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472. Interpersonal relationships as coping mechanisms during bed rest : a thematic synthesis literature reviewAna Cikač, Saša Pišot, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: Bed rest (BR) studies are primarily designed to investigate the effects of weightlessness on the human body, but they are also used to study the effects of physical inactivity. For this purpose, participants are typically recruited from the general population without requiring specialized training, which contrasts with the selection process for cosmonauts. The BR study environment is often characterized as highly stressful, highlighting the importance of understanding coping mechanisms and adaptation strategies among participants, as well as the role of their daily interactions. This review aims to determine whether interpersonal relationships and the concept of social connectedness (SC) have been explored within the context of BR studies. For the search strategy, the definition of exclusion criteria, and the initial screening, PRISMA 2020 statement was followed. The PEO framework was used to generate keywords, and thematic synthesis was applied for data extraction, analysis, and synthesis. An initial search did not uncover any studies examining the concept of SC in the context of BR as an environment with extreme conditions, suggesting that SC in this context has not yet been investigated. While findings of thematic synthesis indicate that interpersonal relationships play a significant role in coping with and adapting to the extreme conditions of BR studies. As results showed these relationships can have both positive and negative effects. Interpersonal relationships also serve as a crucial support mechanism among participants. Additionally, how participants make sense of their involvement in such studies remains underexplored, and further research in this area is recommended in the discussion. Keywords: bed rest, social connectedness, interpersonal relationships, coping mechanisms, thematic synthesis, literature review, social connectedness, interpersonal relationships, coping mechanisms, thematic synthesis, literature review Published in DiRROS: 07.01.2025; Views: 161; Downloads: 74
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475. The intergenerational succession of leadership in the family business : the change succession bringsBojan Dolar, Roberto Biloslavo, Erhan Aydin, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: This study focuses on leadership succession in family businesses, specifically examining the first-generation succession in six Slovenian manufacturing family enterprises. The authors introduce a novel perspective to studying this process by not limiting the analysis to the incumbent (IC) - successor (SR) dyad, but also integrating the family members’ view in the research design. By employing a qualitative approach (i.e. a comparative case study that predominantly relies on interviews with all three studied groups) the authors collect rich data on attitudes, perceptions and expectations about succession in family businesses. The research highlights the crucial role of leadership succession in ensuring the longevity and sustainability of family businesses, as effective leadership transitions are vital for maintaining business continuity, preserving family values, and fostering the intergenerational transfer of both knowledge and entrepreneurial spirit. While ICs typically possess a range of attitudes towards succession— from proactive to reluctant—SRs generally approach the process with optimism and caution, driven by their personal needs and expectations. The attitudes of both ICs and SRs are influenced by contextual factors and psychosocial dynamics, which significantly affect the succession's initiation, leadership, and relational dynamics within the family. Keywords: family business, leadership succession, succession process Published in DiRROS: 07.01.2025; Views: 144; Downloads: 72
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476. Cytokine-armed pyroptosis induces antitumor immunity against diverse types of tumorsSara Orehek, Taja Železnik Ramuta, Duško Lainšček, Špela Malenšek, Martin Šala, Mojca Benčina, Roman Jerala, Iva Hafner Bratkovič, 2024, original scientific article Published in DiRROS: 07.01.2025; Views: 180; Downloads: 103
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478. Podobe starosti v slikarstvu Ivane KobilcaTomislav Vignjević, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: Slikarka Ivana Kobilca je ustvarila vrsto slik in študij s tematiko starosti, tako da je ohranjenih več kot petindvajset del, na katerih so upodobljeni starejši. Gre za pomemben segment avtoričinega opusa, ki priča o njenem živem in-teresu za podobe starejših ljudi. Te podobe na njenih slikah lahko žanrsko najpogosteje umestimo med karakterne študije glave ali poprsij, pri katerih je slikarka izkazala značilno in zelo izrazito realistično nagnjenje k natančnemu, lahko rečemo psihološko poglobljenemu preučevanju fiziognomij starih ljudi. Njen interes, skratka, presega spodbu-de v tem žanru, ki jih je dobila v času študija v Münchnu, in priča o njeni senzibilni naravnanosti do motivike starosti. Keywords: Ivana Kobilica, starost, realizem, slikarstvo, 19. stoletje Published in DiRROS: 06.01.2025; Views: 130; Downloads: 70
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479. Igre za izobraževanje o prilagajanju podnebnim spremembamLiliana Vižintin, 2024, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph Abstract: Koncept transformacijskega prilagajanja na podnebne spremembe z ekosistemskimi pristopi temelji na celostnem obravnavanju družbeno-ekoloških sistemov kot osnovi za zagotavljanje blaginje človeštva. Za uspešno in kakovostno implementacijo teh ukrepov je potrebna angažiranost skupnosti. Glavne ovire pri tem so povezane prav z znanjem, s kompetencami, z vedenjem in zavzetostjo posameznikov za proaktivno okoljsko delovanje. Eden od ciljev podnebnega izobraževanja je zmanjševanje razhajanja med okoljsko ozaveščenostjo in pripravljenostjo na ukrepanje, saj okoljskih težav ni mogoče rešiti brez sprememb v načinu življenja. Uporaba iger v izobraževanju je razmeroma nov pristop, ki ima pozitivne učinke pri motiviranju in spodbujanju aktivnega sodelovanja. Prispevek obravnava primere izobraževalnih iger, ki so uporabne za boljše razumevanje ukrepov za prilagajanje na podnebne spremembe. Poudarja primerne načine in prednosti vključevanja izobraževalnih iger v učne procese. Učiteljem podaja pregled ključnih učnih pojmov in pričakovanih rezultatov, ki jih je mogoče doseči s premišljeno uporabo predlaganih inovativnih izobraževalnih orodij. Keywords: podnebno izobraževanje, ekosistemski pristopi v prilagajanju, izobraževalna orodja Published in DiRROS: 06.01.2025; Views: 133; Downloads: 48
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480. 6. dan kaštelirjev/gradišč : 1. izvedba v okviru projekta KAŠTellieri2024, not set Abstract: Letošnja Čezmejna strokovno-znanstvena konferenca: 6. dan kaštelirjev/gradišč - 1. izvedba v okviru projekta KAŠTellieri, bo potekala dva dni v Kopru in v Centru Sonček na Elerjih. Prvi dan, ki se bo odvijal v Centru humanističnih znanosti ZRS Koper, je posvečen predavanjem in predstavitvam v okviru treh konferenčnih panelov: arheološka dediščina, socialna inkluzija in trajnostni turizem. Uvodoma se bodo v Čezmejni konzorcij prazgodovinskih gradišč/kaštelirjev vključili novi člani, saj se bo s tem projektom konzorcij razširil tudi na italijansko stran. Drugi dan, ki bo potekal na Elerjih, bo posvečen delavnicam izdelovanja spominkov v obliki prazgodovinskih skledic, kuhanja prazgodovinske jedi in kjer si bodo udeležnci lahko ogledali prikaz tkanja s karticami. Osrednji del drugega dne bo voden arheološkega parka na italijanski strani Kaštelirja Elerji in ogled filma Hema – zgodba o gradiščih. Projekt KAŠTellieri sofinancira Evropska unija v okviru Programa Interreg VI-A Italija-Slovenija. / Il progetto KAŠTellieri è co-finanziato dall’Unione europea nell’ambito del Programma Interreg VI-A Italia-Slovenia. Keywords: arheologija, severni Jadran, kulturna dediščina, turizem, povzetki, zborniki Published in DiRROS: 06.01.2025; Views: 123; Downloads: 54
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