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Query: "author" (Ur%C5%A1ka Jan%C5%BEi%C4%8D) .

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Pulmonary pathology and COVID-19 : lessons from autopsy : the experience of European pulmonary pathologists
Fiorella Calabrese, Federica Pezzuto, Francesco Fortarezza, Paul Hofman, Izidor Kern, Angel Panizo, Jan von der Thüsen, Sergei Timofeev, Gregor Gorkiewicz, Francesca Lunardi, 2020, original scientific article

Abstract: Since its initial recognition in December 2019, Coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) has quickly spread to a pandemic infectious disease. The causative agent has been recognized as a novel coronavirus, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), primarily affecting the respiratory tract. To date, no vaccines are available nor any specific treatment. To limit the number of infections, strict directives have been issued by governments that have been translated into equally rigorous guidelines notably for post-mortem examinations by international and national scientific societies. The recommendations for biosafety control required during specimen collection and handling have strongly limited the practice of autopsies of the COVID-19 patients to a few adequate laboratories. A full pathological examination has always been considered an important tool to better understand the pathophysiology of diseases, especially when the knowledge of an emerging disorder is limited and the impact on the healthcare system is significant. The first evidence of diffuse alveolar damage in the context of an acute respiratory distress syndrome has now been joined by the latest findings that report a more complex scenario in COVID-19, including a vascular involvement and a wide spectrum of associated pathologies. Ancillary tools such as electron microscopy and molecular biology used on autoptic tissue samples from autopsy are also significantly contributing to confirm and/or identify new aspects useful for a deeper knowledge of the pathogenetic mechanisms. This article will review and summarize the pathological findings described in COVID-19 until now, chiefly focusing on the respiratory tract, highlighting the importance of autopsy towards a better knowledge of this disease.
Keywords: COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, autopsy, lung, pandemic
Published in DiRROS: 31.07.2020; Views: 13433; Downloads: 1169
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Timeline of autumn phenology in temperate deciduous trees
Inge Dox, Jožica Gričar, Lorène Julia Marchand, Sebastien Leys, Paolo Zuccarini, Charly Geron, Peter Prislan, Bertold Mariën, Patrick Fonti, Holger Lange, Josep Peñuelas, Jan Van den Bulcke, Matteo Campioli, 2020, original scientific article

Abstract: Cessation of xylem formation or wood growth (CWG) and onset of foliar senescence (OFS) are key autumn phenological events in temperate deciduous trees. Their timing is fundamental for development and survival of trees, ecosystem nutrient cycling, the seasonal exchange of matter and energy between the biosphere and atmosphere and affect the impact and feedback of forests to global change. A large-scale experimental effort and improved observational methods have allowed us to compare the timing of CWG and OFS for different deciduous tree species in Western Europe, in particularly silver birch, a pioneer species, and European beech, a late-succession species, at stands of different latitudes, of different levels of site fertility, and for two years with contrasting meteorological and drought conditions i.e., the low-moderately dry 2017 and the extremely dry 2018. Specifically, we tested whether foliar senescence started before, after or concurrently with CWG. OFS and CWG occurred generally between late September and early November, with larger differences across species and sites for OFS. Foliar senescence started concurrently with CWG in most cases, except for the drier 2018 and, for beech, at the coldest site, where OFS occurred significantly later than CWG. Behavior of beech in Spain, the southern edge of its European distribution, was unclear, with no CWG, but very low wood growth at the time of OFS. Our study suggests that OFS is generally triggered by the same drivers of CWG or when wood growth decreases in late summer, indicating an overarching mechanism of sink limitation as a possible regulator of the timing of foliar senescence.
Keywords: autumn phenology, xylem formation, foliar senescence, cambium, chlorophyll, radial growth, wood, decidiuous trees, common aspen, common beech, pedunculate oak, silver birch
Published in DiRROS: 10.06.2020; Views: 1984; Downloads: 1209
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Inter-individual variability in spring phenology of temperate deciduous trees depends on species, tree size and previous year autumn phenology
Lorène Julia Marchand, Inge Dox, Jožica Gričar, Peter Prislan, Sebastien Leys, Jan Van den Bulcke, Patrick Fonti, Holger Lange, Erik Matthysen, Josep Peñuelas, Paolo Zuccarini, Matteo Campioli, 2020, original scientific article

Abstract: We explored the inter-individual variability in bud-burst and its potential drivers, in homogeneous mature stands of temperate deciduous trees. Phenological observations of leaves and wood formation were performed weekly from summer 2017 to summer 2018 for pedunculate oak, European beech and silver birch in Belgium. The variability of bud-burst was correlated to previous' year autumn phenology (i.e. the onset of leaf senescence and the cessation of wood formation) and tree size but with important differences among species. In fact, variability of bud-burst was primarily related to onset of leaf senescence, cessation of wood formation and tree height for oak, beech and birch, respectively. The inter-individual variability of onset of leaf senescence was not related to the tree characteristics considered and was much larger than the inter-individual variability in bud-burst. Multispecies multivariate models could explain up to 66% of the bud-burst variability. These findings represent an important advance in our fundamental understanding and modelling of phenology and tree functioning of deciduous tree species.
Keywords: leaf unfolding, wood formation, coloration, Pedunculate oak, European beech, Silver birch
Published in DiRROS: 10.06.2020; Views: 1922; Downloads: 1126
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Novejši ultrazvočni napovedni modeli za rak jajčnikov
Žiga Jan, 2015, published scientific conference contribution

Keywords: rak jajčnikov, ginekološki raki, diagnostika
Published in DiRROS: 07.05.2020; Views: 1216; Downloads: 335
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Brez izgovora : učinkovit program za preprečevanje kajenja in drugih zasvojenosti med mladimi
Urška Erklavec, Jan Peloza, 2017, published professional conference contribution

Keywords: kajenje, mladi, promocija zdravja, motivacija
Published in DiRROS: 03.04.2020; Views: 1750; Downloads: 479
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Učinki rakotvornih kemikalij v zraku na zdravje
Andreja KUKEC, Anja Jutraž, Zala Jan, An Galičič, 2016, published professional conference contribution

Keywords: rakotvorne kemikalije, onesnaženost zraka, vpliv na zdravje ljudi
Published in DiRROS: 03.04.2020; Views: 1988; Downloads: 627
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Tracking electrochemical reactions inside organic electrodes by operando IR spectroscopy
Jan Bitenc, Alen Vižintin, Jože Grdadolnik, Robert Dominko, 2019, original scientific article

Published in DiRROS: 17.12.2019; Views: 2186; Downloads: 1476
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Predlog prostorske razporeditve izbranih primestnih gozdov na podlagi daljinsko pridobljenih podatkov in terenske kontrole
David Hladnik, Sebastian Bambič, Aleš Benčina, Jan Mihelič, Žiga Repotočnik, Janez Pirnat, 2019, professional article

Abstract: V pričujočem prispevku predstavljamo predlog opredelitve t.i. primestnih gozdov na podlagi študije, ki sta jo predstavila Pirnat in Hladnik (2018), v kateri sta analizirala zgradbo krajine in povezljivost gozdov v mestnem in obrobnem območju 30 največjih slovenskih mest. Članek je služil kot osnova za delo s študenti pri dveh izbirnih predmetih Gozdovi, ljudje in trajnostne krajine in Prostorski monitoring naravnega okolja na magistrskem študijskem programu druge stopnje Gozdarstvo in upravljanje gozdnih ekosistemov. Študentje so v okviru seminarjev na podlagi predstavljene metodologije članka (Pirnat in Hladnik, 2018), zbirke podatkov o državnih cestah, podatkovne zbirke CORINE Land Cover, podatkov o gozdnih sestojih, podrobnega digitalnega modela reliefa ter na podlagi terenskih ogledov v programskem okolju ArcMap izdelali predlagane spremembe površin t. i. primestnih gozdov štirih izbranih mest (Grosuplje, Kočevje, Ljubljana, Slovenj Gradec). To delo je primerna osnova za izdelavo metodologije določanja primestnih gozdov, če se bo pokazala potreba.
Keywords: primestni gozdovi, krajinska ekologija, daljinsko zaznavanje, Lidar
Published in DiRROS: 23.04.2019; Views: 3113; Downloads: 866
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Kirurško zdravljenje raka dojk pri starejših od 80 let : koliko je dovolj?
Nikola Bešić, Hana Bešič, Barbara Perić, Gašper Pilko, Rok Petrič, Jan Žmuc, Andraž Perhavec, 2013, original scientific article

Abstract: Populacija starejših ljudi se veča, zato se povečuje tudi število bolnic z rakom dojke, ki so starejše od 80 let. Žal ni enotnega mnenja oziroma strokovnih priporočil o tem, kako zdraviti starejše bolnice z rakom dojk. Namen naše retrospektivneštudije je bil ugotoviti, kako kirurško zdravimo raka dojk pri bolnicah, starih 80 let ali več in kakšno je njihovo preživetje.Pregledali smo popise bolezni 154 bolnic z začetnim rakom dojke (povprečna starost 83 let; razpon od 80 do 90 let), ki so bile na Onkološkem inštitutu Ljubljana operirane vobdobju od leta 2000 do leta 2008 in so bile ob operaciji stare 80 let ali več. Zbrali smo podatke o obsegu bolezni, patomorfoloških značilnostih tumorja, načinu zdravljenja,obsegu operacije dojke in pazdušnih bezgavk, ponovitvi bolezni, vzroku smrti, dolžini preživetja in dolžini preživetjaglede raka dojk. Z univariatno in mutivariatno analizo smo ugotavljali povezavo med prognostičnimi dejavniki, vrsto zdravljenja in preživetjem glede raka dojk. Rak dojke je bilomejen na dojko v 28 %, v 47% so bili prisotni regionalni zasevki, obseg bolezni pa ni bil znan v 25 %. Tumorski stadij pT1/pT2 je imelo 75 % bolnic, pT3/pT4 pa je imelo 25 %bolnic. Kirurško zdravljenje je obsegalo: kvadrantektomijov 27 %, mastektomijo v 73 %, izpraznitev pazduhe v 57 %,biopsijo varovalne bezgavke v 18 %, brez posega v pazduho pa je bilo 25 % bolnic. Adjuvantno hormonsko zdravljenje je imelo 88 % bolnic (tamoxifen 53, aromatazni inhibitor 45,kombinacija obeh 37 bolnic), zdravljenje s citostatiki je imelo1,3 % bolnic, obsevanih pa je bilo 16 % bolnic. Ponovitev bolezni smo dokazali v 23 %, v času sledenja od 0,1 do 11 let(mediana 4,45 leta). Lokalno ponovitev bolezni smo dokazali v 10 %, reginalno v 6 % in oddaljene zasevke v 23 %. Petletno preživetje glede raka dojk je bilo pri lokalno omejenem raku 90 %, pri regionalno razširjenem pa 62 %. Ena od bolnicje umrla prvi dan po operativnem posegu zaradi srčnega infarkta. Zaradi raka dojk je umrlo 19 % bolnic, zaradi drugih vzrokov pa 12 % bolnic. Univariatna analiza je pokazala, da so bili z dolžino preživetja zaradi raka dojk povezani naslednji dejavniki: zdravljenje s hormoni pred operacijo, patološki Tstadij, patološki N stadij, operacija dojke, odstranitev vsehpazdušnih bezgavk, operacija bezgavk, estrogenski receptorji,stopnja diferenciacije tumorja, radikalnost kirurškega posega in kirurško zdravljenje v skladu s smernicami. Z multivariatnostatistično analizo smo ugotovili, da so bili patološki T stadij, patološki N stadij in estrogenski receptorji neodvisni prognostični dejavniki za dolžino preživetja zaradi raka dojk. Rezultati naše multivariatne analize kažejo, da so kirurgi ustrezno prilagodili obseg operativnega zdravljenja stadiju bolezni in splošnemu stanju bolnice. Kratko preživetje glede raka dojk je pokazatelj tega, da je rak dojke z zasevki v pazdušnih bezgavkah pri bolnicah, starih 80 let ali več, lahko agresivna bolezen.
Keywords: rak dojke, kirurško zdravljenje, bolnice, starostniki
Published in DiRROS: 31.08.2018; Views: 3759; Downloads: 901
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