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Query: "author" (Urban %C5%BDitko) .

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Evaluation of silicona microstrip detectors as X-ray sensors in digital mammography
Tadej Mali, Vladimir Cindro, Marko Mikuž, Urban Zdešar, Breda Jančar, 1999, original scientific article

Abstract: Background. Position sensitive silicon microstrip detectors are used as sensors for X rays in a digital imaging system. Silicon detectors were used inan edgeon geometry, yielding high X ray detection efficiency. Material and methods. A small detector system was assembled and tested. Images of a standard, 5 cm thick phantom were made and evaluated. It is demonstrated, thatthe use of silicon detectors in mammography could significantly contributeto a reduction of dose. All images were made with skin entrance doses lower than 1 mGy. Results and conclusion. Microcalcifications with a diameter of 350microm could still be detected with skin entrance doses of about 0.25 mGy. It was demonstrated that a 5 Ip/mm pattern can be detected. Image processing should further improve the image quality.
Published in DiRROS: 22.01.2024; Views: 497; Downloads: 116
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Kazalnik varnost in zdravje pri delu v gozdu
Urban Žitko, 2023, professional article

Keywords: delo v gozdu, varnost pri delu, nezgode pri delu, izobraževanje lastnikov gozdov, tečaj varnega dela v gozdu, Slovenija
Published in DiRROS: 12.01.2024; Views: 661; Downloads: 178
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Austrofoma 2023
Marjan Dolenšek, Peter Smolnikar, Martin Jež, Amina Gačo, Urban Žitko, Vasja Kavčič, Matjaž Dovečar, 2023, professional article

Keywords: traktorji, gozdarska mehanizacija, sejmi, strojna sečnja, transport lesa
Published in DiRROS: 12.01.2024; Views: 635; Downloads: 279
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Analiza kakovosti drv na slovenskem trgu
Amina Gačo, Darja Stare, Urban Žitko, Peter Smolnikar, Peter Prislan, 2023, professional article

Keywords: drva, kakovost
Published in DiRROS: 12.01.2024; Views: 546; Downloads: 373
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Kakovost peletov na slovenskem trgu v letu 2023
Darja Stare, Urban Žitko, Amina Gačo, Peter Smolnikar, Peter Prislan, 2023, professional article

Keywords: lesni peleti, kakovost
Published in DiRROS: 12.01.2024; Views: 615; Downloads: 171
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Kakovost peletov na slovenskem trgu v letu 2023
Darja Stare, Peter Prislan, Amina Gačo, Peter Smolnikar, Urban Žitko, 2023, treatise, preliminary study, study

Keywords: gozdarstvo, lesna biomasa, trg lesnih goriv, peleti, kakovost
Published in DiRROS: 10.01.2024; Views: 542; Downloads: 152
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The effect of duct size, sample size, and fuel composition on concurrent flame spread over large cellulose samples in microgravity
Sandra L. Olson, Gary A. Ruff, Paul V. Ferkul, Jay C. Owens, John Easton, Ya-Ting T. Liao, James S. T'ien, Balazs Toth, Grunde Jomaas, A. Carlos Fernandez-Pello, Guillaume Legros, Augustin Guibaud, Osamu Fujita, Nikolay Smirnov, David L. Urban, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: Concurrent flame spread data for thermally-thin charring solid fuels are presented from Saffire and BASS experiments performed in habitable spacecraft for three duct sizes, five sample sizes, two materials, and two atmospheres. The flame spread rates and flame lengths were strongly affected by duct size even for the relatively large ducts (> 30 cm tall). A transient excess pyrolysis length (i.e., flame length overshoot) was observed for the cotton fabric that burned away, which indicates that the transient excess pyrolysis length phenomenon is caused by more than just the flame moving into the developing boundary layer thickness as was the case with the SIBAL sample. A burnout time, defined as the pyrolysis length divided by the flame spread rate, normalized the pyrolysis length histories into a single curve with a steady burnout time of 22 s for the SIBAL fabric. The transient excess pyrolysis length is hypothesized to be a post-ignition flame growth transient for the essentially two-dimensional flames where the burnout time becomes very long until the preheat and pyrolysis lengths develop. The three-dimensional flames over narrow samples have lateral thermal expansion and lateral oxygen diffusion which allows them to transition to a steady state length without the transient excess pyrolysis length. Surface temperature profiles, nondimensionalized by the pyrolysis length, indicate that the temperature profiles exhibit the same shape across the pyrolysis zone. A surface energy balance calculation in the preheat region revealed that the heat flux increased rapidly at the pyrolysis front to near the critical heat flux for ignition. An estimate of the acceleration of the inviscid core flow in the duct due to thermal expansion and developing boundary layers on the duct walls and the SIBAL sample surface seems to explain the observed spread rate trends across three duct sizes and multiple sample sizes.
Keywords: concurrent flame spread, microgravity, duct size, sample size, cellulose fabrics
Published in DiRROS: 08.01.2024; Views: 433; Downloads: 82
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