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Query: "author" (Mencin Gale Eva) .

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The onset of Pliocene – Early Pleistocene fluvial aggradation in the Southeastern Alpine Foreland (Velenje Basin, Slovenia) and its paleoenvironmental implications
Eva Mencin Gale, Petra Jamšek Rupnik, Naki Akçar, Marcus Christl, Christof Vockenhuber, Flavio S. Anselmetti, Andrej Šmuc, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: In this study, we focused on the Pliocene–Early Pleistocene fluvial terraces in the Velenje Basin andreconstructed the morphostratigraphy, sedimentary depositional environment, provenance and age of the graveldeposits using geomorphological, sedimentological, petrographic and chronological analyses. Geomorphologicalmapping revealed the presence of two main river‐terrace groups. The terraces in the older terrace group are severelydegraded and preserved only as remnants capping high ground, while in contrast the younger group is betterpreserved. Detailed lithofacies analyses of four selected stratigraphic sections of the older terrace group show that thegravel was deposited in a meandering and wandering environment. The gravel consists of metamorphic, igneous,volcaniclastic, clastic and carbonate lithologies derived from the north, east and west from the Paka Rivercatchments. To determine the timing of deposition, we performed isochron‐burial dating using cosmogenic 26Al and10 Be. Our new age constraints date the deposition of the older terrace group to 2.7 ± 0.3 Ma. Establishing theaggradation and incision model of the Velenje Basin documents pronounced regional tectonic uplift during thePliocene–Early Pleistocene, which led to incision and the subsequent formation of a terrace staircase.
Keywords: isochron‐burial dating, morphostratigraphy, provenance analysis, river terraces, Velenje Basin
Published in DiRROS: 05.09.2024; Views: 70; Downloads: 41
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Petrology dataset of Pliocene-Pleistocene sediments in northeastern Slovenia
Eva Mencin Gale, Polona Kralj, Mirka Trajanova, Luka Gale, Dragomir Skaberne, 2024, other scientific articles

Abstract: This is a dataset of petrological analysis of Pliocene-Pleistocene f luvial sediments from 14 gravely samples from the Slovenj Gradec, Nazarje, Celje and Drava-Ptuj Basin (northeastern Slovenia), collected for clast lithological analysis. The petrological analysis includes description of 155 thin sections of metamorphic, volcanic, volcaniclastic, clastic and carbonate rocks. This dataset provides grounds for determining the provenance of these gravel deposits, revealing possible resedimentation processes, and serves as a tool for drainage network interpretation in the Pliocene-Pleistocene.
Keywords: petrografska analiza, litološka analiza klastov, provenienca klastov, pliocensko-pleistocenski sedimenti
Published in DiRROS: 09.07.2024; Views: 205; Downloads: 102
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Podatki o petrologiji pliocensko-pleistocenskih sedimentov severovzhodne Slovenije
Eva Mencin Gale, Polona Kralj, Mirka Trajanova, Luka Gale, Dragomir Skaberne, 2024, complete scientific database of research data

Abstract: Podatki se nanašajo na petrološko analizo rečnih pliocensko-pleistocenskih sedimentov iz 14 prodnatih vzorcev iz slovenjgraškega, nazarskega, celjskega in dravsko-ptujskega bazena (severovzhodna Slovenija), ki so bili vzorčeni za namen litološke analize klastov. Petrološka analiza obsega opise 155 zbruskov metamorfnih, vulkanskih, vulkanoklastičnih, klastičnih in karbonatnih kamnin. Ti podatki predstavljajo temelj za določitev provenience obravnavanih prodnatih sedimentov, razkrivajo morebitno resedimentacijo ter so pomembni za interpretacijo razvoja rečne mreže v pliocenu in pleistocenu.
Keywords: petrografska analiza, litološka analiza klastov, provenienca klastov, pliocensko-pleistocenski sedimenti
Published in DiRROS: 04.06.2024; Views: 494; Downloads: 477
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