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On the influence of aging on classification performance in the visual EEG oddball paradigm using statistical and temporal features
Nina Omejc, Manca Peskar, Aleksandar Miladinović, Voyko Kavcic, Sašo Džeroski, Uroš Marušič, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: The utilization of a non-invasive electroencephalogram (EEG) as an input sensor is a common approach in the field of the brain–computer interfaces (BCI). However, the collected EEG data pose many challenges, one of which may be the age-related variability of event-related potentials (ERPs), which are often used as primary EEG BCI signal features. To assess the potential effects of aging, a sample of 27 young and 43 older healthy individuals participated in a visual oddball study, in which they passively viewed frequent stimuli among randomly occurring rare stimuli while being recorded with a 32-channel EEG set. Two types of EEG datasets were created to train the classifiers, one consisting of amplitude and spectral features in time and another with extracted time-independent statistical ERP features. Among the nine classifiers tested, linear classifiers performed best. Furthermore, we show that classification performance differs between dataset types. When temporal features were used, maximum individuals’ performance scores were higher, had lower variance, and were less affected overall by within-class differences such as age. Finally, we found that the effect of aging on classification performance depends on the classifier and its internal feature ranking. Accordingly, performance will differ if the model favors features with large within-class differences. With this in mind, care must be taken in feature extraction and selection to find the correct features and consequently avoid potential age-related performance degradation in practice.
Keywords: aging, elderly, machine learning, visual oddball study, brain-computer interface
Published in DiRROS: 01.02.2023; Views: 459; Downloads: 240
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Analysis of the geological control on the spatial distribution of potentially toxic concentrations of As and F- in groundwater on a Pan-European scale
Elena Giménez-Forcada, Juan Antonio Luque-Espinar, María Teresa López-Bahut, Juan Grima-Olmedo, Jorge Jiménez-Sánchez, Carlos Ontiveros-Beltranena, José Angel Díaz-Muñoz, Daniel Elster, Ferid Skopljak, Denitza D. Voutchkova, Birgitte Hansen, Klaus Hinsby, Jörg Schullehner, Eline Malcuit, Laurence Gourcy, Teodóra Szőcs, Nóra Gál, Daði Þorbjörnsson, Katie Tedd, Dāvis Borozdins, Henry Debattista, Nina Rman, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: The distribution of the high concentrations of arsenic (As) and fluoride (F-) in groundwater on a Pan-European scale could be explained by the geological European context (lithology and structural faults). To test this hypothesis, seventeen countries and eighteen geological survey organizations (GSOs) have participated in the dataset. The methodology has used the HydroGeoToxicity (HGT) and the Baseline Concentration (BLC) index. The results prove that most of the waters considered in this study are in good conditions for drinking water consumption, in terms of As and/or F- content. A low proportion of the analysed samples present HGT≥ 1 levels (4% and 7% for As and F-, respectively). The spatial distribution of the highest As and/or F- concentrations (via BLC values) has been analysed using GIS tools. The highest values are identified associated with fissured hard rock outcrops (crystalline rocks) or Cenozoic sedimentary zones, where basement fractures seems to have an obvious control on the distribution of maximum concentrations of these elements in groundwaters.
Keywords: trace elements, arsenic fluoride, groundwater, geo-hydrochemistry, spatial analysis
Published in DiRROS: 30.01.2023; Views: 1063; Downloads: 244
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Pogostnost in jakost simptomov med kemoterapijo : primerjava med poročanjem bolnic in zdravnikov
Nina Privšek, Tina Zupančič, Ema Grašič, Marjetka Sraka, Timotej Kovač, Matjaž Kukar, Cvetka Grašič-Kuhar, 2022, published professional conference contribution abstract

Keywords: onkologija, rak dojke, kemoterapija
Published in DiRROS: 27.01.2023; Views: 447; Downloads: 125
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Poročanje o neželenih učinkih med zdravljenjem s kemoterapijo : analiza raziskave Onkoved
Nina Privšek, Tina Zupančič, Ema Grašič, Marjetka Sraka, Klara Grad, Timotej Kovač, Matjaž Kukar, Cvetka Grašič-Kuhar, 2022, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: Zdravljenje s kemoterapijo je povezano s številnimi stranskimi učinki, ki so večinoma blagi in prehodne narave. Objektiviziramo jih glede na 5. izdajo skupnih terminoloških kriterijev za neželene učinke (angl. Common terminology criteria for adverse events; CTCAE). V zadnjih letih so v klinično uporabo vstopile tudi lestvice za bolnikovo poročanje neželenih učinkov (npr. PRO-CTCAE; angl. Patient reported outcomeCommon terminology criteria for adverse events). Raziskave, ki so do sedaj primerjale zdravnikova in bolnikova poročila o stranskih učinkih, so ugotovile, da zdravniki poročajo statistično značilno manj simptomov in nižje graduse kot bolniki. Nadalje je bilo ugotovljeno tudi, da tesnejši nadzor nad stranskimi učinki privede do hitrejše razrešitve težjih oblik le-teh. V pričujočem prispevku predstavljamo rezultate raziskave, ki smo jo izvedli na Onkološkem inštitutu Ljubljana za oceno stopnje pojavnosti ter razlik v beleženju stranskih učinkov s strani zdravnikov in bolnikov. V sklopu raziskave smo ocenjevali tudi kakovost življenja med zdravljenjem s kemoterapijo in doprinos uporabe mobilne aplikacije k učinkovitejšem obvladovanju stranskih učinkov v vsakdanji klinični praksi.
Keywords: neželeni učinki, bolniki, sistemsko zdravljenje
Published in DiRROS: 17.01.2023; Views: 552; Downloads: 132
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MR staging karcinoma rektuma : kaj želi klinik izvedeti od radiologa
Anja Meden Boltežar, Nina Boc, 2022, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: Pri bolnikih s karcinomom rektuma je v sklopu zamejitvenih preiskav glede na trenutne smernice potrebno opraviti MR preiskavo medenice. Pri tem je pomembna tako tehnična izvedba preiskave, kot tudi struktura samega izvida, ki ga pripravi radiolog. Ključni podatki, ki jih mora vsebovati izvid so: T in N status, oddaljenost od anokutane in anorektalne linije, podatek o infiltraciji analnega kompleksa, odnos tumorja glede na mezorektalno fascijo in podatek o ekstramuralni vaskularni invaziji. Za dobro izvedbo preiskave in pripravo izvida je ključna komunikacija med napotnim zdravnikom in radiologom. Podatki s katerimi želi radiolog razpolagati med pripravo izvida so: izvid digitorektalnega pregleda, izvid rektoskopije ali kolonoskopije z opisano globino na kateri leži tumorska formacija in patohistološki izvid tumorske formacije. Dobra komunikacija v smislu posredovanja izvidov vseh opravljenih preiskav in kliničnega statusa je še toliko bolj pomembna v sklopu sledenja po neoadjuvantnem zdravljenju, saj je le s slikovnimi preiskavami včasih težko ločiti med postterapevtskimi spremembami in ostankom tumorja.
Keywords: rak rektuma, sistemsko zdravljenje, rak prebavil
Published in DiRROS: 13.01.2023; Views: 617; Downloads: 118
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Zdravstvena nega bolnika z rakom glave in vratu
Nina Krečan, 2022, published professional conference contribution

Abstract: Namen tega prispevka je predstaviti potrebe po zdravstveni negi pri bolnikih z rakom glave in vratu, ki se zdravijo z obsevanjem in/ali s kemoterapijo ali pa so zdravljenje že končali. Med zdravljenjem ali neposredno po končanem zdravljenju se pri njih pojavljajo različni neželeni učinki, kot so vnetje sluznic radiomukozitis, podhranjenost (ki zahteva uvedbo prehrane prek nazogastične sonde, gastrostome ali jejunostome) in vnetje kože – radiodermatitis. Pri teh bolnikih se medicinska sestra/zdravstvenik lahko sreča tudi z malignimi ranami, ki so posledica napredovanja bolezni in se pojavijo pri 510 % bolnikov. Pri bolnikih z rakom glave in vratu je že pred zdravljenjem, lahko pa tudi med njim ali po njem, pogosto potrebna izdelava dihalne stome za zagotavljanje proste dihalne poti.
Keywords: rak glave in vratu, zdravstvena nega, onkološko zdravljenje
Published in DiRROS: 06.01.2023; Views: 463; Downloads: 116
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Rak jajčnikov - novosti : ginekološki simpozij
2022, proceedings of peer-reviewed scientific conference contributions (domestic conferences)

Abstract: Rak jajčnikov je najpogostejši vzrok smrti pri ženskah, ki zbolijo za ginekološkimi raki. Za večino obolelih z napredovalim rakom je bolezen usodna. Razlog za to je slaba prepoznavnost bolezni v zgodnjih stadijih, ko je zdravljenje učinkovito.
Keywords: ginekološki raki, klinična slika, laparoskopija, sledenje pacientov, etiologija, imunoterapija, intraperitonealna kemoterapija, COVID-19, zborniki, elektronske knjige
Published in DiRROS: 04.01.2023; Views: 620; Downloads: 297
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A method for the immobilization of chitosan onto urinary catheters
Alenka Vesel, Nina Recek, Rok Zaplotnik, Albert Kurinčič, Katja Kuzmič, Lidija Fras Zemljič, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: A method for the immobilization of an antibacterial chitosan coating to polymeric urinary medical catheters is presented. The method comprises a two-step plasma-treatment procedure, followed by the deposition of chitosan from the water solution. In the first plasma step, the urinary catheter is treated with vacuum-ultraviolet radiation to break bonds in the polymer surface film and create dangling bonds, which are occupied by hydrogen atoms. In the second plasma step, polymeric catheters are treated with atomic oxygen to form oxygen-containing surface functional groups acting as binding sites for chitosan. The presence of oxygen functional groups also causes a transformation of the hydrophobic polymer surface to hydrophilic, thus enabling uniform wetting and improved adsorption of the chitosan coating. The wettability was measured by the sessile-drop method, while the surface composition and structure were measured by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. Non-treated samples did not exhibit successful chitosan immobilization. The effect of plasma treatment on immobilization was explained by noncovalent interactions such as electrostatic interactions and hydrogen bonds.
Keywords: polymer, chitosan immobilization, adhesion, plasma-surface modification, biopolymers
Published in DiRROS: 05.12.2022; Views: 540; Downloads: 308
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