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564. Naš česen : raznolikost zbirke česna (Allium sativum L.) na Kmetijskem inštitutu SlovenijeLovro Sinkovič, Mojca Škof, Jelka Šuštar Vozlič, Barbara Pipan, Vladimir Meglič, 2024, scientific monograph Abstract: Česen v Sloveniji predstavlja dobro poznano čebulnico, ki je doma v vsakem vrtu, vedno več pa ga pridelujemo tudi v tržni pridelavi. V Sloveniji imamo v pridelovanju česna dolgoletno tradicijo, na kar kažejo stare sorte s Ptujskega polja. Za prehrano uporabljamo mlade stroke rastočih rastlin in dozorele čebulice oziroma stroke. Česen velja za naravni antibiotik in že star pregovor pravi, da česen devet bolezni odžene. Publikacija, ki je pred vami, predstavlja kompleksno inventarizacijo genskih virov česna zbranih na Kmetijskem inštitutu Slovenije in shranjenih v Slovenski rastlinski genski banki. Z uporabo predpisanih deskriptorjev za vrste Allium sativum sp., meritvami morfometričnih lastnosti in slikovnim gradivom smo prvič do sedaj opisali ter ovrednotili 61 genskih virov česna (Allium sativum L.). Published in DiRROS: 26.11.2024; Views: 141; Downloads: 62
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566. Growth performance, carcass quality, and lipid metabolism in Krškopolje pigs and modern hybrid pigs : comparison of genotypes and evaluation of dietary protein reductionMartin Škrlep, Klavdija Poklukar Žnidaršič, Milka Vrecl, Jana Brankovič, Marjeta Čandek-Potokar, 2024, original scientific article Keywords: pigs, local breeds, Krškopolje pig, breed comparison, protein reduction, performance, carcass quality, lipid metabolism, meat quality Published in DiRROS: 26.11.2024; Views: 173; Downloads: 38
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567. Usposabljanje na delavnici "Bark and Ambrosia Beetle Academy" v Malangu, Indonezija, oktober 2024Luka Capuder, Eva Groznik, 2024, popular article Keywords: gozdovi, varstvo gozdov, ambrozijski podlubniki, morfologija, identifikacija, škodljivci, Azija Published in DiRROS: 26.11.2024; Views: 131; Downloads: 69
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569. First report of Phytophthora ilicis causing leaf spot, shoot blight and bleeding canker on Ilex aquifolium in SloveniaCarlo Bregant, F. Carloni, Benedetto Teodoro Linaldeddu, Lucia Maddau, Massimiliano Marcolongo, Lucio Montecchio, S. Murolo, Barbara Piškur, Nikica Ogris, 2024, other scientific articles Keywords: forest health, leaf spot, shoot blight, Slovenia, first report Published in DiRROS: 25.11.2024; Views: 154; Downloads: 88
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570. Magnetic properties of as-cast iron-cobalt alloysMario Vukotić, Alen Alić, Urban Rupnik, Damijan Miljavec, Jaka Burja, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: The structural and magnetic properties of iron-cobalt alloys (FeCoV) were compared to those of electrical steel alloys. The latter are widely used for the ferromagnetic cores of electric motors. However, the as-cast and rolled FeCoV alloys, which were ana lysed, showed enhanced magnetic properties compared to electrical steel alloys. Moreover, since they can be cast directly into the final shape of the rotor’s main structure (excluding the pole shoes, which must be laminated) for a wound-rotor synchronous electric motor, the production becomes more cost-effective and energy-efficient. In addition, the performance of the electric motor is improved in terms of mechanical output power and energy efficiency Keywords: iron-cobalt alloys, ferromagnetic materials, electromagnetic energy conversion Published in DiRROS: 25.11.2024; Views: 144; Downloads: 83
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