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Spremljanje bolnic z ginekološkimi raki po zaključenem zdravljenju
Darja Arko, 2024, published professional conference contribution

Abstract: Število žensk, ki so se zdravile zaradi ginekoloških rakov, se veča zaradi staranje populacije, zgodnjega odkrivanja bolezni in bolj uspešnih načinov zdravljenja. Rak in zdravljenje raka prizadenejo ženske na več nivojih, fizično in psihično. Najpogostejše težave so kronične bolečine, utrujenost, limfedem, nevropatija, anksioznost in depresija. Ginekološki raki in njihovo zdravljenje imajo dodatno še pomemben negativen vpliv tudi na spolno življenje. Spremljanje bolnic po zdravljenju raka zato ni namenjeno samo zgodnjemu odkrivanju morebitne ponovitve bolezni, ampak tudi zagotavljanju čim boljše kakovosti življenja. Pomembno in potrebno je, da pri bolnicah po zdravljenju ginekoloških rakov prepoznamo in lajšamo težave, ki so posledica bodisi bolezni same ali pa posledica zdravljenja raka. Načini in organizacija spremljanja bolnic z ginekološkimi raki se močno razlikuje med posameznimi centri in državami, jasnih dokazov, kateri je najboljši način dela, ni. Verjetnost ponovitve bolezni se razlikuje glede na vrsto raka, stadij bolezni, stanje bolnice in glede na to, kako je bila zdravljena, zato je tudi spremljanje smiselno prilagoditi posameznici, kar poudarja večina sodobnih smernic. Ginekološki raki predstavljajo heterogeno skupino bolezni. Mednarodna in domača priporočila o spremljanju so narejena za posamezne lokalizacije in so na kratko predstavljena v prispevku.
Keywords: rak (medicina), ginekologija, ponovitev bolezni, kakovost življenja, strokovna priporočila
Published in DiRROS: 04.06.2024; Views: 337; Downloads: 97
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Zgodnje odkrivanje tveganja nenalezljivih bolezni pri bolnikih z rakom dojk na podlagi umetne inteligence (projekt ARTILLERY)
Tomaž Vrtovec, Luka Škrlj, 2024, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: Naraščajoče zbolevanje in izboljšave pri zdravljenju bolnikov z rakom dojk prispevajo tudi k naraščajočemu številu preživelih, ki pa so bolj ogroženi za razvoj drugih kroničnih bolezni, kot so srčno-žilne bolezni, bolezni dihal, povečanje telesne mase in osteoporoza. Ker se večina bolnikov zdravi tudi z radioterapijo, lahko iz slik, pridobljenih z računalniško tomografijo za namene načrtovanja obsevanja, izluščimo tudi informacije o dejavnikih tveganja za druge bolezni. Cilj projekta ARTILLERY v sklopu okvirnega programa Evropske unije Obzorje Evropa je razvoj in vrednotenje zanesljivih in zaupanja vrednih računalniško podprtih sistemov umetne inteligence, ki jih bo mogoče uporabiti na rutinsko pridobljenih računalniško tomografskih slikah za odkrivanje kroničnih bolezni ali njihovih dejavnikov tveganja za namene podaljševanja pričakovane življenjske dobe in izboljšanja kakovosti življenja v naraščajoči populaciji preživelih bolnikov z rakom dojk. V Laboratoriju za slikovne tehnologije na Fakulteti za elektrotehniko Univerze v Ljubljani imamo dolgoletne izkušnje z razvojem in vrednotenjem računalniško podprtih metod za analizo medicinskih slik hrbtenice, zato je naša vloga pri projektu povezana z določanjem tveganja osteoporoze in osteopenije ter razpoznavanjem vretenčnih zlomov. Kljub temu, da je projekt šele v začetni fazi, smo razvili računalniško podprto metodo na osnovi umetne inteligence za segmentacijo hrbtenice in določanje področij zanimanja znotraj vretenčnih teles, na podlagi katerih bomo izluščili informacije o mineralni kostni gostoti ter jo povezali z referenčnimi diagnostičnimi izvidi. Rezultati začetnih raziskav kažejo, da bo razvita metoda potencialno uporabna za zgodnje odkrivanje osteoporoze in osteopenije ter za razpoznavanje vretenčnih zlomov.
Keywords: umetna inteligenca, globoko učenje, analiza medicinskih slik, rak dojke, osteoporoza
Published in DiRROS: 04.06.2024; Views: 452; Downloads: 101
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Podatki o petrologiji pliocensko-pleistocenskih sedimentov severovzhodne Slovenije
Eva Mencin Gale, Polona Kralj, Mirka Trajanova, Luka Gale, Dragomir Skaberne, 2024, complete scientific database of research data

Abstract: Podatki se nanašajo na petrološko analizo rečnih pliocensko-pleistocenskih sedimentov iz 14 prodnatih vzorcev iz slovenjgraškega, nazarskega, celjskega in dravsko-ptujskega bazena (severovzhodna Slovenija), ki so bili vzorčeni za namen litološke analize klastov. Petrološka analiza obsega opise 155 zbruskov metamorfnih, vulkanskih, vulkanoklastičnih, klastičnih in karbonatnih kamnin. Ti podatki predstavljajo temelj za določitev provenience obravnavanih prodnatih sedimentov, razkrivajo morebitno resedimentacijo ter so pomembni za interpretacijo razvoja rečne mreže v pliocenu in pleistocenu.
Keywords: petrografska analiza, litološka analiza klastov, provenienca klastov, pliocensko-pleistocenski sedimenti
Published in DiRROS: 04.06.2024; Views: 576; Downloads: 550
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Digital PCR for the characterization of reference materials
Megan H. Cleveland, Hua-Jun He, Mojca Milavec, Young-Kyung Bae, Peter M. Vallone, Jim F. Huggett, 2024, review article

Abstract: Well-characterized reference materials support harmonization and accuracy when conducting nucleic acid-based tests (such as qPCR); digital PCR (dPCR) can measure the absolute concentration of a specific nucleic acid sequence in a background of non-target sequences, making it ideal for the characterization of nucleic acid-based reference materials. National Metrology Institutes are increasingly using dPCR to characterize and certify their reference materials, as it offers several advantages over indirect methods, such as UV-spectroscopy. While dPCR is gaining widespread adoption, it requires optimization and has certain limitations and considerations that users should be aware of when characterizing reference materials. This review highlights the technical considerations of dPCR, as well as its role when developing and characterizing nucleic acid-based reference materials.
Keywords: digital PCR, dPCR, reference materials, UV-spectroscopy
Published in DiRROS: 03.06.2024; Views: 450; Downloads: 165
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International Conference Religious Conversions and Atheization in 20th Century Central and Eastern Europe : Koper, 22-24 April 2024
2024, other monographs and other completed works

Abstract: Using a broad-based understanding of religious conversions which includes atheization and religious revival, the conference aims to address the issues related to religious transformation in Central and Eastern Europe in the 20th century and different types of religious agency that transcend established norms, legal frameworks and cultural expectations. The speakers will go beyond the usual concept of religious conversion as an exclusively individual, voluntary spiritual phenomenon and will examine conversions that embody the myriad motives, forms, and socio-political particularities which condition the changes of worldviews as a process that frequently encompasses obstacles, pragmatism and profound life alterations. The conf­erence will contribute to wide-ranging but – especially in Central and Eastern Europe – largely unexplored topics from a more nuanced understanding of the mechanisms that drive religious change and religion-state relations. Taking into account new research perspectives, scholars from the fields of history, anthropology, study of religions, ethnology, sociology, theology and political science will provide new insights into the following topics: - religious conversions as mechanisms for personal gain, coercive tactics and the (gradual) disestablishment of religious institutions; - state-imposed atheization processes; - religious upsurges of (non-)dominant religions, relations between religion and state, and the (re)shaping of religious policies in practise.
Published in DiRROS: 03.06.2024; Views: 314; Downloads: 255
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Distribution of toxigenic cyanobacteria in Alpine lakes and rivers as revealed by molecular screening
Maša Jablonska, Leonardo Cerasino, Adriano Boscaini, Camilla Capelli, Claudia Greco, Aleksandra Krivograd-Klemenčič, Ute Mischke, Nico Salmaso, Rainer Kurmayer, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: The increasing frequency of cyanobacteria blooms in waterbodies caused by ecosystem eutrophication could endanger human health. This risk can be mitigated by effective monitoring incorporating molecular methods. To date, most molecular studies on toxigenic cyanobacteria have been limited to microcystins (MCs), disregarding other cyanotoxins, to freshwater planktic habitats while ignoring benthic habitats, and to limited geographic areas (usually one or a few specific waterbodies). In this study, we used PCR-based methods including PCR product sequencing and chemical-analytical methods (LC-MS/MS) to screen many plankton (n = 123) and biofilm samples (n = 113) originating from 29 Alpine lakes and 18 rivers for their cyanotoxin production potential. Both mcyE (indicating MC synthesis) and anaC (indicating anatoxin (ATX) synthesis) gene fragments were able to qualitatively predict MC or ATX occurrence. The abundance of mcyE gene fragments was significantly related to MC concentrations in plankton samples (R2 = 0.61). mcyE gene fragments indicative of MC synthesis were most abundant in planktic samples (65 %) and were assigned to the genera Planktothrix and Microcystis. However, mcyE rarely occurred in biofilms of lakes and rivers, i.e., 4 % and 5 %, respectively, and were assigned to Microcystis, Planktothrix, and Nostoc. In contrast, anaC gene fragments occurred frequently in planktic samples (14 % assigned to Tychonema, Phormidium (Microcoleus), and Oscillatoria), but also in biofilms of lakes (49 %) and rivers (18 %) and were assigned to the genera Phormidium, Oscillatoria, and Nostocales. The cyrJ gene fragment indicating cylindrospermopsin synthesis occurred only once in plankton (assigned to Dolichospermum), while saxitoxin synthesis potential was not detected. For plankton samples, monomictic and less eutrophic conditions were positively related to mcyE/MC occurrence frequency, while oligomictic conditions were related to anaC/ATX frequency. The anaC/ATX frequency in biofilm was related to the lake habitats generally showing higher biodiversity as revealed from metabarcoding in a parallel study.
Keywords: cyanotoxins, planktic and benthic habitats, water quality monitoring, early warning, toxigenic cyanobacteria, European Alps
Published in DiRROS: 03.06.2024; Views: 478; Downloads: 290
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The need for innovations to secure the future of artisanal mussel farming in the coastal sea of the Gulf of Trieste (Slovenia)
Andreja Ramšak, Tine Bizjak, Uroš Robič, Manca Kovač Viršek, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: Mariculture along the Slovene coastline is mainly mussel culture operated as a family business; in one case, it is combined with sea bass farming. It started in the early 70 s with cultivation of Mediterranean mussels, while today, the two largest producers incorporate the cultivation of Venus clams and oysters as species with higher economic value on the market. Currently, all mussels and clams produced in Slovenia are sold in the Slovenian, Italian, Croatian and French markets. The production of Mediterranean mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) has increased steadily, with the main obstacles being a limited area for cultivation, occasional harmful algal blooms, predation by gilthead seabream and flatworms. In addition, more recent summer heatwaves negatively affected mussel production when seawater reached high temperatures at the thermal limits unsuitable for mussel growth. This study aimed to collect first-hand information about the current mussel production technology, processes and needs to identify opportunities for innovations that could benefit the entire sector (increased knowledge, production yield, reduced workload and effort with administrative issues). The study was based on a semi-structured questionnaire with the owners of mussel farms. Analysis of the questionnaire was supplemented with current knowledge from the field and provided comprehensive insight into a small sector of mussel farming along the Slovenian coast and its possible development in the future.
Keywords: mussel farming, Mediterranean mussel, aquaculture, socio-economic impact, Gulf of Trieste, Slovenia
Published in DiRROS: 03.06.2024; Views: 369; Downloads: 317
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Exploring BPA alternatives : environmental levels and toxicity review
Ondrej Adamovsky, Ksenia J Groh, Anna Białk-Bielińska, Beate I. Escher, R. Beaudouin, Liadys Mora Lagares, K. E. Tollefsen, Alja Štern, Tina Eleršek, Marjan Vračko, Bojana Žegura, 2024, review article

Abstract: Bisphenol A alternatives are manufactured as potentially less harmful substitutes of bisphenol A (BPA) that offer similar functionality. These alternatives are already in the market, entering the environment and thus raising ecological concerns. However, it can be expected that levels of BPA alternatives will dominate in the future, they are limited information on their environmental safety. The EU PARC project highlights BPA alternatives as priority chemicals and consolidates information on BPA alternatives, with a focus on environmental relevance and on the identification of the research gaps. The review highlighted aspects and future perspectives. In brief, an extension of environmental monitoring is crucial, extending it to cover BPA alternatives to track their levels and facilitate the timely implementation of mitigation measures. The biological activity has been studied for BPA alternatives, but in a non-systematic way and prioritized a limited number of chemicals. For several BPA alternatives, the data has already provided substantial evidence regarding their potential harm to the environment. We stress the importance of conducting more comprehensive assessments that go beyond the traditional reproductive studies and focus on overlooked relevant endpoints. Future research should also consider mixture effects, realistic environmental concentrations, and the long-term consequences on biota and ecosystems.
Keywords: BPA alternatives, biological activity, in silico, invertebrates, vertebrates, toxicity
Published in DiRROS: 03.06.2024; Views: 406; Downloads: 333
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Dynamic susceptibility contrast enhanced (DSC) MRI perfusion and plasma cytokine levels in patients after tonic-clonic seizures
Tatjana Filipovič, Katarina Šurlan Popović, Alojz Ihan, David B. Vodušek, 2017, original scientific article

Abstract: Background Inflammatory events in brain parenchyma and glial tissue are involved in epileptogenesis. Blood concentration of cytokines is shown to be elevated after tonic-clonic seizures. As a result of inflammation, blood-brain barrier leakage occurs. This can be documented by imaging techniques, such is dynamic susceptibility contrast enhanced (DSC) MRI perfusion. Our aim was to check for postictal brain inflammation by studying DSC MRI perfusion and plasma level of cytokines. We looked for correlations between number and type of introducing seizures, postictal plasma level of cytokines and parameters of DSC MRI perfusion. Furthermore, we looked for correlation of those parameters and course of the disease over one year follow up. Patients and methods We prospectively enrolled 30 patients, 8%24 hours after single or repeated tonic-clonic seizures. Results 25 of them had normal perfusion parameters, while 5 had hyperperfusion. Patients with hyperperfusion were tested again, 3 months later. Two of 5 had hyperperfusion also on control measurements. Number of index seizures negatively correlated with concentration of proinflammatory cytokines IL-10, IFN-[gamma] and TNF-[alpha] in a whole cohort. In patients with hyperperfusion, there were significantly lower concentrations of antiinflammatory cytokine IL-4 and higher concentrations of proinflammatory TNF-[alpha]. Conclusions Long lasting blood- brain barrier disruption may be crucial for epileptogenesis in selected patients.
Keywords: cytokines, blood-brain barrier, tonic-clonic seizures
Published in DiRROS: 03.06.2024; Views: 368; Downloads: 227
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