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Scoring system for technical evaluation of technologies for remote monitoring of bridges
Mogens Saberi, Kevin McPherson, Fengqiao Zhang, Anna Arvidsson, Simon Fjendbo, Carl van Geem, Maja Kreslin, Andrej Anžlin, 2024, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: Transportation infrastructure demands reliable, cost-effective, environmentally friendly, and safe solutions. It is, therefore, crucial to leverage both the knowledge gained from current practices and the potential offered by emerging technologies. This paper uses the scoring system approached in the INFRACOMS project to offer a framework for asset managers and technology providers to identify areas of improvement and make informed decisions regarding selecting and implementing remote condition monitoring solutions. We focus on two technologies for bridges, like bridge weigh-in-motion and digital inspection and centre around four areas: data analysis, visualisation and integration and potential for practical decision-making. Technologies are evaluated based on their intended use, acknowledging that some may have multiple applications due to novel sensor installations or data interpretation/visualisation methods. Consequently, a technology may undergo multiple appraisals within this system. We showcase the benefits of the scoring system, alignment with specific use cases, and potential for broad applicability.
Keywords: bridge, remote monitoring, scoring system
Published in DiRROS: 14.08.2024; Views: 260; Downloads: 142
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Challenges of implementing bridge weigh-in-motion on a century-old steel-riveted railway bridge
Doron Hekič, Mirko Kosič, Jan Kalin, Aleš Žnidarič, Andrej Anžlin, 2024, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: This study explores the challenges and methodologies involved in implementing bridge weigh-in-motion (B-WIM) system on a century-old steel riveted railway bridge. A unique aspect of this study, funded by the EU H2020 Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking, was the adaptation of B-WIM systems to the specific constraints of railway bridges since, traditionally, this technology is used to collect heavy gross vehicle loading data on road bridges. The paper details the experimental setup on an old steel-riveted railway bridge, including sensor placement and calibration processes. It highlights the complexities encountered, such as differences in bridge response due to passenger and other type of trains. It introduces the system calibration strategy using known axle loads from passenger locomotives. The study provides insights into the structural response of old steel bridges under traffic loads, contributing valuable data to the field of railway bridge monitoring and maintenance.
Keywords: bridge, B-WIM, bridge Weigh-in-Motion system, numerical model updating, bridge response measurements, railways
Published in DiRROS: 14.08.2024; Views: 160; Downloads: 150
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Load testing of the first stress ribbon bridge in Slovenia
Đorđe Đukić, Doron Hekič, Mirko Kosič, Rok Vezočnik, Andrej Anžlin, Andrej Štrukelj, Marjan Pipenbaher, Tomaž Weingerl, 2024, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: Paper presents selected results of the diagnostic load testing of a newly-built footbridge in Novo Mesto, Slovenia. The bridge is significant as the first bridge in Slovenia being built with the stress ribbon technology. The diagnostic load testing took place in March 2023 and comprised of three-stage static load testing, dynamic testing with a light truck driving over artificial obstacles, and measurement of ambient vibrations. The consistency between the actual response of the bridge and the response of the finite element (FE) model, used in the design, was evaluated by comparing vertical displacements from the static load testing, natural frequencies and mode shapes. The comparison of the results indicates a satisfactory agreement between the measurements and the response of the FE model, confirming the appropriateness of the employed FE model.
Keywords: bridge, bridge response measurements, stress ribon, load test
Published in DiRROS: 14.08.2024; Views: 145; Downloads: 125
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oVERFLOw project : Vulnerability assessment of embankments and bridges exposed to flooding hazards : Deliverable 6.4
Valentina Bau', Mirko Kosič, Andrej Anžlin, Mario Bacic, 2022, final research report

Abstract: This deliverable is a report on the development of a strategy for adaptation measures to flood events for the embankments, riverbanks and bridges, which can afterwards be used for the case study areas considered in the Overflow project. The deliverable presents a comprehensive approach that enables the choice of the best adaptation measures to overcome the vulnerability of critical infrastructure to flooding events. The most suitable countermeasures can therefore be selected based on the outcomes of the vulnerability assessment and risk forecasting tool. Such a strategy will be essential for the relevant authorities and IMs. The strategy proposes optimal adaptation measures depending on areas specificities, incorporating socio-economic and environmental multi-objective optimization.
Keywords: adaptation measures, countermeasures, vulnerability, flooding, resilience, embankments, bridges
Published in DiRROS: 29.07.2024; Views: 207; Downloads: 129
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Risk based life-cycle planning for flood-resilient critical infrastructure
Sandra Škarić Palić, I. Stipanovic, E. Ganic, Mirko Kosič, Andrej Anžlin, M. Bacic, M. S. Kovacevic, K. Gavin, 2023, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: The paper presents a risk assessment model, developed in the project oVER-FLOw and further implemented in the project CROSScade, for determining the direct and indirect impacts of flooding hazards. As a consequence of flooding, transport infrastructure and flood protection systems can be significantly damaged and cause cascading effects on other infrastructure. To achieve flood resilient infrastructure, it is necessary to assess the vulnerability of critical assets in the affected area. The model uses novel vulnerability assessment methods for embankments and bridges exposed to different flood hazard scenarios allowing the asset owners to understand risk and performance of their infrastructure. Scarce financial resources are allocated on the critical assets allowing significant cost savings and avoiding the waste of non-renewable resources in strengthening large sections which have sufficient resilience. The consequence analysis is based on an improved quantification model for direct and indirect impacts of different flood hazard scenarios used for risk mapping of the affected area.
Keywords: flooding, risk assessment, critical infrastructure, economic loss
Published in DiRROS: 23.05.2024; Views: 344; Downloads: 277
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Comprehensive permanent remote monitoring system of a multi-span highway bridge
Andrej Anžlin, Uroš Bohinc, Doron Hekič, Maja Kreslin, Jan Kalin, Aleš Žnidarič, 2021, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: As part of the reconstruction of a multi-span viaduct on a Slovenian highway, a permanent remote monitoring system with over 200 sensors was established. Several parameters are monitored on different parts of the viaduct by means of temperature sensors, accelerometers, strain gauges, long-gauge deformation and Fibre Bragg Grating (FBG) sensors. In this way strains, frequencies and temperatures on external prestressed beam cables, carbon fibre rebarsused for the flexural strengthening of a deck overhang, pier caps and prestressed beams are measured and stored into the on-site central data acquisition system. This paper presents architecture of the permanent bridge monitoring system and preliminary results of the measurements.
Keywords: permanent monitoring, structural health monitoring, bridge WIM, sensors, viaduct
Published in DiRROS: 22.01.2024; Views: 600; Downloads: 324
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Uporaba sistemov za tehtanje vozil med vožnjo za določitev realne konstrukcijske varnosti mostov
Aleš Žnidarič, Maja Kreslin, Jan Kalin, Andrej Anžlin, 2019, original scientific article

Abstract: Optimalno upravljanje mostov, ki vključuje stroške vzdrževanja, potencialna tveganja in vzdrževanje funkcionalnosti, zahteva natančne informacije o stanju konstrukcij. Eden od ključnih kazalnikov obnašanja je konstrukcijska varnost mostu, ki zahteva poglobljeno poznavanje prometnih obremenitev in njegove odpornosti proti obremenitvam. Vrednotenje varnosti je predvsem ključno za stare mostove, ki so poškodovani in se bližajo koncu življenjskega cikla. Varnost takšnih mostov z uporabo tradicionalnih računskih metod pogosto težko dokažemo. Da bi se izognili nepotrebnim ukrepom, kot je ojačitev ali celo zamenjava mostu, je priporočljivo narediti celovito analizo, ki vključuje preiskave materialov in meritve obnašanja mostu pod prometno obtežbo. Prispevek predstavlja tehnologijo tehtanja vozil med vožnjo v prostem prometnem toku na mostovih (angl. bridge weigh-in-motion oz. B-WIM), ki lahko učinkovito izmeri parametre obnašanja mostu, ki so ključni za določitev njihove realne varnosti: osne obremenitve in medosne razdalje vozil ter vplivnice, faktorje porazdelitve obtežbe in dinamični odziv konstrukcije. Poznavanje pravih vrednosti teh parametrov zmanjšuje negotovosti, povezane z obremenitvami in odzivom konstrukcije. Poleg tega lahko zaradi večje zanesljivosti izmerjenih parametrov v analizah zmanjšamo varnostne faktorje. To omogoča bolj optimalno vzdrževanje in uporabo infrastrukture ter racionalnejšo uporabo razpoložljivih finančnih sredstev.
Keywords: upravljanje mostov, konstrukcijska varnost, odziv na prometno obtežbo, tehtanja vozil med vožnjo, prosti prometni tok na mostovih
Published in DiRROS: 04.12.2023; Views: 579; Downloads: 263
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Structural health monitoring for performance assessment of bridges under flooding and seismic actions
Luke J. Prendergast, Maria P. Limongelli, Naida Ademovic, Andrej Anžlin, Gavin Kenneth, Mariano Zanini, 2018, original scientific article

Abstract: Bridges can be subjected to damaging environmental actions due to flooding and seismic hazards. Flood actions that result in scour are a leading cause of bridge failure, while seismic actions that induce lateral forces may lead to high ductility demand that exceeds pier capacity. When combined, seismic actions and scour can lead to effects that depend on the governing scour condition affecting a bridge. Loss of stiffness under scour can reduce the ductility capacity of a bridge but can also lead to an increase in flexibility that may reduce seismic inertial forces. Conversely, increased flexibility can lead to deck collapse due to support loss, so there exists some uncertainty about the combined effect of both phenomena. A necessary step towards the performance assessment of bridges under flooding and seismic actions is to calibrate numerical models that can reproduce structural responses under different actions. A further step is verifying the achievement of performance goals defined by codes. Structural health monitoring (SHM) techniques allow the computation of performance parameters that are useful for calibrating numerical models and performing direct checks of performance goal compliance. In this paper, various strategies employed to monitor bridge health against scour and seismic actions are discussed, with a particular focus on vibration-based damage identification methods.
Keywords: scour, seismic, damage, hazard, vibration-based methods
Published in DiRROS: 29.11.2023; Views: 486; Downloads: 232
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Condition assessment of roadway bridges: from performance parameters to performance goals
Maria P. Limongelli, Eleni Chatzi, Andrej Anžlin, 2018, original scientific article

Abstract: Deterioration of bridges due to ageing and higher demands, induced by increased traffic load, require the development of effective maintenance policies and intervention strategies. Such concern should be aimed at ensuring the required levels of safety, while optimally managing the limited economic resources. This approach requires a transversal advance; from the element level, through the system level, all the way to the network level. At the same time intervention prioritisation based on the importance of the system (bridge) inside the network (e.g. highway), or of the single structural element inside the bridge is dependent. The first step in bridge condition assessment is the verification of safety and reliability requirements that is carried out using the traditional prescriptive (deterministic) approach or the current performance-based (probabilistic) approach. A critical issue for efficient management of infrastructures lies in the available knowledge on condition and performance of bridge asset. This information is obtained using a collection of significant Performance Parameters at one or more of the three levels (element, system, and network). Traditional techniques for estimation of Performance Parameters rely on already established visual inspection. However, a more reliable description of the system performance is obtained through Non-Destructive Testing and Structural Health Monitoring. Condition assessment essentially pertains to the check of compliance with Performance Goals and requires the definition and computation of Performance Indicators. They are calculated directly from Performance Parameters or from physical models calibrated using the Performance Parameters collected on the structure. Paper overviews the steps to bridge condition assessment regarding safety and reliability.
Keywords: bridge, reliability, safety, condition assessment, performance goals, performance parameters
Published in DiRROS: 29.11.2023; Views: 464; Downloads: 241
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In situ consideration of resistance of bridge girder according to EC2 with AEM
Ana Brunčič, Andrej Štrukelj, Maja Kreslin, Andrej Anžlin, Aljoša Šajna, 2023, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: The paper presents a case study of a considerably cracked and degraded bridge in Slovenia: with the implementation of in-situ measurements under bending and shear and the use of a non-destructive acoustic emission technique. Despite the existing crack system, the latter was able to detect microstructural changes. These were characterised by low values of average frequency (AF), as well as lower values of the rise time-amplitude ratio (RA), and energy. A correlation between shear capacity and acoustic activity was observed. This promises to expand the use of AE in the process of assessing of the load-bearing capacity of existing concrete structures.
Keywords: shear resistance, shear crack, crack width, acoustic emission (AE) parameters, bridge girder, stiffness, elasticity, damage evaluation
Published in DiRROS: 28.11.2023; Views: 489; Downloads: 239
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