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Gozdna tla in vegetacija eno leto po požaru na Goriškem Krasu
Valerija Babij, Lado Kutnar, Aleksander Marinšek, Janez Kermavnar, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: V letu 2023 − eno leto po obsežnem požaru na Goriškem Krasu, ki je divjal julija leta 2022 − smo na izbranih gozdnih vzorčnih ploskvah popisali zeliščno, grmovno in drevesno vegetacijo in analizirali tla do globine 10 cm. Ploskve smo izbrali na lokacijah stalnih vzorčnih ploskev ZGS z različno stopnjo poškodovan osti zaradi požara. Na izbranih ploskvah smo skupno popisali 260 vrst praprotnic in semenk. V drevesni plasti smo popisali trinajst vrst (enajst domorodnih in dve tujerodni), v grmovni plasti trideset, v zeliščni pa 255. V drevesni plasti so bili najpogostejši mali jesen, črni gaber in črni bor, v grmovni mali jesen, navadni ruj in robide. V zeliščni plasti smo med drugimi popisali tudi devetnajst drevesnih vrst, ki so pomembna zasnova pri naravni obnovi požganega gozda na Krasu; najpogostejša sta bila črni gaber in rešeljika. Gradient poškodovanosti po požaru se jasno kaže v večini vegetacijskih in talnih spremenljivk. Statistično značilne razlike med skupinami ploskev z različno stopnjo poškodovanosti smo ugotovili za šest parametrov: pH-vrednosti in vsebnosti žvepla v organskem delu tal, zastiranje drevesne plasti, zastiranje mahov, število vrst v spodnji drevesni plasti, število vrst zeliščne plasti. Na ploskvah smo prepoznali devet (ter še tri vrste na požarišču zunaj ploskev) invazivnih ali potencialno invazivnih tujerodnih rastlinskih vrst; med drevesnimi sta bila najpogostejša robinija in visoki pajesen. Študija pomembno prispeva k razumevanju razvoja vegetacije, pomlajevanja ključnih drevesnih vrst in poškodb gozdnih tal v inicialni fazi po obsežnem požaru.
Keywords: gozdna vegetacija, poškodbe tal, gozdni požar, drevesne vrste, pestrost vrst, invazivne rastlinske vrste, Kras, Slovenija
Published in DiRROS: 21.05.2024; Views: 527; Downloads: 230
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Rare Middle Triassic coleoids from the Alpine-Carpathian system: new records from Slovakia and their signifcance
Martin Košťák, Ján Schlögl, Dirk Fuchs, Milan Havrila, Tea Kolar-Jurkovšek, Attila Vörös, Martina Havelcová, Juraj Šurka, Jakub Havrila, Katarína Holcová, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: Two stratigraphically well constrained (by ammonites and conodonts) coleoid remains have been recorded from the Triassic (Anisian) dark-grey organodetritic limestones (Ráztoka Limestone) of Western Carpathians (Hronic Nappe). The limestones deposited at the periphery of a former carbonate platform. It yields a highly diverse cephalopod fauna including nautiloids (2 taxa), ammonoids (7 taxa) and indetermined aulacoceratids. Two unusual coleoid specimens are referred to genus Mojsisovicsteuthis (M. boeckhi) and probably to a new taxon (described as Breviconoteuthis aff. breviconus herein) possessing similar morphological features of genus Breviconoteuthis (Phragmoteuthida) and/or Zugmontites. Based on index ammonites and conodonts, both records are of the uppermost Trinodosus through the lowermost Reitzi zones (Anisian—lower Illyrian). While the genus Mojsisovicsteuthis has been widely dispersed (however its records are rare), the occurrence of Breviconoteuthis and Zugmontites is strictly limited to the Alpine-Carpathian region. Comparing with the holotype and additional specimens stored in the Hungarian Natural History Museum, the overal shell of Mojsisovicsteuthis and its size has been reconstructed. Its relationship to aulacoceratids and phragmoteuthids is briefly discussed. Geochemical record (n-alkanes from the bulk rock) provided a relevant signal of the existence of algal meadows.
Keywords: Cephalopods, Conodonts, Anisian, Palaeoenvironment
Published in DiRROS: 21.05.2024; Views: 383; Downloads: 323
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In vitro degradation behaviour of biodegradable magnesium alloys
Julia Nachtsheim, Jaka Burja, Songyun Ma, Bernd A. Markert, 2023, published scientific conference contribution

Keywords: biodegradable magnesium alloy, in vitro corrosion behaviour
Published in DiRROS: 20.05.2024; Views: 372; Downloads: 633
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Spremembe gozdne vegetacije po požaru in digitalna sestojna kart
Boris Rantaša, Aleš Poljanec, 2024, preface, editorial, afterword

Keywords: digtalna sestojna karta, gozda vegetacija
Published in DiRROS: 20.05.2024; Views: 588; Downloads: 180
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National Forest Inventory in Slovenia (history and current design)
Mitja Skudnik, Gal Kušar, 2024, other monographs and other completed works

Keywords: national forest inventory, history, statistical design
Published in DiRROS: 20.05.2024; Views: 415; Downloads: 392
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