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Query: "author" (Pintar Anže Martin) .

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Evaluation of height changes in uneven-aged spruce–fir–beech forest with freely available nationwide lidar and aerial photogrammetry data
Anže Martin Pintar, Mitja Skudnik, 2025, original scientific article

Abstract: Tree height and vertical forest structure are important attributes in forestry, but their traditional measurement or assessment in the field is expensive, time-consuming, and often inaccurate. One of the main advantages of using remote sensing data to estimate vertical forest structure is the ability to obtain accurate data for larger areas in a more time- and cost-efficient manner. Temporal changes are also important for estimating and analysing tree heights, and in many countries, national airborne laser scanning (ALS) surveys have been conducted either only once or at specific, longer intervals, whereas aerial surveys are more often arranged in cycles with shorter intervals. In this study, we reviewed all freely available national airborne remote sensing data describing three-dimensional forest structures in Slovenia and compared them with traditional field measurements in an area dominated by uneven-aged forests. The comparison of ALS and digital aerial photogrammetry (DAP) data revealed that freely available national ALS data provide better estimates of dominant forest heights, vertical structural diversity, and their changes compared to cyclic DAP data, but they are still useful due to their temporally dense data. Up-to-date data are very important for forest management and the study of forest resilience and resistance to disturbance. Based on field measurements (2013 and 2023) and all remote sensing data, dominant and maximum heights are statistically significantly higher in uneven-aged forests than in mature, even-aged forests. Canopy height diversity (CHD) information, derived from lidar ALS and DAP data, has also proven to be suitable for distinguishing between even-aged and uneven-aged forests. The CHDALS 2023 was 1.64, and the CHDCAS 2022 was 1.38 in uneven-aged stands, which were statistically significantly higher than in even-aged forest stands.
Keywords: uneven-aged forest, freely available national airborne remote sensing data, lidar, aerial photography, dominant height, canopy height diversity, periodic annual increment
Published in DiRROS: 09.01.2025; Views: 55; Downloads: 30
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Osutost dreves na ploskvah intenzivnega monitoringa gozdnih ekosistemov v Sloveniji v zadnjih dveh desetletjih
Anže Martin Pintar, Mitja Skudnik, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: Pred uporabo natančnejših fizikalno-kemijskih meritev (analitične meritve vsebnosti določenih elementov v padavinah in foliarnih vzorcih) za oceno poškodovanosti gozdov oz. odziv gozdov na onesnaženost so se v okviru programa ICP Forests uveljavile predvsem posredne oblike spremljanja vplivov onesnaženosti na gozdne ekosisteme oz. ocene posledic onesnažil na drevesa. Eden od pomembnejših kazalnikov je ocena osutosti krošnje, ki predstavlja okularno ocenjen delež manjkajočih asimilacijskih organov (listov oz. iglic) v primerjavi z normalno vitalnim drevesom enakega socialnega položaja, enake drevesne vrste in z enakega rastišča. Ocenjujemo ga na 5 % natančno. Za poškodovano velja drevo, katerega osutost drevesne krošnje je večja od 25 % (manjka ji vsaj četrtina listnega aparata). V prispevku so predstavljeni rezultati spremljanja stanja osutosti na desetih ploskvah intenzivnega monitoringa (ICP Forests) po letu 2003. V zadnjih letih so bile najbolj osute krošnje dreves na ploskvah Fondek (bukev), Gropajski bori (črni bor), Gorica (bukev) in Lontovž (bukev). Na vseh štirih ploskvah, razen Gorice, se je v zadnjem obdobju povprečna osutost povečevala. Ploskev Gropajski bori je v prehodnem obdobju, kjer umetno nasajeni črni bor počasi nadomeščajo avtohtoni listavci. Med drevesnimi vrstami so v zadnjem obdobju med bolj osutimi predvsem črni gaber in črni bor na ploskvi Gropajski bori ter dob na ploskvah Krakovski gozd in Murska šuma ter tudi bukev na ploskvi Fondek. Od leta 2014 se povprečna osutost postopno slabša na več kot polovici ploskev, predvsem na ploskvah, kjer stari sestoj nadomešča mladovje. Predvidevamo, da je v letu 2022 na poslabšanje stanja v največji meri vplivala poletna suša s pripadajočimi dejavniki.
Keywords: stanje gozdov, osutost dreves, intenzivni monitoring, ICP Forests, iglavci, listavci
Published in DiRROS: 06.12.2024; Views: 120; Downloads: 43
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Okoljsko poročilo za državni prostorski načrt za vetrno elektrarno Ojstrica : okoljsko poročilo
Alenka Kovačič, 2023, treatise, preliminary study, study

Keywords: okoljsko poročilo, vrednotenje, vplivi, državni prostorski načrt, vetrna elektrarna, okolje, gozdovi, Ojstrica
Published in DiRROS: 11.11.2024; Views: 207; Downloads: 0
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