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Eksperimentalna onkologija
Gregor Serša, 1998, review article

Published in DiRROS: 31.08.2018; Views: 2929; Downloads: 642
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Record of a new location for tropical root knot nematode Meloidogyne luci in Slovenia
Barbara Gerič Stare, Polona Strajnar, Saša Širca, Nik Susič, Gregor Urek, original scientific article

Abstract: The plant parasitic nematode Meloidogyne ethiopica Whitehead has been reported from several European countries, including Slovenia, where it was first found in 2003. However, the description in 2014 of a new sister species, Meloidogyne luci Carneiro et al., 2014, called for the reclassification of all European and Turkish populations of M. ethiopica reported up to this date as M. luci. Both species M. ethiopica and M. luci have a very wide host range of monocotyledons and dicotyledons. They are pests of important agricultural crops such as maize, potatoes and variety of vegetables, and represent a serious threat for agricultural production in greenhouses as well as in the open fields in many EPPO countries. This paper reports a new location of the tropical root knot nematode species M. luci found in Slovenia in 2015.
Keywords: parasitic nematode, root knot nematode, classification, populations
Published in DiRROS: 20.07.2018; Views: 2866; Downloads: 1233
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Discrimination between abiotic and biotic drought stress in tomatoes using hyperspectral imaging
Nik Susič, Uroš Žibrat, Saša Širca, Polona Strajnar, Jaka Razinger, Matej Knapič, Andrej Vončina, Gregor Urek, Barbara Gerič Stare, original scientific article

Abstract: Crop plants are subjected to various biotic and abiotic stresses. Both root-knot nematodes (biotic stress) and water deficiency (abiotic stress) lead to similar drought symptoms in the plant canopy. In this work, hyperspectral imaging was used for early detection of nematode infestation and water deficiency (drought) stress in tomato plants. Hyperspectral data in the range from 400 to 2500 nm of plants subjected to different watering regimes and nematode infestation levels were analysed by partial least squares – discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) and partial least squares – support vector machine (PLS-SVM) classification. PLS-SVM classification achieved up to 100% accuracy differentiating between well-watered and water-deficient plants, and between 90 and 100% when identifying nematode-infested plants. Grouping the data according to the time of imaging increased the accuracy of classification. Shortwave infrared spectral regions associated with the OH and CH stretches were most relevant for the identification of nematode infested plants and severity of infestation. This study demonstrates the capability of hyperspectral imaging to identify and discriminate between biotic and abiotic plant stresses.
Keywords: nematode, Hyperspectral imaging, Drought stress, Root-knot nematode, Tomato
Published in DiRROS: 20.07.2018; Views: 3980; Downloads: 2447
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Genetic diversity of core vs. peripheral Norway spruce native populations at a local scale in Slovenia
Marjana Westergren, Gregor Božič, Hojka Kraigher, original scientific article

Abstract: We investigated the levels of genetic diversity and population differentiation among core and peripheral populations of Norway spruce along an altitudinal gradient (from inversions to upper tree line) using isoenzymes (ISO) and nuclear simple-sequence repeats (SSR) markers on overlapping set of populations. Twenty-seven to seventy trees from 11 and 7 populations were genotyped with isoenzymes and SSRs, respectively. The results partially conform to the expectations of the central-peripheral hypothesis (CPH) and are consistent for both marker sets. Genetic differentiation among peripheral populations was low but significantly different from zero (FST-ISO = 0.013, FST-SSR = 0.009) and higher than that among core populations (FST-ISO = 0.007, FST-SSR = 0.005), conforming to central peripheral hypothesis. Contrastingly, levels of genetic diversity assessed by both richness and equitability measures did not significantly differ between peripheral and core populations (AR-ISO = 2.20 vs. 2.14, AR-SSR = 17.16 vs. 17.68, HE-ISO = 0.183 vs. 0.185, and HE-SSR = 0.935 vs. 0.935 for peripheral and core populations, respectively).
Keywords: central peripheral hypothesis, Picea abies (L.) Karst., genetic diversity, genetic differentiation, upper tree line, inversion
Published in DiRROS: 07.05.2018; Views: 8102; Downloads: 1788
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Gozd v Valvasorjevi Slavi vojvodine kranjske
Špela Hrast, Gregor Torkar, 2017, original scientific article

Abstract: Z gozdom povezujemo veliko število vlog in funkcij, ki se lahko s časom in prostorom spreminjajo ter tako nosijo pomembne informacije o dojemanju in odnosu do gozda tako posameznika kot družbe. Analizirali smo Valvasorjevo prepoznavanje vlog in funkcij gozda preko vsebinske analize Slave vojvodine Kranjske. Ugotovili smo, da lahko v njej prepoznamo enajst od sedemnajstih različnih funkcij gozda, kar priča o avtorjevem širokem dojemanju gozdov. Valvasorju lahko pripišemo tudi dobro prepoznavanje vrstne pestrosti gozdov Kranjske. Prepoznamo lahko 25 različnih lesnatih rastlin, pri čemer so najpogosteje omenjeni predstavniki rodov bukve, smreke, hrasta, kostanja in jelke. Omenja tudi 78 različnih gozdnih vrst ali skupin živali. Pri tem nevretenčarjem pripisuje manjšo pomembnost kot vretenčarjem. Vendar mu niso enako pomembni vsi vretenčarji, ampak predvsem predstavniki ptic in sesalcev, ki jih povezuje z lovom ali lepim petjem.
Keywords: ekosistemske storitve, vrstna pestrost, funkcije gozdov, vloge gozdov, Slava vojvodine Kranjske
Published in DiRROS: 25.10.2017; Views: 5651; Downloads: 3014
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Identifikacija izvora gozdnega reprodukcijskega materiala bukve s pomočjo molekularnih metod
Marjana Westergren, Marko Bajc, Domen Finžgar, Gregor Božič, Hojka Kraigher, 2017, original scientific article

Abstract: Od kakovosti in izvora gozdnega reprodukcijskega materiala (GRM) bodo odvisni genetska pestrost, struktura, preživetje in uspevanje sadik ter končno uspevanje in odpornost bodočega gozda. Zato mora Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije (GIS) na podlagi javnega pooblastila po Zakonu o gozdovih in zahtev zakonodaje o GRM preveriti njegov izvor pred izdajo glavnega spričevala ali na zahtevo inšpektorata kadarkoli v času trženja in uporabe. Uporaba molekularnih metod pripomore k vedenju o izvoru in genetski kakovosti GRM. GIS kontinuirano razvija znanje, infrastrukturo, gensko banko in molekularne baze podatkov za izvajanje opisanih testov. Zaradi suma o (načrtno) napačni navedbi izvora GRM, nabranega jeseni 2016 iz vsaj enega semenskega objekta, smo v predstavljeni študiji analizirali izvor in genetsko pestrost GRM iz štirih semenskih objektov bukve (Fagus sylvatica L.), v katerih je bilo seme nabrano v istem letu, ter drugih vzorcev iz Slovenske gozdne genske banke, skupaj petnajst. Za analize smo uporabili jedrne mikrosatelite, šestnajst lokusov, ki jih na GIS uporabljamo rutinsko. S tehničnega vidika so se izbrani markerji izkazali za primerne za identifikacijo posameznikov, oceno genetske pestrosti in identifikacijo domnevnega izvora. Zaradi možnosti mešanja vzorcev, pridobljenih s tal, in tehničnih potreb bomo v prihodnosti za potrebe rekonstrukcije genotipa semenskega drevesa analizirali vsaj dvanajst semen na drevo. Genetska pestrost manjših vzorcev je bila značilno manjša od tiste v velikih vzorcih. Opozarjamo, da je GRM nujno treba nabirati najmanj z v odobritvi semenskega objekta predpisanega števila dreves, da zagotovimo ustrezno veliko genetsko pestrost GRM, ki ga sadimo v gozdove. Metode razvrščanja posameznikov na podlagi Bayesove verjetnosti in filogenetska drevesa so pravilno določili izvor referenčnih vzorcev, medtem ko je bila resolucija analize glavnih komponent manjša. Vse metode, uporabljene za identifikacijo domnevnega izvora vzorcev semena, so nedvoumno pokazale, da vzorec TURs ni bil nabran v sestoju TUR, različen je tudi od preostalega analiziranega genofonda bukve v Sloveniji.
Keywords: Fagus sylvatica, gozdni reprodukcijski material, identifikacija izvora, genetska pestrost, mikrosateliti, analiza starševstva, Slovenija
Published in DiRROS: 03.09.2017; Views: 4110; Downloads: 762
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High levels of effective long-distance dispersal may blur ecotypic divergence in a rare terrestrial orchid
An Vanden Broeck, Gregor Božič, Branko Dolinar, 2014, original scientific article

Published in DiRROS: 12.07.2017; Views: 2548; Downloads: 827
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Ranking strategic and operative goals for sustainable development of Pohorje, Slovenia
Petra Grošelj, Lidija Zadnik Stirn, Gregor Danev, Darij Krajčič, 2013, original scientific article

Abstract: The combination of participatory process and multi-criteria decision methods have proven to be effective in supporting forest management decisions, since it offers inclusion of different opinions, views, and preferences of the problem. Our study is based on the results of the NATREG project, which deals with management of Pohorje, a mountain area in Slovenia. The results define six strategic goals and appertaining operative goals, which are the outcomes of workshops with different stakeholders. The aim of our study is ranking the strategic goals according to their contribution in the implementation of the "Pohorje 2030" vision and of the operative goals according to the appertaining strategic goals. Analytic hierarchy process is applied for comparisons of goals. Geometric mean method is employed for aggregating individual judgments into group judgment. The results show that all strategic goals are important, although most attention should be devoted to the goals "Preserved cultural heritage and local tradition" and "Environmental and consumer friendly usage of natural resources".
Published in DiRROS: 12.07.2017; Views: 4682; Downloads: 2481
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