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Query: "author" (%C5%A0egedin Barbara) .

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Patogenost izolatov izbranih vrst gliv na Pinus sylvestris L. IN P. nigra Arnold
Ana Brglez, Barbara Piškur, Nikica Ogris, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: Na sadikah rdečega in črnega bora smo testirali patogenost osmih izbranih izolatov gliv (Corinectria fuckeliana, Diaporthe eres, Diplodia pinea, Fusarium sp. 1 in 2, Fusicolla sp., Nectria dematiosa in Tympanis sp.), ki smo jih izolirali iz obolelih borovih dreves v Sloveniji v letih 2020 in 2021. Inokulirali smo skupno 115 sadik borov (vključno s kontrolo), periodično smo preverjali njihovo zdravstveno stanje in ob prvih znakih sušenja opravili reizolacije iz robov nastalih nekroz. Reizolacije so bile uspešne le v primeru inokulacije z vrstami gliv Diplodia pinea, Diaporthe eres in Fusarium sp. 2. Povprečna dolžina nekroz sadik rdečega bora, inokuliranih z D. pinea, Di. eres in Tympanis sp., se je statistično značilno razlikovala od kontrolnih sadik (p < 0,05). Pri sadikah črnega bora pa so se za statistično značilne izkazale povprečne dolžine nekroz pri kontroli in inokulacijah z glivama D. pinea in Tympanis sp. (p < 0,05).
Keywords: test patogenosti, reizolacije, Pinus sylvestris, rdeči bor, Pinus nigra, črni bor
Published in DiRROS: 25.01.2024; Views: 933; Downloads: 351
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Antibodies to p53 - can they serve as tumor markers in patients with malignantlymphomas?
Barbara Jezeršek Novaković, Srdjan Novaković, 2000, original scientific article

Abstract: Background. Tumor suppressor gene p53 is mutated in approximately 21% of patients with nonHodgkin's lymphomas (the percentage varying from 0 up to 67% depending upon the histological type). Most of the mutations are point missense mutations resulting in nuclear accumulation of altered protein. Roughly one third of patients with overexpression of p53 protein develop circulating anti p53 antibodies. The present study was aimed at defining the usefulness of serial serological determinations of autoantibodies to p53 for clinical follow up of NHL patients. Patients and methods. Serum levels of antibodies to p53 were determined in various time intervals in three lymphoma patients (who had elevated serum levels at the time of diagnosis) for maximum two years using the commercially available ELISA kit p53-Autoantikoerper ELISA2. Generation. Results. In all three cases the temporal patterns of anti p53 antibodies reflected accurately disease progression or regression, and even foretold a relapse ten months in advance. The reflection of disease regression by autoantibodies lagged approximately three months behind the morphological disappearance of the disease due to a long half life of the antibodies. Conclusion. Our results confirmed the usefulness of antibodies to p53 as tumor markers for follow up of lymphoma patients, yet the subset of patients that could be appropriately followed up with this method is very limited due to the low proportion of patients that develop immune response to p53 protein.
Published in DiRROS: 25.01.2024; Views: 359; Downloads: 84
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Optimizing hot-work tool steel microstructure for enhanced toughness
Anže Bajželj, Tilen Balaško, Barbara Šetina, Jaka Burja, 2024, original scientific article

Keywords: hot-work tool steel, austempering, bainitic transformation, lower bainite, impact toughness
Published in DiRROS: 24.01.2024; Views: 502; Downloads: 217
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Influence of curing / drying methods including microwave heating on alkali activation of waste casting cores
Barbara Horvat, Vilma Ducman, 2021, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: Within previous investigation alkali activation of waste casting cores at room temperature did not give promising results, i.e. when the precursor was gently ground and sieved below 600 %m the alkali activated material fell apart at demolding, and when the precursor was ground below 90 %m, the alkali activated material did not solidify in more than 2 years. , Therefore different drying/curing methods were applied to enhance the reaction. Waste casting cores were prepared in two granulations (sieved below 600 %m and below 90 %m), activated with Na -water glass and 10 M NaOH, cured at different temperatures (70 °C and room temperature), and subsequently cured/dried at three different conditions: room temperature, 110 °C, and irradiated with microwaves. The highest compressive strength, 25 MPa, was gained with subsequent curing/drying at 110 °C. The lowest density, 0.5 kg/l, with compressive strength above 3 MPa, was achieved with subsequent curing/drying with microwaves .
Keywords: waste casting cores, alkali activation, curing, drying, microwaves, mechanical strength
Published in DiRROS: 22.01.2024; Views: 440; Downloads: 291
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Cathepsin H in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck
Primož Strojan, Marjan Budihna, Alojz Šmid, Branka Svetic, Ivan Vrhovec, Janko Kos, Janez Škrk, 1999, original scientific article

Published in DiRROS: 22.01.2024; Views: 403; Downloads: 127
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p53 - the paradigm of tumor-suppresor genes?
Barbara Jezeršek Novaković, Srdjan Novaković, 1998, review article

Abstract: p53 is a tumor-suppressor gene the alterations of which are among the most frequent genetic changes detected in human neoplasms. Its product - p53 protein is a component of several biochemical pathways that are central to carcinogenesis: DNA transcription, genomic stability, DNA repair, cell cycle control, and apoptosis. The analysis of the spectrum of p53 mutations and insight into the p53 mediated biochemical pathways of programmed cell death and cell cycle arrest, provide clues to understanding of molecular pathogenesis of cancer of mechanisms related to p53 mediated tumor suppression. The purpose of the resent article is to summarise the most important facts concerning p53 since understanding of the above listed processes might provide the potential molecular targets for the development ofa rational cancer treatment.
Published in DiRROS: 19.01.2024; Views: 390; Downloads: 109
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Simple but extremely effective autologous tumor vaccines
Srdjan Novaković, Barbara Jezeršek Novaković, 1998, original scientific article

Published in DiRROS: 19.01.2024; Views: 466; Downloads: 97
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