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Management of suspected immediate perioperative allergic reactions : an international overview and consensus recommendations
Lene Heise Garvey, Pascale Dewachter, David L. Hepner, Paul Michel Mertes, Susanna Voltolini, Russel C. Clarke, Peter J. Cooke, Tomaz Garcez, Anne Berit Guttormsen, Didier G. Ebo, Philip M. Hopkins, Peter Kopač, 2019, review article

Abstract: Suspected perioperative allergic reactions are rare but can be life-threatening. The diagnosis is difficult to make in the perioperative setting, but prompt recognition and correct treatment is necessary to ensure a good outcome. A group of 26 international experts in perioperative allergy (anaesthesiologists, allergists, and immunologists) contributed to a modified Delphi consensus process, which covered areas such as differential diagnosis, management during and after anaphylaxis, allergy investigations, and plans for a subsequent anaesthetic. They were asked to rank the appropriateness of statements related to the immediate management of suspected perioperative allergic reactions. Statements were selected to represent areas where there is a lack of consensus in existing guidelines, such as dosing of epinephrine and fluids, the management of impending cardiac arrest, and reactions refractory to standard treatment. The results of the modified Delphi consensus process have been included in the recommendations on the management of suspected perioperative allergic reactions. This paper provides anaesthetists with an overview of relevant knowledge on the immediate and postoperative management of suspected perioperative allergic reactions based on current literature and expert opinion. In addition, it provides practical advice and recommendations in areas where consensus has been lacking in existing guidelines.
Keywords: allergy and immunology, drug hypersensitivity, anesthesia, drug-related side effects and adverse reactions, anaphylaxis, epinephrine, Delphi technique, perioperative period, allergic reactions, hypersensitivity reaction, adrenaline, perioperative anaphylaxis, allergy testing, guideline
Published in DiRROS: 09.10.2020; Views: 1642; Downloads: 512
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Worldwide perspectives on venom allergy
Peter Korošec, Thilo Jakob, Harfi Harb, Robert Heddle, Sarah Karabus, Ricardo de Lima Zollner, Julij Šelb, Bernard Yu-Hor Thong, Fares Zaitoun, David B. K. Golden, Michael Levin, 2019, review article

Abstract: Venom immunotherapy is the standard of care for people with severe reactions and has been proven to reduce risk of future anaphylactic events. There is a moral imperative to ensure production, supply and worldwide availability of locally relevant, registered, standardized commercial venom extracts for diagnosis and treatment. Insects causing severe immediate allergic reactions vary by region worldwide. The most common culprits include honeybees (Apis mellifera), social wasps including yellow jackets (Vespula and Dolichovespula), paper wasps (Polistes) and hornets (Vespa), stinging ants (Solenopsis, Myrmecia, Pachycondyla, and Pogonomyrmex), and bumblebees (Bombus). Insects with importance in specific areas of the world include the Australian tick (Ixodes holocyclus), the kissing bug (Triatoma spp), horseflies (Tabanus spp), and mosquitoes (Aedes, Culex, Anopheles). Reliable access to high quality venom immunotherapy to locally relevant allergens is not available throughout the world. Many current commercially available therapeutic vaccines have deficiencies, are not suitable for, or are unavailable in vast areas of the globe. New products are required to replace products that are unstandardized or inadequate, particularly whole-body extract products. New products are required for insects in which no current treatment options exist. Venom immunotherapy should be promoted throughout the world and the provision thereof be supported by health authorities, regulatory authorities and all sectors of the health care service.
Keywords: allergy and immunology, venoms, Hymenoptera, bee venoms, wasp venoms, insecta, ants hornet, bumblebee, mosquitoes, venom immunotherapy, immunologic desensitization
Published in DiRROS: 23.09.2020; Views: 2112; Downloads: 1194
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Kanabinoidi in medicinska konoplja v Sloveniji : zakonodaja, znanost in praksa v medicini
Jožica Červek, David Neubauer, Milan Krek, Matej Červek, 2015, published professional conference contribution

Keywords: medicinska konoplja, Slovenija, kanabinoidi, zakonodaja, medicina
Published in DiRROS: 15.06.2020; Views: 2332; Downloads: 700
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Ocena zgradbe in stabilnosti gozdnega roba kot pripomoček za ovrednotenje klimatske in zaščitne funkcije primestnih gozdov
David Hladnik, Andrej Kobler, Janez Pirnat, 2020, original scientific article

Abstract: V prispevku podajamo razširjen povzetek iz članka, objavljenega v reviji Forests z naslovom Evaluation of forest edge structure and stability in peri-urban forests (Hladnik in sod., 2020). Dodali smo predloge o prenovi varovalne, zaščitne in klimatske funkcije gozdov ter predloge ukrepov, ki izhajajo iz izsledkov raziskave gozdnih robov. Analizirali smo vertikalno zgradbo gozdnih robov in opozorili na pomen dimenzijskega razmerja dreves h/d na gozdnih robovih primestnih gozdnih zaplat ob Ljubljani, kjer ob pozidanih zemljiščih prevladujejo visoki in strmi gozdni robovi. Predstavili smo preprosto metodologijo, na podlagi katere je mogoče z metodami daljinskega zbiranja podatkov zasnovati monitoring primestnih gozdnih površin in gozdnih robov.
Keywords: funkcije gozdov, stabilnost gozdnega roba, gozdni rob, zgradba gozdnega roba, LiDAR, urbani gozdovi
Published in DiRROS: 09.06.2020; Views: 2582; Downloads: 818
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Evaluation of forest edge structure and stability in peri-urban forests
David Hladnik, Andrej Kobler, Janez Pirnat, 2020, original scientific article

Abstract: In the presented research, we studied the forest edge structure of urban and peri-urban forests on the outskirts of Ljubljana (Slovenia) consisting of a number of patches covering the collective surface of 1884 ha. They differ from each other according to the degree of fragmentation and by the share of the interior forest area. On the basis of LiDAR data, we conducted an analysis of the edges of the persistent forest patches and estimated them with regard to the land use they bordered on. The horizontal estimation of forest edges and the changes of forest edges, in the last decades, were estimated using digital orthophoto images of cyclic aerial surveys of Slovenia, from 1975 to 2018. The data, provided by LiDAR, were used to obtain an accurate estimate of forest edges and the metrics of their vertical canopy structure. On the basis of the canopy height model (CHM), we determined the height classes, the heights of the tallest trees, and indices of canopy height diversity (CHD) as variables subjected to a k-means cluster analysis. To determine the forest edge and trees stability, their heights and diameters at breast height (DBH) were measured and their canopy length and h/d (height/diameter) dimension ratios were estimated. In the study area of the Golovec forest patch, more than half of the forest edge segments (56%) border on residential buildings. After the construction of buildings, 54% of the newly formed forest edges developed a high and steep structure. Unfavorable h/d dimension ratio was estimated for 16% of trees, more among the coniferous than among the deciduous trees. Similar characteristics of newly formed forest edges bordering on built-up areas were determined in other sub-urban forest patches, despite the smaller share of such forest edges (19% and 10%, respectively). Tools and methods presented in the research enable the implementation of concrete silvicultural practices in a realistic time period and extend to ensure that adequate forestry measures are taken to minimize possible disturbances.
Keywords: forest ecosystem services, forest edge stability, forest edge structure, LiDAR, urban forests
Published in DiRROS: 26.05.2020; Views: 2221; Downloads: 1220
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Kirurško zdravljenje pri sarkomih kosti
Blaž Mavčič, David Martinčič, Marko Špiler, 2018, published scientific conference contribution (invited lecture)

Keywords: maligni kostni tumorji, ortopedska kirurgija, biopsija, resekcija
Published in DiRROS: 08.05.2020; Views: 2127; Downloads: 561
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