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Short-term storage in a modified atmosphere affects the chemical profile of blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) fruit
Tina Smrke, Nika Cvelbar Weber, Jaka Razinger, Aljaž Medič, Robert Veberič, Metka Hudina, Jerneja Jakopič, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: Short-term modified-atmosphere storage with an adjusted CO$_2$ and/or O$_2$ concentration could recover blueberry fruit infested with the larvae of quarantine pests. However, this could significantly affect the fruit quality. In our experiment we investigated the performance of highbush blueberry Bluecrop fruit (firmness, peel color, individual phenolics, sugars, and organic acids) under four short-term storage regimes: (1) a regular atmosphere with 0.03% CO$_2$, 21% O$_2$, and 78% N$_2$ at 22 °C, i.e., the control; (2) a regular atmosphere with 0.03% CO$_2$, 21% O$_2$, and 78% N$_2$ at 2 ; (3) a modified atmosphere with 10% CO$_2$, 5% O$_2$, and 85% N$_2$ at 2 °C; and (4) a modified atmosphere with 100% CO$_2$ at 2 °C. Fruit sampling took place after 24 h, 48 h, and 72 h. Fruit firmness was not significantly altered by storage regime or duration, while some significant, but minor, changes were detected in the color parameters. Regarding the primary metabolites, the sugar/organic acid ratio stagnated in the first 48 h in all storage regimes. The content of the majority of the individual phenolics was significantly higher in the fruit stored under control conditions. From our results, we can conclude that the short-term storage of highbush blueberry Bluecrop fruit for 24 h in a cold atmosphere does not affect the phenolic content, and storage for 48 h does not affect the total sugar/organic acid ratio, regardless of the atmosphere composition.
Keywords: bluecrop, peel color, primary metabolites, phenolics
Published in DiRROS: 31.12.2024; Views: 168; Downloads: 77
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Genomic insight into the origin, domestication, dispersal, diversification and human selection of Tartary buckwheat
Yuqi He, Kaixuan Zhang, Yaliang Shi, Mateja Germ, Zlata Luthar, Ivan Kreft, Dagmar Janovská, Vladimir Meglič, Meiliang Zhou, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: Background: Tartary buckwheat, Fagopyrum tataricum, is a pseudocereal crop with worldwide distribution and high nutritional value. However, the origin and domestication history of this crop remain to be elucidated. Results: Here, by analyzing the population genomics of 567 accessions collected worldwide and reviewing historical documents, we find that Tartary buckwheat originated in the Himalayan region and then spread southwest possibly along with the migration of the Yi people, a minority in Southwestern China that has a long history of planting Tartary buckwheat. Along with the expansion of the Mongol Empire, Tartary buckwheat dispersed to Europe and ultimately to the rest of the world. The different natural growth environments resulted in adaptation, especially significant differences in salt tolerance between northern and southern Chinese Tartary buckwheat populations. By scanning for selective sweeps and using a genome-wide association study, we identify genes responsible for Tartary buckwheat domestication and differentiation, which we then experimentally validate. Comparative genomics and QTL analysis further shed light on the genetic foundation of the easily dehulled trait in a particular variety that was artificially selected by the Wa people, a minority group in Southwestern China known for cultivating Tartary buckwheat specifically for steaming as a staple food to prevent lysine deficiency. Conclusions: This study provides both comprehensive insights into the origin and domestication of, and a foundation for molecular breeding for, Tartary buckwheat.
Keywords: domestication, migration, artificial selection, buckwheat, genomics
Published in DiRROS: 31.12.2024; Views: 156; Downloads: 78
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AmiCa : atlas of miRNA-gene correlations in cancer
Nina Hauptman, Jože Pižem, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: The increasing availability of RNA sequencing data has opened up numerous opportunities to analyze various RNA interactions, including microRNA-target interactions (MTIs). In response to the necessity for a specialized tool to study MTIs in cancer and normal tissues, we developed AmiCa (, a web server designed for comprehensive analysis of mature microRNA (miRNA) and gene expression in 32 cancer types. Data from 9498 tumor samples and 626 normal samples from The Cancer Genome Atlas were obtained through the Genomic Data Commons and used to calculate differential expression and miRNA-target gene (MTI) correlations. AmiCa provides data on differential expression of miRNAs/genes for cancers for which normal tissue samples were available. In addition, the server calculates and presents correlations separately for tumor and normal samples for cancers for which normal samples are available. Furthermore, it enables the exploration of miRNA/gene expression in all cancer types with different miRNA/gene expression. In addition, AmiCa includes a ranking system for genes and miRNAs that can be used to identify those that are particularly highly expressed in certain cancers compared to other cancers, facilitating targeted and cancer-specific research. Finally, the functionality of AmiCa is illustrated by two case studies.
Keywords: miRNA, gene, expression, cancer, correlation, gene prioritization
Published in DiRROS: 31.12.2024; Views: 176; Downloads: 77
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Ogorčica Xiphinema index Thorne & Allen, 1950, prenašalec virusa pahljačavosti listov vinske trte
Julija Polanšek, Stanislav Trdan, Saša Širca, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: Virusi na rastlinah povzročajo veliko gospodarsko škodo, saj je zdravljenje okuženih trt praktično nemogoče v poznejši fazi rasti, ali pa so uveljavljeni postopki precej dolgotrajni, prav tako proti virusom trenutno ni učinkovitega pripravka ali ukrepa. Med očem skrite prenašalce virusov spadajo tudi ogorčice – majhni organizmi , ki lahko skupaj z virusi povzročajo velike izgube pridelka. Med takšne ogorčice spada tudi vrsta Xiphinema index. Je glavni prenašalec virusa pahljačavosti listov vinske trte (Grapevine fanleaf virus, GFLV). Vinska trta je glavni gostitelj te rastlinsko-parazitske ogorčice. S svojim značilnim dolgim cevastim bodalom – stiletom prodre in se prehranjuje na mladih koreninicah. Okužba vinske trte z GFLV iz rodu Nepovirus vodi v postopno izrojevanje vinske trte in pozneje v gospodarsko nekonkurenčnost vinograda. Obvladovanje okužb z GFLV v vinogradih je večinoma omejeno na obvladovanje ogorčice X. index, ki pa je izjemno težavno, predvsem zaradi njihove relativno dolge življenjske dobe in prostorske razporeditve v tleh. Kot najbolj učinkovita ukrepa sta se izkazala kolobarjenje na zemljišču, kjer se pojavlja ta ogorčica in praha, a sta ta pristopa ekonomsko neprivlačna, saj je za ta ukrep potrebno pustiti zemljišče pred ponovno zasaditvijo novega vinograda brez vinske trte za več let. V prihodnosti je potrebno pozornost posvetiti področju razvoja novih, okolju prijaznejših in učinkovitejših pristopov obvladovanja virusonosnih ogorčic X. index in nadomestiti uporabo nematocidov
Keywords: rastlinsko-parazitske ogorčice, Xiphinema indeks, nepovirusi, Vitis spp., GFLV, biotično zatiranje
Published in DiRROS: 31.12.2024; Views: 94; Downloads: 51
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Total mutual-visibility in Hamming graphs
Csilla Bujtás, Sandi Klavžar, Jing Tian, 2025, original scientific article

Abstract: If $G$ is a graph and $X\subseteq V(G)$, then $X$ is a total mutual-visibility set if every pair of vertices $x$ and $y$ of $G$ admits a shortest $x,y$-path $P$ with $V(P) \cap X \subseteq \{x,y\}$. The cardinality of a largest total mutual-visibility set of $G$ is the total mutual-visibility number $\mu_{\rm t}(G)$ of $G$. In this paper the total mutual-visibility number is studied on Hamming graphs, that is, Cartesian products of complete graphs. Different equivalent formulations for the problem are derived. The values $\mu_{\rm t}(K_{n_1}\,\square\, K_{n_2}\,\square\, K_{n_3})$ are determined. It is proved that $\mu_{\rm t}(K_{n_1} \,\square\, \cdots \,\square\, K_{n_r}) = O(N^{r-2})$▫, where $N = n_1+\cdots + n_r$, and that $\mu_{\rm t}(K_s^{\,\square\,, r}) = \Theta(s^{r-2})$ for every $r\ge 3$, where $K_s^{\,\square\,, r}$ denotes the Cartesian product of $r$ copies of $K_s$. The main theorems are also reformulated as Turán-type results on hypergraphs.
Keywords: mutual-visibility set, total mutual-visibility set, Hamming graphs, Turán-type problem
Published in DiRROS: 30.12.2024; Views: 129; Downloads: 55
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