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Taxonomic and stratigraphic remarks on Placites urlichsi Bizzarini, Pompeckjiteslayeri (Hauer), Carnites floridus (Wulfen) and Sageceras haidingeri (Hauer)
Andreas Spatzenegger, Walter Poltnig, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: Investigations of an Lower Carnian Wettersteinkalk ammonoid fauna found in the Hochobir massif (Carinthia/Austria) gave rise to problems in the taxonomic relationship within the Triassic ammonoid Family Pinacoceratidae. The morphological parameters of the ammonoid genus Pompeckjites are rather unclear. Morphological variation of at least two ammonoid species as Pompeckjites layeri Hauer on one end, Placites urlichsi Bizzarini on the other end have to be take into account. Numerous field surveys, studies and excavations on upper Wettersteinkalk sites within the Karavank Mountains and Hallstatt-facies sites in the Northern Calcareous Alps were implemented and compared with the reference sites in the Dolomites. As a consequence of our investigations, the Hochobir Wettersteinkalk ammonite assemblage is thought to be equivalent in time to the ammonoid fauna of the Upper San Cassian Formation. The frequent occurrence of the Julian (Lower Carnian) ammonoid Placites urlichsi Bizzarini may be a powerful tool in field investigations for a refined correlation of the upper Wettersteinkalk reef limestone to the coeval basinal facies of the Upper San Cassian Formation (Lower Carnian/upper Trachyceras aonoides Zone). As a result of this study Placites urlichsi was included in the genus Pompeckjites. This paper could be an attempt to recognize the differences in juvenile forms of Pompeckjites layeri and Placites urlichsi and other similar disciform ammonoid genera like Carnites floridus and Sageceras sp. Based on suture lines, polished transversal-sections and morphological features.
Keywords: ammonoids, Triassic, Carnian, Wettersteinkalk, Bleiberger Sonderfazies, Upper San Cassian Formation
Published in DiRROS: 15.01.2024; Views: 328; Downloads: 78
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European code against cancer
P... Boyle, Maja Primic-Žakelj, 1995, popular article

Published in DiRROS: 15.01.2024; Views: 271; Downloads: 88
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Geološka spremljava poskusnega odkopa uranove rude na Žirovskem vrhu
Franc Čadež, 2023, professional article

Abstract: Leta 1981–1983 je bilo na Rudniku Žirovski vrh pred pričetkom redne proizvodnje izvedeno poskusno odkopavanje uranove rude za preverjanje metod geološke in radiometrične kontrole ter tehničnih metod pridobivanja. Poskusni odkop je bil v bloku 1, na skrajnem severozahodnem delu rudišča v zgornji gubi dvojne S strukture. V tem bloku se je orudenje nahajalo samo v horizontu sivega peščenjaka debeline 20–30 m. Z geološko spremljavo odkopavanja smo potrdili, da so bili peščenjaki odloženi v sekvencah debelih od par dm do več kot 2 m. Sekvenca je običajno pričenjala z debelozrnatim peščenjakom, večkrat so bili na bazi prisotni še klasti kremena in muljevca. Navzgor je debelozrnat peščenjak pogosto prehajal v srednjezrnatega, redkeje pa še v drobnozrnatega in meljevec. V peščenjakih je bila značilna prisotnost organskih drobcev, ki so v diagenezi ustvarjali redukcijsko okolje v katerem se je iz podtalnice izločal uran. Najpogosteje se je orudenje nahajalo v debelozrnatih peščenjakih, običajno v debelejših sekvencah. Orudenje se je zato pojavljalo v več nivojih debelih navadno pod 1m, kjer se je združevalo je skupna debelina presegla tudi 5 m. Dolžina sklenjenega orudenja v vzdolžni smeri je znašala do 150 m, širina od nekaj metrov do več kot 40 m. V vmesnih prekinitvah orudenja smo opazovali, da so peščenjaki iz temnosive in sive barve prehajali v svetlosive in zelenosive, ki so bili le siromašno orudeni ali jalovi. V vzdolžni smeri se je tak prehod zgodil med prerezi P-35 in P-35a, kjer se je tudi zaključilo odkopavanje. V jami sta bila raziskana še prereza P-36 in P-37, kjer pa se je pojavljal pretežno zelenosiv peščenjak z le redkimi lečami siromašnega orudenja. S površinskimi vrtinami sta bila dlje proti zahodu raziskana tudi še dva prereza oddaljena 1,3 in 2,8 km od jamske zgradbe. V teh vrtinah je bilo ugotovljeno nastopanje sivih in zelenosivih peščenjakov z zelo redkimi sledovi orudenja, ki so se menjavali z bolj drobnozrnatimi različki (muljevci), ostanki organske snovi pa so bili v njih zelo redki. Blok 1 je bil zato mejni blok na SZ strani rudišča, predviden za pridobivanje.
Keywords: uranova ruda, poskusno odkopavanje, grödenske klastične kamnine, Žirovski vrh
Published in DiRROS: 15.01.2024; Views: 266; Downloads: 71
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Transverse Dinaric zone of increased compression between the Kraški rob and Hrušica Regions, NE Microadria
Ladislav Placer, Igor Rižnar, Ana Novak, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: The Kvarner fault divides the Microadria (Adria microplate, the Adria stable core) into the Po and Adria segments. The Istra block, which is sandwiched between the right-lateral Kvarner Fault and the left-lateral Sistiana Fault lies at the extreme eastern edge of the Po segment. Both faults run transversely to the Dinarides and reach their thrust boundary in the east. The Microadria has been moving towards the Dinarides since the Middle Miocene. The movement of the Istra block is exposed in relation to the neighbouring blocks, so an extensive pushed area (the Istra Pushed Area) was formed in the External Dinarides, which is bent towards the northeast. It is defined by two flexural zones, one lying in the extension of the Sistiana Fault and the other in the extension of the Kvarner Fault. The structure of the Dinaric thrust border on the north-eastern side of the Istra block is complex. Its prominent structural element is the Črni Kal Anomaly, due to which a zone of increased compression developed within the Istra Pushed Area and transversely to the Dinarides (Kraški rob – Hrušica Traverse), which lies between the Sistiana and Kvarner Flexural Zones. In terms of kinematics, it differs greatly from these two, and various geomorphologically responsive deformations have occurred within it. Mt. Vremščica (1027 m), which represents a transpressive anticline within the wider zone of the Raša Fault is the most prominent. In order to understand the genesis of the Classical Karst relief, it is important to know that the Mt. Vremščica ridge rose from the levelled karst surface.
Keywords: NE Microadria (Adria Microplate), Istra peninsula, Istra Pushed Area, Črni Kal Anomaly, Kraški rob – Mt. Hrušica Traverse, stacked structure, envelope fault
Published in DiRROS: 15.01.2024; Views: 455; Downloads: 181
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Geochemical and mineralogical approaches in unraveling paleoweathering, provenance, and tectonic setting of the clastic sedimentary succession (Western Central Paratethys)
Kristina Ivančič, Rok Brajkovič, Mirijam Vrabec, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: Pronounced tectonic and paleogeographic changes were detected in the Alpine–Pannonian region during the Miocene at the interface between the Alps, the Dinarides, and the Pannonian Basin. To understand the major tectonic, paleogeographic, and paleoclimatic changes during this period, geochemical and mineralogical investigations were carried out on the fine-grained clastic sedimentary rocks in the Tunjice Hills. The paleoweathering indicates a cold and/or arid to a warm and humid period. The paleoclimate and the regional climatic conditions correspond well with the Middle Miocene Climatic Optimum. The mineral composition shows an abundance of quartz and calcite. Quartz is associated with detrital origin from volcanic and metamorphic rocks of the Eastern and Southern Alps and with authigenic processes in sediments. Calcite is related to authigenic origin formed in shallow marine environments and to detrital provenance from the Southern Alps. Not all discriminant functions based on major oxides provided adequate results in determining the tectonic setting. The source rocks were subjected to oceanic island arc and collision. Moreover, sedimentation was influenced by both active and passive margin settings. The former is related to the Alpine collision, which continued from the Cenozoic onward, and the latter is connected to the processes associated with the formation of the Pannonian Basin System, which began in the late Early Miocene.
Keywords: Central Paratethys, provenance, tectonic setting, paleoweathering, Miocene, Tunjice Hills
Published in DiRROS: 15.01.2024; Views: 277; Downloads: 88
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High rate of complications in patients with carcinoma of the cervix surgically treated after radical radiotherapy
Albert-Peter Fras, 1995, original scientific article

Abstract: With the aim to improve the results of treatment of patients who had advanced carcinoma of the uterine cervix and were radically irradiated, a group of 49 patients underwent hysterectomy two to 24 months after completion of radiotherapy, among whom for only 43 patients data were available. Radiotherapy consisted of 40 Gy external beam irradiation to true pelvis, low dose intracavitary treatment to a total dose 40 Gy to point A, and parametrial irradiation 16 to 20 Gy, shielding the place where radioactive sources were positioned during intracavitary therapy. Necrosis, persistent cervical carcinoma, recurrent carcinoma, and in patients younger than 50 years no evidence of disease (NED) with dysplasia were indications for the surgical treatment. Hysterectomy with bilateral oophorectomy was as conservative as possible but severe complications, such as ureteral stenosis (five cases), recto-vaginal fistula (three cases), vesico-vaginal fistula (two cases), recto-vesico-vaginal fistula (one case) occurred. Asymptomatic frozen pelvs as a mild complication occurered in 10 cases. One patient died postoperatively because of dehiscence and abdominal wall necrosis. In 17 (39.5%) of 43 patients complications occurred, although asymtomatic frozen pelvic was not taken in account. We believe that such a combined treatment is only for selected cases.
Keywords: Complications
Published in DiRROS: 15.01.2024; Views: 231; Downloads: 68
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