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Iskalni niz: "vrsta gradiva" (1) AND "polno besedilo" AND "organizacija" (Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije) .

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Using the IUCN environmental impact classification for alien taxa to inform decision-making
Sabrina Kumschick, Sandro Bertolino, Tim M. Blackburn, Giuseppe Brundu, Katie E. Costello, Maarten De Groot, Thomas Evans, Belinda Gallardo, Piero Genovesi, Tanushri Govender, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: The Environmental Impact Classification for Alien Taxa (EICAT) is an important tool for biological invasion policy and management and has been adopted as an International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) standard to measure the severity of environmental impacts caused by organisms living outside their native ranges. EICAT has already been incorporated into some national and local decision-making procedures, making it a particularly relevant resource for addressing the impact of non-native species. Recently, some of the underlying conceptual principles of EICAT, particularly those related to the use of the precautionary approach, have been challenged. Although still relatively new, guidelines for the application and interpretation of EICAT will be periodically revisited by the IUCN community, based on scientific evidence, to improve the process. Some of the criticisms recently raised are based on subjectively selected assumptions that cannot be generalized and may harm global efforts to manage biological invasions. EICAT adopts a precautionary principle by considering a species’ impact history elsewhere because some taxa have traits that can make them inherently more harmful. Furthermore, non-native species are often important drivers of biodiversity loss even in the presence of other pressures. Ignoring the precautionary principle when tackling the impacts of non-native species has led to devastating consequences for human well-being, biodiversity, and ecosystems, as well as poor management outcomes, and thus to significant economic costs. EICAT is a relevant tool because it supports prioritization and management of non-native species and meeting and monitoring progress toward the Kunming–Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) Target 6.
Ključne besede: biological invasions, evidence synthesis, impact assessment, managing invasive species, precautionary principle
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 11.12.2023; Ogledov: 247; Prenosov: 134
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Uncovering the latent preferences of Slovenia’s private forest owners in the context of enhancing forest Ecosystem Services through a Hypothetical Scheme
Kaja Plevnik, Anže Japelj, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Background and objectives: Successful policy implementation relies on understanding stakeholders’ willingness to contribute to policy goals. The EU Green Deal, with strategies on forests, biodiversity, and the bioeconomy, also depends on the performance of the forestry sector, including a significant portion of privately owned forests. Materials and methods: We conducted a nationwide survey among a sample of 341 private forest owners in Slovenia (total population of 424,086). The online questionnaire had three sections: (1) knowledge and priorities regarding ecosystem services and the bioeconomy, (2) a discrete choice experiment for eliciting preferences concerning the implementation of activities supporting strategic goals originating from EU Green Deal policies, and (3) socio-economic data and future forest management objectives. Results: The results indicated heterogeneity in preferences for performing activities on private forest lands to enhance specific forest ES that contribute to policy goals. More than half of the respondents (57.6%) exhibited a reluctance to implement activities and were skeptical of higher compensation payments, whereas the rest expressed an inclination towards changing their forest management. Conclusions: Slovenia’s private forest owners appear to be heterogeneous in their willingness to participate in a hypothetical ES enhancement scheme that could contribute to some EU Green Deal goals. Policymakers must recognize intrinsic motives and social norms that affect the willingness of forest owners to be engaged to increase the acceptance of solutions.
Ključne besede: European Green Deal policies, discrete choice experiment, private forest owners, payment-related enhancement scheme
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 05.12.2023; Ogledov: 230; Prenosov: 131
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Predlogi za kartiranje izbranih skupin gozdnih funkcij in njihovo podporo z izbranimi gozdnogospodarskimi ukrepi
Janez Pirnat, 2023, pregledni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Za skupine ekoloških in socialnih funkcij gozdov smo kritično ocenili, kako posamezne funkcije na 1. stopnji poudarjenosti določajo način gospodarjenja. Za vse navedene funkcije smo pregledali slovensko znanstveno literaturo s področja gojenja gozdov, prirastoslovja, naravovarstva ter vire iz zakonodaje, ki vplivajo na funkcije gozdov, potem pa pripravili svoj predlog, kako ocenjevati funkcije v prihodnje. Predlagamo posodobljen sistem ocenjevanja in kartiranja poudarjenih funkcij gozdov in poudarjeno sonaravno gospodarjenje v teh gozdovih.
Ključne besede: funkcije gozdov, gojitveni ukrepi, kartiranje funkcij, stopnje poudarjenosti
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 30.11.2023; Ogledov: 574; Prenosov: 139
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Zagotavljanje migracijskih koridorjev za prostoživeče živali na območju železniške infrastrukture
Samar Al Sayegh-Petkovšek, Klemen Kotnik, 2023, pregledni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Železniški transport je okoljsko in ekonomsko sprejemljivejši od drugih vrst kopenskega transporta, vendar lahko negativno vpliva na prostoživeče živali, saj pomeni oviro za njihovo gibanje (barierni učinek) ter neposredno povečuje umrljivost zaradi trkov z vlaki. Zaradi tovrstnih vplivov je smiselno načrtovati in implementirati omilitvene ukrepe, ki zagotavljajo ekološko povezljivost in zmanjšujejo umrljivost prostoživečih živali na območju železniške infrastrukture. Ukrepi morajo biti usmerjeni predvsem k preprečevanju vstopanja in zadrževanja živali na območju železniških tirov, saj se vlaki praviloma ne morejo izogniti trku. Še posebej primerni so omilitveni ukrepi, ki zmanjšujejo število trkov in ne povečujejo bariernega učinka. V preglednem članku smo se osredotočili na ukrepe, ki so bili obravnavani oz. implementirani na območju železniške infrastrukture in na novejše raziskave, v okviru katerih so preverjali možnost uporabe alternativnih omilitvenih ukrepov, npr. opozorilnih sistemov, testiranih v Kanadi in na Švedskem. V drugem delu prispevka predstavljamo predlog protokola za zagotovitev migracijskih koridorjev na območju železnice, ki smo ga oblikovali na podlagi relevantne tuje literature in lastnih izkušenj, pridobljenih z načrtovanjem in spremljanjem ukrepov za zmanjšanje povoza prostoživečih živali (s poudarkom na parkljarjih) na cestah, hitrih cestah ter avtocestah in z analizo povozov na območju slovenske železniške infrastrukture v izbranem petletnem obdobju.
Ključne besede: migracijski koridorji, železniška infrastruktura, barierni učinek, protokol, omilitveni ukrepi, trki prostoživečih živali z vlaki
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 30.11.2023; Ogledov: 501; Prenosov: 147
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Are Slovenia’s forests deviating from sustainable development?
Gal Kušar, Marko Kovač, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Prispevek nas seznanja z osnovnimi informacijami o trajnostnem razvoju slovenskih gozdov med letoma 2000 in 2018. Stanje in razvoj slovenskih gozdov z vidika trajnosti smo preverili z nizom spremenljivk in kazalnikov trajnostnega gospodarjenja z gozdovi: površina gozdov, temeljnica, lesna zaloga, indeks sestojne gostote, starostna struktura/porazdelitev prsnih premerov, ravnotežje razvojnih faz, optimalna lesna zaloga, prirastek, posek, različnost drevesnih vrst, mešanost sestojev, pomlajevanje, naravnost in odmrla drevnina. Ocenili smo tudi ustreznosti sistematične mreže 4 x 4 km, ki se je uporabljala za velikoprostorsko inventarizacijo. Vse vzorčne ocene so bile izračunane za raven države, ekoregije in za gozdnogospodarska območja. Leta 2018 je gozdnatost dosegala 60 % in je bila višja kot l. 2012. Nasprotno se je lesna zaloga zmanjšala in je bila ocenjena na 329,6 m3 /ha. Površinski delež mlajših gozdov je znašal 29 %, starejših (sečno zrelih) 68 %, raznodobnih pa 3 %. Med drevesnimi vrstami je največji delež pripadal bukvi in smreki. Deleži drugih vrst niso presegli 10 %, posebej zaskrbljujoča je bila njihova vrast. Na osnovi primerjav z zaželenimi vrednostmi in vrednostmi kazalnikov v gozdovih držav članic procesa Forest Europe in nekaterimi izbranimi državami, je mogoče skleniti, da se razvoj slovenskih gozdov odmika od trajnostnega razvoja. Glede na razpoložljive podatke l. 2018 je tudi mogoče zaključiti, da velikoprostorska inventura MGGE l. 2018 s podatki ne zapolni vseh kazalnikov trajnostnega gospodarjenja z gozdovi.
Ključne besede: trajnostno gospodarjenje z gozdovi, kazalniki, časovna analiza, Slovenija
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 30.11.2023; Ogledov: 641; Prenosov: 201
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More losses than gains? : Distribution models predict species-specific shifts in climatic suitability for European beech forest herbs under climate change
Janez Kermavnar, Lado Kutnar, Aleksander Marinšek, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Introduction: Herbaceous plant species constitute an essential element of the flora of European beech (Fagus sylvatica) forests. There is increasing evidence that rapidly changing climate is likely to modify the spatial distribution of plant species. However, we lack understanding of the impact that climate change might have on beech forest herbs across the European continent. We investigated the possible effects of predicted increasing rates of global warming and altered precipitation regimes on 71 forest herbs closely associated with beech forests, but with varying biogeographic and climatic niche attributes. Methods: By using a total of 394,502 occurrence records and an ensemble of species distribution models (SDMs), we quantified the potential current distribution and future (2061-2080) range shifts in climatic suitability (expressed as occurrence probability, OP) according to two climate change scenarios (moderate SSP2-4.5 and severe SSP5-8.5). Results: Overall, precipitation of the warmest quarter and temperature seasonality were the most influential predictors in shaping current distribution patterns. For SSP5-8.5 scenario, all studied species experienced significant reductions (52.9% on average) in the total size of highly suitable areas (OP >0.75). However, the magnitude and directions of changes in the climatic suitability were highly species-specific; few species might even increase OP in the future, particularly in case of SSP2-4.5 scenario. The SDMs revealed the most substantial decline of climatic suitability at the trailing edges in southern Europe. We found that climatic suitability is predicted to show unidirectional northward shift and to move toward higher elevations. The gain/loss ratio was generally higher for narrow-ranged species compared to widespread taxa. Discussion: Our findings are contextualized with regards to potential confounding factors (dispersal limitation, microclimatic buffering) that may mitigate or accelerate climate change impacts. Given the low long-distance migration ability, many beech forest herbs are unlikely to track the velocity with which macroclimatic isotherms are moving toward higher latitudes, making this species group particularly vulnerable to climate change.
Ključne besede: species distribution modelling, global warming, range shift, climatic niche, biogeography, Europe
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 29.11.2023; Ogledov: 238; Prenosov: 121
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Discretionary capitalization of development expenditures
Primož Petek, Mateja Jerman, Sandra Janković, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: The paper examines the discretionary nature of (non)capitalizing development expenditures in financial statements. A review of the literature shows that companies may have different motives and factors for (non)capitalizing development expenditures. This study analyzes a sample of 547 companies from the information and communications technology (ICT) sector listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange in the period 2009-2018. The ICT sector was selected because it represents an industry with high R&D (research and development) expenditures. The results of the probit regression analysis made on 3,718 observations show that the capitalization of development expenditures is significantly positively related to the size and return on assets of the firm and negatively related to the age of the firm. Larger and more profitable firms are more likely to capitalize development expenditures, while older firms are less likely to capitalize development expenditures. Our results contribute to the literature in the field of positive accounting theory providing additional insights into factors associated with decisions to (non)capitalize development expenditures.
Ključne besede: capitalization, development expenditures, discretion, incentives, intangible assets
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 21.11.2023; Ogledov: 254; Prenosov: 149
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Accounting for cloud cover and circannual variation puts the effect of lunar phase on deer–vehicle collisions into perspective
Jacopo Cerri, Laura Stendardi, Elena Bužan, Boštjan Pokorny, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Although several studies have focused on the influence of moonlight on deer–vehicle collisions, findings have been inconsistent. This may be due to neglect of the effects of cloud cover, a major impediment to moon illumination and circannual variation in both deer and human activity. We assessed how median cloud cover interacted with the illuminated fraction of the moon in affecting daily roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) roadkill in Slovenia (Central Europe). Data included nationwide roadkill (n = 49,259), collected between 2010 and 2019 by hunters, as required by law. Roadkill peaked under medium to high cloud cover and decreased during nights with low or extremely high cloudiness. This pattern was more pronounced on nights with a full moon. However, the effects of moon illumination and cloud cover had a lower predictive potential than circannual variation, as collisions clearly peaked in April/May, July and August/September. Our results suggest that moonlight could influence roe deer movements through compensatory foraging. However, on nights with a full moon, collisions could also be affected by weather. On bright nights, roe deer might be less active due to increased human presence and sustained vehicular traffic. Then, with medium to high cloud cover and also rainfall, human presence in the environment may be low enough to increase deer movements, but vehicular traffic can still be intermediate, maximizing the risk of collisions. Finally, with overcast skies, widespread rainfall can reduce both traffic volume and human outdoor activity, decreasing the risk of collisions. Moon illumination may indeed affect wildlife–vehicle collisions and roadkill, but its effects should be quantified as a function of cloud cover. Moreover, to make studies truly comparable, research about wildlife–vehicle collisions should also account for time of the year. Policy implications. Because collisions with roe deer peak at particular periods of the year, signs should be installed seasonally. By doing so, they would warn drivers about the risk, improve drivers' awareness and increase their safety. Moreover, as collisions also increase on nights with a full moon and overcast skies, interactive warning signs that are activated by ground illumination should also be useful.
Ključne besede: cloudiness, MODIS Surface Reflectance, moon, road ecology, roe deer, Slovenia, thin-plate splines, wildlife–vehicle collisions
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 16.11.2023; Ogledov: 334; Prenosov: 151
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Vasja Leban, Anže Japelj, Lidija Zadnik Stirn, Špela Pezdevšek Malovrh, 2023, predgovor, uvodnik, spremna beseda

Ključne besede: forest management, economics, conferences, preface
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 14.11.2023; Ogledov: 467; Prenosov: 135
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