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Klinični register raka dojk
Sonja Tomšič, 2023, published professional conference contribution

Keywords: rak dojk, državni programi, register raka
Published in DiRROS: 05.01.2024; Views: 307; Downloads: 67
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Epidemiologija raka dojk
Vesna Zadnik, Sonja Tomšič, 2023, published professional conference contribution

Keywords: rak dojk, epidemiologija, register raka
Published in DiRROS: 05.01.2024; Views: 332; Downloads: 83
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Spoznaj : objave v sklopu projekta
2023, not set

Abstract: V okviru projekta Podpora pri uvajanju načel odprte znanosti v Sloveniji (SPOZNAJ), izbranega za financiranje na javnem razpisu Načrta za okrevanje in odpornost z naslovom Prilagoditev javnih raziskovalnih organizacij in Centralne tehniške knjižnice Univerze v Ljubljani za delo po načelih odprte znanosti, bodo Centralna tehniška knjižnica Univerze v Ljubljani in dvajset javnih raziskovalnih organizacij uskladili svoje delovanje z ReZrIS30, ZZrID in Uredbo o izvajanju znanstvenoraziskovalnega dela v skladu z načeli odprte znanosti, s čimer bo njihovo delovanje skladno z določili glede odprte znanosti v Evropskem raziskovalnem prostoru. Partnerji projekta bodo izvedli usposabljanja za različne deležnike odprte znanosti, specialistična izobraževanja za ravnanje s FAIR in odprto dostopnimi raziskovalnimi podatki, pripravili priročnik o odprti znanosti in vzpostavili podporo za odprto znanost v lastnih organizacijah.
Published in DiRROS: 05.01.2024; Views: 369; Downloads: 0
This document is also a collection of 3 documents!

3. limfomska šola, Ljubljana, oktober 2023
Marko Boc, 2023, other monographs and other completed works

Published in DiRROS: 04.01.2024; Views: 329; Downloads: 162
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Climate change increases the number of landslides at the juncture of the Alpine, Pannonian and Mediterranean regions
Mateja Jemec Auflič, Nejc Bezak, Ela Šegina, Peter Frantar, Stefano Luigi Gariano, Anže Medved, Tina Peternel, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: During the next few decades, changes in rainfall frequency and magnitude are expected to have major impacts on landscape evolution, social, and economic aspects of human society. We focus on seasonal rainfall variations by the end of the twenty-first century to define affected landslide-prone areas, future landslide alerts and the impact of landslides on landscape development in the juncture of the Alpine, Pannonian, and Mediterranean region. A moderate and a worst-case climate scenario from CMIP5 global climate simulations were considered to determine the impact of rainfall on the two most common types of landslides in region, shallow and deep-seated landslides. The observed changes in the occurrence of shallow landslides are significant, especially in the winter months, where we can expect more landslide-prone areas compared to the baseline period. Shallow landslides will have a greater impact on the landscape in spring and summer than deep-seated landslides, especially in vineyards.
Keywords: podnebne spremembe, zemeljski plazovi
Published in DiRROS: 04.01.2024; Views: 377; Downloads: 107
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Multivariate statistical methods in determining the spatial distribution of chemical elements in soil from the Mavrovo-Rostuše region, North Macedonia
Trajče Stafilov, Robert Šajn, Kristina Petrovska, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: In this work, the contents and spatial distributions of 19 elements (Ag, Al, B, Ba, Ca, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, P, Pb, Sr, V, Zn) in the soil of the western part of North Macedonia (Mavrovo-Rostuše region) are presented. For this purpose, a total of 66 soil samples were collected from 33 locations (33 samples of topsoil, 0-5 cm, and 33 samples of subsoil, 20-30 cm). All samples were analysed by inductively coupled plasma - atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) after complete digestion with four acids (HNO3, HF, HClO4 and HCl). The obtained results were statistically evaluated and spatial distribution maps for all analysed elements were also prepared. Factor analysis was performed to reduce the number of data used and new synthetic variables (factors) were identified. Through the application of factor analysis, three geochemical associations were identified: Factor 1 (Zn, K, Cu, Fe, and Li), Factor 2 (Cr, Ni, and Mg) and Factor 3 (Ca and Al). From the obtained data and the maps of spatial distribution, it could be concluded that the distribution of the analysed elements is related to the lithology of the region. Thus, it was found that the higher content of elements of Factor 1 occurs in the eastern and southern part of the study area (middle and lower reaches of the Radika River and along the Mala River), where Mesozoic and Paleozoic carbonates as well as Paleozoic shales and Paleogene flysch prevail. Factor 2 (Cr, Ni and Mg) also represents a lithogenic association. The highest contents of the elements in both soil layers were found in the areas where Paleozoic sandstones and shales (village of Lazaropole and the area around the Mavrovo Lake) and Paleogene flysch (Rostuše village) predominate. Factor 3 (Ca and Al) also represents lithogenic association of elements. The highest content of these elements was found in the northwestern part of the study area (village of Žirovnica and along the Berička River) and in the northeastern region above the village of Brodec where Mesozoic carbonates and Paleogene flysch dominate.
Keywords: soil, heavy metals, spatial distribution, Mavrovo-Rostuše region, North Macedonia
Published in DiRROS: 04.01.2024; Views: 380; Downloads: 82
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Application of multivariate statistical methods for determining geochemical trends of elements on the territory of Slovenia
Robert Šajn, Mateja Gosar, Jasminka Alijagić, Tamara Teršič, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: The main objective of this study is to map multi-element geochemical anomalies in soil on a regional scale. We aimed to determine and evaluate the baseline geochemical values and main geochemical trends in soil that may serve as reference values against any future changes. A total of 817 topsoil samples (0–10 cm) were collected in a 5 × 5 km grid and analyzed for 35 elements using ICP-ES after multi-acid digestions (HClO4/HNO3/HCl/HF) and 53 elements using ICP-MS after modified aqua regia digestion (HCl/HNO3/H2O). The analytical results for the two different digestion methods (multi-acid digestion vs. aqua regia) were also compared for each chemical element. Multivariate statistical methods were applied to identify the geochemical trends and main sources of trace elements over the territory of Slovenia. Based on these results, seven natural and one mixed natural/anthropogenic geochemical association were established. The contents and trends of the determined factors are presented according to 8 natural units, 4 drainage areas, and geological units characteristic of Slovenia. The identified anthropogenic geochemical association combines toxic elements (Ag, Bi, Cd, Hg, P, Pb, S, Sn, and Zn). Increased values of these elements can be found in mining areas and metallurgic centers, in Quaternary sediments of the Sava River, and Adriatic Basin as the consequence of past mining activities and in the Julian Alps, where their origin could be connected to the atmospheric deposition.
Keywords: soil, geochemical mapping, distribution of geochemical elements, factor analysis, cluster analysis
Published in DiRROS: 04.01.2024; Views: 365; Downloads: 83
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Heavy minerals as indicators of source material in soils on carbonates
Barbara Čeplak, Miloš Miler, Nina Zupančič, Simona Jarc, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: The origin of the soils formed on carbonate rocks remains uncertain, as they are probably of polygenetic origin. Of particular interest are the elevated contents of some trace elements detected in these soils, as they can hardly be attributed to insoluble residues of carbonate rock. The aim of this study was to uncover the relationship between heavy minerals in bedrock and soil and to identify other sources that influence the mineral and chemical composition of soil. We investigated representative samples of soils and dolomite bedrock as well as sandstones and marlstones from the nearby flysch basin as an expected source of the aeolian contribution. XRD and SEM/EDS showed that mineral diversity is higher in soils compared to the dolomites. Heavy minerals found in dolomite insoluble residue include sphalerite, Ti-oxide (probably rutile), zircon, fluorite, pyrite, minerals of REE phosphates and apatite group, interpreted as terrigenous detrital material. The mineral composition of soil heavy fraction is only partly following insoluble residues of bedrock and indicates possible aeolian contribution. Comparison with nearby flysch sandstones and marlstones showed similarities in mineralogical diversity by the presence of chromite and Fe-Cr(Mn) oxides (probably carmichaelite). Other minerals present in soils and flysch layers, such as Ti-oxide (probably rutile), zircon, REE phosphates, and pyrite grains, however, show similarities in mode of occurrence and transport indications. Signs of aeolian transport on the grains detected in soils were further confirmed by SEM/EDS.
Keywords: Phaeozem, Upper Triassic dolomite, flysch layers, trace elements, SEM/EDS
Published in DiRROS: 04.01.2024; Views: 365; Downloads: 73
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