reactions were evaluated. It was shown that the mineralogy of the investigated EAF S slags varied from one slag to another, depending on the quality of the produced stainless steel. The production process of the treated steel also has a strong influence on the mineralogy of the slags. The conditions during water cooling treatment were not sufficient to prevent the crystallization of primary mineral phases, which occurs predominantly in air-cooled EAF S slags, probably due to the high basicity of the investigated slags. However, the water cooling treatment of hot slag leads to the absence of γ-CaSiO 4 and the formation of secondary mineral phases predominantly calcite, portlandite, ettringite, calcium aluminate hydrate and calcium silicate hydrate. It has been shown that during the environmental ageing test (down-flow column test) secondary mineral phases were formed, which were the same as those formed during the water cooling treatment.
Keywords: electric arc furnace stainless steel slag, cooling path, microstructure, mineralogy
Published in DiRROS: 14.08.2024; Views: 339; Downloads: 194
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Characterisation of ground thermal and thermo-mechanical behaviour for shallow geothermal energy applications
Ana Vieira, Maria Alberdi-Pegola, Paul Christodoulides, Saqib Javed, Fleur Loveridge, Frederic Nguyen, Francesco Cecinato, João Maranha, Georgios Florides, Iulia Prodan, Gust Van Lysebetten, Elsa Ramalhosa, Diana Salciarini, Aleksandar Georgiev, Sandrine Rosin-Paumier, Rumen Popov, Stanislav Lenart, Søren Erbs Poulsen, Georgia Radioti, 2017, original scientific article

Abstract: Increasing use of the ground as a thermal reservoir is expected in the near future. Shallow geothermal energy (SGE) systems have proved to be sustainable alternative solutions for buildings and infrastructure conditioning in many areas across the globe in the past decades. Recently novel solutions, including energy geostructures, where SGE systems are coupled with foundation heat exchangers, have also been developed. The performance of these systems is dependent on a series of factors, among which the thermal properties of the soil play a major role. The purpose of this paper is to present, in an integrated manner, the main methods and procedures to assess ground thermal properties for SGE systems and to carry out a critical review of the methods. In particular, laboratory testing through either steady-state or transient methods are discussed and a new synthesis comparing results for different techniques is presented. In situ testing including all variations of the thermal response test is presented in detail, including a first comparison between new and traditional approaches. The issue of different scales between laboratory and in situ measurements is then analysed in detail. Finally, the thermo-hydro-mechanical behaviour of soil is introduced and discussed. These coupled processes are important for confirming the structural integrity of energy geostructures, but routine methods for parameter determination are still lacking.
Keywords: hallow geotehermal systems, soil thermal behaviour, laboratory testing, in situ testing, thermo-mechanical behaviour
Published in DiRROS: 14.08.2024; Views: 288; Downloads: 199
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Water retention properties of stiff silt
Barbara Likar, Vikica Kuk, Karmen Fifer Bizjak, 2017, original scientific article

Abstract: Recent research into the behaviour of soils has shown that it is in fact much more complex than can be described by the mechanics of saturated soils. Nowadays the trend of investigations has shifted towards the unsaturated state. Despite the significant progress that has been made so far, there are still a lot of unanswered questions related to the behaviour of unsaturated soils. For this reason, in the field of geotechnics some new concepts are developed, which include the study of soil suction. Most research into soil suction has involved clayey and silty material, whereas up until recently no data have been available about measurements in very stiff preconsolidated sandy silt. Very stiff preconsolidated sandy silt is typical of the Krško Basin, where it is planned that some very important geotechnical structures will be built, so that knowledge about the behaviour of such soils at increased or decreased water content is essential. Several different methods can be used for soil suction measurements. In the paper the results of measurements carried out on very stiff preconsolidated sandy silt in a Bishop - Wesley double-walled triaxial cell are presented and compared with the results of soil suction measurements performed by means of a potentiometer (WP4C). All the measurement results were evaluated taking into account already known results given in the literature, using the three most commonly used mathematical models. Until now a lot of papers dealing with suction measurements in normal Consolidated and preconsolidated clay have been published. Measurements on very stiff preconsolidated sandy silt, as presented in this paper were not supported before.
Keywords: peščeni melj, trdni melji, sukcija, Bishop - Wesley triaksialna celica, retencijska krivulja, potenciometer WP4C
Published in DiRROS: 14.08.2024; Views: 286; Downloads: 137
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Changes of permeability of nonwoven geotextiles due to clogging and cyclic water flow in laboratory conditions
Anna Miszkowska, Stanislav Lenart, Eugeniusz Koda, 2017, original scientific article

Abstract: The use of geotextile filters has been a common application in geo-environmental and geotechnical engineering for decades. The purpose of the present paper is to assess the influence of artificial physical clogging and cyclic water flow on the water permeability characteristics of nonwoven geotextiles used commonly in filter and drainage systems. Despite many studies examining the behavior of soil-geosynthetics, the mechanism of physical clogging is not fully understood yet and remains incompletely defined. Artificial clogging and cyclic water flow tests have been conducted according to a procedure created by the authors. Three nonwoven geotextiles and silty sand were employed in the test series. Hydraulic properties of the tested geosynthetics were determined according to the ISO standard. Filter design criteria are also discussed. The paper also presents the changes of water permeability characteristics due to clogging and cyclic water flow. The results show significant decrease of water permeability coefficients of the tested nonwoven geotextiles after artificial clogging and under cyclic water flow. Furthermore, the clogging mechanism was observed and confirmed by three-dimensional computed tomography.
Keywords: nonwoven geotextile, clogging, cyclic flow, permeability, soil
Published in DiRROS: 14.08.2024; Views: 243; Downloads: 168
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Monitoring copper corrosion in bentonite by means of a coupled multi-electrode array
Tadeja Kosec, Miha Hren, Andraž Legat, 2017, original scientific article

Abstract: This work focuses in monitoring the corrosion processes on copper in a slightly saline environment under oxic conditions, which simulated the first part of high-radioactive waste disposal in bentonite. Besides coupled multi-electrode arrays (CMEA), also electrochemical impedance spectroscopy measurements were implemented. It was expected that this combination of methods would define the general corrosion rate, as well as the spatio-temporal evolution of anodic and cathodic processes. Anodic currents measured by CMEA showed that the corrosion rates decreased with time. Since maximum anodic activity switched between the electrodes, this situation was not individually valid for all the electrodes. At the end of exposure, different spectroscopic techniques were applied in order to identify the modes of corrosion and types of corrosion products. Uneven general corrosion without evident pits was indicated.
Keywords: copper, bentonite, saline groundwater, coupled multi electrode array, corrosion
Published in DiRROS: 14.08.2024; Views: 344; Downloads: 208
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Lightweight aggregates made from fly ash using the cold-bond process and their use in lightweight concrete
Ana Frankovič, Violeta Bokan-Bosiljkov, Vilma Ducman, 2017, original scientific article

Abstract: Aggregates made from fly ash have been developed by means of the cold-bonding process, with the addition of Portland cement as a binder at (10, 20, and 30) % of mass fractions, and by pouring the mixtures into moulds. After curing for 28 d the samples were processed into aggregate by crushing and sieving. An aggregate containing a weight percentage of 10 % of cement was additionally produced by pelletization on a granulating plate. The density, water-adsorption capacity, porosity, compressive strengths, and frost resistance of the samples were determined. The aggregates prepared by both routes were then used to make concrete samples, whose properties were then compared to those of conventional concrete made using limestone aggregate. The compressive strength of the concrete made with the granulated aggregate reached 16.0 MPa after 28 d, whereas that of the concrete made with crushed aggregate amounted to 24.1 MPa, and that of the conventional concrete was 34.6 MPa.
Keywords: fly ash, lightweight aggregates, density, compressive strength, frost resistance
Published in DiRROS: 14.08.2024; Views: 309; Downloads: 227
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An evaluation of marine sediments in terms of their usability in the brick industry : case study Port of Koper
Patrik Baksa, Franka Cepak, Rebeka Kovačič Lukman, Vilma Ducman, 2018, original scientific article

Abstract: A dredging process is essential for the development of harbours and ports, allowing the functional daily operation of the port. The management of dredged material represents a worldwide challenge, especially considering unwanted deposition of material. Because of their chemical, petrographic, mineralogical and homogeneity composition, marine sediments could represent an appropriate raw material for the brick industry, particularly for the production of clay blocks, roofing and ceramic tiles. In this study dredged material from Port of Koper was tested for such use, thus various analyses were carried out in order to determine if the dredged material is environmentally friendly and suitable for use in the brick industry. These included: chemical analysis, mineralogical analysis, particle size analysis, chloride content analysis and tests of firing in a gradient furnace. Furthermore, tests of mechanical properties, as well as tests of the frost-resistance of the samples were carried out. On the basis of the primary analyses and samples prepared in a laboratory, it was confirmed that marine sediments from the Port of Koper, without any additives are only conditionally suitable as a source material for producing brick products, because without additives they exhibit too much shrinkage on drying and firing, as well as high water absorption, this can be improved by the incorporation of suitable additives, for example, virgin clay or other suitable waste material. The approach described herewith can also be followed to assess sediments from other ports and rivers regarding its potential use in clay brick sector.
Keywords: dredge marine sediment, recycling, clay bricks, mechanical properties, chemical analysis
Published in DiRROS: 14.08.2024; Views: 287; Downloads: 164
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Efficiency of FRPU strengthening of a damaged masonry infill wall under in-plane cyclic shear loading and elevated temperatures
Petra Triller, Konrad Kwiecień, Arkadiusz Kwiecień, Uroš Bohinc, BogusŁaw Zając, Marcin Tekieli, Magdalena Szumera, Theodoros Rousakis, Vachan Vanian, Ahmet Tugrul Akyildiz, Alberto Viskovic, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: This paper presents results of in-plane shear tests carried out at the ZAG laboratory in Ljubljana (Slovenia) on a RC frame with masonry infill made of clay blocks (KEBE OrthoBlock). The frame was loaded with constant vertical loads at the top of the columns and then by gradually increasing horizontal cyclic loads at the top beam level. Acquired forces and measured displacements allowed capturing hysteretic behavior for determination of dissipation energy. In addition, two Digital Image Correlation (DIC) systems, Aramis and the CivEng Vision, were used to visualize the behavior of the tested specimens, with an emphasis on computing locally required information about the behavior of highly deformable interfaces. Three types of specimens were tested in-plane: the reference specimen in form of plain RC frame, the reference specimen with constructed masonry infill without any strengthening and the specimen, previously damaged and then strengthened on both sides using glass mesh bonded to the infill and the RC frame using flexible adhesive made of polyurethane matrix (Glass Fiber Reinforced PolyUrethane - GFRPU system). The strengthening process, allowed the specimen to withstand additional cyclic loads, reaching a maximum drift of 3.6 % without serious damage disqualifying the structure from further exploitation. The GFRPU strengthening system was found to be highly effective in preventing infill collapse of damaged masonry infill wall during in-plane loading. Additionally, the results of extended thermal analysis of PU are presented as polymers are, in general, a material, poorly resistant to heat. However, the analyzed PU manifested stable properties up to 200 degrees Celsius, which makes this material promising in civil engineering applications at elevated temperatures.
Keywords: masonry blocks, damaged infill, fiber Reinforced PolyUrethane, external composite strengthening, in-plane shear, thermal tests, DIC measurements
Published in DiRROS: 14.08.2024; Views: 266; Downloads: 182
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