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O vojni nihilizma
Dean Komel, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: Gotovo nas danes vsaj nekoliko osupne in zgrozi, da je retorika vojne postala samoumevna in uživa tudi precejšno, če ne kar izdatno, javno podporo, ki je seveda lahko tudi politično dirigirana. Prav tako pa smo zaprepaščeni nad nasilnimi vojnimi razmerami, ki naj bi bile – po sicer široko bolj ali manj vsiljenem prepričanju – sramotne za človeštvo v 21. stoletju. Pričujoči prispevek se ne ukvarja z ugotavljanjem nihilističnih implikacij in komplikacij današnjih vojnih spopadov, ki so bolj ali manj vidne, najsi se jih skuša še tako potajiti, marveč razgrinja vršenje vojne nihilizma, ki v prvi vrsti nihilizira sámo bistvo človeka in briše horizont sveta. Vojna nihilizma, čeprav vidno grozi z vsesplošnim izničenjem in uničenjem, ni neposredno razvidna kot moč čez vse in vendar za nič. Ta nerazvidnost ima manipulativen značaj, spričo katerega se proti vojni nihilizma ni mogoče mobilizirati, ker sama izvaja »totalno mobilizacijo« v službi opolnomočenja čiste moči, se pravi moči, ki je v svoji domnevni »brezvolji« dovolj močna, da noče nič, predvsem pa nič bistvenega
Keywords: vojna, nihilizem, moč, bit, človeško bitje
Published in DiRROS: 21.10.2024; Views: 222; Downloads: 52
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The End of the Political Subject : Wars without Revolutions
Tonči Valentić, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: The article reflects on Alain Badiou’s philosophy of the subject as a powerful resource in rethinking the link between philosophy and politics. It argues that there is a significant gap between power and governance as “management” without the true subject of politics as such. Modern politics must, therefore, constantly constitute the reasons for the existence of this subject, although it, like society and state, already disappeared with the advent of the post-imperial sovereignty or appears as a relic of the historical deterioration of the meaning of democracy. One of the main goals of the present paper is to inquire whether Badiou’s manifestos of thinking politics apart from the structural normatives actually mean that there are still potentials for the advent of “the revolutionary event” or do we today live in a world of “wars without revolutions”; the latter would suggest that politics has been left without a subject, and society without a substance, which is why the logic of absolute control is at work as the total mobilization of transcendent and immanent power.
Keywords: political subject, event, sovereignty, Alain Badiou
Published in DiRROS: 21.10.2024; Views: 217; Downloads: 46
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Vprašanje epohalnega obrata : Ob članku Ivana Urbančiča »Jugoslovanska ‚nacionalistična kriza‘ in Slovenci v perspektivi konca nacije«
Luka Hrovat, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: S pomočjo hermenevtično-fenomenološke analize poskušamo v pričujoči študiji prikazati kompleksnost Urbančičevih filozofskih pojmov, objavljenih v članku z naslovom »Jugoslovanska ‚nacionalistična kriza‘ in Slovenci v perspektivi konca nacije«, ki je bil vključen v Prispevke za slovenski nacionalni program znotraj prelomne 57. številke Nove revije. V središče postavljamo Urbančičevo filozofsko misel, izhajajočo iz tega konca kot epohalnega preobrata, za katerega je značilen razhod z novoveško paradigmo subjektnega kot avtomatičega, avtonomnega, samovzpostavitvenega, samodoločujočega in samoodločujočega. Ta razhod ali sestop v kibernetiko dandanes ni niti jasen niti očiten, marveč ostaja zastrt, zakrit in neviden. Zadrževanje pri Urbančičevem mišljenju epohalnega obrata tako v samem jedru problema izpostavlja situacijo prebivanja, na podlagi katere v zadnjem delu članka skušamo okarakterizirati, kako se takšen zastrti epohalni obrat tudi mišljenjsko, se pravi filozofsko, izkazuje.
Keywords: Urbančič, narod, kibernetika, informacija, filozofija
Published in DiRROS: 21.10.2024; Views: 239; Downloads: 46
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Nurturing the Ecosoma : Immune System and Impersonal (Dis)Cognition
Maxim Miroshnichenko, 2024, review article

Abstract: The article reexamines the immune system as a cognitive entity within an enactivism framework and the 4EA approach, emphasizing embodied, embedded, extended, enactive, and affective cognition. Based on a comparative and conceptualanalytic method, this text contests the mainstream implications of immunology. Challenging the conventional linear immunity model, which simplifies antigens as inputs and antibodies as outputs, the paper proposes a hypothesis where the immune system, through eigenbehavior, creates virtual selves and endogenous “molecular worlds” influenced by environmental factors. This perspective shifts the view of immunity from a reactive, militaristic model to a more nuanced, “peace-loving” system engaged in adaptive interactions with its environment. The study culminates in analyzing multiple chemical sensitivities as instances of discognition, demonstrating how an organism-centric view of immunology highlights the deep interdependence between humans and their surroundings.
Keywords: immunity, enactivism, eigenbehavior, inhuman cognition, multiple chemical sensitivity
Published in DiRROS: 21.10.2024; Views: 196; Downloads: 46
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In Search of New Concepts : The Challenges of the Modern Humanities in the Pedagogical Focus (On Lech Witkowski’s Philosophical Works)
Olena Budnyk, 2024, review article

Abstract: The article provides an analysis of the scientific work of the prominent Polish philosopher, cultural critic, sociologist, and educator Lech Witkowski in the field of modern humanities, application of hermeneutics, critical reflection, and anthropology, including: (1) scientific reflections on the integration of the humanities and social sciences, the findings of the humanities as applied to pedagogy; several conceptual ideas of pedagogy viewed in their relation to philosophy and culture; (2) criticism against dualism towards bipolarity (unifying duality); (3) important aspects of cultural ecology, tradition, and their implications for education; (4) the concept of the “explosive effect” of reading in the humanities and its dynamics; (5) the phenomenon of identity through various perspectives, (6) shedding light on the difficulties concerning the effectiveness of modern scientific research and education. The fundamental concepts of the contemporary humanities are, according to Witkowski, interpreted through such categories as ambivalence, duality, irony, tradition, identity, and others, taking into consideration the extent of ethical and cognitive distancing, as well as the analytical and critical approach to the study of scientific texts.
Keywords: modern humanities, hermeneutic circle, anti-positivist breakthrough, critical pedagogy, cultural ecology, interdisciplinarity
Published in DiRROS: 21.10.2024; Views: 215; Downloads: 62
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Philosophical Foundations of Postmodernity
René Dentz, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: Postmodernity revealed itself, especially in philosophy, as a separation from the ideals that were overly exalted in the modern era with the supremacy of subjective reason. The nihilism, into which the world was plunged, became the object of philosophical investigations, making nothingness gain new meanings. Nietzsche and Heidegger were mainly responsible for such a change in vision and value. The article aims to understand how this process of change occurred as well as to identify, according to Gianni Vattimo’s vision, possible solutions for the imminent end that metaphysics and philosophy are heading towards.
Keywords: postmodernity, Nietzsche, Heidegger, Vattimo, nihilism
Published in DiRROS: 21.10.2024; Views: 225; Downloads: 53
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Being-at-Home : Winnicott, Levinas, and Bachelard
David-Augustin Mândruț, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: The paper investigates the concept of being-at-home in both phenomenology and psychoanalysis. In order to accomplish this task, I draw on Donald Winnicott’s scattered psychoanalytical observations regarding the question what belonging to a home means. Furthermore, certain phenomenological concepts, which can be found in the works of canonical authors, such as Emmanuel Levinas and Gaston Bachelard, are applied onto this analysis. The whole aim is to prove that in both phenomenology and psychoanalysis, the notion of being-at-home plays a major role. Moreover, the two disciplines, bringing along their own perspectives, contribute to and enrich one another. I attempt to show that the home, which we live in, is of great importance in establishing the potential space (between mother and infant). Therefore, I endeavor to prove that the home is not merely a house, but allows the potential space (Winnicott) to take place and unfold. From there, play and creativity arise.
Keywords: home, dwelling, play, recollection, dreams, day-dreams, nostalgia
Published in DiRROS: 21.10.2024; Views: 176; Downloads: 52
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Pričevanje in prebivanje : Biti-priča in biti-v-svetu
Manca Erzetič, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: »Prebivanje« je tudi po zaslugi Martina Heideggra postalo eno izmed osrednjih pojmovanj v sodobni filozofiji. Prispevek obravnava povezavo med topologijo prebivanja in eksistencialno strukturo biti-priča, ki je začrtana v Heideggrovi ekspoziciji biti-v-svetu v Biti in času. V nadaljevanju se prispevek posveča predvsem Heideggrovi opredelitvi zgodovine kot pričevanjskosti v predavanju »Hölderlin in bistvo pesništva« (1936). Zgodovinskost kot pričevanjskost prvotno opredeljuje možnost prebivanja, sicer to zapade v situacijo brezdomovinskosti. Naposled je v povezavi s tem podan še zasnutek »zgodovinskega mišljenja« pri hrvaškem filozofu Vanji Sutliću
Keywords: prebivanje, pričevanje, Heidegger, biti-v-svetu, zgodovina, Sutlić
Published in DiRROS: 21.10.2024; Views: 199; Downloads: 51
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Die Stille des Seyns und die Fülle des Nichts : Zur Erfahrung des Heilsamen im Denken Martin Heideggers
Johannes Vorlaufer, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: The Silence of Beyng and the Fullness of Nothingness. On the Experience of the Salvific in Martin Heidegger’s Thought In various contexts of his work, Heidegger speaks of the wholesome and of the disaster, of the holy, of salvation, of need and of needlessness. The starting point for the following reflections is Heidegger’s short essay “Der Feldweg [Country Path],” where he speaks of the “silent power of the field path,” its power of “serenity.” But what is this “power” based on? In the third of his Feldweg-Gespräche [Country Path Conversations], Heidegger talks about the salutary in a dialogical way that invites into a conversation. The experience of silence mentioned there must be reflected upon, and thus the question of whether the experience of silence can be healing should be addressed: such a reconsideration of Heidegger leads the interpretation back to the fundamental ontological analysis of fallenness and, from there, gains access to “the need of needlessness” and the question of what is salutary.
Published in DiRROS: 21.10.2024; Views: 153; Downloads: 38
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Das Freisein : Zum Begriff des Seinkönnens in Sein und Zeit
Petar Šegedin, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: Being-Free. On the Concept of potentiality-for-Being in Being and Time The paper explores Martin Heidegger’s understanding of Dasein in the sense of “potentiality-for-Being [Being-able-to-be]” (Seinkönnen) or “Possibility” (Möglichkeit) in his work Being and Time (Sein und Zeit). At the heart of this concept is the circumstance that Heidegger does not understand possibility as a modal category, which in the logical sense is opposite to necessity, and in the ontological sense to reality. Heidegger strives for possibility as such, that is, for possibility as “real possibility.” The paper shows that this concept is based on Heidegger’s analysis of death. As “the possibility of the absolute impossibility of Dasein” death is the ultimate, inevitable, and most inherent possibility of each human being. As Dasein’s ownmost possibility, which is, however, indefinite in time, the possibility of death is shown as the element that capacitates Dasein for its unique free existence.
Published in DiRROS: 21.10.2024; Views: 155; Downloads: 41
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