1661. Treatment of vulvar cancer recurrences with electrochemotherapy : a detailed analysis of possible causes for unsuccessful treatmentGregor Vivod, Tanja Jesenko, Gorana Gašljević, Nina Kovačević, Maša Omerzel, Gregor Serša, Sebastjan Merlo, Maja Čemažar, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: Background. Electrochemotherapy has good local effectiveness in the treatment of vulvar cancer. Most studies have reported the safety and effectiveness of electrochemotherapy for palliative treatment of gynecological cancers and mostly vulvar squamous cell carcinoma. Some tumors, however, fail to respond to electrochemotherapy. The biological features/determinants for the nonresponsiveness are not determined yet. Patient and methods. A recurrence of vulvar squamous cell carcinoma was treated by electrochemotherapy using intravenous administration of bleomycin. The treatment was performed by hexagonal electrodes according to standard operating procedures. We analyzed the factors that could determine nonresponsiveness to electrochemotherapy. Results. Based on the presented case of nonresponsive vulvar recurrence to electrochemotherapy, we hypothesize that the vasculature of the tumors prior to treatment may predict the response to electrochemotherapy. The histological analysis showed minimal presence of blood vessels in the tumor. Thus, low perfusion may reduce drug delivery and lead to a lower response rate because of the minor antitumor effectiveness of vascular disruption. In this case, no immune response in the tumor was elicited by electrochemotherapy. Conclusions. In this case, of nonresponsive vulvar recurrence treated by electrochemotherapy, we analyzed possible factors that could predict treatment failure. Based on histological analysis, low vascularization of the tumor was observed, which hampered drug delivery and distribution and resulted in no vascular disrupting action of electrochemotherapy. All these factors could contribute to ineffective treatment with electrochemotherapy. Keywords: electrochemotherapy, bleomycin, vulvar cancer Published in DiRROS: 25.07.2024; Views: 405; Downloads: 203
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1662. Estimating exposure to extremely low frequency magnetic fields near high-voltage power lines and assessment of possible increased cancer risk among Slovenian children and adolescentsTina Žagar, Blaž Valič, Tadej Kotnik, Sara Korat, Sonja Tomšič, Vesna Zadnik, Peter Gajšek, 2023, original scientific article Keywords: exposure assessment, childhood cancer, extremely low frequency magnetic fields, modelling, high voltage power lines Published in DiRROS: 25.07.2024; Views: 406; Downloads: 709
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1665. Assisted tree migration can preserve the European forest carbon sink under climate changeDebojyoti Chakraborty, Albert Ciceu, Dalibor Ballian, Marta Benito Garzón, Andreas Bolte, Gregor Božič, Rafael Buchacher, Jaroslav Čepl, Eva Cremer, Alexis Ducousso, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: Climate change threatens the role of European forests as a long-term carbon sink. Assisted migration aims to increase the resilience of forest tree populations to climate change, using species-specific climatic limits and local adaptations through transferring seed provenances. We modelled assisted migration scenarios for seven main European tree species and analysed the effects of species and seed provenance selection, accounting for environmental and genetic variations, on the annual above-ground carbon sink of regrowing juvenile forests. To increase forest resilience, coniferous trees need to be replaced by deciduous species over large parts of their distribution. If local seed provenances are used, this would result in a decrease of the current carbon sink (40 TgC yr−1) by 34–41% by 2061–2080. However, if seed provenances adapted to future climates are used, current sinks could be maintained or even increased to 48–60 TgC yr−1. Keywords: forest resilience, forest, Europe, carbon sink, climate change, assisted migration, transferring seed provenances Published in DiRROS: 25.07.2024; Views: 439; Downloads: 303
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1666. Poročilo o obročkanju ptic v Sloveniji v letu 2016 in pojavljanje mušje listnice Phylloscopus inornatus v 25 letih v SlovenijiAl Vrezec, Dare Fekonja, 2017, original scientific article Abstract: V okviru obročkovalne dejavnosti v Sloveniji smo v letu 2016 zbrali podatke o 176 vrstah ptic. Obročkali smo 65.711 ptic 165 vrst, zabeležili 148 domačih, 245 tujih in 1840 lokalnih najdb. Največ je bilo obročkanih črnoglavk Sylvia atricapilla, med mladiči v gnezdu pa so prevladovale velike sinice Parus major, poljski vrabci Passer montanus in bele štorklje Ciconia ciconia. Med domačimi in tujimi najdbami so prevladovale najdbe na osnovi branja barvno obročkanih ptic, zlasti rečnih galebov Chroicocephalus ridibundus, labodov grbcev Cygnus olor in navadnih čiger Sterna hirundo. Med lokalnimi najdbami so prevladovale najdbe velikih sinic in čižkov Spinus spinus. Med redkimi vrstami so bili v letu 2016 obročkani dve mušji listnici Phylloscopus inornatus, plevelna trstnica Acrocephalus agricola, mali strnad Emberiza pusilla in pojoči samec črnoglavega strnada Emberiza melanocephala, ki je v Sloveniji leta 2016 verjetno tudi gnezdil. Število ujetih mušjih listnic se v zadnjih 25 letih sicer povečuje, a vrsta je v Sloveniji še vedno redek in nereden gost na jesenski selitvi. Keywords: obročkanje, najdbe, Slovenija, 2016 Published in DiRROS: 25.07.2024; Views: 356; Downloads: 201
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1667. High-quality genome sequence of the radioresistant bacterium Deinococcus ficus KS 0460Vera Y. Matrosova, Elena K. Gaidamakova, Kira S. Makarova, Olga Grichenko, Polina Klimenkova, Robert P. Volpe, Rok Tkavc, Gözen Ertem, Isabel H. Conze, Evelyne Brambilla, Nina Gunde-Cimerman, Tine Grebenc, Cene Gostinčar, 2017, original scientific article Abstract: The genetic platforms of Deinococcus species remain the only systems in which massive ionizing radiation (IR)-induced genome damage can be investigated in vivo at exposures commensurate with cellular survival. We report the whole genome sequence of the extremely IR-resistant rod-shaped bacterium Deinococcus ficus KS 0460 and its phenotypic characterization. Deinococcus ficus KS 0460 has been studied since 1987, first under the name Deinobacter grandis, then Deinococcus grandis. The D. ficus KS 0460 genome consists of a 4.019 Mbp sequence (69.7% GC content and 3894 predicted genes) divided into six genome partitions, five of which are confirmed to be circular. Circularity was determined manually by mate pair linkage. Approximately 76% of the predicted proteins contained identifiable Pfam domains and 72% were assigned to COGs. Of all D. ficus KS 0460 proteins, 79% and 70% had homologues in Deinococcus radiodurans ATCC BAA-816 and Deinococcus geothermalis DSM 11300, respectively. The most striking differences between D. ficus KS 0460 and D. radiodurans BAA-816 identified by the comparison of the KEGG pathways were as follows: (i) D. ficus lacks nine enzymes of purine degradation present in D. radiodurans, and (ii) D. ficus contains eight enzymes involved in nitrogen metabolism, including nitrate and nitrite reductases, that D. radiodurans lacks. Moreover, genes previously considered to be important to IR resistance are missing in D. ficus KS 0460, namely, for the Mn-transporter nramp, and proteins DdrF, DdrJ and DdrK, all of which are also missing in Deinococcus deserti. Otherwise, D. ficus KS 0460 exemplifies the Deinococcus lineage. Keywords: Deinococcus-Thermus, Deinococcaceae, Deinococcus ficus, radiation-resistant, rod-shaped, phenotype characterization, genome analysis, phylogenetic analysis Published in DiRROS: 25.07.2024; Views: 433; Downloads: 289
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1669. Stomatal penetration and temporal dynamics of ingress of two fungal isolates associated with leaf spot disease of Jasmine (Jasminum sambac L.)Mark Paul Selda Rivarez, Roy Niño R. Lucila, Pablito M. Magdalita, 2017, original scientific article Abstract: Jasmine (Jasminum sambac L.) is an ornamental crop grown in South and Southeast Asia for its
flowers for garlands, tea and essential oil production. However, certain fungal foliar and floral diseases
significantly reduce its yield. In this study, Colletotrichum sp.-like (cylindrical conidia) and Fusarium sp.-
like (lunate conidia) isolates causing leaf spot disease were characterized based on the ingression process
and fungal germination in planta. Four-day single-spore cultures in PDA of isolating C1 (Colletotrichum
sp.-like) and F2 (Fusarium sp.-like) were obtained. Suspensions of 108 conidia mL-1 were made and sprayed
onto young leaves of jasmine. Specimen collection was done at 2, 6, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60 and 72 h after
inoculation (hai). Formalin-acetic acid was used to clear the tissues and fungal structures are selectively
stained using lactophenol-acid fuschin. Average ingression sites (IS) were counted for each time point under
50X magnification, then IS per leaf area (cm2) was calculated. Fungal isolates remain at the surface of the
leaf until 36 h. IS of C1 and F2 almost doubled at 48 hai. However, ingression sites declined at 72 hai for
both pathogens, which either imply a progression of sub surface colonization or unsuccessful penetration.
Leaf yellowing and a few spots were observed at 48 hai for F2 and at 60 hai for C1. More severe necrotic
leaf spots with yellow halo (severity rating of 5) were seen in plants inoculated with Fusarium sp.-like
isolated than in those inoculated with Colletotrichum sp.-like isolated. Lastly, at 48 to 60 hai, it was evident
that the pathogen started to seek for stomata, which seemed to be the preferred penetration site for both
fungal pathogens. Published in DiRROS: 25.07.2024; Views: 369; Downloads: 191
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1670. Seasonal abundance, vertical distribution and life history traits of Mediterranean mud shrimp Upogebia pusilla (Decapoda: Gebiidea) on the Slovenian coastJure Jugovic, Eva Horvat, Lovrenc Lipej, 2017, original scientific article Abstract: We studied seasonal abundance, vertical distribution and life history traits of the Mediterranean
mud shrimp (Upogebia pusilla) in the mediolittoral zone in Slovenia. At two localities (Strunjan and
Lazaret), quantitative samples from three plots (1 m2
each) at (0 cm), below (-50 cm) and above
(+50 cm) mean water level were taken once every two months, in alternation. A set of parameters
was also recorded, including vegetation cover, sediment type, air and sea temperature, pH, salinity
and oxygen levels. Highest abundance was recorded during the warm period of the year, with peak
abundance in June 2012 (21 % of total sample). Lowest plots were always occupied with the highest
densities of mud shrimps. Males dominated during the winter while ovigerous females reached the
peak in June (>40 % of all animals). In June at least 2/3 of females were ovigerous. Estimated mean
incubation period was 31 days. We determined four periods in relation to the species’ reproductive
activity. Early reproductive period (April) was characterised by emergence of first ovigerous
females, while main reproductive period (May–July) was characterised by peak of reproduction.
In post-reproductive (August–October), and non-reproductive (November–March) periods, no
ovigerous females or newly hatched offspring were recorded. Keywords: abiotic factors, abundance, spatial variation, temporal variation Published in DiRROS: 25.07.2024; Views: 742; Downloads: 204
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