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More losses than gains? : Distribution models predict species-specific shifts in climatic suitability for European beech forest herbs under climate change
Janez Kermavnar, Lado Kutnar, Aleksander Marinšek, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: Introduction: Herbaceous plant species constitute an essential element of the flora of European beech (Fagus sylvatica) forests. There is increasing evidence that rapidly changing climate is likely to modify the spatial distribution of plant species. However, we lack understanding of the impact that climate change might have on beech forest herbs across the European continent. We investigated the possible effects of predicted increasing rates of global warming and altered precipitation regimes on 71 forest herbs closely associated with beech forests, but with varying biogeographic and climatic niche attributes. Methods: By using a total of 394,502 occurrence records and an ensemble of species distribution models (SDMs), we quantified the potential current distribution and future (2061-2080) range shifts in climatic suitability (expressed as occurrence probability, OP) according to two climate change scenarios (moderate SSP2-4.5 and severe SSP5-8.5). Results: Overall, precipitation of the warmest quarter and temperature seasonality were the most influential predictors in shaping current distribution patterns. For SSP5-8.5 scenario, all studied species experienced significant reductions (52.9% on average) in the total size of highly suitable areas (OP >0.75). However, the magnitude and directions of changes in the climatic suitability were highly species-specific; few species might even increase OP in the future, particularly in case of SSP2-4.5 scenario. The SDMs revealed the most substantial decline of climatic suitability at the trailing edges in southern Europe. We found that climatic suitability is predicted to show unidirectional northward shift and to move toward higher elevations. The gain/loss ratio was generally higher for narrow-ranged species compared to widespread taxa. Discussion: Our findings are contextualized with regards to potential confounding factors (dispersal limitation, microclimatic buffering) that may mitigate or accelerate climate change impacts. Given the low long-distance migration ability, many beech forest herbs are unlikely to track the velocity with which macroclimatic isotherms are moving toward higher latitudes, making this species group particularly vulnerable to climate change.
Keywords: species distribution modelling, global warming, range shift, climatic niche, biogeography, Europe
Published in DiRROS: 29.11.2023; Views: 250; Downloads: 124
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Toksikološka analiza vsebine vojaških čutar, zakopanih 70 let v kraški jami na Kočevskem, JV Slovenija
Janez Mulec, Sara Skok, Vesna Zalar Serjun, Andrej Mihevc, 2019, original scientific article

Abstract: Za odkrivanje ostankov materialnih sledi se na dobro ohranjenih predmetih lahko opravijo forenzične preiskave. V Breznu v Debliških livadah je bilo odkritih večje število predmetov, ki so bili odvrženi v jamo v maju in juniju 1945. Med odkritim materialom so bile tudi vojaške čutare. Nekatere izmed čutar so še vsebovale tekočino, nekatere pa tudi poltrdo, gelasto oborino. Tekočina in oborina iz čutar sta vsebovali kovine, ki so se najverjetneje s časom izlužile iz kovinske posode. Korozija čutar nakazuje prisotnost minerala hematita. Vsebina čutar je nadalje vsebovala nekaj raztopljene organske snovi (celotni organski ogljik – TOC v tekočini 9,22 mg/l, v tekočini ekstrahirane oborine 34,1 mg/l), nekaj mikrobne biomase ter relativno visoke koncentracije nitrata (240 mg/l v tekočini, 55 mg/l v ekstrahirani oborini) in sulfata (18mg/l v tekočini, 836 mg/l v ekstrahirani oborini). Bakterijskih indikatorjev, Escherichia coli in enterokokov, ki bi kazali na fekalno kontaminacijo vsebine, v vzorcih nismo zaznali. Raztopina in oborina sta izkazovali podobno stopnjo toksičnosti, okrog 20%inhibicijo bioluminiscence bakterije Vibrio fischeri. Glede na Pravilnik o pitni vodi tekočina s sedanjimi kemijskimi lastnostmi ni primerna za uživanje. Rezultati ne kažejo nujno na toksičnost izvornih tekočin iz časa, ko so bile čutare odvržene v jamo, ampak bi se toksičnost lahko razvila postopoma zaradi izluževanja kovin iz posode, zlasti aluminija, in (bio)kemijskih reakcij. Navkljub stabilnim jamskim razmeram, ki so jim bile izpostavljene čutare, ugotovljeni parametri ne podpirajo dolgoročne ohranitve stabilne DNA za morebitne nadaljnje forenzične analize.
Keywords: jame, vojaški material, toksičnost
Published in DiRROS: 23.11.2023; Views: 186; Downloads: 119
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Patologija malignih tumorjev dojke
Janez Lamovec, 1998, review article

Abstract: Merfološka opredelitev tumorjev dojke po načelih moderne kirurške patologije tumorja daje kliniku poleg osnovnih podatkov o naravi tumorja tudi pomembne prognostične informacije. Pri karcinomu dojke so med njimi na vrhu pomembnosti: stanje aksilarnih bezgavk (pozitivne ali negativne bezgavke), stopnja malignosti tumorja, velikost tumorja, verjetno tudi histološki tip. Z razvojem modernih tehnologij lahko tako patolog kot klinik uporabljata še mnoge nove metode, s katerimi opredeljujeta tumor tudi biokemično in molekularno. Zaenkrat pa vse te nove opredelitve še ne dosegajo prognostične veljave klasičnih morfoloških lastnosti. Prav zato pa mora patolog skrbno upoštevati priporočila in pravila o obdelavi kirurškega vzorca, da lahko opredeli vrsto morfoloških lastnosti, ki vsebujejo največ napovedno veljavnih podatkov. V članku govorim o osnovnih morfoloških metodah, o posameznih pomembnejših tumorjih dojke ter o nekaterih novih biokemičnih in molekularnih metodah v diagnostiki raka dojke.
Published in DiRROS: 22.11.2023; Views: 204; Downloads: 66
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Unveiling the structural mechanism of a G-quadruplex pHeDriven switch
Petra Galer, Baifan Wang, Janez Plavec, Primož Šket, 2023, original scientific article

Published in DiRROS: 10.11.2023; Views: 244; Downloads: 146
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Optimization method based on simplex for surface area improved photocatalytic performance of ▫$g-C_3N_4$▫
Matevž Roškarič, Janez Zavašnik, Dániel Dániel Zámbó, Tomaž Kotnik, Sebastijan Kovačič, Gregor Žerjav, Albin Pintar, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: The main objective of the present study was to increase the specific surface area (SBET) of graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4) prepared from dicyandiamide by effectively modifying the synthesis procedure using the Simplex optimization method. A remarkable increase in SBET was achieved in only a few steps, with the highest value of 86 m2/g. Compared to the reference material, the improved photocatalyst exhibited enhanced and unique structural, textural, optical, and electronic properties, reflected in the improved ability of the photocatalyst to degrade a variety of organic pollutants dissolved in water. By performing scavenger and spin-trapping experiments, it was confirmed that the major reactive oxygen species formed under visible-light illumination of the enhanced photocatalyst were singlet oxygen (1O2) and superoxide anion radicals (O2–•) with a purposed formation mechanism. The enhanced formation of 1O2 enabled high activity and stability of the optimized materials as well as selective response to degradation of the pharmaceutical compounds studied. By using the simple and fast Simplex optimization algorithm to determine new synthesis parameters, we obtained an improved g-C3N4 that completely degrades bisphenol A under the conditions studied.
Published in DiRROS: 08.11.2023; Views: 230; Downloads: 129
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A screening protocol for exploring loop length requirements for the formation of a three cytosine-cytosine+ base-paired I-Motif
Michele Ghezzo, Marko Trajkovski, Janez Plavec, Claudia Sissi, 2023, original scientific article

Published in DiRROS: 07.11.2023; Views: 219; Downloads: 125
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Influence of laser colour marking on the corrosion properties of low alloyed Ti
Tadeja Kosec, Andraž Legat, Janez Kovač, Damjan Klobčar, 2019, original scientific article

Abstract: In the field of surface treatment, laser colour marking can be used to produce coloured marks on the surfaces of metals. Laser colour markings can be applied to various materials, but on titanium alloys a wide spectra of vivid colours can be achieved. This study presents an analysis of the corrosion properties of laser treated surfaces that were exposed to aggressive environments. Different samples were prepared with laser light of various power intensities and processing speeds. The samples were prepared on low alloyed Ti. Electrochemical, spectroscopic and microstructural analyses were conducted in order to study the properties of the laser treated surfaces. Corrosion testing showed different effects of laser power and production speed on the properties of the laser treated surfaces. It was shown that a high intensity and slow processing rate affect the surfaces by forming oxides that are relatively stable in a corrosive environment of 0.1 M NaCl. Spectroscopic investigations including scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analyses showed the differences in chemical structure of the surface layer formed after laser treatment. Similarly, microstructural investigations showed different effects on the surface and sub-surface layer of the laser treated samples.
Keywords: Ti alloy, laser treatment, XPS, corrosion
Published in DiRROS: 25.10.2023; Views: 360; Downloads: 142
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Priročnik za krepitev poslovnega organiziranja zasebnih lastnikov gozdov z deležniki gozdno-lesne verige
Špela Pezdevšek Malovrh, Zala Uhan, Janez Krč, Nike Krajnc, 2023, professional monograph

Keywords: gozdno-lesna veriga
Published in DiRROS: 20.10.2023; Views: 726; Downloads: 220
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AFM study of roughness development during ToF-SIMS depth profiling of multilayers with a ▫$Cs^+$▫ ion beam in a ▫$H_2$▫ atmosphere
Jernej Ekar, Janez Kovač, 2022, original scientific article

Published in DiRROS: 18.10.2023; Views: 378; Downloads: 149
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