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Klaus Held (1. februar 1936–6. december 2023) : In memoriam
Dean Komel, 2023, professional article

Published in DiRROS: 23.10.2024; Views: 3; Downloads: 1
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Gianni Vattimo (4. januar 1936–19. september 2023) : In memoriam
Mario Kopić, 2023, professional article

Published in DiRROS: 23.10.2024; Views: 2; Downloads: 1
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Friedrich-Wilhelm von Herrmann (8. oktober 1934–2. avgust 2022) : In memoriam
Dean Komel, 2023, professional article

Published in DiRROS: 23.10.2024; Views: 4; Downloads: 1
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The Art of Lingering Hospitably : A Report
Jordan Huston, 2023, professional article

Published in DiRROS: 23.10.2024; Views: 1; Downloads: 2
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Prisotnost in prostor : Kritika časa
Jonel Kolić, 2023, review article

Abstract: Živimo v družbi, ki se krčevito trudi pretvoriti celokupnost življenja v predvidljivo strukturo. Uniformiranje človekovega obnašanja in mišljenja kot posledica globalizacije in digitalizacije sveta pričuje o tovrstni težnji. Čas s svojo razdelitvijo na preteklost, sedanjost in prihodnost predstavlja tripartitno strukturo, ki fragmentira človekovo življenje in sooblikuje strahove in upanja človeštva. Znotraj zahodne filozofije so se oblikovale tri ontologije časa, ki opredeljujejo okvire njegovega pojmovanja. V prispevku raziskujemo značilnosti in meje sleherne izmed njih, posvetimo se zlasti tretji, kakršna se je s posebnim poudarjanjem večnosti pojavila v opusu Emanueleja Severina. Kritiko časa nadaljujemo z razpravljanjem o njegovi intimni povezanosti z mislečim umom in načinom, na katerega misel deluje znotraj predpostavljenega »onstranstva«, ki se najbolj izraža s problematiziranjem in s projekcijami glede prihodnosti in preteklosti. Takšna interna logika misli razkriva, zakaj je možnost brezčasnosti, potem ko se je pojavila pri posameznih mislecih Zahoda, ostala nedovršena. Natanko to možnost skušamo v prispevku vzeti zares kot neposrednost, ki se mirno razteza onkraj prepričanja o obstoju časa in se artikulira s kontemplacijo o zavesti, prostoru in prisotnosti.
Keywords: čas, ontologija, zavest, prostor, prisotnost
Published in DiRROS: 23.10.2024; Views: 1; Downloads: 2
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Čas in odtujitev
Emanuele Severino, 2023, professional article

Published in DiRROS: 23.10.2024; Views: 3; Downloads: 1
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O totalitariumu
Dean Komel, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: Filozofske, zgodovinopisne, sociološke, politološke, kulturološke in druge raziskave totalitarizma v 20. stoletju se osredotočajo na njegovo »družbeno pojavnost«, brez uvida, da je takšna »družbena pojavnost« lahko sama totalizirajoča glede horizonta sveta kot celote bivajočega, čeprav ga jemlje kot svojo »objektivno predpostavko«. Totalitarnost kot totalitarium se opolnomočuje s postavljanjem sveta, ki ga diktira totalizacija družbene subjektivitete. Prav tako je sistem produkcije, ki ga opredeljuje tehnoznanstveni napredek in se globalno kapitalizira, potrebno dojeti v kontekstu opolnomočenja družbene subjektivitete, ki se funkcionalno »objektivira« v totalitarium. Totalitarium vzpostavljajo različni bloki in cone funkcioniranja, vendar ne v zgodovinskem zaporedju, marveč kot konjunktura urejanj razporejanj, podrejanj in preurejanj, ki vsepovsod prevzemajo oblast.
Keywords: totalitarium, totalitarnost, družba, subjektiviteta, svet
Published in DiRROS: 23.10.2024; Views: 4; Downloads: 1
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Metaphysics and Transhumanism : Reflections on “Calculative Rationality”
Tonči Valentić, 2023, professional article

Abstract: The paper delves into the complex dynamics between ancient metaphysical understandings and contemporary transhumanist aspirations. Exploring the roots of metaphysics, it provides a panoramic overview of its key philosophers and concepts, and how it has evolved in the context of modern cognitive challenges. In addition, an in-depth analysis of transhumanism, its biotechnological visions, and influence on classical philosophical thought is provided. Special attention is paid to a critical review of transhumanism through the prism of prominent authors, such as Bishop, Lilley, and Sorgner, and it is analyzed how transhumanism redefines classical philosophical categories. The central part of the research is aimed at synthesizing metaphysical and transhumanist worldviews, exploring points of convergence and separation. The conclusion emphasizes the key findings and implications of the research, pointing to potential directions for future research, and reflects on the permanent role of metaphysics in the age of transhumanism.
Keywords: transhumanism, metaphysics, the technosphere, perception, reality
Published in DiRROS: 23.10.2024; Views: 3; Downloads: 3
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The Achievements of the Politics of Friendship : Jacques Derrida's Upcoming Community
Žarko Paić, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: The problem with the disappearance of absolute sovereignty from Bodin to Schmitt, as Derrida views it within his late (ethical-political) deconstruction, is that there no longer exists a sufficient reason for any effectiveness of representing the Other. Reasons are reducible to this or that form of violence. Everything must be dismantled and disassembled. What remains of sovereignty becomes contingency and singularity of the space between power and freedom. In this space, Derrida begins with the view of the Other and unconditional hospitality as a deconstruction of previous metaphysical politics of hospitality. The Other must be emancipated from the perspective of the subject’s metaphysics and its inherent violence. In the discourse of politics of friendship lies the ground for democracy to come as a final soteriological solution for other headings of history.
Keywords: politics of friendship, upcoming community, Jacques Derrida, deconstruction of sovereignty, violence, the Other
Published in DiRROS: 23.10.2024; Views: 2; Downloads: 1
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Levinas vs. Maldiney : On the Face of Sensible Nature
Petr Prášek, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: If environmental ethics would be a part of politics, as Levinas suggests, it would run the danger of privileging human interests and downplaying the power of nature’s own ethical call. This is why the present article against Levinas argues that nature needs and has a face in the strong ethical sense. It begins by extracting the definitional criteria of the face from Levinas, and then—through an excursion into the work of Maldiney, whose relevance for eco-phenomenology it wants to highlight—follows some of the attempts to extend the concept of face beyond human ethics. Thus, the article concludes that sensible nature, giving itself as Maldiney’s event, does not have a human face, but the encounter with its transcendence in its various facialities has a similar ethical force, from which an eco-phenomenological ethics of nature could grow.
Keywords: eco-phenomenology, environmental ethics, nature, face, Levinas, Maldiney
Published in DiRROS: 23.10.2024; Views: 1; Downloads: 1
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