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Elementalne politike v škodo zanikanih kultur : primorsko naravoverstvo
Cirila Toplak, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: Skrivna zgodovinska kontrakultura domnevno predkrščanskih naravovercev v zahodni Sloveniji je bila globoko duhovno povezana z zrakom, vodo, ognjem in prstjo, temelji njihovega življenjskega sveta. V 20. stoletju so politični procesi v prostoru, kjer so naravoverci na skrivaj preživeli med nestrpnimi kristjani, močno preoblikovali njihove elementalne prakse in pripeljali do razpada njihove skupnosti. Gradnja železnice še v času avstro-ogrske je uničila najpomembnejše naravoversko svetišče. Prva svetovna vojna je zaradi topniškega obstreljevanja na soški fronti povzročila tolikšno preobremenitev prsti s kovinami, da je propadel sistem naravoverskih prostorskih triad – tročanov –, ki so zagotavljali rodovitnost zemlje in varnost skupnosti. V času medvojne okupacije Primorske je fašistična italijanska oblast prepovedala kurjenje kresov in tako preprečila najpomembnejše naravoverske skupne obrede. Italijanska oblast je zgradila tudi prve hidroelektrarne in jezove, ki so oskrunili sveto reko Sočo. Intenzivna industrializacija in ekstraktivizem v obdobju socialistične Jugoslavije po letu 1945 sta povzročila nadaljnje onesnaženje zraka, vode in prsti ter usodno predrugačila naravo, ki so jo naravoverci strahospoštljivo častili kot božanstvo. Elementarna degradacija zaradi »razvoja« in »napredka« na Primorskem v 20. stoletju tako ni imela neposrednega vpliva le na naravo, temveč tudi na zanikano, od narave neločljivo in odvisno kulturo. Naravoverci zaradi prikrivanja niso imeli možnosti za zaščito dragocenega elementalnega skupnega dobrega. Do konca 20. stoletja so bili elementalni temelji njihove kulture nepovratno izgubljeni in s tem tudi primorsko naravoverstvo.
Keywords: elementalna politika, naravoverstvo, Primorska, naravni elementi, zgodovina
Published in DiRROS: 14.05.2024; Views: 398; Downloads: 174
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Listening to the breath, chanting the word : the two breaths in María Zambrano’s Clearings of the forest
Raquel Ferrández, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: Clearings of the Forest (Claros del Bosque, 1977), one of the most poetic and chal-lenging works of María Zambrano’s thought, cannot be approached from a breath-less paradigm. For the immersion in these clearings take us into the breathing of being that we contemplate alongside the more obvious physiological breathing, the breathing of life. In this work, Zambrano proposes a poetic and mystical phe-nomenology of the breathing of being through the breathing of its word. Thus, to recover contact with this inner breathing could be to recover the lost chant of the word. This essay does not pretend to be a detailed analysis of Zambrano’s thought as a whole, nor of the vibrant mystery that her clearings reveal. The purpose is to uncover the fundamental role that breathing plays in this poetic-philosophical journey, along with other symbols such as light or love, with the question of what place this type of philosophical exercise occupies today in the classrooms of con-temporary universities.
Keywords: poetic reason, María Zambrano, being, love, Unamuno, Ortega, respiration
Published in DiRROS: 14.05.2024; Views: 378; Downloads: 304
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On stifling a transcendental breath : an Italian contribution to the philosophy of breathing
Michael Lewis, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: The article contends that respiratory philosophy has, thus far, laid predominant stress upon the empirical form of breathing, as opposed to the transcendental; or at least it has used breath precisely as an occasion to elide or deconstruct this very opposition. Breath is then conceived primarily as material, bodily, and natural: as binding us together with the animals and with all living things.and yet this apparently benign ecological gesture is not without its deleterious side-effects: by contrasting this gesture with a more humanistic and transcendental conception of breath, inspired by Giorgio agamben’s work on the voice, we might begin to gain some clarity as to the jarring contrast that sprang up between the friendly valorisation of a shared con-spiration that has characterised this young philosophy up to now, and the intense, even violent, hostility to the breath of the other which the developed world exhibited from at least 2020 to 2022.We consider whether an overly empiricistic conception of breath and of the human might have played a part in this reversal of values. In conclusion, the article urges upon us a certain turn towards the transcendental form of the breath, and indeed to a certain human exceptionalism in this regard.
Keywords: Agamben, language, voice, breath, animal, human, humanism, transcendental, empirical, masks, stifling, identity, invisibility, virus, pandemic
Published in DiRROS: 14.05.2024; Views: 432; Downloads: 285
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New “inspirations” in philosophical anthropology
Pier Francesco Corvino, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: This paper aims to endow the contamination of ecological wisdom with human and political ecology by outlining the basic features of a renewed philosophical an-thropology. With this purpose, the concept of human nature is investigated here, using an ecological, eco-critical and integral framework, known as “inspiratory.” The key concept of this framework is to be found in the seemingly antiquated notion of temperament, which will be archeologically recovered and philosophi-cally enhanced.
Keywords: inspiration, temperament, breath, talent, character, ecological wisdom
Published in DiRROS: 14.05.2024; Views: 319; Downloads: 255
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The somaesthetics of heaviness and Hara in Zen Buddhist meditation
Geoffrey Ashton, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: Breath is a grounding phenomenon present in many forms of Buddhist medi-tation. In traditional Buddhist meditations (including ānāpānasati and vipassanā), the practitioner observes the breath, surveys various physical and mental phenom-ena, and from there realizes that suffering (duḥkha) is not ultimately binding (and along the way, they may experience the nonduality of body and mind). Similarly, the seated meditation practice (zazen) deployed by Rinzai Zen begins with atten-tion to breath, refines one’s attention to psycho-physical sensations, and fosters a realization of mind-body unity that enables the practitioner to face duḥkha. But this form of Zen recasts the respiratory philosophy of early Buddhism in some important respects. This paper explores how these adaptations take place in terms of an explicitly somaesthetic orientation. Emphasizing the postural form of the body, the capacity to sense the pull of gravity, and the performance of breathing from the hara (lower belly), zazen seeks to awaken the somatic body by transform-ing the weight of suffering into nondual, vital energy.
Keywords: zazen, duḥkha, gravity, grief, somaesthetics, hara, breathing
Published in DiRROS: 14.05.2024; Views: 341; Downloads: 263
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Accelerated drought-induced resilience decline across European forests
Allan Buras, Benjamin Meyer, Konstantin Gregor, Lucia Layritz, Jernej Jevšenak, Christian Zang, Anja Rammig, 2024, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Keywords: Europe, drought, forest, Europe
Published in DiRROS: 14.05.2024; Views: 429; Downloads: 246
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Nafas : breath ontology in Rumi’s poetry
Zahra Rashid, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: For the sake of a respiratory philosophy, it makes sense to look to the East, since many Eastern traditions such as Sufism include breathwork in their so-matic practices. In my paper, I aim to show how Rumi – a 13th century Muslim theologian and Sufi – used breath or nafas in his Persian poetry to outline how breathing is an originary phenomenon. My paper will take a few samples of his poetry to demonstrate how breath connotes a newness through the “gift” of life that it endows upon us, and how the creative, endowing, and primal nature of breath is linked to an openness to the Divine other and to others. Furthermore, for Rumi, every passing breath ushers in a new existence, annihilating its older form and thus creating an ontological sense in the reader of both the finiteness of existence through what has passed and the infinite possibilities it holds when the newness arrives. Bridging the finite and infinite through breath enables us to develop a respiratory ontology that aims to conceive of dualities through an inter-related perspective. This, I wish to argue, is the true promise of Rumi’s poetry for a philosophy of breathing
Keywords: Rumi, Sufism, breathwork, Irigaray, Merleau-Ponty, embodied philosophy
Published in DiRROS: 14.05.2024; Views: 393; Downloads: 247
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Divergent temporal shifts in climate sensitivity of Norway spruce along an elevational and continentality gradient in the Carpathians
Andrei Popa, Jernej Jevšenak, Ionel Popa, Ovidiu Badea, Allan Buras, 2024, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Keywords: climate sensitivity
Published in DiRROS: 14.05.2024; Views: 374; Downloads: 286
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Intentio Spiritus : the materialist, pneumatological origins of intention in Augustine
Alberto Parisi, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: Intention is one of the catchwords of 20th-century Western philosophy. Positively or negatively, it takes a central role in numerous traditions, from phenomenology to analytic philosophy, and in none of them has it anything to do with air or breath. According to its widely accepted lineage, the concept of intention can be traced back to Medieval Scholastic philosophy, specifically to Augustine’s utilisation of this term. It is in Augustine’s intentio animi (the intention of the soul) – most critics argue – that intention first meant directing one’s attention towards something or a voluntary design or plan. In this paper, such a genealogy will not be proved wrong but rather complicated by taking seriously the (anti-)pneumatological context in which Augustine developed his concept of intention and, at the same time, those unheeded studies of his works that claim the origins of his use of intentio to lie in the Ancient Stoic concept of τόνος (tonos, tension or tone). A new study will show that intentio is what allows Augustine every time to prove the spirit to be immaterial, namely to not be a form of material air or breath. By transforming intentio into attentio (attention) first and voluntas (will) later, Augustine makes possible the realm of the immaterial spirit. Furthermore, however, this article also shows that his arguments seem to take for granted and reject an earlier, materialist pneumatological conception of intention, whose traces can be found in some of the works of the Roman Stoic Seneca, as well as in now-lost 4th century CE Christian heretical theories of the Holy Spirit.
Keywords: Augustine, intention, intentio, attention, will, pneuma, spirit, breath, air, pneumatology, Stoicism, Neo-Platonism, Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost
Published in DiRROS: 14.05.2024; Views: 392; Downloads: 298
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From respiration to fleshpiration : a Merleau-Pontian journey into respiratory philosophy and respiratory religion with Jesus, St. Paul, Claudel, and Merleau-Ponty
Petri Joakim Berndtson, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: In this article, I introduce a new word, the neologism “fleshpiration.” It is a word or a name in which I intertwine “flesh” and “spirit” or “spiration.” This new word is inspired by the thinking of Jesus, St. Paul, Paul Claudel, and Maurice Merleau-Ponty. The interpretative starting point of my article is taken from Clau-del, who states: “the spirit is respiration.” With Claudel’s idea, which has its roots in the etymological analysis of pneuma and spiritus, I interpret the spirit (pneuma) of Jesus and St. Paul to mean respiration in the first place. Within this respira-tory interpretative context, I suggest that both Jesus and St. Paul emphasised the essentiality of breathing in their religious thinking. For St. Paul, life according to the flesh and life according to the Spirit as life according to the Respiration are opposite lifestyles. Within the context of Merleau-Ponty, it can be said that St. Paul’s dichotomy between the flesh and the Spirit can be challenged and surpassed. For Merleau-Ponty, the flesh and the Spirit can be intertwined in a paradoxical manner. Within this framework of paradoxical thinking, it becomes possible to discover this new word “fleshpiration” and initially claim that it names a new res-piratory beginning for philosophy and religion.
Keywords: Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Paul Claudel, Jesus, St. Paul, respiration, flesh, fleshpiration
Published in DiRROS: 14.05.2024; Views: 394; Downloads: 269
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